using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Leopotam.Ecs; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Asset_Cleaner { class FileResultTag { } enum TargetTypeEnum { File = 0, Directory = 1, Scene = 2, ObjectInScene = 3, ObjectInStage = 4 } class SysWindowGui : IEcsRunSystem, IEcsInitSystem { EcsFilter SceneResultRows = null; EcsFilter ScenePaths = null; EcsFilter.Exclude SearchArgMain = null; EcsFilter FileResultRows = null; public void Init() { BacklinkStoreDirty(true); VisualSettingDirty(true); } public void Run() { var windowData = Globals.Value; _toolbarSelection = GUILayout.Toolbar(_toolbarSelection, _toolbarStrings, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); var conf = Globals.Value; switch (_toolbarSelection) { case 0: { ShowTabMain(conf, windowData); break; } case 1: { ShowTabSettings(conf); break; } } } string[] _toolbarStrings = {"Main", "Settings"}; const int _progressBarShowFromLevel = 10; int _toolbarSelection = 0; int _settingIgnoredPathsHash1; bool BacklinkStoreDirty(bool set) { var res = Hash() != _settingIgnoredPathsHash1; if (set) _settingIgnoredPathsHash1 = Hash(); return res; int Hash() { var conf = Globals.Value; return DirtyUtils.HashCode(conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined, conf.IgnoreMaterial, conf.IgnoreScriptable); } } int _settingCodeHash1; bool VisualSettingDirty(bool set) { var res = Hash() != _settingCodeHash1; if (set) _settingCodeHash1 = Hash(); return res; int Hash() { var conf = Globals.Value; return DirtyUtils.HashCode( conf.MarkRed, conf.ShowInfoBox, conf.RebuildCacheOnDemand); } } void ShowTabSettings(Config conf) { using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); var enabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = true; using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { conf.MarkRed = GUILayout.Toggle(conf.MarkRed, "Display counters and red overlay in Project View"); conf.ShowInfoBox = GUILayout.Toggle(conf.ShowInfoBox, "Help suggestions"); conf.RebuildCacheOnDemand = GUILayout.Toggle(conf.RebuildCacheOnDemand, "Rebuild cache on demand (when scripts are updated often)"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); conf.IgnoreMaterial = GUILayout.Toggle(conf.IgnoreMaterial, "Ignore Materials"); conf.IgnoreScriptable = GUILayout.Toggle(conf.IgnoreScriptable, "Ignore ScriptableObjects"); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.enabled = enabled; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Ignore Path(s) contains:"); conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined = GUILayout.TextArea(conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); var previous = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = BacklinkStoreDirty(false) || VisualSettingDirty(false); if (GUILayout.Button("Apply")) { conf.IgnorePathContains = conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined.Split(';') .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray(); Apply(); } GUI.enabled = previous; var selectedGuids = Selection.assetGUIDs; var assetPaths = new List(); if (selectedGuids.Length > 0) { foreach (var guid in selectedGuids) { var realAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(realAssetPath); var assetPath = realAssetPath.Replace("Assets/", string.Empty); if (obj is DefaultAsset && !conf.IgnorePathContains.Any(p => (StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(p, assetPath)))) { assetPaths.Add(assetPath); } } } GUI.enabled = (assetPaths.Count > 0); var foldersList = string.Join(", ", assetPaths); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Selected Path")) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to add these folder(s) to ignored list: \"{foldersList}\"?", ok: "Ignore", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined += $"{foldersList};"; conf.IgnorePathContains = conf.IgnorePathContainsCombined.Split(';') .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray(); Apply(); } } GUI.enabled = true; if (GUILayout.Button("Reset")) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to reset to the factory settings?", ok: "Reset", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { var serializable = AufSerializableData.Default(); AufSerializableData.OnDeserialize(in serializable, ref conf); Apply(); } } GUI.enabled = previous; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(conf.InitializationTime); var buf = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = Selection.objects.Length > 0; if (GUILayout.Button("Reserialize selected assets", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { var paths = Selection.objects.Select(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath); AssetDatabase.ForceReserializeAssets(paths); EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project"); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } GUI.enabled = buf; EditorGUILayout.Space(); } void Apply() { var rebuild = BacklinkStoreDirty(true); VisualSettingDirty(true); PersistenceUtils.Save(in conf); AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out RequestRepaintEvt _); if (rebuild) Globals.Value.UpdateUnusedAssets(); InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); } } void ShowTabMain(Config conf, WindowData windowData) { var store = Globals.Value; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = windowData.Window.position.width * .7f; int Hash() => DirtyUtils.HashCode(conf.Locked); var active = SearchArgMain.Get1[0]; if (conf.Locked && (windowData.FindFrom == FindModeEnum.File && (active == null || active.Main == null || !AssetDatabase.Contains(active.Main)))) { conf.Locked = false; AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out RequestRepaintEvt _); } var style = windowData.Style; var hash = Hash(); if (hash != Hash()) { PersistenceUtils.Save(in conf); AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out RequestRepaintEvt _); } // if (Globals.Get() == null) return; EditorGUILayout.Space(); SearchArg arg = default; foreach (var i in SearchArgMain) { arg = SearchArgMain.Get1[i]; if (arg != null && arg.Main != null) { break; } } if (arg == default) return; var targetTypeEnum = GetTargetType(windowData, arg?.Main); BacklinkStore.UnusedQty unusedQty = new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(0, 0, 0); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { var enabledBuf = GUI.enabled; var selectedGuids = Selection.assetGUIDs; var undoRedoState = Globals.Value; GUI.enabled = selectedGuids != null && !conf.Locked && undoRedoState.UndoEnabled; if (GUILayout.Button(style.ArrowL, style.ArrowBtn)) { AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out UndoEvt _); } GUI.enabled = selectedGuids != null && !conf.Locked && undoRedoState.RedoEnabled; if (GUILayout.Button(style.ArrowR, style.ArrowBtn)) { AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out RedoEvt _); } GUI.enabled = enabledBuf; if (conf.Locked) { if (GUILayout.Button(style.Lock, style.LockBtn)) { AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out SelectionChanged selectionChanged); conf.Locked = false; if (Selection.activeObject != arg.Target) { selectionChanged.From = FindModeEnum.Scene; selectionChanged.Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); selectionChanged.Target = Selection.activeObject; } else if (Selection.assetGUIDs is string[] guids) { // todo show info box multiple selection is unsupported if (guids.Length > 0) { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]); selectionChanged.Target = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); switch (Selection.selectionChanged.Target) { case DefaultAsset _: selectionChanged.From = FindModeEnum.File; break; case GameObject go when go.scene.isLoaded: selectionChanged.From = FindModeEnum.Scene; selectionChanged.Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); break; default: selectionChanged.From = FindModeEnum.File; break; } } else if (Selection.activeObject is GameObject go && go.scene.isLoaded) { selectionChanged.From = FindModeEnum.Scene; selectionChanged.Target = Selection.activeObject; selectionChanged.Scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); } } } } else { var enabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = selectedGuids != null && selectedGuids.Length == 1; if (GUILayout.Button(style.Unlock, style.UnlockBtn)) { conf.Locked = true; } GUI.enabled = enabled; } unusedQty = ShowObjectName(store, windowData, targetTypeEnum, arg, selectedGuids); } bool isMultiSelect = Selection.assetGUIDs != null && Selection.assetGUIDs.Length > 1; if (conf.ShowInfoBox) { if (isMultiSelect && (unusedQty.UnusedFilesQty + unusedQty.UnusedScenesQty > 0)) { var msgUnusedFiles = (unusedQty.UnusedFilesQty > 0) ? $"unused files ({unusedQty.UnusedFilesQty})," : ""; var msgUnusedScenes = (unusedQty.UnusedScenesQty > 0) ? $"unused scenes ({unusedQty.UnusedScenesQty})," : ""; var msgMultiSelect = $"This multi-selection contains: " + msgUnusedFiles + msgUnusedScenes + $"\nYou could delete them pressing corresponding button to the right."; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(msgMultiSelect, MessageType.Info); } else if (TryGetHelpInfo(arg, out var msg, out var msgType)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(msg, msgType); } } if (targetTypeEnum != TargetTypeEnum.Directory && !isMultiSelect) { var windowData2 = Globals.Value; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { windowData2.ScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(windowData2.ScrollPos); { RenderRows(windowData2); //TODO? EditorGUILayout.Space(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } static bool TryGetHelpInfo(SearchArg arg, out string msg, out MessageType msgType) { msgType = MessageType.Info; if (arg == null) { msg = default; return false; } var path = arg.FilePath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { msg = default; return false; } if (SearchUtils.IgnoredPaths(path, out var subPath)) { msg = $"Paths containing '{subPath}' are ignored. You could add or remove it in Settings tab"; return true; } if (SearchUtils.IgnoredNonAssets(path) && !path.Eq("Assets")) { msg = $"Asset is outside of Assets folder"; return true; } if (IgnoreTypes.Check(path, out var type)) { if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(path)) { var scenes = arg.UnusedScenesFiltered?.Count; var files = arg.UnusedAssetsFiltered?.Count; if (scenes == 0 && files == 0) { msg = default; return false; } var b = new StringBuilder(); b.Append("This directory contains: "); var any = false; if (files > 0) { any = true; b.Append($"unused files ({files})"); } if (scenes > 0) { if (any) b.Append(", "); b.Append($"unused scenes ({scenes})"); } b.Append( ".\nYou could delete them pressing corresponding button to the right.\nIf you don't want it to be inspected, please add it to Ignore list in the Settings tab"); msg = b.ToString(); return true; } msg = $"Assets of type '{type.Name}' are ignored. Please contact support if you need to change it"; return true; } // if (Filters.ScenePaths.GetEntitiesCount() == 0 && Filters.FileResultRows.GetEntitiesCount() == 0) { if (SearchUtils.IsUnused(path)) { type = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path); var name = type.IsAssignableFromInverse(typeof(SceneAsset)) ? "scene" : "file"; msg = $"This {name} has no explicit serialized usages and potentially could be removed. If you don't want it to be inspected, please add the containing folder to ignore list"; return true; } msgType = default; msg = default; return false; } static TargetTypeEnum GetTargetType(WindowData windowData1, Object obj) { if (obj == null) return TargetTypeEnum.File; var targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.Directory; var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj); switch (windowData1.FindFrom) { case FindModeEnum.File when obj is DefaultAsset: targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.Directory; break; case FindModeEnum.File when path.LastIndexOf(".unity", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1: targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.Scene; break; case FindModeEnum.File: targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.File; break; case FindModeEnum.Scene: targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.ObjectInScene; break; case FindModeEnum.Stage: targetTypeEnum = TargetTypeEnum.ObjectInStage; break; } return targetTypeEnum; } GUIContent _contentBuf = new GUIContent(); GUIContent _buf2 = new GUIContent(); BacklinkStore.UnusedQty ShowObjectName(BacklinkStore store, WindowData windowData, TargetTypeEnum targetTypeEnum, SearchArg arg, string[] selectedGuids) { float TextWidth() { _buf2.text = _contentBuf.text; return 20f +; } if (arg == null || arg.Main == null) return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); bool isMultiSelect = selectedGuids != null && selectedGuids.Length > 1; if (_contentBuf == null) { _contentBuf = new GUIContent {tooltip = $"Click to ping"}; } _contentBuf.image = isMultiSelect ? windowData.Style.MultiSelect.image : AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(arg.Target); _contentBuf.text = string.Empty; _contentBuf.tooltip = string.Empty; if (!isMultiSelect) { switch (targetTypeEnum) { case TargetTypeEnum.Directory: if (!SearchArgMain.IsEmpty()) { _contentBuf.text = $"{} (Folder)"; if (GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.CurrentBtn, GUILayout.MinWidth(TextWidth()))) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } if (AskDeleteUnusedFiles(arg, arg.UnusedAssetsFiltered, windowData)) return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); if (AskDeleteUnusedScenes(arg, arg.UnusedScenesFiltered, windowData)) return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); } break; case TargetTypeEnum.File: _contentBuf.text = $"{} (File Asset)"; if (GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.CurrentBtn, GUILayout.MinWidth(TextWidth()))) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } bool hasUnusedFile = SearchUtils.IsUnused(arg.FilePath); var previous = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = hasUnusedFile; if (GUILayout.Button(windowData.Style.RemoveFile, windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to remove file: \"{}\"?", ok: "Remove", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project"); DeleteWithMeta(arg.FilePath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); SearchUtils.Upd(arg); } } GUI.enabled = previous; break; case TargetTypeEnum.Scene: _contentBuf.text = $"{} (Scene)"; if (GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.CurrentBtn, GUILayout.MinWidth(TextWidth()))) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } bool hasUnusedScene = SearchUtils.IsUnused(arg.FilePath); previous = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = hasUnusedScene; if (GUILayout.Button(windowData.Style.RemoveScene, windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to remove scene: {}?", ok: "Remove", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project"); DeleteWithMeta(arg.FilePath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); SearchUtils.Upd(arg); } } GUI.enabled = previous; break; case TargetTypeEnum.ObjectInScene: _contentBuf.text = $"{} (Object in Scene)"; if (GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.CurrentBtn, GUILayout.MinWidth(TextWidth()))) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } break; case TargetTypeEnum.ObjectInStage: _contentBuf.image = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(arg.Target); _contentBuf.text = $"{} (Object in Staging)"; if (GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } break; default: if (GUILayout.Button($"{} (Unknown Object Type)", windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(arg.Main); } break; } } else { var unusedAssets = new List(); var unusedScenes = new List(); foreach (var guid in selectedGuids) { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); if (store.UnusedFiles.TryGetValue(path, out _)) unusedAssets.Add(path); else if (store.UnusedScenes.TryGetValue(path, out _)) unusedScenes.Add(path); if (store.FoldersWithQty.TryGetValue(path, out _)) { SearchArg searchArg = new SearchArg() { FilePath = path, Target = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path), Main = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path) }; SearchUtils.Upd(searchArg); foreach (var unusedAssetPath in searchArg.UnusedAssetsFiltered) if (store.UnusedFiles.TryGetValue(unusedAssetPath, out _)) unusedAssets.Add(unusedAssetPath); foreach (var unusedScenePath in searchArg.UnusedScenesFiltered) if (store.UnusedScenes.TryGetValue(unusedScenePath, out _)) unusedScenes.Add(unusedScenePath); } } unusedAssets = unusedAssets.Distinct().ToList(); unusedScenes = unusedScenes.Distinct().ToList(); var assetSize = unusedAssets.Sum(CommonUtils.Size); var sceneSize = unusedScenes.Sum(CommonUtils.Size); _contentBuf.text = $"Assets: {unusedAssets.Count} ({CommonUtils.BytesToString(assetSize)}), Scenes: {unusedScenes.Count} ({CommonUtils.BytesToString(sceneSize)})"; ; GUILayout.Button(_contentBuf, windowData.Style.CurrentBtn, GUILayout.MinWidth(TextWidth())); if (AskDeleteUnusedFiles(arg, unusedAssets, windowData)) return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); if (AskDeleteUnusedScenes(arg, unusedScenes, windowData)) return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(unusedAssets.Count, unusedScenes.Count, assetSize + sceneSize); } return new BacklinkStore.UnusedQty(); } static bool AskDeleteUnusedFiles(SearchArg arg, List unusedAssets, WindowData windowData) { if (arg == null || unusedAssets == null) return false; var hasUnusedAssets = unusedAssets.Count > 0; var previous = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = hasUnusedAssets; var guiContentRemoveAssets = windowData.Style.RemoveFile; if (GUILayout.Button(guiContentRemoveAssets, windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to remove {unusedAssets.Count} asset(s)?", ok: "Remove", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project"); var i = 0f; var total = (float) unusedAssets.Count; foreach (var f in unusedAssets) { var path = Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", f); DeleteWithMeta(path); var percent = i * 100 / total; if (total >= _progressBarShowFromLevel) { if (Math.Abs(percent % 5f) < 0.01f) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar( "Please wait...", "Deleting assets...", percent)) throw new Exception("Deleting aborted"); } i++; } } if (total >= _progressBarShowFromLevel) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); SearchUtils.Upd(arg); } GUI.enabled = previous; return true; } GUI.enabled = previous; return false; } static void DeleteWithMeta(string path) { FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(path); var metaPath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metaPath)) FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(metaPath); } static bool AskDeleteUnusedScenes(SearchArg arg, List unusedScenes, WindowData windowData) { if (arg == null || unusedScenes == null) return false; var hasUnusedScenes = unusedScenes.Count > 0; var previous = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = hasUnusedScenes; var guiContentRemoveScenes = windowData.Style.RemoveScene; if (GUILayout.Button(guiContentRemoveScenes, windowData.Style.RemoveUnusedBtn)) { var choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( title: "Asset Cleaner", message: $"Do you really want to remove {unusedScenes.Count} scene(s)?", ok: "Remove", cancel: "Cancel"); if (choice) { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project"); var i = 0f; var total = (float) unusedScenes.Count; foreach (var scene in unusedScenes) { var path = Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", scene); DeleteWithMeta(path); if (total >= _progressBarShowFromLevel) { var percent = i * 100 / total; if (Math.Abs(percent % 5f) < 0.01f) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar( "Please wait...", "Deleting scenes...", percent)) throw new Exception("Deleting aborted"); } i++; } } if (total >= _progressBarShowFromLevel) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); SearchUtils.Upd(arg); } GUI.enabled = previous; return true; } GUI.enabled = previous; return false; } void RenderRows(WindowData windowData) { // todo show spinner until scene is loaded, if (FileResultRows.GetEntitiesCount() > 0) { windowData.ExpandFiles = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(windowData.ExpandFiles, $"Usages in Project: {FileResultRows.GetEntitiesCount()}"); } if (SearchArgMain.IsEmpty()) return; if (windowData.ExpandFiles && windowData.FindFrom == FindModeEnum.File) foreach (var i in FileResultRows.Out(out var get1, out var get2, out _, out _)) DrawRowFile(get1[i], get2[i], windowData); var sceneMessage = $"Usages in Scenes: {ScenePaths.GetEntitiesCount()}"; if (ScenePaths.GetEntitiesCount() > 0) { windowData.ExpandScenes = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(windowData.ExpandScenes, sceneMessage); } if (!windowData.ExpandScenes) return; if (windowData.ExpandScenes && windowData.FindFrom == FindModeEnum.Scene) { foreach (var (grp, indices) in SceneResultRows.Out(out _, out var get2, out _, out _) .GroupBy1(ResultComp.Instance)) { using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox)) { var count = 0; foreach (var i in indices) { if (count++ == 0) if (GUILayout.Button(get2[i].Label, windowData.Style.RowMainAssetBtn)) { if (windowData.Click.IsDoubleClick(grp.RootGo)) { // _selectionChangedByArrows = false; Selection.activeObject = grp.RootGo; } else EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(grp.RootGo); windowData.Click = new PrevClick(grp.RootGo); } DrawRowScene(get2[i]); } } } } using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Space(windowData.Style.SceneIndent1); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { foreach (var i1 in ScenePaths.Out(out var get1, out var get2, out _)) { windowData.SceneFoldout.text = get1[i1].PathNicified; var details = get2[i1]; details.SearchRequested = details.Scene.isLoaded; details.SearchRequested = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(details.SearchRequested, windowData.SceneFoldout, EditorStyles.foldout); if (details.SearchRequested && details.Scene.isLoaded && !details.SearchDone) { var mainArg = SearchArgMain.GetSingle(); mainArg.Scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(details.Scene.path); SearchUtils.InScene(mainArg, details.Scene); details.SearchDone = true; } if (!details.SearchRequested) { if (!details.Scene.isLoaded) continue; if (!details.WasOpened) { // to clean up on selection change AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out SceneToClose comp); comp.Scene = details.Scene; comp.ForceClose = true; } foreach (var row in SceneResultRows.Out(out _, out _, out var get3, out var entities)) { if (!get3[row].ScenePath.Eq(details.Path)) continue; entities[row].Destroy(); } details.SearchDone = false; } else { if (!details.Scene.isLoaded) { details.Scene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(details.Path, OpenSceneMode.Additive); // to clean up on selection change AufCtx.World.NewEntityWith(out SceneToClose comp); comp.Scene = details.Scene; comp.SelectionId = Globals.Value.Id; #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER EditorSceneManager.SetSceneCullingMask(details.Scene, 0); #endif details.SearchRequested = true; // todo Scope component #if later if (details.Scene.isLoaded) EditorSceneManager.CloseScene(details.Scene, false); #endif } else if (SceneResultRows.IsEmpty()) EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No in-scene dependencies found."); else using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Space(windowData.Style.SceneIndent2); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) foreach (var (grp, indices) in SceneResultRows .Out(out var g1, out var g2, out var g3, out _) .GroupBy1(ResultComp.Instance)) { var any = false; foreach (var i3 in indices) { if (!g3[i3].ScenePath.Eq(details.Path)) continue; any = true; break; } if (!any) continue; using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox)) { var count = 0; foreach (var i2 in indices) { if (!g3[i2].ScenePath.Eq(details.Path)) continue; if (count++ == 0) { Result comp = g1[i2]; if (GUILayout.Button(g2[i2].Label, windowData.Style.RowMainAssetBtn)) { if (windowData.Click.IsDoubleClick(grp.RootGo)) { // _selectionChangedByArrows = false; Selection.activeObject = comp.RootGo; } else EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(comp.RootGo); windowData.Click = new PrevClick(comp.RootGo); } } DrawRowScene(g2[i2]); } } } } } } } } } class ResultComp : IEqualityComparer { public static ResultComp Instance { get; } = new ResultComp(); public bool Equals(Result x, Result y) => GetHashCode(x) == GetHashCode(y); public int GetHashCode(Result obj) => obj.RootGo.GetInstanceID(); } static void DrawRowScene(SearchResultGui gui) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // if (data.TargetGo || data.TargetComponent) foreach (var prop in gui.Properties) { { var locked = prop.Property.objectReferenceValue is MonoScript; var f = GUI.enabled; if (locked) GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.Property, prop.Content, false); if (locked) GUI.enabled = f; } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) gui.SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } static void DrawRowFile(Result data, SearchResultGui gui, WindowData windowData) { using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox)) { var buf = GUI.color; var pingGo = data.MainFile == null ? data.RootGo : data.MainFile; if (GUILayout.Button(gui.Label, windowData.Style.RowMainAssetBtn)) { if (windowData.Click.IsDoubleClick(pingGo)) { // _selectionChangedByArrows = false; Selection.activeObject = pingGo; } else { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(pingGo); } windowData.Click = new PrevClick(pingGo); } GUI.color = buf; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (data.File) { foreach (var prop in gui.Properties) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { var locked = prop.Property.objectReferenceValue is MonoScript; var f = GUI.enabled; if (locked) GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.Property, prop.Content, false); if (locked) GUI.enabled = f; } } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { gui.SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // dependency.SerializedObject.Update(); } } } } }