package holeg.algorithm.binary; import holeg.api.AddOn; import holeg.model.AbstractCanvasObject; import holeg.model.GroupNode; import holeg.model.HolonElement; import holeg.model.HolonObject; import holeg.model.HolonSwitch; import holeg.model.HolonSwitch.SwitchMode; import holeg.model.HolonSwitch.SwitchState; import holeg.model.Model; import holeg.ui.controller.Control; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; public class BaseLine implements AddOn { //Parameter for Algo with default Values: private boolean closeSwitches = true; //Settings For GroupNode using and cancel private boolean useGroupNode = false; private Optional groupNode = Optional.empty(); private boolean cancel = false; //Parameter defined by Algo private HashMap access; private List initialState; private List switchList; private List objectList; //Gui Part: private Control control; private JTextArea textArea; private JPanel content = new JPanel(); //ProgressBar private long startTime; private Thread runThread; public BaseLine() { content.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setEditable(false); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, createOptionPanel(), scrollPane); splitPane.setResizeWeight(0.0); content.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); content.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 800)); } public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame newFrame = new JFrame("exampleWindow"); BaseLine instance = new BaseLine(); newFrame.setContentPane(instance.getPanel()); newFrame.pack(); newFrame.setVisible(true); newFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public JPanel createOptionPanel() { JPanel optionPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(createParameterPanel()); scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Parameter")); optionPanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); optionPanel.add(createButtonPanel(), BorderLayout.PAGE_END); return optionPanel; } private Component createParameterPanel() { JPanel parameterPanel = new JPanel(null); parameterPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(510, 300)); JLabel showDiagnosticsLabel = new JLabel("Set all switches closed:"); showDiagnosticsLabel.setBounds(200, 60, 170, 20); parameterPanel.add(showDiagnosticsLabel); JPanel borderPanel = new JPanel(null); borderPanel.setBounds(200, 85, 185, 50); borderPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("")); parameterPanel.add(borderPanel); JLabel showGroupNodeLabel = new JLabel("Use Group Node:"); showGroupNodeLabel.setBounds(10, 1, 170, 20); borderPanel.add(showGroupNodeLabel); JButton selectGroupNodeButton = new JButton("Select GroupNode"); selectGroupNodeButton.setEnabled(false); selectGroupNodeButton.setBounds(10, 25, 165, 20); selectGroupNodeButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> selectGroupNode()); borderPanel.add(selectGroupNodeButton); JCheckBox useGroupNodeCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); useGroupNodeCheckBox.setSelected(false); useGroupNodeCheckBox.setBounds(155, 1, 25, 20); useGroupNodeCheckBox.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { useGroupNode = useGroupNodeCheckBox.isSelected(); selectGroupNodeButton.setEnabled(useGroupNode); }); borderPanel.add(useGroupNodeCheckBox); JCheckBox switchesCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); switchesCheckBox.setSelected(closeSwitches); switchesCheckBox.setBounds(370, 60, 25, 20); switchesCheckBox.addActionListener( actionEvent -> closeSwitches = switchesCheckBox.isSelected()); parameterPanel.add(switchesCheckBox); return parameterPanel; } public JPanel createButtonPanel() { JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel Run"); cancelButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> cancel()); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); JButton clearButton = new JButton("Clear Console"); clearButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> clear()); buttonPanel.add(clearButton); JButton resetButton = new JButton("Reset"); resetButton.setToolTipText("Resets the State to before the Algorithm has runed."); resetButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> reset()); buttonPanel.add(resetButton); JButton runButton = new JButton("Run"); runButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Runnable task = () -> run(); runThread = new Thread(task); runThread.start(); }); buttonPanel.add(runButton); return buttonPanel; } private void cancel() { if (runThread.isAlive()) { println(""); println("Cancel run."); cancel = true; } else { println("Nothing to cancel."); } } private void run() { cancel = false; disableGuiInput(true); startTimer(); executeBaseLine(); if (cancel) { reset(); disableGuiInput(false); return; } printElapsedTime(); disableGuiInput(false); } private void reset() { if (initialState != null) { println("Resetting.."); resetState(); updateVisual(); } else { println("No run inistialized."); } } private void disableGuiInput(boolean bool) { control.guiSetEnabled(bool); } @Override public JPanel getPanel() { return content; } @Override public void setController(Control control) { this.control = control; } private void clear() { textArea.setText(""); } private void println(String message) { textArea.append(message + "\n"); } private void selectGroupNode() { Object[] possibilities = control.getModel().getCanvas().getAllGroupNodeObjectsRecursive() .toArray(); GroupNode selected = (GroupNode) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(content, "Select GroupNode:", "GroupNode?", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)), possibilities, ""); if (selected != null) { println("Selected: " + selected); groupNode = Optional.of(selected); } } private void startTimer() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void printElapsedTime() { long elapsedMilliSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; println("Execution Time of Algo in Milliseconds:" + elapsedMilliSeconds); } //Algo Part: /** * The Execution of the BaseLine Algo. *


* Begin set HolonElements aktiv; for(All Networks) do if(not (production < consumption)) * continue; inAktiveCount = 0; while(inAktiveCount <= consumerWihtMaxNumberElements) do conList = * createListWithConsumerThatHaveInActiveElementsAmountOf(inAktiveCount); * sortByBiggestElement(conList); for(con : conList) do for(element : * con.getAllActiveElementsSortByConsumption) do if(element <= production) do set element inAktiv; * continue; end do end do end do inAktiveCount += 1; end while end for End */ private void executeBaseLine() { extractPositionAndAccess(); if (closeSwitches) { setAllSwitchesClosed(); } setHolonElemntsAktiv(); control.calculateStateForCurrentIteration(); // DecoratedState actualstate = control.getSimManager().getActualDecorState().get(); // for(DecoratedNetwork net : actualstate.getNetworkList()) { // float production = net.getSupplierList().stream().map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork()).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); // float consumption = net.getConsumerList().stream().map(con -> con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork()).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); // float difference = Math.abs(production - consumption); // println("production:" + production + " consumption:" + consumption); // if(!(production < consumption))continue; // if(net.getConsumerList().isEmpty() && net.getConsumerSelfSuppliedList().isEmpty())continue; // //Stream.concat(net.getConsumerList().stream(), net.getConsumerSelfSuppliedList().stream()); // int consumerWihtMaxNumberElements = Stream.concat(net.getConsumerList().stream(), net.getConsumerSelfSuppliedList().stream()).map(con -> con.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).max((lhs,rhs) ->, rhs)).orElse(0); // println("consumerWihtMaxNumberElements:" + consumerWihtMaxNumberElements); // for(int inAktiveCount = 0;inAktiveCount <= consumerWihtMaxNumberElements; inAktiveCount++) { // println("inAktiveCount:" + inAktiveCount); // final int inAktiveCountFinal = inAktiveCount; // List conList = Stream.concat(net.getConsumerList().stream(), net.getConsumerSelfSuppliedList().stream()).map(con -> con.getModel()).filter(object -> objectList.contains(object)).filter(object -> (object.getNumberOfInActiveElements() == inAktiveCountFinal)).collect(Collectors.toList()); // conList.sort((a,b) ->, b.getMaximumConsumingElementEnergy())); // consumer: // for(HolonObject con: conList) { // //println("Consumer" + con); // List sortedElementList = con.getElements().filter(ele -> && ele.isConsumer()).sorted((a,b) ->, -b.getActualEnergy())).collect(Collectors.toList()); // for(HolonElement element: sortedElementList) { // float elementConsumption = -element.getActualEnergy(); // if(elementConsumption <= difference) { // println("elementConsumption:" + elementConsumption); // difference -= elementConsumption; // = false; // continue consumer; // } // } // } // } // } updateVisual(); } private void setHolonElemntsAktiv() { for (int i = 0; i < access.size(); i++) { AccessWrapper aw = access.get(i); if (aw.getType() == AccessWrapper.HOLONELEMENT) { aw.setState(true); } } } private void setAllSwitchesClosed() { for (HolonSwitch hSwitch : switchList) { hSwitch.setMode(SwitchMode.Manual); hSwitch.setManualState(SwitchState.Closed); } } /** * Method to get the current Position alias a ListOf Booleans for aktive settings on the Objects * on the Canvas. Also initialize the Access Hashmap to swap faster positions. * * @return */ private List extractPositionAndAccess() { Model model = control.getModel(); switchList = new ArrayList(); objectList = new ArrayList(); initialState = new ArrayList(); access = new HashMap(); rollOutNodes((useGroupNode && groupNode.isPresent()) ? groupNode.get().getObjectsInThisLayer() : model.getCanvas().getObjectsInThisLayer(), initialState, model.getCurrentIteration()); return initialState; } /** * Method to extract the Informations recursively out of the Model. * * @param nodes * @param positionToInit * @param timeStep */ private void rollOutNodes(Stream nodes, List positionToInit, int timeStep) { nodes.forEach(aCps -> { if (aCps instanceof HolonObject hO) { hO.elementsStream().forEach(hE -> { positionToInit.add(; access.put(positionToInit.size() - 1, new AccessWrapper(hE)); }); objectList.add(hO); } else if (aCps instanceof HolonSwitch sw) { positionToInit.add(sw.getState().isClosed()); switchList.add(sw); access.put(positionToInit.size() - 1, new AccessWrapper(sw)); } else if (aCps instanceof GroupNode groupnode) { rollOutGroupNode(groupnode, positionToInit, timeStep); } }); } private void rollOutGroupNode(GroupNode groupNode, List positionToInit, int timeStep) { groupNode.getAllHolonObjectsRecursive().forEach(hObject -> { hObject.elementsStream().forEach(hE -> { positionToInit.add(; access.put(positionToInit.size() - 1, new AccessWrapper(hE)); }); objectList.add(hObject); }); groupNode.getAllSwitchObjectsRecursive().forEach(sw -> { positionToInit.add(sw.getState().isClosed()); switchList.add(sw); access.put(positionToInit.size() - 1, new AccessWrapper(sw)); }); } /** * To let the User See the current state without touching the Canvas. */ private void updateVisual() { control.calculateStateForCurrentIteration(); } /** * Sets the Model back to its original State before the LAST run. */ private void resetState() { setState(initialState); } /** * Sets the State out of the given position for calculation or to show the user. * * @param position */ private void setState(List position) { for (int i = 0; i < position.size(); i++) { access.get(i).setState(position.get(i)); } } /** * A Wrapper Class for Access HolonElement and HolonSwitch in one Element and not have to split * the List. */ private class AccessWrapper { public static final int HOLONELEMENT = 0; public static final int SWITCH = 1; private int type; private HolonSwitch hSwitch; private HolonElement hElement; public AccessWrapper(HolonSwitch hSwitch) { type = SWITCH; this.hSwitch = hSwitch; } public AccessWrapper(HolonElement hElement) { type = HOLONELEMENT; this.hElement = hElement; } public void setState(boolean state) { if (type == HOLONELEMENT) { = state; } else {//is switch hSwitch.setMode(SwitchMode.Manual); hSwitch.setManualState(state ? SwitchState.Closed : SwitchState.Open); } } public int getType() { return type; } } }