#67 javafx.util is missing, cannot compile

7 سال پیش باز شده توسط carlos.garcia · 2 دیدگاه

The Gradle build system is not aware of the package javafx,util. As such, the compilation process fails with errors such as:

/home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/ui/model/Model.java:31: error: package javafx.util does not exist
import javafx.util.Pair;
/home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/classes/HolonElement.java:8: error: package javafx.util does not exist
import javafx.util.Pair;
/home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/classes/HolonElement.java:39: error: cannot find symbol
        private Pair<String, String> saving;
The Gradle build system is not aware of the package javafx,util. As such, the compilation process fails with errors such as: /home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/ui/model/Model.java:31: error: package javafx.util does not exist import javafx.util.Pair; ^ /home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/classes/HolonElement.java:8: error: package javafx.util does not exist import javafx.util.Pair; ^ /home/boy/Documents/CASED/PEN/development/holons-simulator/src/classes/HolonElement.java:39: error: cannot find symbol private Pair<String, String> saving; ^
Carlos Garcia نظر 7 سال پیش

If I manually install JavaFx everything compiles as expected. However, requiring a whole new library (which is quite big on its own) does not justify using it only for the class "Pair".

Consider finding an alternative that does not require the JavaFx library.

If I manually install JavaFx everything compiles as expected. However, requiring a whole new library (which is quite big on its own) does not justify using it only for the class "Pair". Consider finding an alternative that does not require the JavaFx library.

fixed by 275c0fa735

fixed by 275c0fa735
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