//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============== // // Purpose: Triggers haptic pulses based on a linear mapping // //============================================================================= using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections; namespace Valve.VR.InteractionSystem { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RequireComponent( typeof( Interactable ) )] public class HapticRack : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip( "The linear mapping driving the haptic rack" )] public LinearMapping linearMapping; [Tooltip( "The number of haptic pulses evenly distributed along the mapping" )] public int teethCount = 128; [Tooltip( "Minimum duration of the haptic pulse" )] public int minimumPulseDuration = 500; [Tooltip( "Maximum duration of the haptic pulse" )] public int maximumPulseDuration = 900; [Tooltip( "This event is triggered every time a haptic pulse is made" )] public UnityEvent onPulse; private Hand hand; private int previousToothIndex = -1; //------------------------------------------------- void Awake() { if ( linearMapping == null ) { linearMapping = GetComponent(); } } //------------------------------------------------- private void OnHandHoverBegin( Hand hand ) { this.hand = hand; } //------------------------------------------------- private void OnHandHoverEnd( Hand hand ) { this.hand = null; } //------------------------------------------------- void Update() { int currentToothIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt( linearMapping.value * teethCount - 0.5f ); if ( currentToothIndex != previousToothIndex ) { Pulse(); previousToothIndex = currentToothIndex; } } //------------------------------------------------- private void Pulse() { if ( hand && (hand.isActive) && ( hand.GetBestGrabbingType() != GrabTypes.None ) ) { ushort duration = (ushort)Random.Range( minimumPulseDuration, maximumPulseDuration + 1 ); hand.TriggerHapticPulse( duration ); onPulse.Invoke(); } } } }