@@ -1,236 +1,236 @@
-package ui.view;
-public class Languages {
- static int languageVar = 0;
- static String[] arrayEN = {
- // ToolBar (0-16)
- "File", "New", "Open", "Save", "Edit", "Undo", "Redo", "Find/Replace", "Edit showed Information", "Options",
- "Reset Categories", "View", "View Size", "Help", "About Us", "Edit Edges", "Language",
- // Tables (17-24)
- "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Quantity", "Activated", "Field", "Information",
- // Graph (25-26)
- "None ", "Reset",
- // Warning PopUps (27-30)
- "Warning", "Do you want to save your current data?", "Do you really want to delete the Category ",
- "Please select a Category or an Object in order to delete something.",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
- "Edit Showed Informations", "Show Total Energy of Objects", "Show Connection Properties", "Cancel",
- // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
- "Search for Objects", "Find", "Replace", "Direction", "Forward", "Backward", "Scope", "All", "Single",
- "Replace All", "Close",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
- "Edit Capacities of Edges", "Maximum Capacity:", "Change for all existing Edges only",
- "Change for new created Edges only", "Change for all existing and new created Edges", "Cancel",
- "Please select one of the options",
- "Please enter a number greater or equal 0 in the Field for Maximum Capacity", "Edit Edge Capacities",
- "(enter \"infinite\" for infinite Capacity)",
- // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
- "Please enter a Name for Category ", "Please select a Category first before adding ", "Add Object Menu",
- "Name:", "Browse Image", "Add Element", "Delete Element", "Cancel",
- // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
- "Add Element to Object", "Element Name:", "Provided Energy:", "Amount:",
- "Please enter numbers in the Fields amount and Energy", "No name", "Name already given", "Cancel",
- // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
- "Name", "Total Energy", "Manual", "Active", " is connected to", " with ID: ", "Edge: ", " to ",
- "Current flow", "Max. Capacity", "Status",
- // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
- "Simulate", "Simulation Speed:", "Algorithm:", "non selected", "success",
- // Exit Pop Up (88)
- "Are you sure you want to exit?",
- // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
- "Play", "Reset", "Forward", "Backward", "Time Slider",
- // Image Size Slider (94)
- "Image Size",
- // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
- "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack"};
- static String[] arrayES = {
- // ToolBar (0-16)
- "Archivo", "Nuevo", "Abrir", "Guardar", "Editar", "Deshacer", "Rehacer", "Buscar/Reemplazar",
- "Editar Información a mostrar", "Opciones", "Resetear Categorias", "Vista", "Tamaño de Vista", "Ayuda",
- "Sobre Nosotros", "Editar Conexiones", "Idiomas",
- // Tables (17-24)
- "Objeto", "Nr.", "Equipo", "Enegia", "Cantidad", "Activo", "Campo", "Información",
- // Graph (25-26)
- "Vacio ", "Resetear",
- // Warning PopUps(27-30)
- "Atención", "Desea guardar su progreso?", "Esta seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría ",
- "Por favor, seleccione una categoria o un objecto para poder proceder a eliminarlo.",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
- "Editar información a mostrar", "Mostrar energia total de los objetos",
- "Mostrar propiedades de las conexiones", "Cancelar",
- // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
- "Buscar Objetos", "Buscar", "Reemplazar", "Dirección", "Adelante", "Atrás", "Alcance", "Todo", "Uno",
- "Reemplazar Todo", "Cerrar",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
- "Editar Capacidad de las Conexiones", "Capacidad Max.:", "Cambiar para todas las conexiones existentes",
- "Cambiar solo para conexiones nuevas", "Cambiar para todas las conexiones existentes y nuevas", "Cancelar",
- "Por favor, elija una de las opciones",
- "Por favor, ingrese un valor mayor o igual a 0 en el campo de Capacidad Max.",
- "Editar capacidad de las conexiones", "(ingresar \"infinite\" para capacidad infinita)",
- // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
- "Por favor, ingrese el nombre de la categoria ", "Por favor, elija una categoria antes de agregar ",
- "Menu para Agregar un Objeto", "Nombre:", "Buscar Imagen", "Agregar Elemento", "Eliminar Elemento",
- "Cancelar",
- // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
- "Agregar Elemento al Objecto", "Nombre del El.:", "Energía:", "Cantidad:",
- "Por favor, ingrese valores en los campos de cantidad y energía", "Sin nombre", "Nombre en uso", "Cancelar",
- // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
- "Nombre", "Energia Total", "Manual", "Activo", " esta conectado a ", " con ID: ", "Canto: ", " a ",
- "Corriente actual", "Capacidad Max.", "Estado",
- // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
- "Simular", "Velocidad de Simulación:", "Algoritmo:", "nada seleccionado", "exito",
- // Exit Pop Up (88)
- "Esta seguro que quiere cerrar el programa?",
- // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
- "Iniciar", "Resetear", "Adelante", "Atrás", "Linea de Tiempo",
- // Image Size Slider (94)
- "Tamaño de la Imagen",
- // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
- "Cortar", "Copiar", "Pegar", "Eliminar", "Agrupar", "Desagrupar", "Rastrear", "Dejar de rastrear", };
- static String[] arrayDE = {
- // ToolBar (0-16)
- "Datei", "Neu", "Öffnen", "Speichern", "Bearbeiten", "Rückgängig", "Wiederherstellen", "Suchen/Ersetzen",
- "Gezeigte Informationen Ersetzen", "Optionen", "Kategorien Zurücksetzen", "Ansicht", "Ansichtsgröße",
- "Hilfe", "Über Uns", "Kanten Bearbeiten", "Sprache",
- // Tables (17-24)
- "Objekt", "Nr.", "Geräte", "Energie", "Quantität", "Aktiviert", "Feld", "Information",
- // Graph (25-26)
- "Nichts ", "Zurücksetzen",
- // Warning PopUps(27-30)
- "Warnung", "Möchten Sie ihre aktuellen Daten speichern?", "Möchten Sie wirklich die Kategorie löschen ",
- "Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie oder ein Objekt um etwas löschen zu können.",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
- "Gezeigte Informationen Ersetzen", "Gesamtenergie von Objekten zeigen", "Verbindungseigenschaften zeigen",
- "Abbrechen",
- // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
- "Objekte suchen", "Suchen", "Ersetzen", "Richtung", "Vorwärts", "Rückwerts", "Scope", "Alle", "Einzeln",
- "Alle Ersetzen", "Schließen",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
- "Kapazitäten von Kanten bearbeiten", "Max. Kapazität:", "Nur für alle existierenden Kanten ändern",
- "Nur für neu erstellte Kanten ändern", "Für alle existierenden und neuen Kanten ändern", "Abbrechen",
- "Bitte wählen Sie eine der Optionen",
- "Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl größer-gleich 0 im Feld für Maximale Kapazität ein",
- "Kapazitäten von Kanten bearbeiten", "(geben Sie \"infinite\" für unbeschränkte Kapazitäten ein)",
- // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
- "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für die Kategorie ein ", "Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie vor dem hinzufügen ",
- "Objekt Hinzufügen Menü", "Name:", "Bilder durchsuchen", "Element hinzufügen", "Element löschen",
- "Abbrechen",
- // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
- "Element zu Objekt hinzufügen", "Element Name:", "Bereitgestellte Energie:", "Menge:",
- "Bitte geben Sie Nummern in den Feldern für Menge und Energie ein", "Kein Name", "Name bereits vergeben",
- "Abbrechen",
- // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
- "Name", "Gesamte Energie", "Manuell", "Aktive", " ist verbunden mit", " mit ID: ", "Kante: ", " nach ",
- "aktueller Fluss", "Max. Kapazität", "Status",
- // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
- "Simulieren", "Simulationsgeschwindigkeit:", "Algorithmus:", "nichts ausgewählt", "Erfolg",
- // Exit Pop Up (88)
- "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie das Programm beenden wollen?",
- // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
- "Abspielen", "Zurücksetzen", "Vorwärts", "Rückwärts", "Zeitschieber",
- // Image Size Slider (94)
- "Bildgröße",
- // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
- "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
- static String[] arrayCZ = {
- // ToolBar (0-16)
- "File", "New", "Open", "Save", "Edit", "Undo", "Redo", "Find/Replace", "Edit showed Information", "Options",
- "Reset Categories", "View", "View Size", "Help", "About Us", "Edit Edges", "Language",
- // Tables (17-24)
- "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Quantity", "Activated", "Field", "Information",
- // Graph (25-26)
- "None ", "Reset",
- // Warning PopUps(27-30)
- "Warning", "Do you want to save your current data?", "Do you really want to delete the Category ",
- "Please select a Category or an Object in order to delete something.",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
- "Edit Showed Informations", "Show Total Energy of Objects", "Show Connection Properties", "Cancel",
- // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
- "Search for Objects", "Find", "Replace", "Direction", "Forward", "Backward", "Scope", "All", "Single",
- "Replace All", "Close",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
- "Edit Capacities of Edges", "Maximum Capacity:", "Change for all existing Edges only",
- "Change for new created Edges only", "Change for all existing and new created Edges", "Cancel",
- "Please select one of the options",
- "Please enter a number greater or equal 0 in the Field for Maximum Capacity", "Edit Edge Capacities",
- "(enter \"infinite\" for infinite Capacity)",
- // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
- "Please enter a Name for Category ", "Please select a Category first before adding ", "Add Object Menu",
- "Name:", "Browse Image", "Add Element", "Delete Element", "Cancel",
- // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
- "Add Element to Object", "Element Name:", "Provided Energy:", "Amount:",
- "Please enter numbers in the Fields amount and providedEnergy", "No name", "Name already given", "Cancel",
- // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
- "Name", "Total Energy", "Manual", "Active", " is connected to", " with ID: ", "Edge: ", " to ",
- "Current flow", "Max. Capacity", "Status",
- // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
- "Simulate", "Simulation Speed:", "Algorithm:", "choose folder", "success",
- // Exit Pop Up (88)
- "Are you sure you want to exit?",
- // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
- "Play", "Reset", "Forward", "Backward", "Time Slider",
- // Image Size Slider (94)
- "Image Size",
- // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
- "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
- static String[] arrayZH = {
- // ToolBar (0-16)
- "文档", "新", "打开", "保存", "编辑", "撤销", "重做", "查找/替换", "编辑显示的信息", "选项", "复位类别", "视图", "视图尺寸", "帮助", "关于我们",
- "编辑边缘", "语言",
- // Tables (17-24)
- "对象", "No.", "能源", "电能", "数量", "激活", "字段", "信息",
- // Graph (25-26)
- "无", "重置",
- // Warning PopUps(27-30)
- "警告", "需要储存现在的数据吗?", "真的想删除类别吗?", "请选择一个类别或对象以便删除。",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
- "编辑显示的信息", "显示这个对象的总能源", "显示这个对象的总能源", "取消",
- // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
- "搜索对象", "寻找", "重置", "方向", "前进", "后退", "范围", "全选", "单一", "重置全部", "关闭",
- // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
- "编辑边缘容量", "最大容量:", "更改现有全部编辑", "更改更新内容部分编辑", "更改现有全部以及更新内容部分编辑", "取消", "请选择一个选项", "请输入一个数字大于或等于在字段为最大容量",
- "编辑边缘容量", "(进入 \"无限\" 无限产能)",
- // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
- "请输入类别名称 ", "请在添加之前选定一个类别 ", "添加对象菜单", "名称:", "浏览图片", "添加元素", "删除元素", "取消",
- // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
- "添加元素至对象", "元素名称:", "提供能源:", "数量:", "请在字段中输入数量以及假设能源数字", "无名", "已给出的名称", "取消",
- // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
- "名称", "总能量", "手册", "主动", " 链接至", " 通过ID: ", "边缘: ", " 至 ", "电流流", "最大容量", "状态",
- // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
- "模拟", "仿真速度:", "计算程序:", "选择“文件夹", "成功",
- // Exit Pop Up (88)
- "您确定想要退出?",
- // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
- "播放", "复位", "前进", "后退", "时间滑块",
- // Image Size Slider (94)
- "图片尺寸",
- // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
- "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
- public static String[] getLanguage() {
- switch (languageVar) {
- case 0:
- return arrayEN;
- case 1:
- return arrayES;
- case 2:
- return arrayDE;
- case 3:
- return arrayCZ;
- case 4:
- return arrayZH;
- default:
- return arrayEN;
- }
- }
- public static void setLanguage(int i) {
- languageVar = i;
- }
+package ui.view;
+public class Languages {
+ static int languageVar = 0;
+ static String[] arrayEN = {
+ // ToolBar (0-16)
+ "File", "New", "Open", "Save", "Edit", "Undo", "Redo", "Find/Replace", "Edit showed Information", "Options",
+ "Reset Categories", "View", "View Size", "Help", "About Us", "Edit Edges", "Language",
+ // Tables (17-24)
+ "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Quantity", "Activated", "Field", "Information",
+ // Graph (25-26)
+ "None ", "Reset",
+ // Warning PopUps (27-30)
+ "Warning", "Do you want to save your current data?", "Do you really want to delete the Category ",
+ "Please select a Category or an Object in order to delete something.",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
+ "Edit Showed Informations", "Show Total Energy of Objects", "Show Connection Properties", "Cancel",
+ // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
+ "Search for Objects", "Find", "Replace", "Direction", "Forward", "Backward", "Scope", "All", "Single",
+ "Replace All", "Close",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
+ "Edit Capacities of Edges", "Maximum Capacity:", "Change for all existing Edges only",
+ "Change for new created Edges only", "Change for all existing and new created Edges", "Cancel",
+ "Please select one of the options",
+ "Please enter a number greater or equal 0 in the Field for Maximum Capacity", "Edit Edge Capacities",
+ "(enter \"infinite\" for infinite Capacity)",
+ // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
+ "Please enter a Name for Category ", "Please select a Category first before adding ", "Add Object Menu",
+ "Name:", "Browse Image", "Add Element", "Delete Element", "Cancel",
+ // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
+ "Add Element to Object", "Element Name:", "Provided Energy:", "Amount:",
+ "Please enter numbers in the Fields amount and Energy", "No name", "Name already given", "Cancel",
+ // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
+ "Name", "Total Energy", "Manual", "Active", " is connected to", " with ID: ", "Edge: ", " to ",
+ "Current flow", "Max. Capacity", "Status",
+ // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
+ "Simulate", "Simulation Speed:", "Algorithm:", "non selected", "success",
+ // Exit Pop Up (88)
+ "Are you sure you want to exit?",
+ // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
+ "Play", "Reset", "Forward", "Backward", "Time Slider",
+ // Image Size Slider (94)
+ "Image Size",
+ // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
+ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack"};
+ static String[] arrayES = {
+ // ToolBar (0-16)
+ "Archivo", "Nuevo", "Abrir", "Guardar", "Editar", "Deshacer", "Rehacer", "Buscar/Reemplazar",
+ "Editar Información a mostrar", "Opciones", "Resetear Categorias", "Vista", "Tamaño de Vista", "Ayuda",
+ "Sobre Nosotros", "Editar Conexiones", "Idiomas",
+ // Tables (17-24)
+ "Objeto", "Nr.", "Equipo", "Enegia", "Cantidad", "Activo", "Campo", "Información",
+ // Graph (25-26)
+ "Vacio ", "Resetear",
+ // Warning PopUps(27-30)
+ "Atención", "Desea guardar su progreso?", "Esta seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría ",
+ "Por favor, seleccione una categoria o un objecto para poder proceder a eliminarlo.",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
+ "Editar información a mostrar", "Mostrar energia total de los objetos",
+ "Mostrar propiedades de las conexiones", "Cancelar",
+ // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
+ "Buscar Objetos", "Buscar", "Reemplazar", "Dirección", "Adelante", "Atrás", "Alcance", "Todo", "Uno",
+ "Reemplazar Todo", "Cerrar",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
+ "Editar Capacidad de las Conexiones", "Capacidad Max.:", "Cambiar para todas las conexiones existentes",
+ "Cambiar solo para conexiones nuevas", "Cambiar para todas las conexiones existentes y nuevas", "Cancelar",
+ "Por favor, elija una de las opciones",
+ "Por favor, ingrese un valor mayor o igual a 0 en el campo de Capacidad Max.",
+ "Editar capacidad de las conexiones", "(ingresar \"infinite\" para capacidad infinita)",
+ // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
+ "Por favor, ingrese el nombre de la categoria ", "Por favor, elija una categoria antes de agregar ",
+ "Menu para Agregar un Objeto", "Nombre:", "Buscar Imagen", "Agregar Elemento", "Eliminar Elemento",
+ "Cancelar",
+ // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
+ "Agregar Elemento al Objecto", "Nombre del El.:", "Energía:", "Cantidad:",
+ "Por favor, ingrese valores en los campos de cantidad y energía", "Sin nombre", "Nombre en uso", "Cancelar",
+ // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
+ "Nombre", "Energia Total", "Manual", "Activo", " esta conectado a ", " con ID: ", "Canto: ", " a ",
+ "Corriente actual", "Capacidad Max.", "Estado",
+ // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
+ "Simular", "Velocidad de Simulación:", "Algoritmo:", "nada seleccionado", "exito",
+ // Exit Pop Up (88)
+ "Esta seguro que quiere cerrar el programa?",
+ // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
+ "Iniciar", "Resetear", "Adelante", "Atrás", "Linea de Tiempo",
+ // Image Size Slider (94)
+ "Tamaño de la Imagen",
+ // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
+ "Cortar", "Copiar", "Pegar", "Eliminar", "Agrupar", "Desagrupar", "Rastrear", "Dejar de rastrear", };
+ static String[] arrayDE = {
+ // ToolBar (0-16)
+ "Datei", "Neu", "Öffnen", "Speichern", "Bearbeiten", "Rückgängig", "Wiederherstellen", "Suchen/Ersetzen",
+ "Gezeigte Informationen Ersetzen", "Optionen", "Kategorien Zurücksetzen", "Ansicht", "Ansichtsgröße",
+ "Hilfe", "Über Uns", "Kanten Bearbeiten", "Sprache",
+ // Tables (17-24)
+ "Objekt", "Nr.", "Geräte", "Energie", "Quantität", "Aktiviert", "Feld", "Information",
+ // Graph (25-26)
+ "Nichts ", "Zurücksetzen",
+ // Warning PopUps(27-30)
+ "Warnung", "Möchten Sie ihre aktuellen Daten speichern?", "Möchten Sie wirklich die Kategorie löschen ",
+ "Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie oder ein Objekt um etwas löschen zu können.",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
+ "Gezeigte Informationen Ersetzen", "Gesamtenergie von Objekten zeigen", "Verbindungseigenschaften zeigen",
+ "Abbrechen",
+ // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
+ "Objekte suchen", "Suchen", "Ersetzen", "Richtung", "Vorwärts", "Rückwerts", "Scope", "Alle", "Einzeln",
+ "Alle Ersetzen", "Schließen",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
+ "Kapazitäten von Kanten bearbeiten", "Max. Kapazität:", "Nur für alle existierenden Kanten ändern",
+ "Nur für neu erstellte Kanten ändern", "Für alle existierenden und neuen Kanten ändern", "Abbrechen",
+ "Bitte wählen Sie eine der Optionen",
+ "Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl größer-gleich 0 im Feld für Maximale Kapazität ein",
+ "Kapazitäten von Kanten bearbeiten", "(geben Sie \"infinite\" für unbeschränkte Kapazitäten ein)",
+ // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
+ "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für die Kategorie ein ", "Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie vor dem hinzufügen ",
+ "Objekt Hinzufügen Menü", "Name:", "Bilder durchsuchen", "Element hinzufügen", "Element löschen",
+ "Abbrechen",
+ // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
+ "Element zu Objekt hinzufügen", "Element Name:", "Bereitgestellte Energie:", "Menge:",
+ "Bitte geben Sie Nummern in den Feldern für Menge und Energie ein", "Kein Name", "Name bereits vergeben",
+ "Abbrechen",
+ // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
+ "Name", "Gesamte Energie", "Manuell", "Aktive", " ist verbunden mit", " mit ID: ", "Kante: ", " nach ",
+ "aktueller Fluss", "Max. Kapazität", "Status",
+ // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
+ "Simulieren", "Simulationsgeschwindigkeit:", "Algorithmus:", "nichts ausgewählt", "Erfolg",
+ // Exit Pop Up (88)
+ "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie das Programm beenden wollen?",
+ // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
+ "Abspielen", "Zurücksetzen", "Vorwärts", "Rückwärts", "Zeitschieber",
+ // Image Size Slider (94)
+ "Bildgröße",
+ // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
+ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
+ static String[] arrayCZ = {
+ // ToolBar (0-16)
+ "File", "New", "Open", "Save", "Edit", "Undo", "Redo", "Find/Replace", "Edit showed Information", "Options",
+ "Reset Categories", "View", "View Size", "Help", "About Us", "Edit Edges", "Language",
+ // Tables (17-24)
+ "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Quantity", "Activated", "Field", "Information",
+ // Graph (25-26)
+ "None ", "Reset",
+ // Warning PopUps(27-30)
+ "Warning", "Do you want to save your current data?", "Do you really want to delete the Category ",
+ "Please select a Category or an Object in order to delete something.",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
+ "Edit Showed Informations", "Show Total Energy of Objects", "Show Connection Properties", "Cancel",
+ // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
+ "Search for Objects", "Find", "Replace", "Direction", "Forward", "Backward", "Scope", "All", "Single",
+ "Replace All", "Close",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
+ "Edit Capacities of Edges", "Maximum Capacity:", "Change for all existing Edges only",
+ "Change for new created Edges only", "Change for all existing and new created Edges", "Cancel",
+ "Please select one of the options",
+ "Please enter a number greater or equal 0 in the Field for Maximum Capacity", "Edit Edge Capacities",
+ "(enter \"infinite\" for infinite Capacity)",
+ // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
+ "Please enter a Name for Category ", "Please select a Category first before adding ", "Add Object Menu",
+ "Name:", "Browse Image", "Add Element", "Delete Element", "Cancel",
+ // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
+ "Add Element to Object", "Element Name:", "Provided Energy:", "Amount:",
+ "Please enter numbers in the Fields amount and providedEnergy", "No name", "Name already given", "Cancel",
+ // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
+ "Name", "Total Energy", "Manual", "Active", " is connected to", " with ID: ", "Edge: ", " to ",
+ "Current flow", "Max. Capacity", "Status",
+ // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
+ "Simulate", "Simulation Speed:", "Algorithm:", "choose folder", "success",
+ // Exit Pop Up (88)
+ "Are you sure you want to exit?",
+ // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
+ "Play", "Reset", "Forward", "Backward", "Time Slider",
+ // Image Size Slider (94)
+ "Image Size",
+ // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
+ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
+ static String[] arrayZH = {
+ // ToolBar (0-16)
+ "文档", "新", "打开", "保存", "编辑", "撤销", "重做", "查找/替换", "编辑显示的信息", "选项", "复位类别", "视图", "视图尺寸", "帮助", "关于我们",
+ "编辑边缘", "语言",
+ // Tables (17-24)
+ "对象", "No.", "能源", "电能", "数量", "激活", "字段", "信息",
+ // Graph (25-26)
+ "无", "重置",
+ // Warning PopUps(27-30)
+ "警告", "需要储存现在的数据吗?", "真的想删除类别吗?", "请选择一个类别或对象以便删除。",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34)
+ "编辑显示的信息", "显示这个对象的总能源", "显示这个对象的总能源", "取消",
+ // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45)
+ "搜索对象", "寻找", "重置", "方向", "前进", "后退", "范围", "全选", "单一", "重置全部", "关闭",
+ // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55)
+ "编辑边缘容量", "最大容量:", "更改现有全部编辑", "更改更新内容部分编辑", "更改现有全部以及更新内容部分编辑", "取消", "请选择一个选项", "请输入一个数字大于或等于在字段为最大容量",
+ "编辑边缘容量", "(进入 \"无限\" 无限产能)",
+ // Add PopUp Tree (56-63)
+ "请输入类别名称 ", "请在添加之前选定一个类别 ", "添加对象菜单", "名称:", "浏览图片", "添加元素", "删除元素", "取消",
+ // Add PopUp Element (64-71)
+ "添加元素至对象", "元素名称:", "提供能源:", "数量:", "请在字段中输入数量以及假设能源数字", "无名", "已给出的名称", "取消",
+ // Info for PropertyTable (72-82)
+ "名称", "总能量", "手册", "主动", " 链接至", " 通过ID: ", "边缘: ", " 至 ", "电流流", "最大容量", "状态",
+ // Info SimulationMenu (83-87)
+ "模拟", "仿真速度:", "计算程序:", "选择“文件夹", "成功",
+ // Exit Pop Up (88)
+ "您确定想要退出?",
+ // Simulation ToolTip (89-93)
+ "播放", "复位", "前进", "后退", "时间滑块",
+ // Image Size Slider (94)
+ "图片尺寸",
+ // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-102)
+ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack", "Categories" };
+ public static String[] getLanguage() {
+ switch (languageVar) {
+ case 0:
+ return arrayEN;
+ case 1:
+ return arrayES;
+ case 2:
+ return arrayDE;
+ case 3:
+ return arrayCZ;
+ case 4:
+ return arrayZH;
+ default:
+ return arrayEN;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void setLanguage(int i) {
+ languageVar = i;
+ }