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External API


This package provides an API interface to external applications by providing a raw byte-based API.


In order to run this, first start the main HOLEG application. This means starting the Main class file, either by running this file inside the IDE or creating and running the jar version. Then use the algorithm option to load the handheld class in order to run the server.


The protocol operates on binary level. The data types are interpreted based on their expected usage. It contains no type information is always fixed in length.

Data types

Name Size (bytes) Encodes Notes
Byte 4 two complement signed
Int 4 two complement signed
Bool 4 false as 0x0, true otherwise boolean
Float 4 IEEE 754 -
String Variable UTF-8 Length is given by a two byte unsigned length prefix
Array<Type> Variable Directly concatenated List of elements, length is given a preceding field

Messages types are identified by their respective ID in Byte. A message is always prefixed by this ID. You can see an example below for SetAmount. The documented messages show the ID numbers in their respective titles (SetAmount(10) - 10 is the ID).

Type (byte) Index Amount
10 Int Int

Input (Client -> Server)


Set amount of devices.

Field Name Type Notes
Index Int Holon element index
Amount Int Target amount


Enable or disable a holon element.

Field Name Type Notes
Index Int Holon element index
Enabled Bool Target state


Field Name Type Notes
Index Int Holon element index


Field Name Type Notes
Index Int Holon element index

Output (Server -> Client)


Once sent on initial connection and then updated if there are any changes. Updates contain the complete current view.

Field Name Type Notes
Size Int Length of the following array
Amount Array<HolonElement> Current state of each Holon element

Holon Element

Field Name Type Notes
Name String User defined name i.e. Fridge, TV
Amount Int Number of devices of this type
Energy Float Energy usage per device
Enabled Bool If the device is enabled