#37 Is the flexibility value affecting the statistics?

kevin.trometer7 년 전을 오픈 · 3개의 코멘트
Kevin Trometer 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

for example is the total consumption increasing, if the value is enabled on elements?

for example is the total consumption increasing, if the value is enabled on elements?
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

Yes, the flexibilities affect the total consumption/production. If the flexibility is not enabled, nothing happens. If it is enabled, on the other hand, the consumption/production of energy is indeed affected.

Yes, the flexibilities affect the total consumption/production. If the flexibility is not enabled, nothing happens. If it is enabled, on the other hand, the consumption/production of energy is indeed affected.
Edgardo Palza 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

Implemented :)

Implemented :)
kevin.trometer 7 년 전를 다시 열음
Kevin Trometer 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

I need to change the methods in the statisticgraph to make this work :)

I need to change the methods in the statisticgraph to make this work :)
Kevin Trometer 커밋 7 년 전에서 이 이슈 언급
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