#21 The last point in the energy graphs are always at their maximum

carlos.garcia7 년 전을 오픈 · 2개의 코멘트
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 7 년 전
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Kevin Trometer 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

I couldn't reproduce this bug and I don't know why this happened

I couldn't reproduce this bug and I don't know why this happened
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

It's possible that a point almost at the end was created instead of having edited the very last point. We could solve this issue by making the first and last point easier to grab and move around. I would suggest to shorted the graph a bit so that the extreme left and the right control points are more easily accessible.

It's possible that a point almost at the end was created instead of having edited the very last point. We could solve this issue by making the first and last point easier to grab and move around. I would suggest to shorted the graph a bit so that the extreme left and the right control points are more easily accessible.
Kevin Trometer 커밋 7 년 전에서 이 이슈 언급
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