ANT_NET.xml 231 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>ANT_NET</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters">
  8. <summary>
  9. ANT-FS Client Parameters.
  10. The application should initialize ALL fields of the configuration struct,
  11. otherwise, they will all be zero
  12. </summary>
  13. </member>
  14. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.SerialNumber">
  15. <summary>
  16. Device serial number. Set to 0 to use the serial number of the USB device
  17. </summary>
  18. </member>
  19. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.BeaconDeviceType">
  20. <summary>
  21. Client device type (transmitted in beacon)
  22. </summary>
  23. </member>
  24. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.BeaconManufacturerID">
  25. <summary>
  26. Client manufacturing ID (transmitted in beacon)
  27. </summary>
  28. </member>
  29. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.BeaconRadioFrequency">
  30. <summary>
  31. Radio frequency to use while in Link state.
  32. </summary>
  33. </member>
  34. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.LinkPeriod">
  35. <summary>
  36. Beacon Period, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification
  37. </summary>
  38. </member>
  39. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.IsPairingEnabled">
  40. <summary>
  41. Indicates whether pairing authentication is enabled
  42. </summary>
  43. </member>
  44. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.IsUploadEnabled">
  45. <summary>
  46. Indicates whether upload functionality is supported
  47. </summary>
  48. </member>
  49. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.IsDataAvailable">
  50. <summary>
  51. Indicates whether there is data available for download
  52. </summary>
  53. </member>
  54. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.AuthenticationType">
  55. <summary>
  56. Authentication type to include in beacon, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification
  57. </summary>
  58. </member>
  59. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.BeaconTimeout">
  60. <summary>
  61. Time, in seconds, that the client will wait without receiving any commands from the host before dropping to Link state.
  62. Set to 255 to disable. Zero is NOT a valid value.
  63. </summary>
  64. </member>
  65. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.PairingTimeout">
  66. <summary>
  67. Time, in seconds, that the client library will wait for a response from the application to a pairing request.
  68. </summary>
  69. </member>
  70. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters.#ctor(System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  71. <summary>
  72. ANTFS_ClientParameters, with the default beacon parameters
  73. </summary>
  74. <param name="deviceType">Client device type</param>
  75. <param name="manufacturerID">Client manufacturing ID</param>
  76. </member>
  77. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1">
  78. <summary>
  79. Internal structure
  80. </summary>
  81. </member>
  82. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.timeStart">
  83. <summary>
  84. Initial time
  85. </summary>
  86. </member>
  87. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.timeLeft">
  88. <summary>
  89. Desired timeout
  90. </summary>
  91. </member>
  92. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.ResponseID">
  93. <summary>
  94. ID of response we are waiting for
  95. </summary>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.bWaitingForResponse">
  98. <summary>
  99. Flag to indicate whether we are waiting for a response or not
  100. </summary>
  101. </member>
  102. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.SetTimeout(`0,System.UInt32)">
  103. <summary>
  104. Configure a timeout to wait for a response
  105. </summary>
  106. <param name="theResponse">Response we are looking for</param>
  107. <param name="theTimeout">Timeout, in miliseconds</param>
  108. </member>
  109. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.ClearTimeout">
  110. <summary>
  111. Clear timeout
  112. </summary>
  113. </member>
  114. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ResponseTimeout`1.HasTimeoutExpired">
  115. <summary>
  116. Check if the timeout has expired.
  117. Timeout is not triggered again, until enabled explicitly
  118. </summary>
  119. <returns>True if the timeout has expired, false otherwise</returns>
  120. </member>
  121. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters">
  122. <summary>
  123. ANT-FS Configuration Parameters
  124. </summary>
  125. </member>
  126. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters.CfgAuthTimeout">
  127. <summary>
  128. Authentication Timeout
  129. </summary>
  130. </member>
  131. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters.CfgEraseTimeout">
  132. <summary>
  133. Erase Timeout
  134. </summary>
  135. </member>
  136. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters.CfgUploadRequestTimeout">
  137. <summary>
  138. Upload Request Timeout
  139. </summary>
  140. </member>
  141. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters.CfgUploadResponseTimeout">
  142. <summary>
  143. Upload Response Timeout
  144. </summary>
  145. </member>
  146. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters.CfgBurstCheckTimeout">
  147. <summary>
  148. Burst Check Timeout
  149. </summary>
  150. </member>
  151. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters">
  152. <summary>
  153. ANT-FS Device Parameters
  154. </summary>
  155. </member>
  156. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.DeviceID">
  157. <summary>
  158. Remote device ID
  159. </summary>
  160. </member>
  161. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.ManufacturerID">
  162. <summary>
  163. Manufacturer ID of remote device
  164. </summary>
  165. </member>
  166. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.DeviceType">
  167. <summary>
  168. Remote device type
  169. </summary>
  170. </member>
  171. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.AuthenticationType">
  172. <summary>
  173. Authentication type supported by remote device
  174. </summary>
  175. </member>
  176. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.StatusByte1">
  177. <summary>
  178. Status byte 1, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification
  179. </summary>
  180. </member>
  181. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.StatusByte2">
  182. <summary>
  183. Status byte 2, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification
  184. </summary>
  185. </member>
  186. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt16,System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  187. <summary>
  188. Configure specified device parameters
  189. </summary>
  190. <param name="DevID">Device ID</param>
  191. <param name="usMfgID">Manufacturer ID</param>
  192. <param name="usDevType">Device Type</param>
  193. <param name="AuthType">Authentication Type</param>
  194. <param name="Stat1">Status byte 1, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification</param>
  195. <param name="Stat2">Status byte 2, as described in the ANT-FS Technology specification</param>
  196. </member>
  197. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.IsPairingEnabled">
  198. <summary>
  199. Checks if the remote device is capable of the pairing authentication scheme
  200. </summary>
  201. <returns>True if pairing is supported, false otherwise</returns>
  202. </member>
  203. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.IsUploadEnabled">
  204. <summary>
  205. Checks if the remote device supports uploads
  206. </summary>
  207. <returns>True if uploads are supported, false otherwise</returns>
  208. </member>
  209. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.IsDataAvailable">
  210. <summary>
  211. Checks if the remote device has data available for download
  212. </summary>
  213. <returns>True if data is available, false otherwise</returns>
  214. </member>
  215. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.GetBeaconPeriod">
  216. <summary>
  217. Obtains the beacon period of the remote device
  218. </summary>
  219. <returns>Beacon period of the remote device</returns>
  220. </member>
  221. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.GetClientState">
  222. <summary>
  223. Obtains current state of the remote device
  224. </summary>
  225. <returns>State of the remote device</returns>
  226. </member>
  227. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.SetPairingBit(System.Boolean)">
  228. <summary>
  229. Enables/disables the pairing bit in the device parameters
  230. </summary>
  231. <param name="bEnable">Set to true to enable pairing, false otherwise</param>
  232. </member>
  233. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.SetUploadBit(System.Boolean)">
  234. <summary>
  235. Enables/disables the upload bit in the device parameters
  236. </summary>
  237. <param name="bEnable">Set to true to enable uploads, false otherwise</param>
  238. </member>
  239. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.SetDataAvailableBit(System.Boolean)">
  240. <summary>
  241. Enables/disables the data available bit in the device parameters
  242. </summary>
  243. <param name="bEnable">Set to true if there is data available for download, false otherwise</param>
  244. </member>
  245. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters.ToString">
  246. <summary>
  247. Returns a string with the decoded device parameters
  248. </summary>
  249. <returns>String with decoded device parameters</returns>
  250. </member>
  251. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_SearchResults">
  252. <summary>
  253. Parameters retrieved by the host after finding a client matching its search criteria
  254. </summary>
  255. </member>
  256. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_SearchResults.DeviceParameters">
  257. <summary>
  258. Remote device parameters
  259. </summary>
  260. </member>
  261. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_SearchResults.FriendlyName">
  262. <summary>
  263. Friendly name of the remote device
  264. </summary>
  265. </member>
  266. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_SearchResults.ToString">
  267. <summary>
  268. Returns a string with the decoded device parameters and friendly name
  269. </summary>
  270. <returns>String with decoded device parameters and friendly name</returns>
  271. </member>
  272. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory">
  273. <summary>
  274. ANT-FS Directory
  275. Contains information about the files available on a remote device
  276. </summary>
  277. </member>
  278. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.dirHeader">
  279. <summary>
  280. Directory Header
  281. </summary>
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.dirSize">
  284. <summary>
  285. Number of entries contained in directory
  286. </summary>
  287. </member>
  288. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.dirFiles">
  289. <summary>
  290. Indexed entries in the directory
  291. </summary>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.#ctor">
  294. <summary>
  295. Creates an empty ANT-FS Directory structure
  296. </summary>
  297. </member>
  298. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
  299. <summary>
  300. Creates an ANTFS_Directory object from downlaoded data
  301. </summary>
  302. <param name="DirectoryFile">Directory file received on a download</param>
  303. </member>
  304. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.GetNumberOfFileEntries(System.Byte[])">
  305. <summary>
  306. Obtains the number of file entries contained in the directory
  307. </summary>
  308. <param name="pvDirectory">Directory file</param>
  309. <returns>Number of file entries contained in directory</returns>
  310. </member>
  311. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.GetNewFileList(System.Byte[])">
  312. <summary>
  313. Decodes the directory and gets a list of files that need to be downloaded
  314. </summary>
  315. <param name="pvDirectory">Directory file</param>
  316. <returns>Array containing the file indexes that need to be downloaded.
  317. Returns an empty array if there are no new files.</returns>
  318. </member>
  319. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.LookupFileEntry(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  320. <summary>
  321. Looks up the requested directory entry
  322. </summary>
  323. <param name="pvDirectory">Directory file</param>
  324. <param name="ulFileEntry">Zero-based entry number of the requested file (based on the order in which files are written in directory)</param>
  325. <returns>Requested directory entry, or null if entry is not valid</returns>
  326. </member>
  327. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.LookupFileIndex(System.Byte[],System.UInt16)">
  328. <summary>
  329. Looks up the requested directory entry
  330. </summary>
  331. <param name="pvDirectory">Directory file</param>
  332. <param name="usFileIndex">Index of file to be looked up</param>
  333. <returns>Requested directory entry, or null if entry is not valid</returns>
  334. </member>
  335. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.GetHeader(System.Byte[])">
  336. <summary>
  337. Retrieves the directory file header
  338. </summary>
  339. <param name="pvDirectory">Directory file</param>
  340. <returns>Directory header structure. An exception is thrown if the file is too small to contain a header</returns>
  341. </member>
  342. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.ToString">
  343. <summary>
  344. Print directory
  345. </summary>
  346. <returns>Formatted string with decoded directory</returns>
  347. </member>
  348. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.GetVersion">
  349. <summary>
  350. Obtains version of the directory
  351. </summary>
  352. <returns>Formatted string with ANT-FS directory version</returns>
  353. </member>
  354. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.ParseFlags(System.Byte)">
  355. <summary>
  356. Parses general flags into a string
  357. </summary>
  358. <param name="ucFlags">Flag byte</param>
  359. <returns>Formatted string with decoded flags</returns>
  360. </member>
  361. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.TimeFormat">
  362. <summary>
  363. Format of time used in directory
  364. </summary>
  365. </member>
  366. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.GeneralFlags">
  367. <summary>
  368. Bit mapped flags of file permissions
  369. </summary>
  370. </member>
  371. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header">
  372. <summary>
  373. Directory header structure
  374. </summary>
  375. </member>
  376. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.Version">
  377. <summary>
  378. The version of the Directory File Structure. The most significant 4 bits
  379. indicate major revision while the least significant 4 bits indicate a minor
  380. revision
  381. </summary>
  382. </member>
  383. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.ElementLength">
  384. <summary>
  385. The length of each structure, in bytes
  386. </summary>
  387. </member>
  388. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.TimeFormat">
  389. <summary>
  390. Defines how the system will keep track of Date/Time stamps
  391. </summary>
  392. </member>
  393. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.Reserved">
  394. <summary>
  395. Reserved bytes
  396. </summary>
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.SystemTime">
  399. <summary>
  400. Number of seconds elapsed since the system was powered up
  401. </summary>
  402. </member>
  403. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Header.Date">
  404. <summary>
  405. The number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 in the morning of December 31, 1989.
  406. The value zero (0) specifies an unknown date.
  407. Values of less than 0x0FFFFFFF will be interpreted as being system time or
  408. some other custom time format (e.g. counter incremented every time directory
  409. entries are modified)
  410. </summary>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry">
  413. <summary>
  414. Directory file entry structure
  415. </summary>
  416. </member>
  417. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.FileIndex">
  418. <summary>
  419. Data file index
  420. </summary>
  421. </member>
  422. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.FileDataType">
  423. <summary>
  424. Data type of the file, which informs how to interpret the file
  425. </summary>
  426. </member>
  427. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.FileSubType">
  428. <summary>
  429. Part of the identifier field, used to uniquely identify a file.
  430. In .FIT, used to identify a sub type of the .FIT file type.
  431. </summary>
  432. </member>
  433. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.FileNumber">
  434. <summary>
  435. Part of the identifier field, used to uniquely identify a file.
  436. In .FIT, used to identify a particular instance of a file sub type.
  437. </summary>
  438. </member>
  439. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.SpecificFlags">
  440. <summary>
  441. File data type specific bit mapped flags
  442. </summary>
  443. </member>
  444. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.GeneralFlags">
  445. <summary>
  446. Bit mapped flags of file permissions
  447. </summary>
  448. </member>
  449. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.FileSize">
  450. <summary>
  451. Size of file in bytes
  452. </summary>
  453. </member>
  454. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Directory.Entry.TimeStamp">
  455. <summary>
  456. The number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 in the morning of December 31, 1989.
  457. The value zero (0) specifies an unknown date.
  458. Values of less than 0x0FFFFFFF will be interpreted as being system time or
  459. some other custom time format.
  460. </summary>
  461. </member>
  462. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Exception">
  463. <summary>
  464. Exceptions thrown by ANT-FS objects
  465. </summary>
  466. </member>
  467. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Exception">
  468. <summary>
  469. An exception occuring in the ANT Managed Library
  470. </summary>
  471. </member>
  472. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Exception.#ctor(System.String)">
  473. <summary>
  474. Prefixes given string with "ANTLibrary Exception: "
  475. </summary>
  476. <param name="exceptionDetail">String to prefix</param>
  477. </member>
  478. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Exception.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  479. <summary>
  480. Prefixes given string with "ANTLibrary Exception: " and propates inner exception
  481. </summary>
  482. <param name="exceptionDetail">String to prefix</param>
  483. <param name="innerException">Inner exception</param>
  484. </member>
  485. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Exception.#ctor(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Exception)">
  486. <summary>
  487. Copy constructor
  488. </summary>
  489. <param name="aex">ANTException to copy</param>
  490. </member>
  491. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Exception.#ctor(System.String)">
  492. <summary>
  493. Constructor
  494. </summary>
  495. <param name="exceptionDetail">String to append to exception message</param>
  496. </member>
  497. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_Exception.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  498. <summary>
  499. Prefixes given string with "ANTLibrary Exception: " and propagates inner exception
  500. </summary>
  501. <param name="exceptionDetail">String to prefix</param>
  502. <param name="innerException">Inner exception</param>
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestFailed_Exception">
  505. <summary>
  506. Exceptions thrown by ANT-FS objects when a request to perform a specific operation failed
  507. Developers must ensure that these exceptions are handled appropiately to continue with the program execution
  508. </summary>
  509. </member>
  510. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestFailed_Exception.#ctor(System.String,ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ReturnCode)">
  511. <summary>
  512. Constructor
  513. </summary>
  514. <param name="strOperation">Requested operation that failed</param>
  515. <param name="theReturn">ANT-FS Library return code</param>
  516. </member>
  517. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestFailed_Exception.#ctor(System.String)">
  518. <summary>
  519. Constructor
  520. </summary>
  521. <param name="exceptionDetail">Requested operation that failed</param>
  522. </member>
  523. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ReturnCode">
  524. <summary>
  525. Return codes for ANT-FS operations
  526. </summary>
  527. </member>
  528. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.AuthenticationType">
  529. <summary>
  530. ANT-FS authentication types
  531. </summary>
  532. </member>
  533. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.DisconnectType">
  534. <summary>
  535. ANT-FS disconnect command type
  536. </summary>
  537. </member>
  538. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.Print">
  539. <summary>
  540. Helper class that prints human readable versions of the constants
  541. </summary>
  542. </member>
  543. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.Print.AsString(System.Enum)">
  544. <summary>
  545. Prints the description attribute of an enumeration value
  546. </summary>
  547. <param name="eMyEnum">Enumeration value to print</param>
  548. <returns>Description string, e.g. "Operation successful"</returns>
  549. </member>
  550. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.Print.AsEnum(System.Enum)">
  551. <summary>
  552. Prints the name of an enumeration value
  553. </summary>
  554. <param name="eMyEnum">Enumeration value to print</param>
  555. <returns>Named enumeration string, e.g. "ANTFS.ReturnCode.Pass"</returns>
  556. </member>
  557. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters">
  558. <summary>
  559. ANT-FS Request Parameters
  560. These are the parameters received from the host
  561. along with a download/upload/erase request
  562. </summary>
  563. </member>
  564. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.FileIndex">
  565. <summary>
  566. File index of the requested download, upload or erase operation
  567. </summary>
  568. </member>
  569. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.Offset">
  570. <summary>
  571. Requested offset. The client library handles offsets internally,
  572. this is available for information purposes.
  573. </summary>
  574. </member>
  575. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.BlockSize">
  576. <summary>
  577. Maximum number of bytes the host can send/receive in a single block.
  578. The client library handles this internally, this is available for
  579. information purposes.
  580. </summary>
  581. </member>
  582. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.MaxSize">
  583. <summary>
  584. Maximum number of bytes that the host is requesting to upload.
  585. This includes the offset plus the total remaining bytes.
  586. This can be used to determine if there is enough space available
  587. in the device to handle the upload.
  588. </summary>
  589. </member>
  590. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.CrcSeed">
  591. <summary>
  592. CRC Seed for the download.
  593. The client library handles this internally, this is available for
  594. information purposes
  595. </summary>
  596. </member>
  597. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_RequestParameters.IsInitialRequest">
  598. <summary>
  599. Indicates whether this is an initial download request or an attempt
  600. to resume a previous transfer.
  601. Resuming within a single session is handled by the library, this is
  602. available for information purposes.
  603. </summary>
  604. </member>
  605. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DisconnectParameters">
  606. <summary>
  607. ANT-FS Disconnect Parameters
  608. These are the parameters received from the host
  609. along with the disconnect command
  610. </summary>
  611. </member>
  612. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DisconnectParameters.CommandType">
  613. <summary>
  614. Disconnect command type
  615. </summary>
  616. </member>
  617. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DisconnectParameters.TimeDuration">
  618. <summary>
  619. Requested amount in time (in 30 s increments) to become undiscoverable
  620. </summary>
  621. </member>
  622. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DisconnectParameters.ApplicationSpecificDuration">
  623. <summary>
  624. Requested application specific undiscoverable time
  625. </summary>
  626. </member>
  627. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DownloadParameters">
  628. <summary>
  629. Application defined parameters for a download response
  630. </summary>
  631. </member>
  632. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DownloadParameters.FileIndex">
  633. <summary>
  634. File index of requested download
  635. </summary>
  636. </member>
  637. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DownloadParameters.MaxBlockSize">
  638. <summary>
  639. Maximum number of bytes to send in a single block
  640. </summary>
  641. </member>
  642. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_UploadParameters">
  643. <summary>
  644. Application defined parameters for an upload response
  645. </summary>
  646. </member>
  647. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_UploadParameters.FileIndex">
  648. <summary>
  649. File index of requested upload
  650. </summary>
  651. </member>
  652. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_UploadParameters.MaxFileSize">
  653. <summary>
  654. Maximum file size that can be stored in requested upload location
  655. </summary>
  656. </member>
  657. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_UploadParameters.MaxBlockSize">
  658. <summary>
  659. Maximum number of bytes that can be received in a single block
  660. </summary>
  661. </member>
  662. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus">
  663. <summary>
  664. Status of an ongoing or completed data transfer
  665. </summary>
  666. </member>
  667. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  668. <summary>
  669. Constructor initializes status and obtains percentage from parameters
  670. </summary>
  671. <param name="Progress">Current byte progress</param>
  672. <param name="Length">Expected data length</param>
  673. </member>
  674. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus.ToString">
  675. <summary>
  676. Provides a string containing the transfer status
  677. </summary>
  678. <returns>Formatted string with the current byte progress, expected length and percentage</returns>
  679. </member>
  680. <member name="P:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus.ByteProgress">
  681. <summary>
  682. Current byte progress of a data transfer
  683. </summary>
  684. </member>
  685. <member name="P:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus.TotalLength">
  686. <summary>
  687. Expected length of a data transfer
  688. </summary>
  689. </member>
  690. <member name="P:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.TransferStatus.Percentage">
  691. <summary>
  692. Current percentage of completion of a data transfer
  693. </summary>
  694. </member>
  695. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel">
  696. <summary>
  697. Control class for an individual ANT channel. Created and accessed through the ANTDevice class.
  698. </summary>
  699. </member>
  700. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel">
  701. <summary>
  702. Interface for an ANT channel. Allows classes to use different channel implementations behind the interface.
  703. </summary>
  704. </member>
  705. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.getUnmgdFramer">
  706. <summary>
  707. Returns the underlying C++ ANT framer reference that this channel uses for messaging. Useful to pass to unmanaged C++ implementations.
  708. </summary>
  709. <returns>Pointer to the C++ ANT framer for messaging</returns>
  710. </member>
  711. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.getChannelNum">
  712. <summary>
  713. Returns the channel number of this chanel
  714. </summary>
  715. <returns>The channel number that is sent with messages on the ANT messaging layer</returns>
  716. </member>
  717. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.requestStatus(System.UInt32)">
  718. <summary>
  719. Returns current channel status.
  720. Throws exception on timeout.
  721. </summary>
  722. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  723. </member>
  724. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.requestID(System.UInt32)">
  725. <summary>
  726. Returns the channel ID
  727. Throws exception on timeout
  728. </summary>
  729. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  730. <returns></returns>
  731. </member>
  732. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.assignChannel(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  733. <overloads>Assign channel</overloads>
  734. <summary>
  735. Assign an ANT channel along with its main parameters.
  736. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
  737. </summary>
  738. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  739. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel, must be less than device's max networks-1</param>
  740. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  741. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  742. </member>
  743. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.assignChannelExt(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelTypeExtended,System.UInt32)">
  744. <overloads>Assign channel (extended)</overloads>
  745. <summary>
  746. Assign an ANT channel, using extended channel assignment
  747. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
  748. </summary>
  749. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  750. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel, must be less than device's max netwoks - 1</param>
  751. <param name="extAssignByte">Extended assignment byte</param>
  752. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  753. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  754. </member>
  755. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.unassignChannel(System.UInt32)">
  756. <overloads>Unassign channel</overloads>
  757. <summary>
  758. Unassign this channel.
  759. </summary>
  760. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  761. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  762. </member>
  763. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelID(System.UInt16,System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  764. <overloads>Set the Channel ID</overloads>
  765. <summary>
  766. Set the Channel ID of this channel.
  767. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
  768. </summary>
  769. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  770. <param name="pairingEnabled">Device pairing bit.</param>
  771. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type to assign to channel. Must be less than 128. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  772. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  773. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  774. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  775. </member>
  776. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelID_UsingSerial(System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  777. <overloads>Sets the Channel ID, using serial number as device number</overloads>
  778. <summary>
  779. Identical to setChannelID, except last two bytes of serial number are used for device number.
  780. Not available on all ANT devices.
  781. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
  782. </summary>
  783. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  784. </member>
  785. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelPeriod(System.UInt16,System.UInt32)">
  786. <overloads>Sets channel message period</overloads>
  787. <summary>
  788. Set this channel's messaging period
  789. </summary>
  790. <param name="messagePeriod_32768unitspersecond">Desired period in seconds * 32768</param>
  791. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  792. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  793. </member>
  794. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setSearchThresholdRSSI(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  795. <overloads>Sets the RSSI threshold (ARCT)</overloads>
  796. <summary>
  797. Set this channel's RSSI threshold (ARCT)
  798. </summary>
  799. <param name="thresholdRSSI">Desired RSSI threshold value</param>
  800. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  801. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  802. </member>
  803. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelFreq(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  804. <overloads>Sets channel RF Frequency</overloads>
  805. <summary>
  806. Set this channel's RF frequency, with the given offset from 2400Mhz.
  807. Note: Changing this frequency may affect the ability to certify the product in certain areas of the world.
  808. </summary>
  809. <param name="RFFreqOffset">Offset to add to 2400Mhz</param>
  810. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  811. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  812. </member>
  813. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelTransmitPower(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower,System.UInt32)">
  814. <overloads>Sets the channel transmission power</overloads>
  815. <summary>
  816. Set the transmission power of this channel
  817. Throws exception if device is not capable of per-channel transmit power.
  818. </summary>
  819. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to set to</param>
  820. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  821. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  822. </member>
  823. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setChannelSearchTimeout(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  824. <overloads>Sets the channel search timeout</overloads>
  825. <summary>
  826. Set the search timeout
  827. </summary>
  828. <param name="searchTimeout">timeout in 2.5 second units (in newer devices 255=infinite)</param>
  829. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  830. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  831. </member>
  832. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.openChannel(System.UInt32)">
  833. <overloads>Opens the channel</overloads>
  834. <summary>
  835. Opens this channel
  836. </summary>
  837. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  838. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  839. </member>
  840. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendBroadcastData(System.Byte[])">
  841. <overloads>Sends broadcast message</overloads>
  842. <summary>
  843. Sends the given data on the broadcast transmission.
  844. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  845. </summary>
  846. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  847. </member>
  848. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendAcknowledgedData(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  849. <overloads>Sends acknowledged message</overloads>
  850. <summary>
  851. Sends the given data as an acknowledged transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  852. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  853. </summary>
  854. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  855. <param name="ackWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for acknowledgement</param>
  856. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  857. </member>
  858. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendBurstTransfer(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  859. <overloads>Sends burst transfer</overloads>
  860. <summary>
  861. Sends the given data as a burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  862. </summary>
  863. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  864. <param name="completeWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for completion of transfer</param>
  865. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  866. </member>
  867. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendExtBroadcastData(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  868. <overloads>Sends extended broadcast message</overloads>
  869. <summary>
  870. Sends the given data as an extended broadcast transmission.
  871. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  872. </summary>
  873. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  874. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  875. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  876. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  877. </member>
  878. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendExtAcknowledgedData(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  879. <overloads>Sends extended acknowledged message</overloads>
  880. <summary>
  881. Sends the given data as an extended acknowledged transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  882. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  883. </summary>
  884. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  885. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  886. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  887. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  888. <param name="ackWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for acknowledgement</param>
  889. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  890. </member>
  891. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.sendExtBurstTransfer(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  892. <overloads>Sends extended burst data</overloads>
  893. <summary>
  894. Sends the given data as an extended burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  895. </summary>
  896. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  897. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  898. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  899. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  900. <param name="completeWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for completion of transfer</param>
  901. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  902. </member>
  903. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.closeChannel(System.UInt32)">
  904. <overloads>Closes the channel</overloads>
  905. <summary>
  906. Close this channel
  907. </summary>
  908. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  909. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  910. </member>
  911. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setLowPrioritySearchTimeout(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  912. <overloads>Sets the channel low priority search timeout</overloads>
  913. <summary>
  914. Sets the search timeout for the channel's low-priority search, where it will not interrupt other open channels.
  915. When this period expires the channel will drop to high-priority search.
  916. This feature is not available in all ANT devices.
  917. </summary>
  918. <param name="lowPriorityTimeout">Timeout period in 2.5 second units</param>
  919. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  920. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  921. </member>
  922. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_addChannel(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  923. <overloads>Adds a channel ID to the device inclusion/exclusion list</overloads>
  924. <summary>
  925. Add the given channel ID to the channel's inclusion/exclusion list.
  926. The channelID is then included or excluded from the wild card search depending on how the list is configured.
  927. Throws exception if listIndex > 3.
  928. </summary>
  929. <param name="deviceNumber">deviceNumber of the channelID to add</param>
  930. <param name="deviceTypeID">deviceType of the channelID to add</param>
  931. <param name="transmissionTypeID">transmissionType of the channelID to add</param>
  932. <param name="listIndex">position in inclusion/exclusion list to add channelID at (Max size of list is 4)</param>
  933. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  934. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  935. </member>
  936. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_Configure(System.Byte,System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  937. <overloads>Configures the device inclusion/exclusion list</overloads>
  938. <summary>
  939. Configures the inclusion/exclusion list. If isExclusionList is true the channel IDs will be
  940. excluded from any wild card search on this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted in the search.
  941. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
  942. </summary>
  943. <param name="listSize">The desired size of the list, max size is 4, 0=none</param>
  944. <param name="isExclusionList">True = exclusion list, False = inclusion list</param>
  945. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  946. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  947. </member>
  948. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.setProximitySearch(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  949. <overloads>Configures proximity search</overloads>
  950. <summary>
  951. Enables a one time proximity requirement for searching. Only ANT devices within the set proximity bin can be acquired.
  952. Search threshold values are not correlated to specific distances as this will be dependent on the system design.
  953. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
  954. Throws exception if given bin value is > 10.
  955. </summary>
  956. <param name="thresholdBin">Threshold bin. Value from 0-10 (0= disabled). A search threshold value of 1 (i.e. bin 1) will yield the smallest radius search and is generally recommended as there is less chance of connecting to the wrong device. </param>
  957. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  958. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  959. </member>
  960. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.configFrequencyAgility(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  961. <overloads>Configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode</overloads>
  962. <summary>
  963. This function configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode
  964. and should be used with the ADV_FrequencyAgility_0x04 extended channel assignment flag.
  965. Should not be used with shared, or Tx/Rx only channel types.
  966. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
  967. </summary>
  968. <param name="freq1">Operating RF frequency 1</param>
  969. <param name="freq2">Operating RF frequency 2</param>
  970. <param name="freq3">Operating RF frequency 3</param>
  971. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  972. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  973. </member>
  974. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.DeviceNotification">
  975. <summary>
  976. This event is fired whenever there are events on the device level that may impact the channel.
  977. Events that currently occur (Event, value of notification info Object):
  978. Reset, null
  979. Shutdown, null
  980. </summary>
  981. </member>
  982. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.rawChannelResponse">
  983. <summary>
  984. The channel callback event for forwarding the raw msg struct. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.
  985. Examples include transmit and receive messages. If you are coding in C# use the other response event version.
  986. </summary>
  987. </member>
  988. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel.channelResponse">
  989. <summary>
  990. The channel callback event. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.
  991. Examples include transmit and receive messages.
  992. </summary>
  993. </member>
  994. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.getParentDevice">
  995. <summary>
  996. Returns the ANTDevice that this channel belongs to
  997. </summary>
  998. </member>
  999. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.getUnmgdFramer">
  1000. <summary>
  1001. Returns the underlying C++ ANT framer reference that this channel uses for messaging. Useful to pass to unmanaged C++ implementations.
  1002. </summary>
  1003. <returns>Pointer to the C++ ANT framer for messaging</returns>
  1004. </member>
  1005. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.getChannelNum">
  1006. <summary>
  1007. Returns the channel number of this instance
  1008. </summary>
  1009. </member>
  1010. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.Dispose">
  1011. <summary>
  1012. Dispose this channel.
  1013. </summary>
  1014. </member>
  1015. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.requestStatus(System.UInt32)">
  1016. <summary>
  1017. Returns current channel status.
  1018. Throws exception on timeout.
  1019. </summary>
  1020. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1021. </member>
  1022. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.requestID(System.UInt32)">
  1023. <summary>
  1024. Returns the channel ID
  1025. Throws exception on timeout
  1026. </summary>
  1027. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1028. <returns></returns>
  1029. </member>
  1030. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.assignChannel(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1031. <overloads>Assign channel</overloads>
  1032. <summary>
  1033. Assign an ANT channel along with its main parameters.
  1034. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
  1035. </summary>
  1036. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  1037. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel, must be less than device's max networks-1</param>
  1038. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1039. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1040. </member>
  1041. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.assignChannel(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte)">
  1042. <summary>
  1043. Assign an ANT channel.
  1044. </summary>
  1045. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  1046. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel</param>
  1047. </member>
  1048. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.assignChannelExt(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelTypeExtended,System.UInt32)">
  1049. <overloads>Assign channel (extended)</overloads>
  1050. <summary>
  1051. Assign an ANT channel, using extended channel assignment
  1052. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
  1053. </summary>
  1054. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  1055. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel, must be less than device's max netwoks - 1</param>
  1056. <param name="extAssignByte">Extended assignment byte</param>
  1057. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1058. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1059. </member>
  1060. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.assignChannelExt(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelTypeExtended)">
  1061. <summary>
  1062. Assign an ANT channel, using extended channel assignment
  1063. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
  1064. </summary>
  1065. <param name="channelTypeByte">Channel Type byte</param>
  1066. <param name="networkNumber">Network to assign to channel, must be less than device's max netwoks - 1</param>
  1067. <param name="extAssignByte">Extended assignment byte</param>
  1068. </member>
  1069. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.unassignChannel(System.UInt32)">
  1070. <overloads>Unassign channel</overloads>
  1071. <summary>
  1072. Unassign this channel.
  1073. </summary>
  1074. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1075. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1076. </member>
  1077. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.unassignChannel">
  1078. <summary>
  1079. Unassigns this channel.
  1080. </summary>
  1081. </member>
  1082. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelID(System.UInt16,System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1083. <overloads>Set the Channel ID</overloads>
  1084. <summary>
  1085. Set the Channel ID of this channel.
  1086. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
  1087. </summary>
  1088. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1089. <param name="pairingEnabled">Device pairing bit.</param>
  1090. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type to assign to channel. Must be less than 128. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1091. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1092. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1093. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1094. </member>
  1095. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelID(System.UInt16,System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1096. <summary>
  1097. Set the Channel ID of this channel.
  1098. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
  1099. </summary>
  1100. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1101. <param name="pairingEnabled">Device pairing bit</param>
  1102. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1103. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type to assign to channel. Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  1104. </member>
  1105. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelID_UsingSerial(System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1106. <overloads>Sets the Channel ID, using serial number as device number</overloads>
  1107. <summary>
  1108. Identical to setChannelID, except last two bytes of serial number are used for device number.
  1109. Not available on all ANT devices.
  1110. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
  1111. </summary>
  1112. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1113. </member>
  1114. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelID_UsingSerial(System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1115. <summary>
  1116. Identical to setChannelID, except last two bytes of serial number are used for device number.
  1117. </summary>
  1118. </member>
  1119. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelPeriod(System.UInt16,System.UInt32)">
  1120. <overloads>Sets channel message period</overloads>
  1121. <summary>
  1122. Set this channel's messaging period
  1123. </summary>
  1124. <param name="messagePeriod_32768unitspersecond">Desired period in seconds * 32768</param>
  1125. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1126. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1127. </member>
  1128. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelPeriod(System.UInt16)">
  1129. <summary>
  1130. Set this channel's messaging period
  1131. </summary>
  1132. <param name="messagePeriod_32768unitspersecond">Desired period in seconds * 32768</param>
  1133. </member>
  1134. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setSearchThresholdRSSI(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1135. <overloads>Sets the RSSI threshold (ARCT)</overloads>
  1136. <summary>
  1137. Set this channel's RSSI threshold (ARCT)
  1138. </summary>
  1139. <param name="thresholdRSSI">Desired RSSI threshold value</param>
  1140. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1141. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1142. </member>
  1143. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setSearchThresholdRSSI(System.Byte)">
  1144. <summary>
  1145. Set this channel's RSSI threshold (ARCT)
  1146. </summary>
  1147. <param name="thresholdRSSI">Desired RSSI threshold value</param>
  1148. </member>
  1149. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelFreq(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1150. <overloads>Sets channel RF Frequency</overloads>
  1151. <summary>
  1152. Set this channel's RF frequency, with the given offset from 2400Mhz.
  1153. Note: Changing this frequency may affect the ability to certify the product in certain areas of the world.
  1154. </summary>
  1155. <param name="RFFreqOffset">Offset to add to 2400Mhz</param>
  1156. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1157. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1158. </member>
  1159. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelFreq(System.Byte)">
  1160. <summary>
  1161. Set this channel's RF frequency, with the given offset from 2400Mhz.
  1162. Note: Changing this frequency may affect the ability to certify the product in certain areas of the world.
  1163. </summary>
  1164. <param name="RFFreqOffset">Offset to add to 2400Mhz</param>
  1165. </member>
  1166. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelTransmitPower(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower,System.UInt32)">
  1167. <overloads>Sets the channel transmission power</overloads>
  1168. <summary>
  1169. Set the transmission power of this channel
  1170. Throws exception if device is not capable of per-channel transmit power.
  1171. </summary>
  1172. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to set to</param>
  1173. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1174. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1175. </member>
  1176. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelTransmitPower(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower)">
  1177. <summary>
  1178. Set the transmission power of this channel
  1179. </summary>
  1180. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to set to</param>
  1181. </member>
  1182. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelSearchTimeout(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1183. <overloads>Sets the channel search timeout</overloads>
  1184. <summary>
  1185. Set the search timeout
  1186. </summary>
  1187. <param name="searchTimeout">timeout in 2.5 second units (in newer devices 255=infinite)</param>
  1188. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1189. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1190. </member>
  1191. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelSearchTimeout(System.Byte)">
  1192. <summary>
  1193. Set the search timeout
  1194. </summary>
  1195. <param name="searchTimeout">timeout in 2.5 second units (in newer devices 255=infinite)</param>
  1196. </member>
  1197. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.openChannel(System.UInt32)">
  1198. <overloads>Opens the channel</overloads>
  1199. <summary>
  1200. Opens this channel
  1201. </summary>
  1202. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1203. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1204. </member>
  1205. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.openChannel">
  1206. <summary>
  1207. Opens this channel
  1208. </summary>
  1209. </member>
  1210. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendBroadcastData(System.Byte[])">
  1211. <overloads>Sends broadcast message</overloads>
  1212. <summary>
  1213. Sends the given data on the broadcast transmission.
  1214. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1215. </summary>
  1216. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1217. </member>
  1218. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendAcknowledgedData(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1219. <overloads>Sends acknowledged message</overloads>
  1220. <summary>
  1221. Sends the given data as an acknowledged transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  1222. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1223. </summary>
  1224. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1225. <param name="ackWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for acknowledgement</param>
  1226. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  1227. </member>
  1228. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendAcknowledgedData(System.Byte[])">
  1229. <summary>
  1230. Sends the given data as an acknowledged transmission.
  1231. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1232. </summary>
  1233. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1234. </member>
  1235. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendBurstTransfer(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1236. <overloads>Sends burst transfer</overloads>
  1237. <summary>
  1238. Sends the given data as a burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  1239. </summary>
  1240. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  1241. <param name="completeWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for completion of transfer</param>
  1242. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  1243. </member>
  1244. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendBurstTransfer(System.Byte[])">
  1245. <summary>
  1246. Sends the given data as a burst transmission.
  1247. </summary>
  1248. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  1249. </member>
  1250. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendExtBroadcastData(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1251. <overloads>Sends extended broadcast message</overloads>
  1252. <summary>
  1253. Sends the given data as an extended broadcast transmission.
  1254. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1255. </summary>
  1256. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  1257. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1258. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1259. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1260. </member>
  1261. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendExtAcknowledgedData(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1262. <overloads>Sends extended acknowledged message</overloads>
  1263. <summary>
  1264. Sends the given data as an extended acknowledged transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  1265. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1266. </summary>
  1267. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  1268. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1269. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1270. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1271. <param name="ackWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for acknowledgement</param>
  1272. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  1273. </member>
  1274. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendExtAcknowledgedData(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1275. <summary>
  1276. Sends the given data as an extended acknowledged transmission.
  1277. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
  1278. </summary>
  1279. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  1280. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1281. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1282. <param name="data">data to send (length 8 or less)</param>
  1283. </member>
  1284. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendExtBurstTransfer(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1285. <overloads>Sends extended burst data</overloads>
  1286. <summary>
  1287. Sends the given data as an extended burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
  1288. </summary>
  1289. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  1290. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1291. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1292. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  1293. <param name="completeWaitTime">Time in ms to wait for completion of transfer</param>
  1294. <returns>0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled</returns>
  1295. </member>
  1296. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.sendExtBurstTransfer(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1297. <summary>
  1298. Sends the given data as an extended burst transmission.
  1299. </summary>
  1300. <param name="deviceNumber">Device number of channel ID to send to</param>
  1301. <param name="deviceTypeID">Device type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1302. <param name="transmissionTypeID">Transmission type of channel ID to send to</param>
  1303. <param name="data">data to send, can be any length</param>
  1304. </member>
  1305. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.closeChannel(System.UInt32)">
  1306. <overloads>Closes the channel</overloads>
  1307. <summary>
  1308. Close this channel
  1309. </summary>
  1310. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1311. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1312. </member>
  1313. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.closeChannel">
  1314. <summary>
  1315. Close this channel
  1316. </summary>
  1317. </member>
  1318. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setLowPrioritySearchTimeout(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1319. <overloads>Sets the channel low priority search timeout</overloads>
  1320. <summary>
  1321. Sets the search timeout for the channel's low-priority search, where it will not interrupt other open channels.
  1322. When this period expires the channel will drop to high-priority search.
  1323. This feature is not available in all ANT devices.
  1324. </summary>
  1325. <param name="lowPriorityTimeout">Timeout period in 2.5 second units</param>
  1326. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1327. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1328. </member>
  1329. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setLowPrioritySearchTimeout(System.Byte)">
  1330. <summary>
  1331. Sets the timeout period for the channel's low-priority search, where it will not interrupt other open channels.
  1332. When this period expires the channel will drop to high-priority search.
  1333. </summary>
  1334. <param name="lowPriorityTimeout">Timeout period in 2.5 second units</param>
  1335. </member>
  1336. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_addChannel(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1337. <overloads>Adds a channel ID to the device inclusion/exclusion list</overloads>
  1338. <summary>
  1339. Add the given channel ID to the channel's inclusion/exclusion list.
  1340. The channelID is then included or excluded from the wild card search depending on how the list is configured.
  1341. Throws exception if listIndex > 3.
  1342. </summary>
  1343. <param name="deviceNumber">deviceNumber of the channelID to add</param>
  1344. <param name="deviceTypeID">deviceType of the channelID to add</param>
  1345. <param name="transmissionTypeID">transmissionType of the channelID to add</param>
  1346. <param name="listIndex">Position in inclusion/exclusion list to add channel ID at (0..3)</param>
  1347. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1348. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1349. </member>
  1350. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_addChannel(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1351. <summary>
  1352. Add the given channel ID to the channel's inclusion/exclusion list.
  1353. The channelID is then included or excluded from the wild card search depending on how the list is configured.
  1354. Throws exception if listIndex > 3.
  1355. </summary>
  1356. <param name="deviceNumber">deviceNumber of the channelID to add</param>
  1357. <param name="deviceTypeID">deviceType of the channelID to add</param>
  1358. <param name="transmissionTypeID">transmissionType of the channelID to add</param>
  1359. <param name="listIndex">Position in inclusion/exclusion list to add channel ID at (0..3)</param>
  1360. </member>
  1361. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_Configure(System.Byte,System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  1362. <overloads>Configures the device inclusion/exclusion list</overloads>
  1363. <summary>
  1364. Configures the inclusion/exclusion list. If isExclusionList is true the channel IDs will be
  1365. excluded from any wild card search on this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted in the search.
  1366. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
  1367. </summary>
  1368. <param name="listSize">The desired size of the list, max size is 4, 0=none</param>
  1369. <param name="isExclusionList">True = exclusion list, False = inclusion list</param>
  1370. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1371. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1372. </member>
  1373. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.includeExcludeList_Configure(System.Byte,System.Boolean)">
  1374. <summary>
  1375. Configures the inclusion/exclusion list. If isExclusionList is true the channel IDs will be
  1376. excluded from any wild card search on this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted in the search.
  1377. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
  1378. </summary>
  1379. <param name="listSize">The desired size of the list, max size is 4, 0=none</param>
  1380. <param name="isExclusionList">True = exclusion list, False = inclusion list</param>
  1381. </member>
  1382. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptedChannelEnable(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptedChannelMode,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1383. <overloads>Enables channel encryption</overloads>
  1384. <summary>
  1385. Enables/disables channel encryption. Advanced bursting MUST be enabled before calling this command.
  1386. </summary>
  1387. <param name="encryptionMode">The desired encryption mode to be used, 1 is Enable, 2 is Enable with User Info String, 0 is Disable</param>
  1388. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">The encryption key to be used in volatile memory</param>
  1389. <param name="decimationRate">The decimation rate of the (slave channel period)/(master channel period).
  1390. Must be 1 or greater on a slave channel, and value is N/A on a master channel.</param>
  1391. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1392. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1393. </member>
  1394. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptedChannelEnable(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptedChannelMode,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1395. <summary>
  1396. Enables/disables channel encryption. Advanced bursting MUST be enabled before calling this command.
  1397. </summary>
  1398. <param name="encryptionMode">The desired encryption mode to be used, 1 is Enable, 2 is Enable with User Info String, 0 is Disable</param>
  1399. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">The encryption key to be used in volatile memory</param>
  1400. <param name="decimationRate">The decimation rate of the (slave channel period)/(master channel period).
  1401. Must be 1 or greater on a slave channel, and value is N/A on a master channel.</param>
  1402. </member>
  1403. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptionIDList_AddID(System.Byte[],System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1404. <overloads>Add ID to encryption ID list</overloads>
  1405. <summary>
  1406. Add ID to encryption ID list, which is also used for the search list.
  1407. </summary>
  1408. <param name="encryptionID">The encryption ID to be added.</param>
  1409. <param name="listIndex">Position in inclusion/exclusion list to add encryption ID at (0..3)</param>
  1410. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1411. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1412. </member>
  1413. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptionIDList_AddID(System.Byte[],System.Byte)">
  1414. <summary>
  1415. Add ID to encryption ID list, which is also used for the search list.
  1416. </summary>
  1417. <param name="encryptionID">The encryption ID to be added.</param>
  1418. <param name="listIndex">Position in inclusion/exclusion list to add encryption ID at (0..3)</param>
  1419. </member>
  1420. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptionIDList_Configure(System.Byte,System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  1421. <overloads>Configures encryption list</overloads>
  1422. <summary>
  1423. Configures the white/black list. If isBlackList is true the encryption IDs will be
  1424. prevented from connecting to this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted by connection attempts.
  1425. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
  1426. </summary>
  1427. <param name="listSize">The desired size of the list, max size is 4, 0=none</param>
  1428. <param name="isBlacklist">True = black list, False = white list</param>
  1429. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1430. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1431. </member>
  1432. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.encryptionIDList_Configure(System.Byte,System.Boolean)">
  1433. <summary>
  1434. Configures the white/black list. If isBlackList is true the encryption IDs will be
  1435. prevented from connecting to this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted by connection attempts.
  1436. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
  1437. </summary>
  1438. <param name="listSize">The desired size of the list, max size is 4, 0=none</param>
  1439. <param name="isBlacklist">True = black list, False = white list</param>
  1440. </member>
  1441. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setProximitySearch(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1442. <overloads>Configures proximity search</overloads>
  1443. <summary>
  1444. Enables a one time proximity requirement for searching. Only ANT devices within the set proximity bin can be acquired.
  1445. Search threshold values are not correlated to specific distances as this will be dependent on the system design.
  1446. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
  1447. Throws exception if given bin value is > 10.
  1448. </summary>
  1449. <param name="thresholdBin">Threshold bin. Value from 0-10 (0= disabled). A search threshold value of 1 (i.e. bin 1) will yield the smallest radius search and is generally recommended as there is less chance of connecting to the wrong device. </param>
  1450. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1451. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1452. </member>
  1453. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setProximitySearch(System.Byte)">
  1454. <summary>
  1455. Enables a one time proximity requirement for searching. Only ANT devices within the set proximity bin can be acquired.
  1456. Search threshold values are not correlated to specific distances as this will be dependent on the system design.
  1457. Throws exception if given bin value is > 10.
  1458. </summary>
  1459. <param name="thresholdBin">Threshold bin. Value from 0-10 (0= disabled). A search threshold value of 1 (i.e. bin 1) will yield the smallest radius search and is generally recommended as there is less chance of connecting to the wrong device. </param>
  1460. </member>
  1461. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.configFrequencyAgility(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1462. <overloads>Configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode</overloads>
  1463. <summary>
  1464. This function configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode
  1465. and should be used with the ADV_FrequencyAgility_0x04 extended channel assignment flag.
  1466. Should not be used with shared, or Tx/Rx only channel types.
  1467. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
  1468. </summary>
  1469. <param name="freq1">Operating RF frequency 1</param>
  1470. <param name="freq2">Operating RF frequency 2</param>
  1471. <param name="freq3">Operating RF frequency 3</param>
  1472. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1473. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1474. </member>
  1475. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.configFrequencyAgility(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1476. <summary>
  1477. This function configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode
  1478. and should be used with ADV_FrequencyAgility_0x04 channel assignment flag.
  1479. Should not be used with shared, or Tx/Rx only channel types.
  1480. </summary>
  1481. <param name="freq1">Operating RF frequency 1</param>
  1482. <param name="freq2">Operating RF frequency 2</param>
  1483. <param name="freq3">Operating RF frequency 3</param>
  1484. </member>
  1485. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.configSdu(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1486. <overloads>Configures Selective Data Updates</overloads>
  1487. <summary>
  1488. Allows enabling Selective Data Update
  1489. </summary>
  1490. <param name="sduConfig">Specify desired previously defined SDU mask and which messages it should apply to</param>
  1491. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1492. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1493. </member>
  1494. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.configSdu(System.Byte)">
  1495. <summary>
  1496. Allows enabling Selective Data Update
  1497. </summary>
  1498. <param name="sduConfig">Specify desired previously defined SDU mask and which messages it should apply to</param>
  1499. </member>
  1500. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setSearchSharingCycles(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1501. <overloads>Configures search sharing</overloads>
  1502. <summary>
  1503. Configures active channels with differing RF channels and/or network keys to share the active search time.
  1504. The searchSharingCycles parameter defines the number of consecutive cycles each active search channel will
  1505. receive before another search channel is interleaved. A value of 4 or greater is particularly recommended
  1506. if search scan is enabled as well.
  1507. </summary>
  1508. <param name="searchSharingCycles">The number of cycles to run a scan on this channel before switching to
  1509. another channel.</param>
  1510. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1511. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1512. </member>
  1513. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setSearchSharingCycles(System.Byte)">
  1514. <summary>
  1515. Configures active channels with differing RF channels and/or network keys to share the active search time.
  1516. The searchSharingCycles parameter defines the number of consecutive cycles each active search channel will
  1517. receive before another search channel is interleaved. A value of 4 or greater is particularly recommended
  1518. if search scan is enabled as well.
  1519. </summary>
  1520. <param name="searchSharingCycles">The number of cycles to run a scan on this channel before switching to
  1521. another channel.</param>
  1522. </member>
  1523. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelSearchPriority(System.Byte)">
  1524. <summary>
  1525. Sets the search priority for the channel. Channels with higher prioirities are scheduled for search first.
  1526. </summary>
  1527. <param name="priorityLevel">Desired priority level relative to other channel priorities. Higher priority values search before lower ones.</param>
  1528. </member>
  1529. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.setChannelSearchPriority(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1530. <overloads>Sets the search priority for the channel.</overloads>
  1531. <summary>
  1532. Sets the search priority for the channel. Channels with higher prioirities are scheduled for search first.
  1533. </summary>
  1534. <param name="priorityLevel">Desired priority level relative to other channel priorities. Higher priority values search before lower ones.</param>
  1535. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1536. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1537. </member>
  1538. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.rawChannelResponse">
  1539. <summary>
  1540. The channel callback event for forwarding the raw msg struct. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.
  1541. Examples include transmit and receive messages. If you are coding in C# use the other response event version.
  1542. </summary>
  1543. </member>
  1544. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.DeviceNotification">
  1545. <summary>
  1546. This event is fired whenever there are events on the device level that may impact the channel.
  1547. Events that currently occur (Event, value of notification info Object):
  1548. Reset, null
  1549. Shutdown, null
  1550. </summary>
  1551. </member>
  1552. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Channel.channelResponse">
  1553. <summary>
  1554. The channel callback event. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.
  1555. Examples include transmit and receive messages.
  1556. </summary>
  1557. </member>
  1558. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID">
  1559. <summary>
  1560. Structure containing the data composing a channel ID
  1561. </summary>
  1562. </member>
  1563. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID.deviceNumber">
  1564. <summary>
  1565. Device Number
  1566. </summary>
  1567. </member>
  1568. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID.pairingBit">
  1569. <summary>
  1570. Pairing Bit
  1571. </summary>
  1572. </member>
  1573. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID.deviceTypeID">
  1574. <summary>
  1575. Device Type ID
  1576. </summary>
  1577. </member>
  1578. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID.transmissionTypeID">
  1579. <summary>
  1580. Transmission Type ID
  1581. </summary>
  1582. </member>
  1583. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelID.#ctor(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1584. <summary>
  1585. Initializes a new Channel ID Object
  1586. </summary>
  1587. <param name="deviceNumber">Device Number</param>
  1588. <param name="deviceType">Device Type ID</param>
  1589. <param name="transmissionType">Transmission Type ID</param>
  1590. </member>
  1591. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device">
  1592. <summary>
  1593. Control class for a given ANT device. An instance of this class is an open connection to the given ANT USB device.
  1594. Handles creating channels and device setup.
  1595. </summary>
  1596. </member>
  1597. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.#ctor(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1598. <overloads>
  1599. Opens a connection to an ANT device attached by USB.
  1600. Throws exception if a connection can not be established.
  1601. </overloads>
  1602. <summary>
  1603. Attempts to open a connection to an ANT device attached by USB using the given deviceNum and baud rate
  1604. Throws exception if a connection can not be established.
  1605. </summary>
  1606. <param name="USBDeviceNum">The device number of the ANT USB device (the first connected device starts at 0 and so on)</param>
  1607. <param name="baudRate">The baud rate to connect at (AP2/AT3=57600, AP1=50000)</param>
  1608. </member>
  1609. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.#ctor(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.PortType,System.Byte,System.UInt32,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.FramerType)">
  1610. <overloads>
  1611. Opens a connection to an ANT device attached by USB.
  1612. Throws exception if a connection can not be established.
  1613. </overloads>
  1614. <summary>
  1615. Attempts to open a connection to an ANT device attached by USB using the given deviceNum and baud rate
  1616. Throws exception if a connection can not be established.
  1617. </summary>
  1618. <param name="portType">The type of connection to use when talking to the device</param>
  1619. <param name="USBDeviceNum">If port type is USB, device number of the ANT USB device.
  1620. If port type is COM this is the COM port number</param>
  1621. <param name="baudRate">The baud rate to connect at (USB: AP2/AT3=57600, AP1=50000)</param>
  1622. <param name="frameType">The framing method to use for the connection to the chip.
  1623. Needed for multimode chips and currently only supported on COM connections.</param>
  1624. </member>
  1625. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.#ctor">
  1626. <summary>
  1627. Automatically connects to first availiable ANTDevice.
  1628. Throws exception if a connection can not be established.
  1629. Will not auto find COM-connected devices.
  1630. </summary>
  1631. </member>
  1632. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.Finalize">
  1633. <summary>
  1634. Destructor closes all opened resources
  1635. </summary>
  1636. </member>
  1637. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.Dispose">
  1638. <summary>
  1639. Dispose method for explicit resource cleanup. Same as shutdownDeviceInstance() but doesn't nullify reference.
  1640. </summary>
  1641. </member>
  1642. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device@)">
  1643. <summary>
  1644. Shuts down all open resources, calls reset on the physical device, and nullifies the given ANTDevice and all its channels
  1645. </summary>
  1646. <param name="deviceToShutdown">ANTDevice to shutdown</param>
  1647. </member>
  1648. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ToString">
  1649. <summary>
  1650. Convert instance to a string including the USB device number the connection is on
  1651. </summary>
  1652. </member>
  1653. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getFramerPtr">
  1654. <summary>
  1655. Returns the pointer to the underlying C++ ANT Framer used for messaging
  1656. </summary>
  1657. <returns>Pointer to C++ ANT Framer</returns>
  1658. </member>
  1659. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum">
  1660. <summary>
  1661. Returns the device number used when this instance was opened
  1662. Note: For some device types this number is not static and can change whenever new devices are enumerated in the system
  1663. </summary>
  1664. </member>
  1665. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getOpenedUSBBaudRate">
  1666. <summary>
  1667. Returns the baud rate used when this instance was opened
  1668. </summary>
  1669. </member>
  1670. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getOpenedFrameType">
  1671. <summary>
  1672. Returns the Frame Type used to open the device
  1673. </summary>
  1674. </member>
  1675. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getOpenedPortType">
  1676. <summary>
  1677. Returns the Port Type used to open the device
  1678. </summary>
  1679. </member>
  1680. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getChannel(System.Int32)">
  1681. <summary>
  1682. Returns the requested ANTChannel or throws an exception if channel doesn't exist.
  1683. </summary>
  1684. <param name="num">Channel number requested</param>
  1685. </member>
  1686. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getNumChannels">
  1687. <summary>
  1688. Returns the number of ANTChannels owned by this device
  1689. </summary>
  1690. <returns>Number of ant channels on device</returns>
  1691. </member>
  1692. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.cancelTransfers(System.Int32)">
  1693. <summary>
  1694. Sets the cancel flag on all acknowledged and burst transfers in progress for the given amount of time.
  1695. When these transmissions see the flag they will abort their operation and return as cancelled.
  1696. </summary>
  1697. <param name="cancelWaitTime">Time to set cancel flag for</param>
  1698. </member>
  1699. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceCapabilities(System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  1700. <overloads>Returns the device capabilities</overloads>
  1701. <summary>
  1702. Returns the capabilities of this device.
  1703. Throws an exception if capabilities are not received.
  1704. </summary>
  1705. <param name="forceNewCopy">Force function to send request message to device</param>
  1706. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1707. <returns>Last device capabilities received or a new copy if forceNewCopy is true</returns>
  1708. </member>
  1709. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceCapabilities">
  1710. <summary>
  1711. Returns the device capabilities of this device.
  1712. Throws an exception if capabilities are not received.
  1713. </summary>
  1714. </member>
  1715. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceCapabilities(System.UInt32)">
  1716. <summary>
  1717. Returns the device capabilities of this device.
  1718. Throws an exception if capabilities are not received.
  1719. </summary>
  1720. </member>
  1721. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ResetUSB">
  1722. <overloads>Resets the USB device</overloads>
  1723. <summary>
  1724. Resets this USB device at the driver level
  1725. </summary>
  1726. </member>
  1727. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ResetSystem(System.UInt32)">
  1728. <overloads>Resets the device and all its channels</overloads>
  1729. <summary>
  1730. Reset this device and all associated channels
  1731. </summary>
  1732. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1733. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1734. </member>
  1735. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ResetSystem">
  1736. <summary>
  1737. Reset this device and all associated channels
  1738. </summary>
  1739. </member>
  1740. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setNetworkKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1741. <overloads>Sets a network key</overloads>
  1742. <summary>
  1743. Set the network key for the given network
  1744. Throws exception if net number is invalid or network key is not 8-bytes in length
  1745. </summary>
  1746. <param name="netNumber">The network number to set the key for</param>
  1747. <param name="networkKey">The 8-byte network key</param>
  1748. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1749. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1750. </member>
  1751. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setNetworkKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1752. <summary>
  1753. Set the network key for the given network
  1754. Throws exception if net number is invalid or network key is not 8-bytes in length
  1755. </summary>
  1756. <param name="netNumber">The network number to set the key for</param>
  1757. <param name="networkKey">The 8-byte network key</param>
  1758. </member>
  1759. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setTransmitPowerForAllChannels(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower,System.UInt32)">
  1760. <overloads>Sets the transmit power for all channels</overloads>
  1761. <summary>
  1762. Set the transmit power for all channels of this device
  1763. </summary>
  1764. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to set to</param>
  1765. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1766. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1767. </member>
  1768. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setTransmitPowerForAllChannels(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower)">
  1769. <summary>
  1770. Set the transmit power for all channels of this device
  1771. </summary>
  1772. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to set to</param>
  1773. </member>
  1774. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureAdvancedBurstSplitting(System.Boolean)">
  1775. <summary>
  1776. When enabled advanced burst messages will be split into standard burst packets when received.
  1777. This is disabled by default.
  1778. </summary>
  1779. <param name="splitBursts">Whether to split advanced burst messages.</param>
  1780. <returns>True on success.</returns>
  1781. </member>
  1782. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureAdvancedBursting(System.Boolean,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,System.UInt32)">
  1783. <summary>
  1784. Configure advanced bursting for this device.
  1785. </summary>
  1786. <param name="enable">Whether to enable advanced bursting messages</param>
  1787. <param name="maxPacketLength">Maximum packet length allowed for bursting messages (valid values are 1-3)</param>
  1788. <param name="requiredFields">Features that the application requires the device to use</param>
  1789. <param name="optionalFields">Features that the device should use if it supports them</param>
  1790. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1791. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1792. </member>
  1793. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureAdvancedBursting(System.Boolean,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags)">
  1794. <summary>
  1795. Configure advanced bursting for this device.
  1796. </summary>
  1797. <param name="enable">Whether to enable advanced bursting messages</param>
  1798. <param name="maxPacketLength">Maximum packet length allowed for bursting messages (valid values are 1-3)</param>
  1799. <param name="requiredFields">Features that the application requires the device to use</param>
  1800. <param name="optionalFields">Features that the device should use if it supports them</param>
  1801. </member>
  1802. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureAdvancedBursting_ext(System.Boolean,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1803. <summary>
  1804. Configure advanced bursting for this device including extended parameters.
  1805. </summary>
  1806. <param name="enable">Whether to enable advanced bursting messages</param>
  1807. <param name="maxPacketLength">Maximum packet length allowed for bursting messages (valid values are 1-3)</param>
  1808. <param name="requiredFields">Features that the application requires the device to use</param>
  1809. <param name="optionalFields">Features that the device should use if it supports them</param>
  1810. <param name="stallCount">Maximum number of burst periods (~3.1ms) to stall for while waiting for the next message</param>
  1811. <param name="retryCount">Number of times (multiplied by 5) to retry burst</param>
  1812. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1813. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1814. </member>
  1815. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureAdvancedBursting_ext(System.Boolean,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags,System.UInt16,System.Byte)">
  1816. <summary>
  1817. Configure advanced bursting for this device including extended parameters.
  1818. </summary>
  1819. <param name="enable">Whether to enable advanced bursting messages</param>
  1820. <param name="maxPacketLength">Maximum packet length allowed for bursting messages (valid values are 1-3)</param>
  1821. <param name="requiredFields">Features that the application requires the device to use</param>
  1822. <param name="optionalFields">Features that the device should use if it supports them</param>
  1823. <param name="stallCount">Maximum number of burst periods (~3.1ms) to stall for while waiting for the next message</param>
  1824. <param name="retryCount">Number of times (multiplied by 5) to retry burst</param>
  1825. </member>
  1826. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1827. <summary>
  1828. Set the encryption key in volatile memory.
  1829. </summary>
  1830. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">The key index in volatile memory to load the memory key into</param>
  1831. <param name="encryptionKey">The 128-bit encryption key</param>
  1832. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1833. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1834. </member>
  1835. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1836. <summary>
  1837. Set the encryption key in volatile memory.
  1838. </summary>
  1839. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">The key index in volatile memory to load the memory key into</param>
  1840. <param name="encryptionKey">The 128-bit encryption key</param>
  1841. </member>
  1842. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoID(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1843. <summary>
  1844. Set the 4-byte encryption ID of the device.
  1845. </summary>
  1846. <param name="encryptionID">4-byte encryption ID</param>
  1847. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1848. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1849. </member>
  1850. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoID(System.Byte[])">
  1851. <summary>
  1852. Set the 4-byte encryption ID of the device.
  1853. </summary>
  1854. <param name="encryptionID">4-byte encryption ID</param>
  1855. </member>
  1856. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoUserInfo(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1857. <summary>
  1858. Set the 19-byte user information string of the device.
  1859. </summary>
  1860. <param name="userInfoString">19-byte user information string</param>
  1861. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1862. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1863. </member>
  1864. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoUserInfo(System.Byte[])">
  1865. <summary>
  1866. Set the 19-byte user information string of the device.
  1867. </summary>
  1868. <param name="userInfoString">19-byte user information string</param>
  1869. </member>
  1870. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoRNGSeed(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1871. <summary>
  1872. Set the 16-byte random number seed for the device. To ensure cryptographic security,
  1873. some devices require the random number seed to be inputed from a cryptographically secure RNG.
  1874. </summary>
  1875. <param name="cryptoRNGSeed">Cryptographically secure 16-byte RGN</param>
  1876. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1877. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1878. </member>
  1879. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoRNGSeed(System.Byte[])">
  1880. <summary>
  1881. Set the 16-byte random number seed for the device. To ensure cryptographic security,
  1882. some devices require the random number seed to be inputed from a cryptographically secure RNG.
  1883. </summary>
  1884. <param name="cryptoRNGSeed">Cryptographically secure 16-byte RGN</param>
  1885. </member>
  1886. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoInfo(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptionInfo,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1887. <summary>
  1888. Set encryption information parameters.
  1889. </summary>
  1890. <param name="encryptionParameter">0 - Encryption ID, 1 - User Information String, 2 - Random Number Seed</param>
  1891. <param name="parameterData">4-byte Encryption ID or 19-byte User Information String or 16-byte Random Number Seed</param>
  1892. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1893. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1894. </member>
  1895. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setCryptoInfo(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptionInfo,System.Byte[])">
  1896. <summary>
  1897. Set encryption information parameters.
  1898. </summary>
  1899. <param name="encryptionParameter">0 - Encryption ID, 1 - User Information String, 2 - Random Number Seed</param>
  1900. <param name="parameterData">4-byte Encryption ID or 19-byte User Information String or 16-byte Random Number Seed</param>
  1901. </member>
  1902. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.loadCryptoKeyFromNVM(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  1903. <summary>
  1904. Load a saved encryption key from NVM into the volatile memory.
  1905. </summary>
  1906. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">Index of NVM stored encryption key to load from (0..3)</param>
  1907. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">Index of volatile stored encryption key to copy to</param>
  1908. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1909. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1910. </member>
  1911. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.loadCryptoKeyFromNVM(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  1912. <summary>
  1913. Load a saved encryption key from NVM into the volatile memory.
  1914. </summary>
  1915. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">Index of NVM stored encryption key to load from (0..3)</param>
  1916. <param name="volatileKeyIndex">Index of volatile stored encryption key to copy to</param>
  1917. </member>
  1918. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.storeCryptoKeyToNVM(System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1919. <summary>
  1920. Save an encryption key to NVM.
  1921. </summary>
  1922. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">Index of NVM stored encryption key to store to (0..3)</param>
  1923. <param name="encryptionKey">16-byte encryption key</param>
  1924. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1925. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1926. </member>
  1927. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.storeCryptoKeyToNVM(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1928. <summary>
  1929. Save an encryption key to NVM.
  1930. </summary>
  1931. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">Index of NVM stored encryption key to store to (0..3)</param>
  1932. <param name="encryptionKey">16-byte encryption key</param>
  1933. </member>
  1934. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.cryptoKeyNVMOp(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptionNVMOp,System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  1935. <summary>
  1936. Load/Store Encryption Key from/in NVM
  1937. </summary>
  1938. <param name="memoryOperation">0 - Load encryption key from NVM or 1 - Store encryption key in NVM</param>
  1939. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">The index of the Encryption Key in NVM to be loaded or stored to
  1940. depending on the selected operation (0..3)</param>
  1941. <param name="operationData">When Operation is set to 0x00: The index of the volatile key location that should be loaded with the NVM stored encryption key.
  1942. When Operation is set to 0x01: The 128-bit Encryption Key to be stored to NVM</param>
  1943. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1944. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1945. </member>
  1946. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.cryptoKeyNVMOp(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EncryptionNVMOp,System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  1947. <summary>
  1948. Load/Store Encryption Key from/in NVM
  1949. </summary>
  1950. <param name="memoryOperation">0 - Load encryption key from NVM or 1 - Store encryption key in NVM</param>
  1951. <param name="nonVolatileKeyIndex">The index of the Encryption Key in NVM to be loaded or stored to
  1952. depending on the selected operation (0..3)</param>
  1953. <param name="operationData">When Operation is set to 0x00: The index of the volatile key location that should be loaded with the NVM stored encryption key.
  1954. When Operation is set to 0x01: The 128-bit Encryption Key to be stored to NVM</param>
  1955. </member>
  1956. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.EnableLED(System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  1957. <overloads>Enables/Disables the device's LED</overloads>
  1958. <summary>
  1959. Enables/Disables the LED flashing when a transmission event occurs
  1960. </summary>
  1961. <param name="IsEnabled">Desired state</param>
  1962. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1963. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1964. </member>
  1965. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.EnableLED(System.Boolean)">
  1966. <summary>
  1967. Enables/Disables the LED flashing when a transmission event occurs
  1968. </summary>
  1969. <param name="IsEnabled">Desired state</param>
  1970. </member>
  1971. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureEventBuffer(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EventBufferConfig,System.UInt16,System.UInt16,System.UInt32)">
  1972. <overloads>Configures Event Buffering</overloads>
  1973. <summary>
  1974. Allows buffering of ANT events. Preset groups of events may be selected for buffering.
  1975. Events may be buffered by size or time and buffering can be used in conjunction with filtering.
  1976. </summary>
  1977. <param name="config">Selects which events are buffered</param>
  1978. <param name="size">Number of bytes that will be stored before a buffer flush occurs. Set to 0 to disable.</param>
  1979. <param name="time">Maximum time (in 10ms units) before a buffer flush occurs. Set to 0 to disable.
  1980. Buffer size must also be set to a non zero value.</param>
  1981. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  1982. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  1983. </member>
  1984. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureEventBuffer(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EventBufferConfig,System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  1985. <summary>
  1986. Allows buffering of ANT events. Preset groups of events may be selected for buffering.
  1987. Events may be buffered by size or time and buffering can be used in conjunction with filtering.
  1988. </summary>
  1989. <param name="config">Selects which events are buffered</param>
  1990. <param name="size">Number of bytes that will be stored before a buffer flush occurs. Set to 0 to disable.</param>
  1991. <param name="time">Maximum time (in 10ms units) before a buffer flush occurs. Set to 0 to disable.
  1992. Buffer size must also be set to a non zero value.</param>
  1993. </member>
  1994. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureEventFilter(System.UInt16,System.UInt32)">
  1995. <overloads>Configures Event Filtering</overloads>
  1996. <summary>
  1997. Allows filtering of specified ANT events. Filtering can be used in conjunction with buffering.
  1998. </summary>
  1999. <param name="eventFilter">Bitfield of events to filter. Set Bit0 to filter event 0 etc.</param>
  2000. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2001. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2002. </member>
  2003. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureEventFilter(System.UInt16)">
  2004. <summary>
  2005. Allows filtering of specified ANT events. Filtering can be used in conjunction with buffering.
  2006. </summary>
  2007. <param name="eventFilter">Bitfield of events to filter. Set Bit0 to filter event 0 etc.</param>
  2008. </member>
  2009. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureHighDutySearch(System.Boolean,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2010. <overloads>Configures High Duty Search</overloads>
  2011. <summary>
  2012. Allows configuring High Duty Search if no channels have been opened yet
  2013. </summary>
  2014. <param name="enable">Enable or disable High Duty Search</param>
  2015. <param name="suppressionCycles">Search period to suppress high duty search in units of 250ms. 0=Allow full time, 5=Suppress entirely</param>
  2016. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2017. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2018. </member>
  2019. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureHighDutySearch(System.Boolean,System.Byte)">
  2020. <summary>
  2021. Allows configuring High Duty Search if no channels have been opened yet
  2022. </summary>
  2023. <param name="enable">Enable or disable High Duty Search</param>
  2024. <param name="suppressionCycles">Search period to suppress high duty search in units of 250ms. 0=Allow full time, 5=Suppress entirely</param>
  2025. </member>
  2026. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setSduMask(System.Byte,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  2027. <overloads>Allows defining a new Selective Data Update Mask</overloads>
  2028. <summary>
  2029. Allows defining a new Selective Data Update Mask
  2030. </summary>
  2031. <param name="maskNumber">Identifier for the SDU Mask</param>
  2032. <param name="mask">Rx Data Message Mask, 0=Ignore, 1=Update on Change</param>
  2033. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2034. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2035. </member>
  2036. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setSduMask(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  2037. <summary>
  2038. Allows defining a new Selective Data Update Mask
  2039. </summary>
  2040. <param name="maskNumber">Identifier for the SDU Mask</param>
  2041. <param name="mask">Rx Data Message Mask, 0=Ignore, 1=Update on Change</param>
  2042. </member>
  2043. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureUserNvm(System.UInt16,System.Byte[],System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2044. <overloads>Configures User NVM</overloads>
  2045. <summary>
  2046. Allows configuring User NVM if available.
  2047. </summary>
  2048. <param name="address"> Nvm starting address</param>
  2049. <param name="data">Data block to write</param>
  2050. <param name="size">Size of data block</param>
  2051. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2052. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2053. </member>
  2054. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.configureUserNvm(System.UInt16,System.Byte[],System.Byte)">
  2055. <summary>
  2056. Allows configuring User Nvm if available.
  2057. </summary>
  2058. <param name="address"> Nvm starting address</param>
  2059. <param name="data">Data block to write</param>
  2060. <param name="size">Size of data block</param>
  2061. </member>
  2062. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.readUserNvm(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2063. <overloads>Requests a message from the device and returns the response</overloads>
  2064. <summary>
  2065. Read User Nvm by sending Request Mesg capturing the response.
  2066. Throws exception on timeout.
  2067. </summary>
  2068. <param name="address">NVM Address to read from</param>
  2069. <param name="size">Number of bytes to read</param>
  2070. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2071. </member>
  2072. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.readUserNvm(System.UInt16,System.Byte)">
  2073. <summary>
  2074. Read User Nvm by sending Request Mesg capturing the response.
  2075. Throws exception on timeout.
  2076. </summary>
  2077. <param name="address">NVM Address to read from</param>
  2078. <param name="size">Number of bytes to read</param>
  2079. </member>
  2080. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceUSBPID">
  2081. <summary>
  2082. Obtains the PID (Product ID) of the USB device.
  2083. Throws an exception if the PID is not received.
  2084. </summary>
  2085. <returns>PID of the USB device.</returns>
  2086. </member>
  2087. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceUSBVID">
  2088. <summary>
  2089. Obtains the VID (Vendor ID) of the USB device
  2090. </summary>
  2091. <returns>VID of the USB device</returns>
  2092. </member>
  2093. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getSerialNumber">
  2094. <summary>
  2095. Returns the USB device serial number.
  2096. This can be used to figure out the serial number if the option to use the USB device
  2097. serial number was selected.
  2098. </summary>
  2099. <returns>Client serial number</returns>
  2100. </member>
  2101. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceUSBInfo(System.Byte)">
  2102. <overloads>Obtains the device USB Information</overloads>
  2103. <summary>
  2104. Obtains the USB information for the device
  2105. Throws an exception if no information is received
  2106. </summary>
  2107. <param name="deviceNum">USB Device Number</param>
  2108. <returns>USB Device Information</returns>
  2109. </member>
  2110. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.getDeviceUSBInfo">
  2111. <summary>
  2112. Obtains the USB information for the device
  2113. Throws an exception if no information is received
  2114. </summary>
  2115. <returns>USB Device Information</returns>
  2116. </member>
  2117. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.requestMessageAndResponse(System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.RequestMessageID,System.UInt32)">
  2118. <overloads>Requests a message from the device and returns the response</overloads>
  2119. <summary>
  2120. Request a message from device and returns the response.
  2121. Throws exception on timeout.
  2122. </summary>
  2123. <param name="channelNum">Channel to send request on</param>
  2124. <param name="messageID">Request to send</param>
  2125. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2126. </member>
  2127. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.requestMessageAndResponse(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.RequestMessageID,System.UInt32)">
  2128. <summary>
  2129. Request a message from device on channel 0 and returns the response.
  2130. Throws exception on timeout.
  2131. </summary>
  2132. <param name="messageID">Request to send</param>
  2133. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2134. </member>
  2135. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.requestMessage(System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.RequestMessageID)">
  2136. <overloads>Requests a message from the device</overloads>
  2137. <summary>
  2138. Request a message from device
  2139. </summary>
  2140. <param name="channelNum">Channel to send request on</param>
  2141. <param name="messageID">Request to send</param>
  2142. </member>
  2143. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.requestMessage(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.RequestMessageID)">
  2144. <summary>
  2145. Request a message from device
  2146. </summary>
  2147. <param name="messageID">Request to send</param>
  2148. </member>
  2149. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.openRxScanMode(System.UInt32)">
  2150. <overloads>Set device in continuous scanning mode</overloads>
  2151. <summary>
  2152. Starts operation in continuous scanning mode.
  2153. This allows the device to receive all messages matching the configured channel ID mask in an asynchronous manner.
  2154. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
  2155. </summary>
  2156. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2157. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2158. </member>
  2159. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.openRxScanMode">
  2160. <summary>
  2161. Starts operation in continuous scanning mode.
  2162. This allows the device to receive all messages matching the configured channel ID mask in an asynchronous manner.
  2163. </summary>
  2164. </member>
  2165. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.startCWTest(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2166. <overloads>Initializes and starts CW test mode</overloads>
  2167. <summary>
  2168. Initialize and start CW test mode. This mode is to test your implementation for RF frequency requirements.
  2169. The device will transmit an unmodulated carrier wave at the RF frequency of 2400Mhz + RFFreqOffset at the specified power level.
  2170. This mode can then only be exited by a system reset.
  2171. Note: When this function call returns false, the system will be reset automatically.
  2172. </summary>
  2173. <param name="transmitPower">Transmission power to test at</param>
  2174. <param name="RFFreqOffset">Offset to add to 2400Mhz</param>
  2175. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for response, used for both initialization and start command</param>
  2176. <returns>False if initialization or starting of CW test mode fails. On false, the system is automatically reset.</returns>
  2177. <remarks>
  2178. This function encapsulates both ANT_InitCWTestMode and ANT_SetCWTestMode from the old library.
  2179. It will automatically reset the system if either call fails.
  2180. The given response time is used for both calls and the reset time is 500ms.
  2181. So max wait time = responseTime*2 + 500ms
  2182. </remarks>
  2183. </member>
  2184. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.enableRxExtendedMessages(System.Boolean,System.UInt32)">
  2185. <overloads>Enables extended message reception</overloads>
  2186. <summary>
  2187. Enables extended message receiving. When enabled, messages received will contain extended data.
  2188. </summary>
  2189. <param name="IsEnabled">Desired State</param>
  2190. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2191. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2192. </member>
  2193. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.enableRxExtendedMessages(System.Boolean)">
  2194. <summary>
  2195. Enables extended message receiving. When enabled, messages received will contain extended data.
  2196. </summary>
  2197. <param name="IsEnabled">Desired State</param>
  2198. </member>
  2199. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.crystalEnable(System.UInt32)">
  2200. <overloads>Enables the use of external 32kHz crystal</overloads>
  2201. <summary>
  2202. If the use of an external 32kHz crystal input is desired, this message must be sent once, each time a startup message is received
  2203. </summary>
  2204. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2205. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2206. <remarks> Enabling an external 32kHz crystal input as a low power clock source saves ~85uA while ANT is active when compared to using the internal clock source. </remarks>
  2207. </member>
  2208. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.crystalEnable">
  2209. <summary>
  2210. If the use of an external 32kHz crystal input is desired, this message must be sent once, each time a startup message is received
  2211. </summary>
  2212. <remarks> Enabling an external 32kHz crystal input as a low power clock source saves ~85uA while ANT is active when compared to using the internal clock source. </remarks>
  2213. </member>
  2214. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.writeRawMessageToDevice(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  2215. <summary>
  2216. Writes a message to the device, this function allows sending manually formatted messages.
  2217. </summary>
  2218. <param name="msgID">msgID to write</param>
  2219. <param name="msgData">data buffer to write</param>
  2220. <returns>False if writing bytes to device fails</returns>
  2221. </member>
  2222. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setLibConfig(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.LibConfigFlags,System.UInt32)">
  2223. <overloads>Configure the device ANT library, ie: to send extra msg info</overloads>
  2224. <summary>
  2225. Configure the device ANT library, ie: to send extra msg info
  2226. </summary>
  2227. <param name="libConfigFlags">Config flags</param>
  2228. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for response</param>
  2229. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2230. </member>
  2231. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.setLibConfig(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.LibConfigFlags)">
  2232. <summary>
  2233. Configure the device ANT library, ie: to send extra msg info
  2234. </summary>
  2235. <param name="libConfigFlags">Config flags</param>
  2236. </member>
  2237. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_Write(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  2238. <overloads>Writes a SensRCore command to non-volatile memory</overloads>
  2239. <summary>
  2240. Writes a SensRcore command to non-volatile memory.
  2241. Throws exception if command string length > 255, although commands will be much smaller
  2242. </summary>
  2243. <param name="commandString">SensRcore command to write: [Cmd][CmdData0]...[CmdDataN], must be less than 256 bytes</param>
  2244. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2245. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2246. </member>
  2247. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_Write(System.Byte[])">
  2248. <summary>
  2249. Writes a SensRcore command to non-volatile memory.
  2250. Throws exception if command string length > 255.
  2251. </summary>
  2252. <param name="commandString">SensRcore command to write: [Cmd][CmdData0]...[CmdDataN], must be less than 256 bytes</param>
  2253. </member>
  2254. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_Clear(System.UInt32)">
  2255. <overloads>Clears the NVM</overloads>
  2256. <summary>
  2257. Clears the non-volatile memory. NVM should be cleared before beginning write operations.
  2258. </summary>
  2259. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2260. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2261. </member>
  2262. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_Clear">
  2263. <summary>
  2264. Clears the non-volatile memory. NVM should be cleared before beginning write operations.
  2265. </summary>
  2266. </member>
  2267. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_setDefaultSector(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2268. <overloads>Sets the default SensRCore sector</overloads>
  2269. <summary>
  2270. Set the default sector which will be executed after mandatory execution of sector 0.
  2271. This command has no effect if it is set to 0 or the Read Pins for Sector command appears in sector 0.
  2272. </summary>
  2273. <param name="sectorNum">sector number to set as default</param>
  2274. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2275. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2276. </member>
  2277. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_setDefaultSector(System.Byte)">
  2278. <summary>
  2279. Set the default sector which will be executed after mandatory execution of sector 0.
  2280. This command has no effect if it is set to 0 or the Read Pins for Sector command appears in sector 0.
  2281. </summary>
  2282. <param name="sectorNum">sector number to set as default</param>
  2283. </member>
  2284. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_endSector(System.UInt32)">
  2285. <overloads>Writes a sector break to NVM</overloads>
  2286. <summary>
  2287. Writes a sector break in the NVM image
  2288. </summary>
  2289. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2290. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2291. </member>
  2292. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_endSector">
  2293. <summary>
  2294. Writes a sector break in the NVM image
  2295. </summary>
  2296. </member>
  2297. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_requestNVMDump(System.UInt32)">
  2298. <overloads>Request a dump of the device's script memory</overloads>
  2299. <summary>
  2300. Requests the device to return the current NVM contents through the device callback function.
  2301. The end of the dump is signified by a 0x57 NVM_Cmd msg, which contains 0x04 EndDump code followed by
  2302. a byte signifying how many instructions were read and returned.
  2303. </summary>
  2304. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2305. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2306. </member>
  2307. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_requestNVMDump">
  2308. <summary>
  2309. Requests the device to return the current NVM contents through the device callback function.
  2310. The end of the dump is signified by a 0x57 NVM_Cmd msg, which contains 0x04 EndDump code followed by
  2311. a byte signifying how many instructions were read and returned.
  2312. </summary>
  2313. </member>
  2314. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_lockNVM(System.UInt32)">
  2315. <overloads>Locks the NVM contents</overloads>
  2316. <summary>
  2317. Locks the NVM so that it can not be read by the dump function.
  2318. Can only be disabled by clearing the NVM.
  2319. </summary>
  2320. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2321. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2322. </member>
  2323. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.script_lockNVM">
  2324. <summary>
  2325. Locks the NVM so that it can not be read by the dump function.
  2326. Can only be disabled by clearing the NVM.
  2327. </summary>
  2328. </member>
  2329. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.fitSetFEState(System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2330. <overloads>Sets the equipment state</overloads>
  2331. <summary>
  2332. Sets the equipment state.
  2333. This command is specifically for use with the FIT1e module.
  2334. </summary>
  2335. <param name="feState">Fitness equipment state</param>
  2336. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2337. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2338. </member>
  2339. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.fitSetFEState(System.Byte)">
  2340. <summary>
  2341. Sets the equipment state.
  2342. This command is specifically for use with the FIT1e module.
  2343. </summary>
  2344. <param name="feState">Fitness equipment state</param>
  2345. </member>
  2346. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.fitAdjustPairingSettings(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32)">
  2347. <summary>
  2348. Adjusts the pairing distance settings.
  2349. This command is specifically for use with the FIT1e module.
  2350. </summary>
  2351. <param name="searchLv">Minimum signal strength for a signal to be considered for pairing.</param>
  2352. <param name="pairLv">Signal strength required for the FIT1e to pair with an ANT+ HR strap or watch</param>
  2353. <param name="trackLv">An ANT+ device will unpair if the signal strength drops below this setting while in
  2354. READY state or within the first 30 secons of the IN_USE state</param>
  2355. <param name="responseWaitTime">Time to wait for device success response</param>
  2356. <returns>True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0</returns>
  2357. </member>
  2358. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.fitAdjustPairingSettings(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  2359. <summary>
  2360. Adjusts the pairing distance settings.
  2361. This command is specifically for use with the FIT1e module.
  2362. </summary>
  2363. <param name="searchLv">Minimum signal strength for a signal to be considered for pairing.</param>
  2364. <param name="pairLv">Signal strength required for the FIT1e to pair with an ANT+ HR strap or watch</param>
  2365. <param name="trackLv">An ANT+ device will unpair if the signal strength drops below this setting while in
  2366. READY state or within the first 30 secons of the IN_USE state</param>
  2367. </member>
  2368. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.deviceResponse">
  2369. <summary>
  2370. The channel callback event. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.
  2371. Examples include requested responses and setup status messages.
  2372. </summary>
  2373. </member>
  2374. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialError">
  2375. <summary>
  2376. This event is triggered when there is a serial communication error with the ANT Device.
  2377. If the error is critical all communication with the device is dead and the
  2378. device reference is sent in this function to allow the application
  2379. to know which device is dead and to dispose of it.
  2380. </summary>
  2381. </member>
  2382. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ANTMessage">
  2383. <summary>
  2384. ANTMessage struct as defined in unmanaged code for marshalling ant messages with unmanaged code
  2385. </summary>
  2386. </member>
  2387. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ANTMessage.msgID">
  2388. <summary>
  2389. Message ID byte
  2390. </summary>
  2391. </member>
  2392. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.ANTMessage.ucharBuf">
  2393. <summary>
  2394. Data buffer
  2395. </summary>
  2396. </member>
  2397. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.DeviceNotificationCode">
  2398. <summary>
  2399. Codes for the device notification event
  2400. </summary>
  2401. </member>
  2402. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.DeviceNotificationCode.Reset">
  2403. <summary>
  2404. The device is being reset
  2405. </summary>
  2406. </member>
  2407. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.DeviceNotificationCode.Shutdown">
  2408. <summary>
  2409. The device is being shutdown
  2410. </summary>
  2411. </member>
  2412. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler">
  2413. <summary>
  2414. Delegate for device response event
  2415. </summary>
  2416. <param name="response">Message details received from device</param>
  2417. </member>
  2418. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler">
  2419. <summary>
  2420. Function to handle ANT_Device serial errors
  2421. </summary>
  2422. <param name="sender">The ANT_Device reporting the error</param>
  2423. <param name="error">The serial error that occured</param>
  2424. <param name="isCritical">If true, the communication with the device is lost and this device object should be disposed</param>
  2425. </member>
  2426. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode">
  2427. <summary>
  2428. ANT Device Serial Error Codes
  2429. </summary>
  2430. </member>
  2431. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.SerialWriteError">
  2432. <summary>
  2433. A write command to the device failed, could be a usb communication issue or due to invalid paramters passed to the write function.
  2434. If it is a device communication failure, a serial read error will most likely occur shortly.
  2435. </summary>
  2436. </member>
  2437. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.SerialReadError">
  2438. <summary>
  2439. A failure occured reading data from the device.
  2440. </summary>
  2441. </member>
  2442. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.DeviceConnectionLost">
  2443. <summary>
  2444. Communication with the device has been lost.
  2445. </summary>
  2446. </member>
  2447. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.MessageLost_CrcError">
  2448. <summary>
  2449. A message received by the device failed the crc check and was discarded.
  2450. </summary>
  2451. </member>
  2452. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.MessageLost_QueueOverflow">
  2453. <summary>
  2454. The message queue for received messages has overflowed and one or more messages were lost.
  2455. </summary>
  2456. </member>
  2457. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.MessageLost_TooLarge">
  2458. <summary>
  2459. A message received was over the maximum message size, and the message was discarded.
  2460. This is usually due to a communication error or an error in the library or library compilation settings.
  2461. </summary>
  2462. </member>
  2463. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.MessageLost_InvalidChannel">
  2464. <summary>
  2465. A channel event was received for a channel which does not exist and the message was dropped (but will still appear in the logs)
  2466. </summary>
  2467. </member>
  2468. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode.Unknown">
  2469. <summary>
  2470. Unspecified error, most likely a new or changed error definition
  2471. </summary>
  2472. </member>
  2473. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities">
  2474. <summary>
  2475. Container for all the device capability information, returned from an ANTDevice
  2476. </summary>
  2477. </member>
  2478. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.maxANTChannels">
  2479. <summary>
  2480. Number of channels available
  2481. </summary>
  2482. </member>
  2483. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.maxNetworks">
  2484. <summary>
  2485. Number of simultaneous networks allowed
  2486. </summary>
  2487. </member>
  2488. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.maxDataChannels">
  2489. <summary>
  2490. Number of SensRcore data channels available
  2491. </summary>
  2492. </member>
  2493. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.printCapabilities">
  2494. <summary>
  2495. Prints a string containing a formatted, readable version of all the capabilities
  2496. </summary>
  2497. </member>
  2498. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.printStandardCapabilities">
  2499. <summary>
  2500. Prints a compact string containing a formatted, readable version of just the standard capabilities
  2501. </summary>
  2502. </member>
  2503. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.printAdvCapabilities">
  2504. <summary>
  2505. Prints a string containing a formatted, readable version of all the advanced capabilities
  2506. </summary>
  2507. </member>
  2508. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.ToString">
  2509. <summary>
  2510. Returns a formatted, readable string of all the capabilities
  2511. </summary>
  2512. </member>
  2513. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.BasicCapabilitiesMasks">
  2514. <summary>
  2515. Basic Capabilities Masks (3rd Byte)
  2516. </summary>
  2517. </member>
  2518. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.AdvancedCapabilitiesMasks">
  2519. <summary>
  2520. Advanced Capabilities Masks 1 (4th Byte)
  2521. </summary>
  2522. </member>
  2523. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.AdvancedCapabilities2Masks">
  2524. <summary>
  2525. Advanced Capabilities Masks 2 (5th Byte)
  2526. </summary>
  2527. </member>
  2528. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceCapabilities.AdvancedCapabilities3Masks">
  2529. <summary>
  2530. Advanced Capabilities Masks 3 (7th Byte)
  2531. </summary>
  2532. </member>
  2533. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceInfo">
  2534. <summary>
  2535. Container for all the USB Device information, returned from an ANTDevice
  2536. </summary>
  2537. </member>
  2538. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceInfo.productDescription">
  2539. <summary>
  2540. USB Device Product Description
  2541. </summary>
  2542. </member>
  2543. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceInfo.serialString">
  2544. <summary>
  2545. USB Device Serial String
  2546. </summary>
  2547. </member>
  2548. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceInfo.printProductDescription">
  2549. <summary>
  2550. Returns a formatted, readable string for the product description
  2551. </summary>
  2552. </member>
  2553. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_DeviceInfo.printSerialString">
  2554. <summary>
  2555. Returns a formatted, readable string for the serial string
  2556. </summary>
  2557. </member>
  2558. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common">
  2559. <summary>
  2560. This is a static class that manages all the functions and variables common to the whole scope of the library.
  2561. </summary>
  2562. </member>
  2563. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.autoResetIsEnabled">
  2564. <summary>
  2565. Enables or disables all devices from resetting on startup, shutdown, and on CWTestMode Failure.
  2566. Default = true.
  2567. </summary>
  2568. </member>
  2569. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.getNumDetectedUSBDevices">
  2570. <summary>
  2571. Returns the number of ANT USB devices currently detected by the system.
  2572. </summary>
  2573. </member>
  2574. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.checkUnmanagedLibrary">
  2575. <summary>
  2576. Checks if the unmanaged library is present in the application's working directory.
  2577. Throws an exception if the library is missing.
  2578. </summary>
  2579. </member>
  2580. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.checkUSBLibraries">
  2581. <summary>
  2582. Checks if device specific libraries are present in the application's working directory.
  2583. Throws an exception if any of these is missing.
  2584. </summary>
  2585. </member>
  2586. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.enableDebugLogs">
  2587. <overloads>Enables debug files</overloads>
  2588. <summary>
  2589. Initializes and enables debug logs for all devices
  2590. Note: For application specific logs to work properly
  2591. (e.g. ANT-FS logs), this needs to be called BEFORE
  2592. creating an ANT Device.
  2593. </summary>
  2594. </member>
  2595. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.enableDebugLogs(System.String)">
  2596. <summary>
  2597. Initializes and enables debug logs for all devices,
  2598. and stores the log in the specified path.
  2599. Note: For application specific logs to work properly
  2600. (e.g. ANT-FS logs), this needs to be called BEFORE
  2601. creating an ANT Device.
  2602. </summary>
  2603. <param name="debugPath">Debug log directory</param>
  2604. </member>
  2605. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.disableDebugLogs">
  2606. <summary>
  2607. Disables and closes the debug logs
  2608. </summary>
  2609. </member>
  2610. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.setDebugLogDirectory(System.String)">
  2611. <summary>
  2612. Set the directory the log files are saved to.
  2613. This string will prefix the file name so must end with a slash or will be part of the name.
  2614. ie: directoryPath='c:\ANT\logs' will result in files being saved to the \ANT directory named logsdevice0.txt.
  2615. Throws an exception if directory does not exist.
  2616. </summary>
  2617. <param name="directoryPath">
  2618. Path to directory to save log files in. Default is the running directory.
  2619. This string will prefix the file name so must end with a slash or will be part of the name.
  2620. ie: directoryPath='c:\ANT\logs' will result in files being saved to the \ANT directory named logsdevice0.txt.
  2621. </param>
  2622. </member>
  2623. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.initDebugLogThread(System.String)">
  2624. <summary>
  2625. Creates a debug log for the currently executing thread
  2626. </summary>
  2627. <param name="name">Name of file (will result in ao_debug_name)</param>
  2628. <returns>True if successful</returns>
  2629. </member>
  2630. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Common.writeToDebugLog(System.String)">
  2631. <summary>
  2632. Adds an application specific message to the log for the current thread
  2633. </summary>
  2634. <param name="message">Message to write to the log</param>
  2635. <returns>True on success</returns>
  2636. </member>
  2637. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary">
  2638. <summary>
  2639. Contains all the ANT constants and enumerations for general use.
  2640. Note: Where desired, in functions where enumerations are required, a byte type can be
  2641. cast to the enumeration to feed the function raw byte values.
  2642. IE: <c>ANTDeviceInstance.RequestMessage((RequestMessageID)0x4E));</c> would compile.
  2643. </summary>
  2644. </member>
  2645. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.PortType">
  2646. <summary>
  2647. Possible port connection types.
  2648. </summary>
  2649. </member>
  2650. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.FramerType">
  2651. <summary>
  2652. Possible framing modes.
  2653. Use FramerType.basicANT unless you know you need to use another.
  2654. </summary>
  2655. </member>
  2656. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType">
  2657. <summary>
  2658. Channel Type flags. A valid channel type is one BASE parameter (Slave XOR Receive)
  2659. combined by '|' (bitwise OR) with any desired ADV parameters
  2660. </summary>
  2661. </member>
  2662. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.MessagingReturnCode">
  2663. <summary>
  2664. The int status codes returned by the acknowledged and broadcast messaging functions.
  2665. </summary>
  2666. </member>
  2667. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.BasicChannelStatusCode">
  2668. <summary>
  2669. Basic Channel status message codes, the bottom two bits of the received status message
  2670. </summary>
  2671. </member>
  2672. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower">
  2673. <summary>
  2674. Transmit Power offsets
  2675. </summary>
  2676. </member>
  2677. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.StartupMessage">
  2678. <summary>
  2679. Startup message
  2680. </summary>
  2681. </member>
  2682. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.RequestMessageID">
  2683. <summary>
  2684. Message ID to request message.
  2685. Note: Where desired, raw byte values can be cast to the enum type. IE: <c>(RequestMessageID)0x4E</c> will compile.
  2686. </summary>
  2687. </member>
  2688. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.SensRcoreScriptCommandCodes">
  2689. <summary>
  2690. Command Codes for SensRcore operations
  2691. </summary>
  2692. </member>
  2693. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.LibConfigFlags">
  2694. <summary>
  2695. Flags for configuring device ANT library
  2696. </summary>
  2697. </member>
  2698. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.AdvancedBurstConfigFlags">
  2699. <summary>
  2700. Flags for configuring advanced bursting features.
  2701. </summary>
  2702. </member>
  2703. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.EventBufferConfig">
  2704. <summary>
  2705. Event groups for configuring Event Buffering
  2706. </summary>
  2707. </member>
  2708. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTMessageID">
  2709. <summary>
  2710. MessageIDs for reference
  2711. </summary>
  2712. </member>
  2713. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTMessageID.FIT1_SET_EQUIP_STATE_0x91">
  2714. <summary>
  2715. *** CONFLICT: w/ Sensrcore, Fit1 will never have sensrcore enabled
  2716. </summary>
  2717. </member>
  2718. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID">
  2719. <summary>
  2720. EventIDs for reference
  2721. </summary>
  2722. </member>
  2723. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_START_0x0A">
  2724. <summary>
  2725. a pending transmit transfer has begun
  2726. </summary>
  2727. </member>
  2728. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.CHANNEL_IN_WRONG_STATE_0x15">
  2729. <summary>
  2730. returned on attempt to perform an action from the wrong channel state
  2731. </summary>
  2732. </member>
  2733. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.CHANNEL_NOT_OPENED_0x16">
  2734. <summary>
  2735. returned on attempt to communicate on a channel that is not open
  2736. </summary>
  2737. </member>
  2738. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.CHANNEL_ID_NOT_SET_0x18">
  2739. <summary>
  2740. returned on attempt to open a channel without setting the channel ID
  2741. </summary>
  2742. </member>
  2743. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.CLOSE_ALL_CHANNELS_0x19">
  2744. <summary>
  2745. returned when attempting to start scanning mode
  2746. </summary>
  2747. </member>
  2748. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS_0x1F">
  2749. <summary>
  2750. returned on attempt to communicate on a channel with a TX transfer in progress
  2751. </summary>
  2752. </member>
  2753. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.TRANSFER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ERROR_0x20">
  2754. <summary>
  2755. returned when sequence number is out of order on a Burst transfer
  2756. </summary>
  2757. </member>
  2758. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.MESSAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT_0x27">
  2759. <summary>
  2760. returned if a data message is provided that is too large
  2761. </summary>
  2762. </member>
  2763. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.INVALID_MESSAGE_0x28">
  2764. <summary>
  2765. returned when the message has an invalid parameter
  2766. </summary>
  2767. </member>
  2768. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.INVALID_NETWORK_NUMBER_0x29">
  2769. <summary>
  2770. returned when an invalid network number is provided
  2771. </summary>
  2772. </member>
  2773. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.INVALID_LIST_ID_0x30">
  2774. <summary>
  2775. returned when the provided list ID or size exceeds the limit
  2776. </summary>
  2777. </member>
  2778. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.INVALID_SCAN_TX_CHANNEL_0x31">
  2779. <summary>
  2780. returned when attempting to transmit on channel 0 when in scan mode
  2781. </summary>
  2782. </member>
  2783. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.INVALID_PARAMETER_PROVIDED_0x33">
  2784. <summary>
  2785. returned when an invalid parameter is specified in a configuration message
  2786. </summary>
  2787. </member>
  2788. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.EVENT_QUE_OVERFLOW_0x35">
  2789. <summary>
  2790. ANT event que has overflowed and lost 1 or more events
  2791. </summary>
  2792. </member>
  2793. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.SCRIPT_FULL_ERROR_0x40">
  2794. <summary>
  2795. error writing to script
  2796. </summary>
  2797. </member>
  2798. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.SCRIPT_WRITE_ERROR_0x41">
  2799. <summary>
  2800. error writing to script
  2801. </summary>
  2802. </member>
  2803. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.SCRIPT_INVALID_PAGE_ERROR_0x42">
  2804. <summary>
  2805. error accessing script page
  2806. </summary>
  2807. </member>
  2808. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.SCRIPT_LOCKED_ERROR_0x43">
  2809. <summary>
  2810. the scripts are locked and can't be dumped
  2811. </summary>
  2812. </member>
  2813. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.FIT_ACTIVE_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_0x60">
  2814. <summary>
  2815. Fit1 only event added for timeout of the pairing state after the Fit module becomes active
  2816. </summary>
  2817. </member>
  2818. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.FIT_WATCH_PAIR_0x61">
  2819. <summary>
  2820. Fit1 only
  2821. </summary>
  2822. </member>
  2823. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.FIT_WATCH_UNPAIR_0x62">
  2824. <summary>
  2825. Fit1 only
  2826. </summary>
  2827. </member>
  2828. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.USB_PID">
  2829. <summary>
  2830. PIDs for reference
  2831. </summary>
  2832. </member>
  2833. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response">
  2834. <summary>
  2835. Container for all the information passed from an ANT device callback function
  2836. </summary>
  2837. </member>
  2838. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.sender">
  2839. <summary>
  2840. The object that created this response (ie: The corresponding ANTChannel or ANTDevice instance).
  2841. </summary>
  2842. </member>
  2843. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.antChannel">
  2844. <summary>
  2845. The channel parameter received in the message. Note: For some messages this is not applicable.
  2846. </summary>
  2847. </member>
  2848. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.timeReceived">
  2849. <summary>
  2850. The time the message was received.
  2851. </summary>
  2852. </member>
  2853. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.responseID">
  2854. <summary>
  2855. The MessageID of the response
  2856. </summary>
  2857. </member>
  2858. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.messageContents">
  2859. <summary>
  2860. The raw contents of the response message
  2861. </summary>
  2862. </member>
  2863. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.getChannelEventCode">
  2864. <summary>
  2865. Returns messageContents[2] cast to an ANTEventID. Throws an exception if this is not a channel event.
  2866. </summary>
  2867. </member>
  2868. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.getMessageID">
  2869. <summary>
  2870. Returns messageContents[1] cast to an ANTMessageID. Throws an exception if this is not a response event.
  2871. </summary>
  2872. </member>
  2873. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.getDataPayload">
  2874. <summary>
  2875. Returns the 8-byte data payload of an ANT message. Throws an exception if this is not a received message.
  2876. </summary>
  2877. <returns></returns>
  2878. </member>
  2879. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.getBurstSequenceNumber">
  2880. <summary>
  2881. Returns the burst sequence number (upper three bits of channel number). Throws exception if this is not a burst event.
  2882. </summary>
  2883. </member>
  2884. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.getDeviceIDfromExt">
  2885. <summary>
  2886. Returns the channel ID portion of an extended message. Throws an exception if this is not an extended message.
  2887. </summary>
  2888. </member>
  2889. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.isExtended">
  2890. <summary>
  2891. Returns true if this is an extended message, false otherwise
  2892. </summary>
  2893. </member>
  2894. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.splitExtMessage(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Response.extMsgParts)">
  2895. <summary>
  2896. Splits and returns the requested part of an extended message. Throws an exception if this is not an extended message.
  2897. </summary>
  2898. <param name="whichPart">The desired part of the message</param>
  2899. </member>
  2900. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelStatus">
  2901. <summary>
  2902. Contains the information returned by a channel status request message
  2903. </summary>
  2904. </member>
  2905. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelStatus.BasicStatus">
  2906. <summary>
  2907. Bits 0-1 of the status response
  2908. </summary>
  2909. </member>
  2910. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelStatus.networkNumber">
  2911. <summary>
  2912. Bits 2-3 of the status response. Invalid on AP1.
  2913. </summary>
  2914. </member>
  2915. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelStatus.ChannelType">
  2916. <summary>
  2917. Bits 4-7 of the status response. Not a valid channelType on AP1.
  2918. </summary>
  2919. </member>
  2920. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ChannelStatus.#ctor(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.BasicChannelStatusCode,System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType)">
  2921. <summary>
  2922. Creates and fills the ChannelStatus
  2923. </summary>
  2924. <param name="BasicStatus"></param>
  2925. <param name="networkNumber"></param>
  2926. <param name="ChannelType"></param>
  2927. </member>
  2928. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient">
  2929. <summary>
  2930. Control class for a given ANT device, with Integrated ANT-FS Client functionality.
  2931. An instance of this class is an open connection to the given ANT USB device.
  2932. Handles creating channels and device setup, and allows managing the file system (EEPROM)
  2933. as well as configuring and controlling ANT-FS sessions.
  2934. </summary>
  2935. </member>
  2936. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.defaultWait">
  2937. <summary>
  2938. Default timeout for responses
  2939. </summary>
  2940. </member>
  2941. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.responseBuf">
  2942. <summary>
  2943. Queue with the responses received from ANT related to Integrated ANT-FS
  2944. </summary>
  2945. </member>
  2946. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.lastAcceptedResponse">
  2947. <summary>
  2948. Last received ANT Response
  2949. </summary>
  2950. </member>
  2951. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.hostdeviceEvents">
  2952. <summary>
  2953. Device events
  2954. </summary>
  2955. </member>
  2956. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.flagHostDeviceEvents">
  2957. <summary>
  2958. Flag indicating availabity of device events
  2959. </summary>
  2960. </member>
  2961. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.#ctor">
  2962. <summary>
  2963. Creates an Integrated ANT-FS Client object, by automatically trying to connect to the USB stick
  2964. </summary>
  2965. </member>
  2966. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.#ctor(System.Byte)">
  2967. <summary>
  2968. Creates an Integrated ANT-FS Client object, specifying the USB device number. Baud rate is assumed to be 57600bps.
  2969. </summary>
  2970. <param name="USBDeviceNum">USB device number</param>
  2971. </member>
  2972. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.shutdown">
  2973. <summary>
  2974. Close connection to the ANT USB device
  2975. </summary>
  2976. </member>
  2977. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.getLastAcceptedResponse">
  2978. <summary>
  2979. Get last ANT response
  2980. </summary>
  2981. <returns>Message code of the last response</returns>
  2982. </member>
  2983. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.writeRawMessageToDevice(System.Byte[])">
  2984. <summary>
  2985. Send a raw ANT message
  2986. </summary>
  2987. <param name="msgToWrite">byte array, with the raw ANT message to send</param>
  2988. <returns>True if the message was written successfully</returns>
  2989. </member>
  2990. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.WaitForNextMatchMsg(System.Int32[],System.Int32)">
  2991. <summary>
  2992. Wait for a message matching the desired pattern
  2993. </summary>
  2994. <param name="matchPattern">Pattern to match</param>
  2995. <param name="wait_ms">time to wait, in ms</param>
  2996. <returns>True if the matching message is seen in the configured timeout</returns>
  2997. </member>
  2998. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.compareConditionalByte(System.Byte,System.Int32)">
  2999. <summary>
  3000. Compare a byte with a reference value
  3001. </summary>
  3002. <param name="b">Byte to check (unsigned)</param>
  3003. <param name="condByte">Reference signed value</param>
  3004. <returns>Comparison result</returns>
  3005. </member>
  3006. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FS_GetState">
  3007. <summary>
  3008. Get the status of the ANT-FS session
  3009. </summary>
  3010. <returns></returns>
  3011. </member>
  3012. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.MemDev_EEPROMInit(System.UInt16,System.Byte)">
  3013. <summary>
  3014. MEMDEV initialization commands MUST be called after reset to set MEMDEV configuration prior to using FS Commands or requests.
  3015. Init command must be called prior to issuing any FS command or requests.
  3016. Currently, only SPI interface (min 2MHz rate) is supported with EEPROM devices.
  3017. Configuration fields should be specified from information found from the EEPROM datasheet.
  3018. Successful initialization results in FS_NO_ERROR response code.
  3019. </summary>
  3020. <param name="pageWriteSize"> Page Write Size is the physical page write boundary of the EEPROM Device.
  3021. For EEPROM, this is considered the maximum number of bytes that can be written in one pass and it must be 2^x value. </param>
  3022. <param name="AddrBytesCfg">The address bytes configuration field specifies the required number of bytes used to address the physical memory location
  3023. on the EEPROM.
  3024. For example, a 1MBit EEPROM device requires 3 address bytes. </param>
  3025. <returns></returns>
  3026. </member>
  3027. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.InitMemory">
  3028. <summary>
  3029. Initializes existing file system from saved directory information in NVM.
  3030. Unsaved information on open files will be lost.
  3031. Init command must be called prior to using any FS related commands or requests.
  3032. Init command must also be called after issuing FS Format Memory.
  3033. Also resets encryption key used for crypto operations.
  3034. Successful initialization results in FS_NO_ERROR response code.
  3035. </summary>
  3036. <returns></returns>
  3037. </member>
  3038. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.Format_Memory(System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  3039. <summary>
  3040. Command used to create a new empty file system.
  3041. Any existing directory information and files will be discarded.
  3042. Minimum number of sectors must be 2 (1 for directory and 1 for each file).
  3043. Successful format operation results in FS_NO_ERROR response code.
  3044. Number of Sectors * Num Pages per sector * Page Size must not exceed the size of the memory device.
  3045. If inappropriate values are entered, format may succeed, but FS will be unusable.
  3046. </summary>
  3047. <param name="numSec"> Number of Sectors </param>
  3048. <param name="pagesPerSector"> Num Pages per Sector. Defines sector size(X * page Size)
  3049. Page Size is defined in MEMDEV_EEPROM_INIT for EEPROM Device</param>
  3050. <returns></returns>
  3051. </member>
  3052. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectorySave">
  3053. <summary>
  3054. Save all open file information into the directory NVM.
  3055. This should be called before device power off or any unsaved data will be lost.
  3056. Successful save operation results in FS_NO_ERROR response code.
  3057. </summary>
  3058. <returns></returns>
  3059. </member>
  3060. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectoryRebuild">
  3061. <summary>
  3062. Rebuilds FS directory and condenses directory size by removing invalidated entries.
  3063. Rebuilding directory also updates auto file index counter.
  3064. Successful rebuild results in FS_NO_ERROR response code.
  3065. </summary>
  3066. <returns></returns>
  3067. </member>
  3068. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileDelete(System.Byte)">
  3069. <summary>
  3070. Delete existing open file. Delete permission must be set on file handle. On successful deletion (FS_NO_ERROR response code), the file handle is freed.
  3071. If FS_MEMORY_WRITE_ERROR is returned, memory occupied by file is lost but the handle is freed.
  3072. Any other response codes results in file deletion failure and the file handle remains associated to the open file.
  3073. </summary>
  3074. <param name="handleNum"> File Handle Number</param>
  3075. <returns></returns>
  3076. </member>
  3077. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileClose(System.Byte)">
  3078. <summary>
  3079. Close open flag or file. Any open file handle information is saved to the directory.
  3080. FS_NO_ERROR response code is returned if file close operation is successful.
  3081. Any other response code resulted in file close failure and the file handle still assigned to the file.
  3082. </summary>
  3083. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3084. <returns></returns>
  3085. </member>
  3086. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileSetSpecificFlags(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3087. <summary>
  3088. Update application defined flags on file, but it is not saved to directory NVM.
  3089. On success, FS_NO_ERROR is returned.
  3090. </summary>
  3091. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3092. <param name="newSpecificFlags">Specific Flags</param>
  3093. <returns></returns>
  3094. </member>
  3095. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectoryReadLock(System.Byte)">
  3096. <summary>
  3097. When directory is locked, directory information is prevented from changing.
  3098. When directory is unlocked, directory information is allowed to change.
  3099. Attempting to lock a directory that is already locked will result in an error.
  3100. Attempting to unlock a directory that is already unlocked will result in an error.
  3101. </summary>
  3102. <param name="locked">1 - Lock, 0 - Unlock</param>
  3103. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3104. </member>
  3105. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.SetSystemTime(System.UInt32)">
  3106. <summary>
  3107. When this message ID is used in a command message, the specified starting value of the system time to be used in FS can be set.
  3108. If successful, FS_NO_ERROR is returned
  3109. </summary>
  3110. <param name="seconds">Current Time</param>
  3111. <returns></returns>
  3112. </member>
  3113. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FS_GetLastError(System.Byte)">
  3114. <summary>
  3115. Returns the FSResponse Byte when reponse != 0x00(NO_ERROR)
  3116. </summary>
  3117. <param name="FSResponse">FS Response byte from Response Buffer</param>
  3118. <returns></returns>
  3119. </member>
  3120. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.GetUsedSpace">
  3121. <summary>
  3122. Returns number of used bytes in FS in sector sized increments.
  3123. On success, returns FS_NO_ERROR response code and the used space value.
  3124. If any other response code is returned, an invalid used space size value is returned (0xFFFFFFFF).
  3125. </summary>
  3126. <returns>Used Space</returns>
  3127. </member>
  3128. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.GetFreeSpace">
  3129. <summary>
  3130. Returns number of free bytes in FS in sector sized increments.
  3131. On success, returns FS_NO_ERROR response code and the free space value.
  3132. If any other response code is returned, an invalid free space size value is returned (0xFFFFFFFF).
  3133. </summary>
  3134. <returns>Free Space</returns>
  3135. </member>
  3136. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FindFileIndex(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt16)">
  3137. <summary>
  3138. Return file index of first file in directory that matches specified identifier.
  3139. On success, returns FS_NO_ERROR response code and the file index.
  3140. If any other response code is returned, an invalid file index is returned (0x0000
  3141. </summary>
  3142. <param name="FileDataType"> File Data Type</param>
  3143. <param name="FileSubType"> File Sub Type </param>
  3144. <param name="FileNumber">File Number</param>
  3145. <returns>File Index</returns>
  3146. </member>
  3147. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectoryReadAbsolute(System.UInt64,System.Byte)">
  3148. <summary>
  3149. Read from absolute offset into directory as if it were an ANTFS directory.
  3150. </summary>
  3151. <param name="offset"> Offset </param>
  3152. <param name="readSize"> Bytes Read Size</param>
  3153. <returns></returns>
  3154. </member>
  3155. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectoryReadEntry(System.UInt16)">
  3156. <summary>
  3157. Returns ANTFS directory entry for the file matching the specified file index
  3158. </summary>
  3159. <param name="FileIndex"></param>
  3160. <returns>ANTFS_DIR_ENTRY</returns>
  3161. </member>
  3162. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.DirectoryGetSize">
  3163. <summary>
  3164. Returns size in bytes as if it were an ANTFS directory (16-byte blocks).
  3165. On success, returns FS_NO_ERROR response code and the ANTFS directory size value.
  3166. If any other response code is returned, an invalid ANTFS directory size value is returned (0xFFFFFFFF).
  3167. </summary>
  3168. <returns>Directory Size</returns>
  3169. </member>
  3170. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileCreate(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3171. <summary>
  3172. Allocates a free sector and saves directory entry of the new file.
  3173. If 0x0000 is supplied as file index, FS will auto generated a valid index for the file,
  3174. otherwise a valid index must manually be supplied.
  3175. If file creation is successful (FS_NO_ERROR is returned), the file index assigned to the created file is returned.
  3176. Any other errors results in an invalid file index being returned (0x0000).
  3177. </summary>
  3178. <param name="fileIndex">File Index</param>
  3179. <param name="ucFileDataType">File Data Type</param>
  3180. <param name="ucFileSubType">File Sub Type</param>
  3181. <param name="usFileNumber">File Number</param>
  3182. <param name="ucFileDataTypeSpecificFlags">File Data Type Specific Flags</param>
  3183. <param name="ucFileGeneralFlags">File General Flags</param>
  3184. <returns></returns>
  3185. </member>
  3186. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileOpen(System.UInt16,System.Byte)">
  3187. <summary>
  3188. Open existing file in FS. By default, read and write pointers are set at the beginning of the file.
  3189. If append flag is set in Open Flags parameter, then the write pointer is set to the end of the file.
  3190. If file open is successful (FS_NO_ERROR, with the exceptions discussed in .FIT File and Crypto .FIT File),
  3191. the file handle number is returned.
  3192. Any other response code results in file open failure and the file handle returned being invalid (0xFF).
  3193. </summary>
  3194. <param name="fileIndex">File Index</param>
  3195. <param name="openFlags">Open Flags</param>
  3196. <returns></returns>
  3197. </member>
  3198. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileReadAbsolute(System.Byte,System.UInt64,System.Byte)">
  3199. <summary>
  3200. Read from absolute offset into a file. File must be opened for reading beforehand.
  3201. After reading, read pointers positioned at the end of the bytes read.
  3202. On successful reads (FS_NO_ERROR), the returned number of bytes read as well as the payload is returned.
  3203. Reading past the end of the directory results in FS_EOF_REACHED_ERROR, however the number of read bytes and the payload prior to reaching EOF is returned.
  3204. </summary>
  3205. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3206. <param name="offset">Offset</param>
  3207. <param name="readSize">Read Size</param>
  3208. <returns></returns>
  3209. </member>
  3210. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileReadRelative(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3211. <summary>
  3212. Read from current read pointer position in file. File must be opened for reading beforehand.
  3213. After reading, read pointers positioned at the end of the bytes read.
  3214. </summary>
  3215. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3216. <param name="readSize">Read Size</param>
  3217. <returns></returns>
  3218. </member>
  3219. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileWriteAbsolute(System.Byte,System.UInt64,System.Byte[])">
  3220. <summary>
  3221. Write to absolute offset into a file. File cannot be written to if it was opened for reading.
  3222. Write absolute cannot be used if file only opened for append operation.
  3223. After writing, write positioned at the end of the bytes written.
  3224. </summary>
  3225. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3226. <param name="offset">Offset</param>
  3227. <param name="bytesToWrite">Write Payload</param>
  3228. <returns></returns>
  3229. </member>
  3230. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileWriteRelative(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  3231. <summary>
  3232. Write to current write pointer position in file. File cannot be written to if opened for reading.
  3233. </summary>
  3234. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3235. <param name="bytesToWrite">Write Payload</param>
  3236. <returns></returns>
  3237. </member>
  3238. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileGetSize(System.Byte)">
  3239. <summary>
  3240. Get size of open file in bytes. If successful, FS_NO_ERROR is returned along with the file size in bytes.
  3241. If any other response code is returned, an invalid file size value is returned (0xFFFFFFFF).
  3242. </summary>
  3243. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3244. <returns>File Size</returns>
  3245. </member>
  3246. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileGetSizeInMem(System.Byte)">
  3247. <summary>
  3248. Get size of the file in terms of the number of total bytes allocated to the file in the FS (size in memory).
  3249. If successful, FS_NO_ERROR is returned along with the size in bytes.
  3250. If any other response code is returned, an invalid file size value is returned (0xFFFFFFFF).
  3251. </summary>
  3252. <param name="handleNum">File handle Number</param>
  3253. <returns></returns>
  3254. </member>
  3255. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FileGetSpecificFileFlags(System.Byte)">
  3256. <summary>
  3257. Gets the application defined flags of opened file.
  3258. If successful, FS_NO_ERROR is returned along with the application defined flags on the file.
  3259. If any other response code is returned, flag value of 0x00 is returned.
  3260. </summary>
  3261. <param name="handleNum">File Handle Number</param>
  3262. <returns>File Flags</returns>
  3263. </member>
  3264. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.SystemTime(System.UInt32)">
  3265. <summary>
  3266. When this message ID is used in a request message, the current system time used in FS is returned.
  3267. </summary>
  3268. <param name="seconds">Current Time</param>
  3269. <returns></returns>
  3270. </member>
  3271. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.Crypto_AddUserKeyIndex(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  3272. <summary>
  3273. Adds specified user key to be stored in internal memory.
  3274. Keys are enumerated by Key Index. Up to 10 keys can be used.
  3275. If successfully stored, FS_NO_ERROR is returned.
  3276. </summary>
  3277. <param name="keyindex">Key Index</param>
  3278. <param name="CK">User Crypto Key</param>
  3279. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3280. </member>
  3281. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.Crypto_SetUserKeyIndex(System.Byte)">
  3282. <summary>
  3283. Specify stored user key (specified by Key Index) to be used by FS Encryption/Decryption process.
  3284. Key remains active until reset, memory re-initialization via MESG_FS_INIT MEMORY or another key is specified.
  3285. If key successfully selected, FS_NO_ERROR is returned
  3286. </summary>
  3287. <param name="keyindex">User Key Index</param>
  3288. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3289. </member>
  3290. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.Crypto_SetUserKeyValue(System.Byte[])">
  3291. <summary>
  3292. Specify non-stored user key to be used by FS Encryption/Decryption process.
  3293. Key remains active until reset, memory re-initialization via MESG_FS_INIT_MEMORY or another key is specified.
  3294. If key successfully set, FS_NO_ERROR is returned.d
  3295. </summary>
  3296. <param name="CK">User Crypto Key</param>
  3297. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3298. </member>
  3299. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.FIT_FileIntegrityCheck(System.Byte)">
  3300. <summary>
  3301. When this command is issued, a file integrity check is performed on the selected .FIT file
  3302. by calculating the file 2 byte CRC and comparing it versus the appended 2 byte CRC.
  3303. If file integrity is intact, then FS_NO_ERROR is returned.Provided file handle must be pointing to a .FIT file (0x80 data type in file directory entry) as well as opened as read-only.
  3304. Performing an integrity check on a non .FIT file and/or a write handle (write/erase/append open flags) is not allowed.
  3305. </summary>
  3306. <param name="handle">File Handle Number</param>
  3307. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3308. </member>
  3309. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_Open">
  3310. <summary>
  3311. Start ANTFS beacon.
  3312. </summary>
  3313. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3314. </member>
  3315. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_Close">
  3316. <summary>
  3317. Stop ANTFS beacon.
  3318. </summary>
  3319. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3320. </member>
  3321. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_ConfigBeacon(System.UInt16,System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3322. <summary>
  3323. Configures the ANTFS Beacon properties.
  3324. </summary>
  3325. <param name="BeaconDeviceType">Beacon Device Type ID</param>
  3326. <param name="ManID">Manufacturers ID</param>
  3327. <param name="AuthKey">Authentication Type</param>
  3328. <param name="Status">Beacon Status</param>
  3329. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3330. </member>
  3331. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetFriendlyName(System.String)">
  3332. <summary>
  3333. Set the Friendlyname
  3334. </summary>
  3335. <param name="friendlyname">Friendlyname as a string</param>
  3336. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3337. </member>
  3338. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetPasskey(System.String)">
  3339. <summary>
  3340. Sets the Passkey
  3341. </summary>
  3342. <param name="passkey">Passkey as a string</param>
  3343. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3344. </member>
  3345. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetBeaconState(System.Byte)">
  3346. <summary>
  3347. Sets the ANTFS beacon status byte.
  3348. </summary>
  3349. <param name="Status">Bits 0 -2 are invalid</param>
  3350. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3351. </member>
  3352. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_PairResponse(System.Byte)">
  3353. <summary>
  3354. Command to respond to pairing request.
  3355. </summary>
  3356. <param name="decision">0 - Reject , 1 - Accept</param>
  3357. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3358. </member>
  3359. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetLinkFrequency(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3360. <summary>
  3361. Set the Beacon/Link RF frequency of the ANTFS connection
  3362. </summary>
  3363. <param name="channelnum">Channel Number</param>
  3364. <param name="frequency">24xxMhz, xx as byte, 0xFF is to Disable</param>
  3365. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3366. </member>
  3367. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetBeaconTimeout(System.Byte)">
  3368. <summary>
  3369. Configure timeout for ANTFS beacon.
  3370. </summary>
  3371. <param name="timeout">Timeout in seconds</param>
  3372. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3373. </member>
  3374. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetPairingTimeout(System.Byte)">
  3375. <summary>
  3376. Configure timeout for ANTFS pairing process
  3377. </summary>
  3378. <param name="PairTimeout">Timeout in seconds</param>
  3379. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3380. </member>
  3381. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_RemoteFileCreateEnable(System.Byte)">
  3382. <summary>
  3383. Enables or disables file creation in FS through ANTFS.
  3384. </summary>
  3385. <param name="enable">1 - Enable, 0 - Disable</param>
  3386. <returns>FS Response</returns>
  3387. </member>
  3388. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_GetCmdPipe(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3389. <summary>
  3390. Command to read ANTFS command pipe data.
  3391. </summary>
  3392. <param name="offset">Offset</param>
  3393. <param name="readsize">Read Size</param>
  3394. <returns>Read Size and Read Payload</returns>
  3395. </member>
  3396. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANT_IntegratedANTFSClient.ANTFS_SetCmdPipe(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  3397. <summary>
  3398. Command to write ANTFS command pipe data.
  3399. </summary>
  3400. <param name="offset">Offset</param>
  3401. <param name="bytesToWrite">Bytes to be written</param>
  3402. <returns>Size written</returns>
  3403. </member>
  3404. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel">
  3405. <summary>
  3406. Control class for an ANT-FS client channel.
  3407. Handles creating channels and device setup, as well as the ANT-FS client implementation.
  3408. </summary>
  3409. </member>
  3410. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.#ctor(ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel)">
  3411. <summary>
  3412. Constructor attempts to automatically detect an ANT USB device and open a connection to it
  3413. </summary>
  3414. </member>
  3415. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Finalize">
  3416. <summary>
  3417. Destructor closes all opened resources
  3418. </summary>
  3419. </member>
  3420. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Dispose">
  3421. <summary>
  3422. Dispose method for explicit resource cleanup
  3423. </summary>
  3424. </member>
  3425. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  3426. <summary>
  3427. Close connection, and release all resources
  3428. Inherit public finalizer from ANT_Device
  3429. </summary>
  3430. </member>
  3431. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.releaseDownloadBuffer">
  3432. <summary>
  3433. Unpin and release buffer holding unmanaged data
  3434. </summary>
  3435. </member>
  3436. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Cancel">
  3437. <summary>
  3438. Cancels any pending actions and returns the library
  3439. to the appropriate ANTFS layer
  3440. </summary>
  3441. </member>
  3442. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetLibraryVersion">
  3443. <summary>
  3444. Gets the version string of the underlying ANT-FS library
  3445. </summary>
  3446. <returns>ANT-FS Library Version String</returns>
  3447. </member>
  3448. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetStatus">
  3449. <summary>
  3450. Returns the current library status
  3451. </summary>
  3452. <returns>Current library status</returns>
  3453. </member>
  3454. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetHostName">
  3455. <summary>
  3456. Gets the host's friendly name string from the most recent session
  3457. </summary>
  3458. <returns>Host friendly name</returns>
  3459. </member>
  3460. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetTransferData(System.UInt64@,System.UInt64@)">
  3461. <summary>
  3462. Gets the transfer data from the pucTransferBufferDynamic.
  3463. </summary>
  3464. <returns>Data that will be uploaded in the specified file</returns>
  3465. <param name="offset">Offset where to write on the client file</param>
  3466. <param name="size">Size of the file that will be uploaded</param>
  3467. </member>
  3468. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetRequestParameters">
  3469. <summary>
  3470. Gets the full parameters for a download, upload or erase request
  3471. from the host
  3472. </summary>
  3473. <returns>Request parameters</returns>
  3474. </member>
  3475. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetRequestedFileIndex">
  3476. <summary>
  3477. Gets the file index for a download, upload or erase request from
  3478. the host. If more details are desired, use GetRequestParameters().
  3479. </summary>
  3480. <returns>Requested file index</returns>
  3481. </member>
  3482. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetDownloadStatus">
  3483. <summary>
  3484. Gets the transfer progress of a pending or complete download
  3485. </summary>
  3486. <returns>The transfer status, including the current byte progress,
  3487. total expected length of the download, and current percentage.
  3488. Returns null if no valid status could be obtained.</returns>
  3489. </member>
  3490. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.GetDisconnectParameters">
  3491. <summary>
  3492. Gets the parameters of a disconnect command requested by the host
  3493. </summary>
  3494. <returns>Disconnect parameters</returns>
  3495. </member>
  3496. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetFriendlyName(System.String)">
  3497. <summary>
  3498. Configures the friendly name for the ANT-FS client
  3499. </summary>
  3500. <param name="friendlyName">Client friendly name</param>
  3501. </member>
  3502. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetPassKey(System.Byte[])">
  3503. <summary>
  3504. Configures the passkey for a client to establish authenticated
  3505. sessions with a host device, if passkey authentication is
  3506. selected. If a passkey is not configured, all passkey authentication
  3507. requests will be rejected.
  3508. </summary>
  3509. <param name="passKey">Authentication passkey (max 255 bytes)</param>
  3510. </member>
  3511. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetChannelID(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3512. <summary>
  3513. Set the channel ID of the ANT-FS client
  3514. If this function is not used to explicitly configure the channel ID, the ANT-FS host will use the following defaults:
  3515. Device type: 1
  3516. Transmission type: 5
  3517. </summary>
  3518. <param name="deviceType">Device type to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID)</param>
  3519. <param name="transmissionType">Transmission type to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID)</param>
  3520. </member>
  3521. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetChannelPeriod(System.UInt16)">
  3522. <summary>
  3523. Sets a custom channel period for the ANT-FS beacon
  3524. </summary>
  3525. <param name="channelPeriod">Channel period, in 1/32768 counts</param>
  3526. </member>
  3527. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetClientNetworkKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  3528. <summary>
  3529. Set the network key for the ANT-FS client
  3530. If this function is not used to explicitly configure the network key, the ANT-FS client will use the
  3531. ANT-FS network key, as set in the base ANT Library, and network number 0.
  3532. Configuration is applied when the beacon is open
  3533. </summary>
  3534. <param name="netNumber">network number</param>
  3535. <param name="networkKey">8-byte network key</param>
  3536. </member>
  3537. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetTransmitPower(ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower,ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_ReferenceLibrary.TransmitPower)">
  3538. <summary>
  3539. Configures the transmit power for the ANT-FS channel, in case
  3540. different power levels are desired in the link and connected states,
  3541. for example, to allow the use of proximity search in a host device.
  3542. If not configured, the transmit power will be set to 0dBm.
  3543. </summary>
  3544. <param name="pairingLevel">Transmit power to use while in Link state</param>
  3545. <param name="connectedLevel">Transmit power to use after a connection has been established to a host</param>
  3546. </member>
  3547. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetPairingEnabled(System.Boolean)">
  3548. <summary>
  3549. Enable pairing authentication
  3550. </summary>
  3551. <param name="enable">Selects whether pairing authentication is enabled or not in the device</param>
  3552. </member>
  3553. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetUploadEnabled(System.Boolean)">
  3554. <summary>
  3555. Enable uploads
  3556. </summary>
  3557. <param name="enable">Selects whether upload functionality is supported</param>
  3558. </member>
  3559. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetDataAvailable(System.Boolean)">
  3560. <summary>
  3561. Indicate if data is available for download
  3562. </summary>
  3563. <param name="dataIsAvailable">Selects whether data is available for download</param>
  3564. </member>
  3565. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetBeaconTimeout(System.Byte)">
  3566. <summary>
  3567. Configures the beacon timeout
  3568. </summary>
  3569. <param name="timeoutSeconds">Timeout, in seconds</param>
  3570. </member>
  3571. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SetPairingTimeout(System.Byte)">
  3572. <summary>
  3573. Configures the pairing timeout
  3574. </summary>
  3575. <param name="timeoutSeconds">Timeout, in seconds</param>
  3576. </member>
  3577. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Configure(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientParameters)">
  3578. <summary>
  3579. Sets up the ANT-FS client configuration parameters. This function can only be used
  3580. while the beacon is not open. Individual parameters can be configured while the beacon is open
  3581. If this function is not called, default beacon parameters are used.
  3582. </summary>
  3583. <see>SetPairingEnabled</see>
  3584. <see>SetUploadEnabled</see>
  3585. <see>SetDataAvailable</see>
  3586. <see>SetBeaconTimeout</see>
  3587. <see>SetPairingTimeout</see>
  3588. <param name="clientParameters">ANT-FS Client parameters</param>
  3589. </member>
  3590. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.OpenBeacon">
  3591. <summary>
  3592. Begins the channel configuration to transmit the ANT-FS beacon.
  3593. If the channel has already been configured (ANT-FS broadcast), the
  3594. channel period needs to be specified in this function to let the
  3595. client know the current period. If a channel period is not specified (0),
  3596. the channel configuration is performed as specified in the beacon parameters.
  3597. </summary>
  3598. </member>
  3599. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.CloseBeacon(System.Boolean)">
  3600. <summary>
  3601. Ends the ANT-FS session.
  3602. </summary>
  3603. <param name="returnToBroadcast">Set to true to return to broadcast (leave the channel open), and to false to close the channel.</param>
  3604. </member>
  3605. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.CloseBeacon">
  3606. <summary>
  3607. Ends the ANT-FS session and closes the channel.
  3608. </summary>
  3609. </member>
  3610. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SendPairingResponse(System.Boolean)">
  3611. <summary>
  3612. Sends a response to a pairing request.
  3613. </summary>
  3614. <param name="acceptRequest">Select whether to accept or reject the request</param>
  3615. </member>
  3616. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SendEraseResponse(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.EraseResponse)">
  3617. <summary>
  3618. Sends a response to a request to erase a file from an
  3619. authenticated remote device
  3620. </summary>
  3621. <param name="response">The response to the erase request</param>
  3622. </member>
  3623. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SendDownloadResponse(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.DownloadResponse,System.UInt16,System.UInt32,System.Byte[])">
  3624. <summary>
  3625. Sends a response to a request to download a file to a host device
  3626. </summary>
  3627. <param name="response">The response to the download request</param>
  3628. <param name="fileIndex">The file index to download</param>
  3629. <param name="blockSize">The maximum number of bytes to send in a single block</param>
  3630. <param name="downloadData">File to download. The entire file most be provided, even if the host requested an offset.</param>
  3631. </member>
  3632. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SendDownloadResponse(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.DownloadResponse,System.UInt16,System.Byte[])">
  3633. <summary>
  3634. Sends a response to a request to download a file to a host device.
  3635. Will attempt to send the entire download in a single block.
  3636. </summary>
  3637. <param name="response">The response to the download request</param>
  3638. <param name="fileIndex">The file index to download</param>
  3639. <param name="downloadData">File to download. The entire file most be provided, even if the host requested an offset.</param>
  3640. </member>
  3641. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.SendUploadResponse(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.UploadResponse,System.UInt16,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  3642. <summary>
  3643. Sends a response to a request to upload a file from a host device
  3644. </summary>
  3645. <param name="response">The response to the upload request</param>
  3646. <param name="fileIndex">The file index to upload</param>
  3647. <param name="blockSize">The maximum number of bytes to send in a single block</param>
  3648. <param name="maxFileSize">The maximum file size.</param>
  3649. </member>
  3650. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.ResponseThreadHandler">
  3651. <summary>
  3652. Processing of incoming ANT-FS responses
  3653. </summary>
  3654. </member>
  3655. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.OnResponse">
  3656. <summary>
  3657. The ANT-FS host callback event, triggered every time a response is received from the ANT-FS client library
  3658. </summary>
  3659. </member>
  3660. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.Response">
  3661. <summary>
  3662. ANT-FS Client Responses
  3663. </summary>
  3664. !!! Must match the enum in antfs_client_channel.hpp
  3665. </member>
  3666. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ClientChannel.State">
  3667. <summary>
  3668. ANT-FS Client State
  3669. </summary>
  3670. !!! Must match the enum in antfs_client_channel.hpp
  3671. </member>
  3672. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel">
  3673. <summary>
  3674. ANT-FS Host
  3675. </summary>
  3676. </member>
  3677. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.#ctor(ANT_Managed_Library.IANT_Channel)">
  3678. <summary>
  3679. Creates ANT-FS object, response thread, and allocates unmanaged buffer for use with library
  3680. </summary>
  3681. </member>
  3682. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Finalize">
  3683. <summary>
  3684. Destructor closes all opened resources
  3685. </summary>
  3686. </member>
  3687. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Dispose">
  3688. <summary>
  3689. Dispose method for explicit resource cleanup
  3690. </summary>
  3691. </member>
  3692. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetCurrentConfig(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters@)">
  3693. <summary>
  3694. Copy back the current configuration parameters
  3695. </summary>
  3696. </member>
  3697. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetCurrentConfig(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_ConfigParameters@)">
  3698. <summary>
  3699. Set current configuration parameters
  3700. </summary>
  3701. </member>
  3702. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  3703. <summary>
  3704. Close connection, and release all resources
  3705. </summary>
  3706. </member>
  3707. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.ReleaseUploadBuffer">
  3708. <summary>
  3709. Unpin and release buffer holding unmanaged data
  3710. </summary>
  3711. </member>
  3712. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetChannelID(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3713. <summary>
  3714. Set the channel ID of the ANT-FS host
  3715. If this function is not used to explicitly configure the channel ID, the ANT-FS host will use the following defaults:
  3716. Device type: 1
  3717. Transmission type: 5
  3718. </summary>
  3719. <param name="ucDeviceType">Device type to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID). Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  3720. <param name="ucTransmissionType">Transmission type to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID). Set to 0 for receiver wild card matching</param>
  3721. </member>
  3722. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetChannelPeriod(System.UInt16)">
  3723. <summary>
  3724. Set the channel period of the ANT-FS host.
  3725. If this function is not used to explicitly configure the channel period, the ANT-FS host will use the default value of 8Hz
  3726. </summary>
  3727. <param name="usChannelPeriod">Desired period in seconds * 32768</param>
  3728. </member>
  3729. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetNetworkKey(System.Byte,System.Byte[])">
  3730. <summary>
  3731. Set the network key for the ANT-FS host
  3732. If this function is not used to explicitly configure the network key, the ANT-FS host will use the
  3733. ANT-FS network key, as set in the base ANT Library
  3734. </summary>
  3735. <param name="netNumber">network number</param>
  3736. <param name="networkKey">8-byte network key</param>
  3737. </member>
  3738. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetProximitySearch(System.Byte)">
  3739. <summary>
  3740. Sets the value for the proximity bin setting for searching.
  3741. If applying this value fails when attempting to start search,
  3742. it is ignored to maintain compatibility with devices that
  3743. do not support this feature. This means that a real failure can occur
  3744. on a device that actually does support it, and it will be missed. The
  3745. debug log will show if this command fails.
  3746. </summary>
  3747. <param name="searchThreshold">Desired proximity bin from 0-10</param>
  3748. </member>
  3749. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SetSerialNumber(System.UInt32)">
  3750. <summary>
  3751. Sets the serial number of the host device.
  3752. </summary>
  3753. <param name="serialNumber">4-byte host serial number</param>
  3754. </member>
  3755. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.ClearSearchDeviceList">
  3756. <summary>
  3757. Clears the internal search device list
  3758. </summary>
  3759. </member>
  3760. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.AddSearchDevice(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters@,ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_DeviceParameters@)">
  3761. <overloads>
  3762. Adds a set of parameters for which to search to the internal search device list
  3763. </overloads>
  3764. <summary>
  3765. Adds a set of parameters for which to search to the internal search device list, explicitly specifying
  3766. all parameters and search mask.
  3767. </summary>
  3768. <param name="stSearchMask">Device parameter search mask. Set a member to zero (0) to wildcard search for it.
  3769. Otherwise, set the bits that you want to be matched to 1 in each member.
  3770. Note that the default search masks or wildcards should normally be applied to the ucStatusByte1 and ucStatusByte2
  3771. members of the search mask. Setting bits outside the masks, specially reserved bits, may lead to undesired
  3772. behavior.</param>
  3773. <param name="stDeviceParameters">Device Parameters to include in a search. Set the member to the desired search value.
  3774. A member in this structure is ignored if the associated member in the Search Mask is set to zero (0) for wildcard.</param>
  3775. <returns>A handle to the search device entry. If the return value is zero (0), the function failed adding the device entry.
  3776. This means that the device list is already full</returns>
  3777. </member>
  3778. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.AddSearchDevice(System.UInt32,System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  3779. <summary>
  3780. Adds a set of parameters for which to search to the internal search device list, matching only the Device ID,
  3781. Manufacturer ID and Device Type
  3782. </summary>
  3783. <param name="ulDeviceID">Device ID to match</param>
  3784. <param name="usManufacturerID">Manufacturer ID to match</param>
  3785. <param name="usDeviceType">Device type to match</param>
  3786. <returns>A handle to the search device entry. If the return value is zero (0), the function failed adding the device entry.
  3787. This means that the device list is already full</returns>
  3788. </member>
  3789. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.RemoveSearchDevice(System.UInt16)">
  3790. <summary>
  3791. Removes a device entry from the internal search list
  3792. </summary>
  3793. <param name="usDeviceHandle">Handle to the device entry to be removed from the list</param>
  3794. </member>
  3795. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.RequestSession(System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3796. <summary>
  3797. Requests an ANT-FS session, from an already connected broadcast device.
  3798. </summary>
  3799. <param name="ucBroadcastRadioFrequency">The frequency of currently connected device
  3800. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz).</param>
  3801. <param name="ucConnectRadioFrequency">The frequency on which the connection communication will occur.
  3802. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz).</param>
  3803. </member>
  3804. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SearchForDevice(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt16,System.Boolean)">
  3805. <overloads>
  3806. Begins a search for ANT-FS remote devices
  3807. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3808. </overloads>
  3809. <summary>
  3810. Begins a search for ANT-FS remote devices
  3811. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3812. </summary>
  3813. <param name="ucSearchRadioFrequency">The frequency on which to search for devices.
  3814. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz).</param>
  3815. <param name="ucConnectRadioFrequency">The frequency on which the connection communication will occur.
  3816. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz)</param>
  3817. <param name="usRadioChannelID">Device number to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID)</param>
  3818. <param name="bUseRequestPage">Selects whether to search for broadcast devices, and request the beacon</param>
  3819. </member>
  3820. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SearchForDevice(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt16)">
  3821. <summary>
  3822. Begins a search for ANT-FS remote devices. The search will continue until a device is found,
  3823. the Cancel() function is called, an error occurs, or the library is closed.
  3824. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3825. </summary>
  3826. <param name="ucSearchRadioFrequency">The frequency on which to search for devices.
  3827. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz).</param>
  3828. <param name="ucConnectRadioFrequency">The frequency on which the connection communication will occur.
  3829. This frequency is calculated as (ucSearchRadioFrequency_ * 1 MHz + 2400 MHz)</param>
  3830. <param name="usRadioChannelID">Device number to assign to channel (ANT Channel ID)</param>
  3831. </member>
  3832. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SearchForDevice">
  3833. <summary>
  3834. Begins a search for ANT-FS remote devices, using the default ANT-FS search frequency (2.450GHz) and
  3835. an adaptive frequency hopping scheme when the connection is established.
  3836. The host will continue to search for devices until a device is found, the Cancel() function is called,
  3837. an error occurs, or the library is closed.
  3838. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3839. </summary>
  3840. </member>
  3841. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Disconnect(System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
  3842. <overloads>
  3843. Disconnect from a remote device, going back to the state specified by the disconnect type.
  3844. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3845. </overloads>
  3846. <summary>
  3847. Disconnect from a remote device. Optionally put that device on a blackout
  3848. list for a period of time
  3849. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3850. </summary>
  3851. <param name="usBlackoutTime">Number of seconds the device ID should remain on
  3852. the blackout list. If set to BlackoutTime.None, the device is not put in a blackout list.
  3853. If set to BlackoutTime.Infinite, the device will remain in the list until explicitly
  3854. removed or until the blackout list is reset</param>
  3855. <param name="disconnectType">Disconnect Command type</param>
  3856. <param name="undiscoverableTimeDuration">Time, in 30 seconds increments, the client
  3857. device will remain undiscoverable after disconnect has been requested. Set to 0 to disable.</param>
  3858. <param name="undiscoverableAppSpecificDuration">Application specific duration the client
  3859. shall remain undiscoverable after disconnection</param>
  3860. </member>
  3861. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Disconnect">
  3862. <summary>
  3863. Disconnect from a remote device, without putting it in the blackout list
  3864. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3865. </summary>
  3866. </member>
  3867. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.SwitchFrequency(System.Byte,ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.BeaconPeriod)">
  3868. <summary>
  3869. Request the connected remote device to switch to the specified
  3870. radio frequency and channel period
  3871. </summary>
  3872. <param name="ucRadioFrequency">New radio frequency</param>
  3873. <param name="beaconPeriod">New beacon period</param>
  3874. </member>
  3875. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Blackout(System.UInt32,System.UInt16,System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  3876. <summary>
  3877. Puts the device on a blackout list for a period of time.
  3878. A device in the blackout list will not show up in any search results.
  3879. A wildcard parameter (0) is not allowed for any of the device ID parameters.
  3880. An exception is thrown if the device can not be added to the blackout list,
  3881. either because the list is full, or the device ID is invalid
  3882. </summary>
  3883. <param name="ulDeviceID">The device ID of a specific device</param>
  3884. <param name="usManufacturerID">The specific manufacturer ID</param>
  3885. <param name="usDeviceType">The specific device type</param>
  3886. <param name="usBlackoutTime">Number of seconds the device ID should remain on
  3887. the blackout list. If set to BlackoutTime.None, the device is not put in a blackout list.
  3888. If set to BlackoutTime.Infinite, the device will remain in the list until explicitly
  3889. removed or until the blackout list is reset</param>
  3890. </member>
  3891. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.RemoveBlackout(System.UInt32,System.UInt16,System.UInt16)">
  3892. <summary>
  3893. Remove the device from the blackout list
  3894. A wildcard parameter (0) is not allowed for any of the device ID parameters,
  3895. and will result in returning False.
  3896. Throws an exception if the device can not be removed from the list (e.g. device
  3897. was not in list)
  3898. </summary>
  3899. <param name="ulDeviceID">The device ID of a specific device</param>
  3900. <param name="usManufacturerID">The specific manufacturer ID</param>
  3901. <param name="usDeviceType">The specific device type</param>
  3902. </member>
  3903. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.ClearBlackoutList">
  3904. <summary>
  3905. Clears the blackout list
  3906. </summary>
  3907. </member>
  3908. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.EnablePing(System.Boolean)">
  3909. <summary>
  3910. Enables ping message to be sent to the remote device periodically.
  3911. This can be used to keep the remote device from timing out during operations
  3912. that wait for user input.
  3913. </summary>
  3914. <param name="bEnable">Periodic ping enable</param>
  3915. </member>
  3916. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Authenticate(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.AuthenticationType,System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  3917. <overloads>
  3918. Requests to pair with the connected remote device
  3919. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3920. </overloads>
  3921. <summary>
  3922. Request to pair with the connected remote device
  3923. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3924. </summary>
  3925. <param name="authType">The type of authentication to execute on the remote device</param>
  3926. <param name="authString">String to be used in conjunction with the particular authentication type (e.g. passkey)</param>
  3927. <param name="ulTimeout">Number of miliseconds to wait for a response after the authenticate command is set</param>
  3928. </member>
  3929. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Authenticate(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.AuthenticationType,System.String,System.UInt32)">
  3930. <summary>
  3931. Request to pair with the connected remote device
  3932. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3933. </summary>
  3934. <param name="authType">The type of authentication to execute on the remote device</param>
  3935. <param name="authString">String to be used in conjunction with the particular authentication type (e.g. friendly name)</param>
  3936. <param name="ulTimeout">Number of miliseconds to wait for a response after the authenticate command is sent</param>
  3937. </member>
  3938. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Authenticate(ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.AuthenticationType,System.UInt32)">
  3939. <summary>
  3940. Request to pair with the connected remote device, without specifying an authentication string
  3941. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3942. </summary>
  3943. <param name="authType">The type of authentication to execute on the remote device</param>
  3944. <param name="ulTimeout">Number of miliseconds to wait for a response after the authenticate command is sent</param>
  3945. </member>
  3946. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Download(System.UInt16,System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  3947. <overloads>
  3948. Request a download of a file from the authenticated device
  3949. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3950. </overloads>
  3951. <summary>
  3952. Request a download of a file from the authenticated device
  3953. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3954. </summary>
  3955. <param name="usFileIndex">The file number to be downloaded</param>
  3956. <param name="ulDataOffset">Byte offset from where to begin transferring the data</param>
  3957. <param name="ulMaxDataLength">Maximum number of bytes to download. Set to zero (0) if
  3958. the host does not wish to limit the total size of the download</param>
  3959. <param name="ulMaxBlockSize">Maximum number of bytes to download in a single block. Set
  3960. to zero (0) if the host does not wish to limit the block size</param>
  3961. </member>
  3962. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Download(System.UInt16,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  3963. <summary>
  3964. Request a download of a file from the authenticated device
  3965. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3966. </summary>
  3967. <param name="usFileIndex">The file number to be downloaded</param>
  3968. <param name="ulDataOffset">Byte offset from where to begin transferring the data</param>
  3969. <param name="ulMaxDataLength">Maximum number of bytes to download. Set to zero (0) if
  3970. the host does not wish to limit the total size of the download</param>
  3971. </member>
  3972. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.DownloadDirectory">
  3973. <summary>
  3974. Requests a download of the directory file from the authenticated device
  3975. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3976. </summary>
  3977. </member>
  3978. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.EraseData(System.UInt16)">
  3979. <summary>
  3980. Requests the erasure of a file on the authenticated remote device
  3981. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3982. </summary>
  3983. <param name="usFileIndex">The file number of the file to erase</param>
  3984. </member>
  3985. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Upload(System.UInt16,System.UInt32,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
  3986. <overloads>
  3987. Requests an upload of a file to the authenticated device
  3988. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3989. </overloads>
  3990. <summary>
  3991. Requests an upload of a file to the authenticated device
  3992. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  3993. </summary>
  3994. <param name="usFileIndex">The file number to be uploaded</param>
  3995. <param name="ulDataOffset">The byte offset from where to begin transferring the data</param>
  3996. <param name="uploadData">Buffer where data to be sent is stored</param>
  3997. <param name="bForceOffset">Force the offset</param>
  3998. </member>
  3999. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Upload(System.UInt16,System.Byte[])">
  4000. <summary>
  4001. Requests a new upload of a file to the authenticated device
  4002. Throws an exception if the library is in the wrong state or busy with another request
  4003. </summary>
  4004. <param name="usFileIndex">The file number to be uploaded</param>
  4005. <param name="uploadData">Buffer where data to be sent is stored</param>
  4006. </member>
  4007. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetFoundDeviceParameters">
  4008. <summary>
  4009. Retrieves the parameters of the most recently found device
  4010. </summary>
  4011. <returns>Parameters of the most recently found device, or null if no parameters could be retrieved</returns>
  4012. </member>
  4013. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetFoundDeviceChannelID">
  4014. <summary>
  4015. Retrieves the channel ID of the most recently found device.
  4016. An exception will be thrown if no device has been found
  4017. </summary>
  4018. <returns>The Channel ID of the most recently found device.</returns>
  4019. </member>
  4020. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetAuthResponse">
  4021. <summary>
  4022. Obtains the additional data received on an Authentication Response (e.g. PassKey), if available
  4023. </summary>
  4024. <returns>Authentication response additional parameters, or an empty array if no additional parameters were received</returns>
  4025. </member>
  4026. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetDownloadStatus">
  4027. <summary>
  4028. Gets the transfer progress of a pending or complete download
  4029. </summary>
  4030. <returns>The transfer status, including the current byte progress,
  4031. total expected length of the download, and current percentage.
  4032. Returns null if no valid status could be obtained.</returns>
  4033. </member>
  4034. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetUploadStatus">
  4035. <summary>
  4036. Gets the transfer progress of a pending or complete upload
  4037. </summary>
  4038. <returns>The transfer status, including the current byte progress,
  4039. total expected length of the upload, and current percentage.
  4040. Returns null if no valid status could be obtained.</returns>
  4041. </member>
  4042. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetTransferData">
  4043. <summary>
  4044. Gets the received data from a transfer (download)
  4045. </summary>
  4046. <returns>Buffer containing the downloaded data.
  4047. Returns an empty buffer if no data is available or the download size is 0</returns>
  4048. </member>
  4049. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetDownloadSize">
  4050. <summary>
  4051. Retrieves the size of a downloaded file
  4052. </summary>
  4053. <returns>Download size (in bytes)</returns>
  4054. </member>
  4055. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetStatus">
  4056. <summary>
  4057. Returns the current library status
  4058. </summary>
  4059. <returns>Current library status</returns>
  4060. </member>
  4061. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetConnectedDeviceBeaconAntfsState">
  4062. <summary>
  4063. Returns the current ANTFS state from the last seen ANTFS beacon of the
  4064. connected device.
  4065. </summary>
  4066. <returns>Ant-Fs State from last received beacon or BeaconNotFound if no device is connected</returns>
  4067. </member>
  4068. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.GetLibraryVersion">
  4069. <summary>
  4070. Gets the version string of the underlying ANT-FS library
  4071. </summary>
  4072. <returns>ANT-FS Library Version String</returns>
  4073. </member>
  4074. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Cancel">
  4075. <summary>
  4076. Cancels any pending actions and returns the library to the appropiate ANT-FS layer if possible,
  4077. i.e. if the library was executing a download command in the transport layer, the library would
  4078. be returned to the Transport State.
  4079. A response of CancelDone will be sent back to the application when the cancel operation is complete.
  4080. </summary>
  4081. </member>
  4082. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.ResponseThreadHandler">
  4083. <summary>
  4084. Processing of incoming ANT-FS responses
  4085. </summary>
  4086. </member>
  4087. <member name="E:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.OnResponse">
  4088. <summary>
  4089. The ANT-FS host callback event, triggered every time a response is received from the ANT-FS host library
  4090. </summary>
  4091. </member>
  4092. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.Response">
  4093. <summary>
  4094. ANT-FS Responses
  4095. </summary>
  4096. !!! Must match the enum in antfs_host_channel.hpp
  4097. </member>
  4098. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.State">
  4099. <summary>
  4100. ANT-FS State
  4101. </summary>
  4102. !!! Must match the enum in antfs_host_channel.hpp
  4103. </member>
  4104. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.ANTFS_HostChannel.BeaconAntFsState">
  4105. <summary>
  4106. Beacon ANT-FS State
  4107. </summary>
  4108. !!! Must match the defs in antfsmessage.h
  4109. </member>
  4110. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.dDeviceNotificationHandler">
  4111. <summary>
  4112. Delegate for the DeviceNotification event
  4113. </summary>
  4114. <param name="notification">The notification code for the current event</param>
  4115. <param name="notificationInfo">An object that optionally holds more information about the current event</param>
  4116. </member>
  4117. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.dRawChannelResponseHandler">
  4118. <summary>
  4119. Delegate for Channel Response Event for forwarding the raw msg struct. If you are coding in C# use the other response event version.
  4120. </summary>
  4121. <param name="message">Message bytes received from device</param>
  4122. <param name="messageSize">Length of data in message structure</param>
  4123. </member>
  4124. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.dChannelResponseHandler">
  4125. <summary>
  4126. Delegate for Channel Response Event
  4127. </summary>
  4128. <param name="response">Message details received from device</param>
  4129. </member>
  4130. <member name="T:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_VersionInfo">
  4131. <summary>
  4132. The information for this version of the ANT Managed Library
  4133. </summary>
  4134. </member>
  4135. <member name="F:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_VersionInfo.versionNumberLastChangedOn">
  4136. <summary>
  4137. This string shows the date the library received its current version number
  4138. </summary>
  4139. </member>
  4140. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_VersionInfo.getManagedLibraryVersion">
  4141. <summary>
  4142. Returns the version information as a string
  4143. </summary>
  4144. <returns>Managed Library Version String</returns>
  4145. </member>
  4146. <member name="M:ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_VersionInfo.getUnmanagedLibraryVersion">
  4147. <summary>
  4148. Gets the version string of the underlying unmanaged wrapper library, ANT_WrappedLib.dll
  4149. </summary>
  4150. <returns>Unmanaged Wrapper Version String</returns>
  4151. </member>
  4152. </members>
  4153. </doc>