package holeg.model; import holeg.serialize.PostDeserialize; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import; /** * The class HolonObject represents any Object on the system which capability of injecting or * consuming energy on the network, for instance a house or a power plant. * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class HolonObject extends AbstractCanvasObject implements PostDeserialize { /* Array of all consumers */ private final Set elements = new HashSet<>(); //Calculated values private transient HolonObjectState state; private transient float actualEnergy; private transient float energyFromHolon; private transient float energyToHolon; private transient float minimumConsumingElementEnergy; private transient float energyNeededFromHolon; private transient float consumption; private transient float production; /** * Constructor Set by default the name of the object equals to the category name, until the user * changes it. * * @param objName name of the Object */ public HolonObject(String objName) { super(objName); } /** * Contructor of a copy of an Object. * * @param obj object to be copied */ public HolonObject(HolonObject obj) { super(obj); for (HolonElement ele : obj.elements) { this.add(new HolonElement(ele)); } } @Override public AbstractCanvasObject copy() { return new HolonObject(this); } /** * Getter for all Elements in the HolonObject. * * @return the elements ArrayList */ public Stream elementsStream() { return; } public void clearElements() { elements.clear(); } /** * adds an Element to the Object. * * @param element the Element to add */ public void add(HolonElement element) { elements.add(element); element.parentObject = this; } public void add(Collection elements) { for (HolonElement hE : elements) { hE.parentObject = this; } this.elements.addAll(elements); } /** * remove an Element to the Object. * * @param element the Element to add */ public void remove(HolonElement element) { elements.remove(element); element.parentObject = null; } /** * This Method returns the smallest consuming HolonElement that is ACTIVE. If the HolonObject has * no Consumer its return null. * * @return The smallest consuming HolonElement or null. */ public Optional getMinimumConsumingElement() { return -> element.getActualEnergy() < 0) .max((lhs, rhs) ->, rhs.getActualEnergy())); } /** * This Method returns the smallest consuming HolonElement'Energy that is ACTIVE. If the * HolonObject has no Consumer its return 0. * * @return The smallest consuming HolonElement or 0. */ public float getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy() { return minimumConsumingElementEnergy; } /** * This Method returns the biggest consuming HolonElement'Energy that is ACTIVE. If the * HolonObject has no Consumer its return 0. * * @return The biggest consuming HolonElement or 0. */ public float getMaximumConsumingElementEnergy() { return -> element.getActualEnergy() < 0) .map(element -> -element.getActualEnergy()).max(Float::compare).orElse(0.0f); } public float getMaximumProductionPossible() { return -> energy > 0) .reduce(0.0f, Float::sum); } public float getMaximumConsumptionPossible() { return -> element.getEnergy() < 0) .map(element -> -element.getEnergy()).reduce(0.0f, Float::sum); } /** * This Method returns the Energy of all HolonElements from the HolonObject that are consuming. * Its sums all Energies from the HolonElements of the HolonObject that are ACTIVE and are * Consumer. If the HolonObject have no HolonElement its return 0; * * @return The Energy of the consuming HolonElements. */ public float getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements() { return consumption; } /** * This Method calculate the amount of HolonElements that are consuming Energy and are ACTIVE. * * @return The amount of HolonElements that are consuming Energy. */ public int countConsumingElements() { return (int) -> element.getActualEnergy() < 0).count(); } /** * This Method calculate the amount of HolonElements that are producing Energy and are ACTIVE. * * @return The amount of HolonElements that are producing Energy. */ public int countProducingElements() { return (int) -> element.getActualEnergy() > 0).count(); } public int getNumberOfActiveElements() { return (int) ->; } public int getNumberOfInActiveElements() { return (int) -> !; } public int getNumberOfElements() { return elements.size(); } /** * This Method returns the Energy of a HolonObject. Its sums all Energies from the HolonElements * of the HolonObject that are ACTIVE. If the HolonObject have no HolonElement its return 0; Is * the returned Energy negative then the HolonObject need Energy because its consuming * HolonElements need more Energy then the producing HolonElements. Is the returned Energy * positive its reversed. * * @param timeStep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. */ public void calculateEnergy(int timeStep) { elements.forEach(ele -> ele.calculateState(timeStep)); actualEnergy =, Float::sum); minimumConsumingElementEnergy = .filter(element -> element.getActualEnergy() < 0).map(element -> -element.getActualEnergy()) .min(Float::compare).orElse(0.0f); energyNeededFromHolon = (actualEnergy >= 0) ? 0 : -actualEnergy; consumption = -> element.getActualEnergy() < 0) .map(element -> -element.getActualEnergy()).reduce(0.0f, Float::sum); production = -> energy > 0) .reduce(0.0f, Float::sum); energyToHolon = energyFromHolon = 0; } public float getActualEnergy() { return actualEnergy; } public HolonObjectState getState() { return state; } public boolean isProducer() { return getProduction() >= getConsumption(); } public boolean isConsumer() { return getConsumption() >= getProduction(); } public float getEnergyFromHolon() { return energyFromHolon; } void setEnergyFromHolon(float energyFromHolon) { this.energyFromHolon = energyFromHolon; } public float getEnergyNeededFromHolon() { return energyNeededFromHolon; } public float getConsumption() { return consumption; } public float getProduction() { return production; } public float getCurrentEnergy() { return energyFromHolon - energyNeededFromHolon; } public float getSupplyBarPercentage() { return (consumption > 0.001) ? (energyFromHolon + production) / consumption : 1.0f; } public String toString() { return "[HolonObject: " + "id=" + getId() + ", name=" + name + ", state=" + state + ", pos=" + position + ", elements=[" + elementsStream().map(HolonElement::getName) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + "]]"; } public float getEnergyToHolon() { return energyToHolon; } void setEnergyToHolon(float energyToHolon) { this.energyToHolon = energyToHolon; } public void calculateState() { if (actualEnergy > 0) { state = HolonObjectState.PRODUCER; } else if (elements.isEmpty() || consumption == 0 && production == 0) { state = HolonObjectState.NO_ENERGY; } else if (production + energyFromHolon > consumption) { state = (HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED); } else if (production + energyFromHolon == consumption) { state = (HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED); } else if (production + energyFromHolon >= minimumConsumingElementEnergy) { state = (HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED); } else { state = (HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED); } } @Override public void postDeserialize() { elements.forEach(ele -> ele.parentObject = this); } public enum HolonObjectState { NO_ENERGY, NOT_SUPPLIED, SUPPLIED, PRODUCER, PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED, OVER_SUPPLIED } }