/* * ZMap Copyright 2013 Regents of the University of Michigan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ // probe module for performing TCP SYN scans extended for probe response attacks #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../lib/includes.h" #include "../fieldset.h" #include "probe_modules.h" #include "packet.h" #include "../../lib/logger.h" #include #define ICMP_SMALLEST_SIZE 5 #define ICMP_TIMXCEED_UNREACH_HEADER_SIZE probe_module_t module_tcp_synscan_pra_proberesponse; static uint32_t num_ports; int synscan_pra_global_initialize(struct state_conf *state) { num_ports = state->source_port_last - state->source_port_first + 1; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int synscan_pra_init_perthread(void* buf, macaddr_t *src, macaddr_t *gw, port_h_t dst_port, __attribute__((unused)) void **arg_ptr) { memset(buf, 0, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); struct ether_header *eth_header = (struct ether_header *) buf; make_eth_header(eth_header, src, gw); struct ip *ip_header = (struct ip*)(ð_header[1]); uint16_t len = htons(sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)); make_ip_header(ip_header, IPPROTO_TCP, len); struct tcphdr *tcp_header = (struct tcphdr*)(&ip_header[1]); make_tcp_header(tcp_header, dst_port); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int synscan_pra_make_packet(void *buf, ipaddr_n_t src_ip, ipaddr_n_t dst_ip, uint32_t *validation, int probe_num, __attribute__((unused)) void *arg) { //log_debug("encoder", "probe_num = %d", probe_num); // ipaddr_n_t = uint32_t struct ether_header *eth_header = (struct ether_header *)buf; struct ip *ip_header = (struct ip*)(ð_header[1]); struct tcphdr *tcp_header = (struct tcphdr*)(&ip_header[1]); uint32_t tcp_seq = validation[0]; // needed to reach the correct destination ip_header->ip_dst.s_addr = dst_ip; uint32_t marker_value = 0; // how many bits to be used for marker value and checksum int amount_bits_marker_value = zconf.markerbits_value; int amount_bits_checksum = zconf.markerbits_checksum; if(!zconf.use_markervalue) { // further calculations are based on host byte order // lib/types.h:typedef uint32_t ipaddr_n_t; // IPv4 address network order // Cut off IP: -> 1.2 (based on amount of bits used) marker_value = ntohl(dst_ip) >> (32 - amount_bits_marker_value); } // take given marker value instead of destination address (Stage > 1) else { marker_value = (uint32_t)zconf.markervalue; } //log_debug("encoder", "marker value: 0x%.16" PRIX32, marker_value); // stores [destination IP][checksum(IP) | 0] /* 291 -> b"00000123" (hex) -> b"000123" (marker value: eg 3 bytes) -> chk = checksum(b"000123" -> b"00012300") = b"abcdefgh" -> b"000123" (marker value) + b"abcdefgh"[:checksum_len] (marker checksum) */ uint64_t markervalue_and_checksum = 0; markervalue_and_checksum |= marker_value; // encode marker value (truncate to amount_bits_marker_value): // 0x00000000 00AAAAAA -> 0xAAAAAA00 00000000 markervalue_and_checksum <<= (64 - amount_bits_marker_value); if (amount_bits_checksum != 0) { // encode marker checksum: //log_info("encoder", "encoding checksum bits: %d", amount_bits_checksum); // 0xAAAAAA00 00000000 -> 0x00000000 AAAAAA00 -> 0xAAAAAA00 uint32_t marker_value_for_checksum = (markervalue_and_checksum >> 32); //log_debug("encoder", "marker value for checksum: 0x%.8" PRIX32, marker_value_for_checksum); marker_value_for_checksum = htonl(marker_value_for_checksum); // checksum is calculated over 4 bytes (padded from right with 0) // nw order -> fletcher32 -> host order -> nw order // return value: we need more space to shift more than 32 Bit (return value of fletcher32 if uint32_t) uint64_t sum_marker_value = (uint64_t)(fletcher32((uint16_t*)&marker_value_for_checksum, 2) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); //log_debug("encoder", "checksum: 0x%.16" PRIX64, sum_marker_value); // encode checksum: // 0x00000000 CCCCCCCC // 0xAAAAAA00 00000000 -> 0xAAAAAACC CCCCCC00 // Unneeded trailing checksum bits don't need to be removed (we take the front most checksum bits): just stop reading after x bits markervalue_and_checksum |= (sum_marker_value << (32 - amount_bits_marker_value)); } int amount_bits_to_encode = amount_bits_marker_value + amount_bits_checksum; //printf("total bits to encode : %d\n", amount_bits_to_encode); //printf("%u\n", markervalue_and_checksum >> 32); //printf("Value to encode: 0x%.16" PRIX64 "\n", markervalue_and_checksum); // will be overwritten if marker type is given ip_header->ip_src.s_addr = src_ip; // will be overwritten if marker type is given tcp_header->th_sport = htons(get_src_port(num_ports, probe_num, validation)); int bitpos = 1; // encoded bits so far int marker_bitcount = 0; //log_debug("encoder", "encoding %d bits: 0x%.16" PRIX64, amount_bits_to_encode, markervalue_and_checksum); // check for every available encoder marker to place destination address (+checksum) // order of encoding: dport, source ip, sport (source ip should not be equal to destination to avoid filtering) if (amount_bits_to_encode) while (bitpos <= 5 && marker_bitcount < amount_bits_to_encode) { if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 1) { //log_debug("encoder", "encoding to dport"); if (!zconf.marker_encoding_dst_small) { // encode into destination port tcp_header->th_dport = htons((uint16_t)( (markervalue_and_checksum & 0xFFFF000000000000) >> 48) ); } else { // if marker_encoding_mitigation: assume destination port is the only marker and limited // to 10 bits: 0->1023 (0000 0000 00 -> 1111 1111 11) // IMPORTAND: needed config is "marker value bits = 5, cheskum bits = 5" tcp_header->th_dport = htons((uint16_t)( (markervalue_and_checksum & 0xFFC0000000000000) >> (64-10)) ); tcp_header->th_dport = htons((uint16_t)( (markervalue_and_checksum & 0xFFC0000000000000) >> (64-10)) ); // just use destination port, skip all other break; } marker_bitcount += 16; } else if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 2) { //log_debug("encoder", "encoding to src ip"); // encode into source address ip_header->ip_src.s_addr = htonl((uint32_t)( (markervalue_and_checksum & (0xFFFFFFFF00000000 >> marker_bitcount)) >> (32 - marker_bitcount)) ); //printf("source IP: %u\n", ip_header->ip_src.s_addr); marker_bitcount += 32; } else if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 4) { //log_debug("encoder", "encoding to sport"); // encode into source port tcp_header->th_sport = htons((uint16_t)( (markervalue_and_checksum & (0xFFFF000000000000 >> marker_bitcount)) >> (48 - marker_bitcount)) ); marker_bitcount += 16; } bitpos <<= 1; } tcp_header->th_seq = tcp_seq; tcp_header->th_sum = 0; tcp_header->th_sum = tcp_checksum(sizeof(struct tcphdr), ip_header->ip_src.s_addr, ip_header->ip_dst.s_addr, tcp_header); ip_header->ip_sum = 0; ip_header->ip_sum = zmap_ip_checksum((unsigned short *) ip_header); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void synscan_pra_print_packet(FILE *fp, void* packet) { struct ether_header *ethh = (struct ether_header *) packet; struct ip *iph = (struct ip *) ðh[1]; struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *) &iph[1]; fprintf(fp, "tcp { source: %u | dest: %u | seq: %u | checksum: %#04X }\n", ntohs(tcph->th_sport), ntohs(tcph->th_dport), ntohl(tcph->th_seq), ntohs(tcph->th_sum)); fprintf_ip_header(fp, iph); fprintf_eth_header(fp, ethh); fprintf(fp, "------------------------------------------------------\n"); } int synscan_pra_validate_packet(const struct ip *ip_hdr, uint32_t len, __attribute__((unused))uint32_t *src_ip, uint32_t *validation) { //log_debug("decoder", "got feedback packet"); // We use the remote source address to derive source/dest port -> compare with source dest port // Using encoded addresses allows a fast and cheap comparison, using a self defined marker value wouldn't allow that // Scanner feedback is meant for first stage only if (zconf.use_markervalue) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: using marker value"); return 0; } if ((zconf.marker_encoding & 2) == 2) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: spoofed address"); // we won't get any answers for spoofed addresses -> only check in case of modes 1, 4, 5 (1+4) return 0; } if ((4*ip_hdr->ip_hl + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) > len) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: packet to large"); // buffer not large enough to contain expected tcp header return 0; } // arriving packet uint16_t sport_remote = 0; uint16_t dport_remote = 0; uint32_t source_ip_remote = 0; uint32_t ack_remote = 0; // sent packet uint16_t sport_local = 0; //uint16_t sport_local_viamarker = 0; uint16_t dport_local = htons((uint16_t)zconf.target_port); if (ip_hdr->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP) { //log_debug("decoder", "got TCP feedback"); struct tcphdr *tcp = (struct tcphdr*)((char *) ip_hdr + 4*ip_hdr->ip_hl); sport_remote = tcp->th_sport; dport_remote = tcp->th_dport; ack_remote = tcp->th_ack; source_ip_remote = ip_hdr->ip_src.s_addr; } // in case of ICMP responses: extract IP and TCP structure else if (ip_hdr->ip_p == IPPROTO_ICMP) { //log_debug("decoder", "got ICMP feedback"); if (((uint32_t) 4 * ip_hdr->ip_hl + ICMP_SMALLEST_SIZE) > len) { // buffer not large enough to contain expected icmp header //log_debug("decoder", "buffer not large enough to contain expected icmp header"); return 0; } struct icmp *icmp_hdr = (struct icmp *) ((char *) ip_hdr + 4*ip_hdr->ip_hl); // for some packet types we must look inside the payload if (icmp_hdr->icmp_type == ICMP_TIMXCEED || icmp_hdr->icmp_type == ICMP_UNREACH) { //log_debug("decoder", "icmp type: %d, code: %d, checksum: %d", // icmp_hdr->icmp_type, // icmp_hdr->icmp_code, // ntohs(icmp_hdr->icmp_cksum)); // get inner IP by skipping 4 bytes ICMP header, increment by unit size did not work struct ip *ip_inner_icmp = (struct ip *)(((char*)icmp_hdr) + 8); //log_debug("decoder", "ip hl in icmp: %d", ip_inner_icmp->ip_hl); struct tcphdr *tcp_inner_icmp = (struct tcphdr*)((char *) ip_inner_icmp + 4*ip_inner_icmp->ip_hl); // replace port and adress information // as we got the original message back we need to take the reverse order (src => dst, dst => srs) sport_remote = tcp_inner_icmp->th_dport; dport_remote = tcp_inner_icmp->th_sport; source_ip_remote = ip_inner_icmp->ip_dst.s_addr; // Avoid filtering duplicates on ICMP repsonses // ZMap sets source (remote) IP itself to filter out duplicates (see src/recv.c -> handle_packet()) // ICMP responses can arrive from same source but "belong" to different targets -> replace source ip with // destination IP extracted from ICMP payload (the real intended target) // *src_ip = source_ip_remote; //log_debug("decoder", "extracted ICMP data: remote port source <-> dst: %d <-> %d", // ntohs(sport_remote), // ntohs(dport_remote)); } else { //log_debug("decoder", "icmp message type was not checkable (other than ICMP_TIMXCEED or ICMP_UNREACH): %d", // icmp_hdr->icmp_type); return 0; } } else { // validation is based on IP, TCP and ICMP -> ignore all other //log_debug("decoder", "can't validate this protocol: %d", ip_hdr->ip_p); return 0; } uint16_t bitpos = 1; uint16_t marker_bitcount = 0; // extract source/destination port from source address (attack target) // destination IP = [[dport]...[sport]] -> sport (and dport) could be ommitted // we had at maximum markerbits_value Bits to encode sport abd dport if (zconf.markerbits_value) { uint32_t source_ip_remote_ho = ntohl(source_ip_remote); // remove not encoded bits if any int bits_to_remove = 32 - zconf.markerbits_value; source_ip_remote_ho = (source_ip_remote_ho >> bits_to_remove) << bits_to_remove; while (bitpos <= 31 && marker_bitcount <= zconf.markerbits_value) { if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 1) { //log_debug("decoder", "decoding dport"); if (!zconf.marker_encoding_dst_small) { // assume full destination port was encoded dport_local = (source_ip_remote_ho & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; //log_debug("decoder", "decoded dport: %d", dport_local); marker_bitcount += 16; } else { //log_debug("decoder", "small encoding"); // if marker encoding mitigation: assume destination port is the only marker (see encoding) dport_local = (source_ip_remote_ho & 0xFFC00000) >> (32-10); // just destination port, skip all other break; } dport_local = htons(dport_local); } else if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 4) { //log_debug("decoder", "decoding sport"); sport_local = (source_ip_remote_ho & (0xFFFF0000 >> marker_bitcount)) >> (16 - marker_bitcount); //log_debug("decoder", "decoded sport: %d", sport_local); // [dst][src] -> [src][dst]: remove checksum bits from remote dst uint32_t dport_remote_ho = ntohs(dport_remote); dport_remote_ho = (dport_remote_ho >> zconf.markerbits_checksum) << zconf.markerbits_checksum; dport_remote = htons(dport_remote_ho); //log_debug("decoder", "changed remote dport to: %d", dport_remote_ho); marker_bitcount += 16; //sport_local_viamarker = 1; sport_local = htons(sport_local); } /* else if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 8) { } else if ((zconf.marker_encoding & bitpos) == 16) { } */ bitpos <<= 1; } } //log_debug("decoder", "local src/dst -> remote src/dst: %d %d -> %d %d", ntohs(sport_local), ntohs(dport_local), ntohs(sport_remote), ntohs(dport_remote)); // validate remote source port. Check via "&" as source port could be only partially encoded if ((dport_local & sport_remote) != dport_local) { //log_debug("decoder", "ports did not match: local dst != remote src -> %d != %d", ntohs(dport_local), ntohs(sport_remote)); return 0; } // validate remote destination port: extracted via arriving IP address or local config //if ((sport_local_viamarker && (sport_local != dport_remote)) || !check_dst_port(ntohs(dport_remote), num_ports, validation)) { if (sport_local != dport_remote) { /* log_debug("decoder", "ports did not match: local src != remote dst -> %d != %d (via marker? %d)", ntohs(sport_local), ntohs(dport_remote), sport_local_viamarker); */ return 0; } // validate tcp acknowledgement number if (ack_remote != 0 && ( htonl(ack_remote) != htonl(validation[0])+1 ) ) { //log_debug("decoder", "sequence number did not match"); return 0; } //log_debug("decoder", "This was an answer packet!!!"); return 1; } /* Alternative implementation: Make sure only scanner is initiating new connections -> received RST/SYN/ICMP etc are triggered by the scanner. */ int synscan_pra_validate_packet_(const struct ip *ip_hdr, uint32_t len, __attribute__((unused))uint32_t *src_ip, uint32_t *validation) { //log_debug("decoder", "got feedback packet"); // We use the remote source address to derive source/dest port -> compare with source dest port // Using encoded addresses allows a fast and cheap comparison, using a self defined marker value wouldn't allow that if (zconf.use_markervalue) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: using marker value"); return 0; } if ((zconf.marker_encoding & 2) == 2) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: spoofed address"); // we won't get any answers for spoofed addresses -> only check in case of modes 1, 4, 5 (1+4) return 0; } if ((4*ip_hdr->ip_hl + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) > len) { //log_debug("decoder", "not collecting feedback: packet to large"); // buffer not large enough to contain expected tcp header return 0; } // compare feedback with report responses later on return 1; } void synscan_pra_process_packet(const u_char *packet, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t len, fieldset_t *fs) { //log_debug("encoder", "writing feedback packet to file"); // Idea: how to correlate reponse <-> marker group? This has to be done by comparing // response IP addresses to groups. struct ip *ip_hdr = (struct ip *)&packet[sizeof(struct ether_header)]; // WARNING: fields have to be written in the same order as defined in fields[] // That is the reason why this code looks a bit redundant if (ip_hdr->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP) { //log_debug("encoder", "storing TCP response"); struct tcphdr *tcp = (struct tcphdr*)((char *)ip_hdr + 4*ip_hdr->ip_hl); fs_add_uint64(fs, "sport", (uint64_t) ntohs(tcp->th_sport)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "dport", (uint64_t) ntohs(tcp->th_dport)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "seqnum", (uint64_t) ntohl(tcp->th_seq)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "acknum", (uint64_t) ntohl(tcp->th_ack)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "window", (uint64_t) ntohs(tcp->th_win)); fs_add_string(fs, "daddr_inner_icmp", (char*) "(None)", 0); if (tcp->th_flags & TH_RST) { // RST packet fs_add_string(fs, "classification", (char*) "rst", 0); fs_add_uint64(fs, "success", 0); } else { // SYNACK packet fs_add_string(fs, "classification", (char*) "synack", 0); fs_add_uint64(fs, "success", 1); } } else { // prefiltering was already done in synscan_pra_validate_packet() //log_debug("encoder", "storing ICMP response"); struct icmp *icmp_hdr = (struct icmp *) ((char *) ip_hdr + 4*ip_hdr->ip_hl); struct ip *ip_hdr_from_icmp = (struct ip *)(((char * )icmp_hdr) + 8); struct tcphdr *tcp = (struct tcphdr*)((char *)ip_hdr_from_icmp + 4*ip_hdr_from_icmp->ip_hl); // switch source/destination port: source is always the attacker fs_add_uint64(fs, "sport", (uint64_t) ntohs(tcp->th_dport)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "dport", (uint64_t) ntohs(tcp->th_sport)); fs_add_uint64(fs, "seqnum", (uint64_t) 0); fs_add_uint64(fs, "acknum", (uint64_t) 0); fs_add_uint64(fs, "window", (uint64_t) 0); fs_add_string(fs, "daddr_inner_icmp", make_ip_str(ip_hdr_from_icmp->ip_dst.s_addr), 0); if (icmp_hdr->icmp_type == ICMP_UNREACH) fs_add_string(fs, "classification", (char*) "icmp_unreach", 0); else if(icmp_hdr->icmp_type == ICMP_TIMXCEED) fs_add_string(fs, "classification", (char*) "icmp_timeexceed", 0); else fs_add_string(fs, "classification", (char*) "icmp_other", 0); fs_add_uint64(fs, "success", 1); } } static fielddef_t fields[] = { {.name = "sport", .type = "int", .desc = "TCP source port"}, {.name = "dport", .type = "int", .desc = "TCP destination port"}, {.name = "seqnum", .type = "int", .desc = "TCP sequence number"}, {.name = "acknum", .type = "int", .desc = "TCP acknowledgement number"}, {.name = "window", .type = "int", .desc = "TCP window"}, {.name = "daddr_inner_icmp", .type="string", .desc = "Destination address of IP header contained in ICMP response"}, {.name = "classification", .type="string", .desc = "packet classification"}, {.name = "success", .type="int", .desc = "is response considered success"} }; probe_module_t module_tcp_synscan_proberesponse = { .name = "tcp_synscan_pra", .packet_length = 60, //.packet_length = 82, .pcap_filter = "icmp || (tcp && tcp[13] & 4 != 0 || tcp[13] == 18)", .pcap_snaplen = 96, .port_args = 1, .global_initialize = &synscan_pra_global_initialize, .thread_initialize = &synscan_pra_init_perthread, .make_packet = &synscan_pra_make_packet, .print_packet = &synscan_pra_print_packet, .process_packet = &synscan_pra_process_packet, .validate_packet = &synscan_pra_validate_packet, .close = NULL, .helptext = "Extended TCP probe module for probe response attacks. ", .fields = fields, .numfields = 8};