package holeg.algorithm.topologie; import holeg.algorithm.objective_function.TopologieObjectiveFunction; import holeg.api.TopologieAlgorithmFramework; import holeg.model.Model; import holeg.utility.math.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.TreeSet; public class GaAlgorithm extends TopologieAlgorithmFramework { private int popsize = 20; private int maxGenerations = 100; private double tournamentSize = 2.0; private double fixedSwapProbability = 0.02; private boolean useFixedSpawProbability = false; private double fixedMutateProbability = 0.02; private boolean useFixedMutateProbability = false; private boolean useIntervalMutation = false; private double mutateProbabilityInterval = 0.01; private double maxMutationPercent = 0.01; private boolean moreInformation = false; public GaAlgorithm() { addIntParameter("popsize", popsize, intValue -> popsize = intValue, () -> popsize, 1); addIntParameter("maxGenerations", maxGenerations, intValue -> maxGenerations = intValue, () -> maxGenerations, 1); addDoubleParameter("tournamentSize", tournamentSize, doubleValue -> tournamentSize = doubleValue, () -> tournamentSize, 1.0); addBooleanParameter("useFixedSpawProbability", useFixedSpawProbability, booleanValue -> useFixedSpawProbability = booleanValue, Arrays.asList("fixedSwapProbability"), new LinkedList()); addDoubleParameter("fixedSwapProbability", fixedSwapProbability, doubleValue -> fixedSwapProbability = doubleValue, () -> fixedSwapProbability, useFixedSpawProbability, 0.0, 1.0); addSeperator(); addBooleanParameter("Use Interval Mutation", useIntervalMutation, booleanValue -> useIntervalMutation = booleanValue, Arrays.asList("Probability for Frequency Mutation", "Scope of Mutation"), Arrays.asList("Probability for Bit-wise Mutation")); addDoubleParameter("Probability for Frequency Mutation", mutateProbabilityInterval, doubleValue -> mutateProbabilityInterval = doubleValue, () -> mutateProbabilityInterval, useIntervalMutation, 0.0, 1.0); addDoubleParameter("Probability for Bit-wise Mutation", fixedMutateProbability, doubleValue -> fixedMutateProbability = doubleValue, () -> fixedMutateProbability, !useIntervalMutation, 0.0, 1.0); addDoubleParameter("Scope of Mutation", maxMutationPercent, doubleValue -> maxMutationPercent = doubleValue, () -> maxMutationPercent, useIntervalMutation, 0.0, 1.0); addSeperator(); addBooleanParameter("Print Auxiliary Information", moreInformation, booleanValue -> moreInformation = booleanValue, new LinkedList(), new LinkedList()); } @Override protected double evaluateState(Model model, int amountOfAddedSwitch, double addedCableMeters, boolean moreInformation) { return TopologieObjectiveFunction.getFitnessValueForState(model, amountOfAddedSwitch, addedCableMeters, moreInformation); } @Override protected Individual executeAlgo() { resetWildcards(); Individual best = new Individual(); best.position = extractPositionAndAccess(); int problemSize = best.position.size(); = evaluatePosition(best.position); List runList = new ArrayList(); runList.add(; console.println("Integer_Array_length: " + best.position.size()); List population = initPopuluationRandom(problemSize, best); for (int generation = 0; generation < maxGenerations; generation++) { if (moreInformation) { console.println("Generation" + generation + " start with Fitness: " +; } for (Individual i : population) { = evaluatePosition(i.position); if (moreInformation) { console.println("Fitness" +; } if ( < { best = i; } } runList.add(; List childList = new ArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < popsize / 2; k++) { Individual parentA = selectAParent(population, popsize); Individual parentB = selectAParent(population, popsize); Individual childA = new Individual(parentA); Individual childB = new Individual(parentB); crossover(childA, childB, problemSize); if (useIntervalMutation) { mutateInterval(childA, problemSize); } else { mutate(childA, problemSize); } if (useIntervalMutation) { mutateInterval(childB, problemSize); } else { mutate(childB, problemSize); } childList.add(childA); childList.add(childB); } population = childList; if (moreInformation) { console.println("________________"); } if (cancel) { return null; } } console.println(" End with:" +; this.runList = runList; return best; } @Override protected int getProgressBarMaxCount() { return rounds * maxGenerations * popsize + 1; } @Override protected String algoInformationToPrint() { return "GaAlgo" + " Rounds:" + rounds + " maxGenerations:" + maxGenerations + " popsize:" + popsize + " tournamentSize:" + tournamentSize + (useFixedSpawProbability ? " fixedSwapProbability:" + fixedSwapProbability : " swapProbability:" + "1.0f/problemsize") + (useIntervalMutation ? (" mutateProbabilityInterval:" + mutateProbabilityInterval + " maxMutationPercent:" + maxMutationPercent) : (useFixedMutateProbability ? " fixedMutateProbability:" + fixedMutateProbability : " mutateProbability:" + "1.0f/problemsize")); } @Override protected String plottFileName() { return "ga-topologie.txt"; } /** * Initialize the Population with Individuals that have a random Position. */ private List initPopuluationRandom(int problemSize, Individual startIndidual) { List population = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < popsize - 1; i++) { population.add(createRandomIndividualWithoutFitness(problemSize)); } //Add Start Position population.add(new Individual(startIndidual)); return population; } private Individual createRandomIndividualWithoutFitness(int problemSize) { //create Random Individual Without Fitness Individual result = new Individual(); result.position = new ArrayList(); for (int index = 0; index < problemSize; index++) { result.position.add(Random.nextIntegerInRange(0, this.getMaximumIndexObjects(index) + 1)); } //console.println("["", ")) + "]"); return result; } /** * Algorithm 32 Tournament Selection. The fitnessValues are calculated for the Population List. * PseudoCode */ private Individual selectAParent(List population, int popsize) { Individual tournamentBest = population.get(Random.nextIntegerInRange(0, popsize)); double participants; for (participants = tournamentSize; participants >= 2; participants -= 1.0) { Individual next = population.get(Random.nextIntegerInRange(0, popsize)); if ( < { tournamentBest = next; } } //if tournament size is not a whole number like 2.5 or 3.6 //the remaining part is the chance to fight another time; 2.7 -> 70% chance to fight a second time if (participants > 1) { if (Random.nextDouble() < participants - 1.0) { //println("Chance to find a match"); Individual next = population.get(Random.nextIntegerInRange(0, popsize)); if ( < { tournamentBest = next; } } } return tournamentBest; } /** * Algorithm 25 Uniform Crossover. Probability is set to 1/Problemsize when not changed. */ private void crossover(Individual childA, Individual childB, int problemSize) { double probability = (this.useFixedSpawProbability) ? this.fixedSwapProbability : 1.0 / (double) problemSize; ListIterator iterA = childA.position.listIterator(); ListIterator iterB = childB.position.listIterator(); for (int i = 0; i < problemSize; i++) { int intA =; int intB =; if (Random.nextDouble() <= probability) { //Swap iterA.set(intB); iterB.set(intA); } } } /** * Algorithm 22 Bit-Flip Mutation. */ private void mutate(Individual child, int problemSize) { double probability = (this.useFixedMutateProbability) ? this.fixedMutateProbability : 1.0 / (double) problemSize; ListIterator iter = child.position.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int index = iter.nextIndex(); Integer intValue =; if (Random.nextDouble() <= probability) { iter.set(Random.nextIntegerInRangeExcept(0, this.getMaximumIndexObjects(index), intValue)); } } } /** * Algorithm rolf */ private void mutateInterval(Individual child, int problemSize) { //If not mutate skip if (Random.nextDouble() > this.mutateProbabilityInterval) { return; } //println("problemSize:" + problemSize + " maxMutationPercent:" + maxMutationPercent); int maximumAmountOfMutatedBits = Math.max(1, (int) Math.round(((double) problemSize) * this.maxMutationPercent)); int randomUniformAmountOfMutatedValues = Random.nextIntegerInRange(1, maximumAmountOfMutatedBits + 1); //println("max:" + maximumAmountOfMutatedBits + " actual:" + randomUniformAmountOfMutatedValues); TreeSet mutationLocation = new TreeSet(); //sortedSet //Choose the location to mutate for (int i = 0; i < randomUniformAmountOfMutatedValues; i++) { boolean success = mutationLocation.add(Random.nextIntegerInRange(0, problemSize)); if (!success) { i--; //can be add up to some series long loops if maximumAmountOfMutatedBits get closed to problemsize. } } //println("Set:" + mutationLocation); ListIterator iter = child.position.listIterator(); if (mutationLocation.isEmpty()) { return; } int firstindex = mutationLocation.pollFirst(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int index = iter.nextIndex(); int intValue =; if (index == firstindex) { iter.set(Random.nextIntegerInRangeExcept(0, this.getMaximumIndexObjects(index), intValue)); //println("changed Value["+ index +"]"); if (mutationLocation.isEmpty()) { break; } firstindex = mutationLocation.pollFirst(); } } } }