#72 Center new opened windows relative to the main window

aberta %!s(int64=7) %!d(string=hai) anos por carlos.garcia · 2 comentarios

When a popup window is displayed, the window may appear in any random location in the desktop. For example, if a Holon Object is selected and in the right panel I click the "+" to add a new Holon Element, the emerging window will appear in seemingly random positions (sometimes in different screens). The new window, instead, should appear centered in relation to the main window.

See the following SO questions for inspiration: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10030947/center-jdialog-over-parent

When a popup window is displayed, the window may appear in any random location in the desktop. For example, if a Holon Object is selected and in the right panel I click the "+" to add a new Holon Element, the emerging window will appear in seemingly random positions (sometimes in different screens). The new window, instead, should appear centered in relation to the main window. See the following SO questions for inspiration: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10030947/center-jdialog-over-parent

fixed by commit 2041f4af19

fixed by commit 2041f4af19

not fixed for 2 monitors

not fixed for 2 monitors
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