using System; using UnityEngine; using Wheels; namespace Controller.Bicycle { public class RbBicycleController : BicycleControllerBaseBehaviour, IBicycleController { #region Variables private const float THRESHOLD_GRADIENT_ZERO = .05f; private Transform rbTransform; private float currentSteerAngle; private float currentLeaningAngle; private float currentSpeedSensed; private float currentSpeedAdjusted; //private float previousSpeedAdjusted; //private float maxDifToPreviousSpeedDueToGradientPerSecond = 2f; [Header("Slope Impact")] public bool adjustSpeedToSlope = true; public Vector3 Forward => rbTransform.forward; public Vector3 Right => -rbTransform.right; public Vector3 Up => rbTransform.up; public BicycleControllerMode ControllerMode { get => controllerMode; set => controllerMode = value; } public float CurrentSpeed { get => adjustSpeedToSlope ? currentSpeedAdjusted : currentSpeedSensed; set => currentSpeedSensed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, maxSpeed); } public float CurrentSpeedKph => CurrentSpeed * 3.6f; public float CurrentSteerAngle { get => currentSteerAngle; set => currentSteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(value, -maxSteeringAngle, maxSteeringAngle); } public float CurrentLeaningAngle { get => currentLeaningAngle; set { //don't lean while standing / walking to bike if (rigidBody.velocity.magnitude < .5f) return; currentLeaningAngle = Mathf.Clamp(value, -maxLeaningAngle, maxLeaningAngle); } } public Vector3 RigidBodyVelocity => rigidBody.velocity; #endregion private void Awake() { rbTransform = rigidBody.transform; rigidBody.freezeRotation = true; rigidBody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.position; } private void FixedUpdate() { //rigidBody.isKinematic = currentSpeed <= THRESHOLD_STANDING; ApplyVelocity(); ApplySteerAngleAndRotation(); } private void ApplyVelocity() { var targetVelocity = CalculateTargetVelocity(); var velocityChange = targetVelocity - rigidBody.velocity; velocityChange.y = 0; rigidBody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } private Vector3 CalculateTargetVelocity() { AdjustSpeedToGradientIfNeeded(); var tv = new Vector3(0, 0, currentSpeedAdjusted); tv = rbTransform.TransformDirection(tv); return tv; } private void AdjustSpeedToGradientIfNeeded() { //previousSpeedAdjusted = currentSpeedAdjusted; var bikeAngle = rbTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles.x; if (!adjustSpeedToSlope || Mathf.Abs(bikeAngle) <= THRESHOLD_GRADIENT_ZERO) { currentSpeedAdjusted = currentSpeedSensed; return; } if (bikeAngle > 180) { bikeAngle -= 360f; } else if (bikeAngle < -180) { bikeAngle = 360f - bikeAngle; } var gradientDeg = -bikeAngle; var gradient = Mathf.Tan(gradientDeg * Mathf.Deg2Rad); //var maxDif = maxDifToPreviousSpeedDueToGradientPerSecond * Time.deltaTime; //var dif = Math.Abs(currentSpeedSensed) currentSpeedAdjusted = gradient < 0 ? currentSpeedSensed * 1.5f : BicyclePhysics.SpeedAtGradientForSpeedAtFlat(currentSpeedSensed, rigidBody.mass, gradient); //TODO make work for downhill - and lerp between the speeds! } private void ApplySteerAngleAndRotation() { //don't lean and rotate when veeeeeery sloooow/standing. Otherwise bike will rotate already if (CurrentSpeed < 0.3f) //ca 1 km/h { CurrentSteerAngle = 0; CurrentLeaningAngle = 0; } var sumMode = controllerMode.weightLeaning + controllerMode.weightSteering; var calculatedSteerAngle = (controllerMode.weightSteering * CurrentSteerAngle + controllerMode.weightLeaning + currentLeaningAngle) / sumMode; //TODO: maybe define what leaning angle means as steering angle; var r = rbTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles; float rectifiedZ; if (r.z > 180f) { rectifiedZ = -360 + r.z; }else if (r.z < -180f) { rectifiedZ = 360 + r.z; } else { rectifiedZ = r.z; } var leanDif = -CurrentLeaningAngle - rectifiedZ; rbTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(r + new Vector3(0, calculatedSteerAngle, leanDif) * Time.fixedDeltaTime); } } }