package holeg.ui.view.canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JPanel; import holeg.model.GroupNode; import holeg.model.HolonObject; import holeg.preferences.ColorPreference; import holeg.ui.controller.Control; import holeg.ui.model.GuiSettings; import holeg.utility.image.Import; import holeg.utility.math.vector.Vec2i; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.RenderingHints; /** * This Class is the Canvas. All Objects will be visualized here * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class Canvas extends JPanel { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Canvas.class.getName()); private boolean enabled = false; private GroupNode groupNode; private Control control; private static Color[] colors = { ColorPreference.HolonObject.Producer, ColorPreference.HolonObject.NotSupplied, ColorPreference.HolonObject.PartiallySupplied, ColorPreference.HolonObject.Supplied, ColorPreference.HolonObject.OverSupplied, ColorPreference.HolonObject.NoEnergy }; public Canvas(Control control, GroupNode groupNode) { this.control = control; this.groupNode = groupNode; control.OnGuiSetEnabled.addListener(this::setCanvasEnabled); // TODO(Tom2022-01-14): remove listener when not needed anymore } private void setCanvasEnabled(boolean state) { enabled = state; } // protected void paintCanvasObject(Graphics2D g, DecoratedHolonObject decoratedHolonObject) { // Vec2i pos = decoratedHolonObject.getModel().getPosition(); // Color statecolor = ColorPreference.HolonObject.getStateColor(decoratedHolonObject.getState()); // g.setColor(statecolor); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), // GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // drawCanvasObject(g, decoratedHolonObject.getModel().getImage(), pos); // } // // protected void drawCanvasObjectString(Graphics2D g, Vec2i posOfCanvasObject, float energy) { // g.setColor(Color.BLACK); // g.setFont(new Font("TimesNewRoman", Font.PLAIN, (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 4f))); // g.drawString((energy > 0) ? "+" + Float.toString(energy) : Float.toString(energy), // posOfCanvasObject.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), // posOfCanvasObject.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1); // } // // protected void paintConsumer(Graphics2D g, Consumer con) { // paintCanvasObject(g, con); // drawCanvasObjectString(g, con.getModel().getPosition(), -con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork()); // if (GuiSettings.showSupplyBars) { // paintSupplyBar(g, con.getSupplyBarPercentage(), ColorPreference.HolonObject.getStateColor(con.getState()), // con.getModel().getPosition()); // } // } // // protected void paintSupplier(Graphics2D g, Supplier sup) { // paintCanvasObject(g, sup); // drawCanvasObjectString(g, sup.getModel().getPosition(), sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork()); // } // // protected void drawCanvasObject(Graphics2D g, String Image, Vec2i pos) { // g.drawImage(Import.loadImage(Image, GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()), // pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), // GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), null); // } // // protected void paintCable(Graphics2D g, Edge cable, boolean isSelected) { // Vec2i start = cable.getA().getPosition(); // Vec2i end = cable.getB().getPosition(); // float currentEnergy = cable.getActualFlow(); // float capacity = cable.maxCapacity; // boolean unlimited = cable.isUnlimitedCapacity(); // switch (cable.getState()) { // case Burned: // g.setColor(ColorPreference.Edge.Burned); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); // break; // case Working: // g.setColor(ColorPreference.Edge.Working); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(unlimited ? 2f : (currentEnergy / capacity * 2f) + 1)); // break; // } // if (isSelected) { // g.setColor(Color.lightGray); // } // g.drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY()); // if (showConnectionInformation) { // Vec2i middle = new Vec2i((start.getX() + end.getX()) / 2, (start.getY() + end.getY()) / 2); // g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 3.5f), 10))); // g.drawString(currentEnergy + "/" + (unlimited ? "\u221E" : capacity), middle.getX(), middle.getY()); // } // } // // protected void paintSwitch(Graphics2D g, DecoratedSwitch dSwitch) { // drawCanvasObject(g, dSwitch.getState() == SwitchState.Open ? HolonSwitch.getSwitchOpenImage() // : HolonSwitch.getSwitchClosedImage(), dSwitch.getModel().getPosition()); // } // // protected void paintExitCable(Graphics2D g, ExitCable eCable) { // Vec2i start = eCable.getStart().getPosition(); // Vec2i end = eCable.getFinish().getPosition(); // float currentEnergy; // float capacity = eCable.getEdge().maxCapacity; // boolean unlimited = eCable.getEdge().isUnlimitedCapacity(); // if(eCable.getEdge().getState() == null) { // System.err.print(eCable.getEdge()); // } // switch (eCable.getEdge().getState()) { // case Burned: // currentEnergy = 0.0f; // g.setColor(Color.RED); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); // break; // case Working: // default: // currentEnergy = eCable.getEdge().getActualFlow(); // g.setColor(new Color(13, 175, 28)); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(unlimited ? 2f : (currentEnergy / capacity * 2f) + 1)); // break; // } // g.drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY()); // Vec2i middle = new Vec2i((start.getX() + end.getX()) / 2, (start.getY() + end.getY()) / 2); // g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 3.5f), 10))); // g.drawString(currentEnergy + "/" + (unlimited ? "\u221E" : capacity), middle.getX(), middle.getY()); // } // // protected void paintGroupNode(Graphics2D g, DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode) { // Vec2i pos = dGroupNode.getModel().getPosition(); // g.setColor(Color.lightGray); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), // GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // drawCanvasObject(g, ImagePreference.Canvas.GroupNode, pos); // paintGroupNodeBar(g, dGroupNode, pos); // } // // private void paintGroupNodeBar(Graphics2D g, DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode, Vec2i pos) { // // +1, -2, -1 little Adjustment for pixel perfect alignment // int barWidth = (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // int barHeight = (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 5); // g.setColor(Color.WHITE); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) barWidth, // barHeight); // float[] percentages = getGroupNodeBarPercentages(dGroupNode); // // for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { // g.setColor(colors[i]); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, // (int) (barWidth * percentages[i] - 1), barHeight); // } //// g.setColor(color); //// g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.GetPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.GetPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) (barWidth * (percentage < 1 ? percentage : 1.0f) - 1), barHeight); // g.setColor(Color.BLACK); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); // g.drawRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, barWidth - 1, // barHeight); // } // // /** // * HardCoded Stuff dont try at Home ;) // * // * @param dGroupNode // * @return // */ // public float[] getGroupNodeBarPercentages(DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode) { // int[] amountOfObjects = new int[6]; // amountOfObjects[0] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfSupplier(); // amountOfObjects[1] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED); // amountOfObjects[2] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED); // amountOfObjects[3] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED); // amountOfObjects[4] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED); // amountOfObjects[5] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfPassiv(); // int countHolonObjects = amountOfObjects[0] + amountOfObjects[1] + amountOfObjects[2] + amountOfObjects[3] // + amountOfObjects[4] + amountOfObjects[5]; // float[] percentages = new float[6]; // int count = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // count += amountOfObjects[i]; // percentages[i] = (float) count / (float) countHolonObjects; // } // return percentages; // } // private void paintSupplyBar(Graphics2D g, float percentage, Color color, Vec2i pos) { // // +1, -2, -1 little Adjustment for pixel perfect alignment // int barWidth = (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // int barHeight = (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 5); // g.setColor(Color.WHITE); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) barWidth, // barHeight); // g.setColor(color); // g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, // (int) (barWidth * (percentage < 1 ? percentage : 1.0f) - 1), barHeight); // g.setColor(Color.BLACK); // g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); // g.drawRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1, barWidth - 1, // barHeight); // g.setFont(new Font("TimesNewRoman", Font.PLAIN, (int) (barHeight * 1.5) - 2)); // String percentageString = (Math.round((percentage * 100))) + "%"; // int stringWidth = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(percentageString, g).getWidth(); // if (percentage > 1.0f) // g.setColor(Color.WHITE); // Just to see better on purple // g.drawString(percentageString, pos.getX() + 1 - stringWidth / 2, // pos.getY() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() - 1 + barHeight); // // } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = initGraphics2D(g);"Draw"); groupNode.getHolonObjects().forEach(hO -> { drawHolonObject(g2d, hO); }); // // Optional optVisualState = control.getSimManager().getActualVisualRepresentationalState(); // // VisualState Representation: // if (optVisualState.isEmpty()) { // return; // } // VisualRepresentationalState visualState = optVisualState.get(); // // for (ExitCable cable : visualState.getExitCableList()) { // paintExitCable(g2d, cable); // } // for (Edge cable : visualState.getCableList()) { // paintCable(g2d, cable, GuiSettings.getSelectedEdges().contains(cable)); // } // for (DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode : visualState.getGroupNodeList()) { // paintGroupNode(g2d, dGroupNode); // } //", "))); // for (Consumer con : visualState.getConsumerList()) { // paintConsumer(g2d, con); // } //", "))); // for (Supplier sup : visualState.getSupplierList()) { // paintSupplier(g2d, sup); // } // for (Passiv pas : visualState.getPassivList()) { // paintCanvasObject(g2d, pas); // } // for (DecoratedSwitch dSwitch : visualState.getSwitchList()) { // paintSwitch(g2d, dSwitch); // } // for (Node node : visualState.getNodeList()) { // drawCanvasObject(g2d, ImagePreference.Canvas.Node.Unselected, node.getPosition()); // } // // // -->oldCode // if (doMark) { // g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); // g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0)); // drawMarker(g2d); // } // // Test Selection // // Objects: // g2d.setColor(Color.BLUE); // g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); // Color transparentGrey = ColorPreference.Panel.ObjectSelection; // for (AbstractCanvasObject aCps : GuiSettings.getSelectedObjects()) { // if (aCps instanceof Node) { // Vec2i pos = aCps.getPosition(); // g2d.setColor(transparentGrey); // g2d.fillOval(pos.getX() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2()), // pos.getY() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2()), GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // g2d.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); // g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); // g2d.drawOval(pos.getX() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2()), // pos.getY() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2()), GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); // } else { // Vec2i pos = aCps.getPosition(); // g2d.setColor(transparentGrey); // g2d.fillRect(pos.getX() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() * 1.5f), // pos.getY() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() * 1.5f), (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() * 1.5f), // (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() * 1.5f)); // g2d.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); // g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); // g2d.drawRect(pos.getX() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() * 1.5f), // pos.getY() - (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2() * 1.5f), (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() * 1.5f), // (int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() * 1.5f)); // } // // } // // maybeReplace: // if (mayBeReplaced != null) { // g2d.setColor(Color.RED); // Vec2i pos = mayBeReplaced.getPosition(); // g2d.drawImage(Import.loadImage(ImagePreference.Canvas.ReplaceSymbol), pos.getX() + GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), // pos.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), null); // } // // <-- OldCode } private void drawHolonObject(Graphics2D g, HolonObject hO) { Vec2i pos = hO.getPosition(); // Color statecolor = ColorPreference.HolonObject.getStateColor(hO.getState()); // g.setColor(statecolor); g.setColor(Color.cyan); g.fillRect(pos.getX() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale(), GuiSettings.getPictureScale()); drawCanvasObject(g, hO.getImage(), pos); } private void drawCanvasObject(Graphics2D g, String imageName, Vec2i pos) { int pictureScale = GuiSettings.getPictureScale(); int pictureScaleDiv2 = GuiSettings.getPictureScaleDiv2(); Image image = Import.loadImage(imageName, pictureScale, pictureScale); g.drawImage(image, pos.getX() - pictureScaleDiv2, pos.getY() - pictureScaleDiv2, pictureScale, pictureScale, null); } private static final RenderingHints RenderingHint = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); private static final Font CanvasFont = new Font("TimesNewRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (GuiSettings.getPictureScale() / 3.5f), 10)); private static Graphics2D initGraphics2D(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setRenderingHints(RenderingHint); g2d.setFont(CanvasFont); return g2d; } public GroupNode getGroupNode() { return this.groupNode; } public void setGroupNode(GroupNode groupNode) { this.groupNode = groupNode; } public void checkForReplacement(int x, int y) { } }