@@ -3,30 +3,13 @@ package ui.view;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
-import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
-import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
-import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
-import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
-import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
-import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
-import javax.swing.JFrame;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import com.google.gson.JsonParseException;
import classes.AbstractCanvasObject;
import classes.Edge;
import classes.GroupNode;
@@ -34,468 +17,53 @@ import classes.HolonObject;
import classes.HolonSwitch;
import classes.Node;
import ui.controller.Control;
-import ui.controller.UpdateController;
import ui.model.Consumer;
import ui.model.DecoratedCable;
import ui.model.DecoratedGroupNode;
-import ui.model.DecoratedHolonObject;
-import ui.model.DecoratedHolonObject.HolonObjectState;
import ui.model.DecoratedSwitch;
import ui.model.ExitCable;
-import ui.model.DecoratedSwitch.SwitchState;
import ui.model.Model;
import ui.model.Passiv;
import ui.model.Supplier;
import utility.ImageImport;
-import utility.Vector2Float;
import utility.Vector2Int;
- * This Class is the Canvas. All Objects will be visualized here
- *
- * @author Gruppe14
- */
-public class GroupNodeCanvas extends AbstractCanvas implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- // The UpperNode
- public GroupNode upperNode;
- // Path
- protected String path;
- int code;
- public boolean disable = false;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param mod the Model
- * @param control the Controller
- * @param unitGraph
- */
- GroupNodeCanvas(Model mod, Control control, UnitGraph unitGraph, GroupNode UpperNode, String parentPath, Component parentComponent) {
- toolTip = false;
- this.controller = control;
- this.model = mod;
- this.upperNode = UpperNode;
- this.code = UpperNode.hashCode();
- this.path = parentPath + upperNode.getName();
- scalediv20 = model.getScale() / 20;
- // Cps objecte aus dem border links schieben
- upperNode.setLeftBorder(/*(int) (50 + scalediv20 + scalediv20 + 10)*/ 0);
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
- if (cps.getPosition().getX() < model.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5) {
- cps.setPosition(
- new Vector2Int(upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5 + model.getScaleDiv2(), cps.getPosition().getY()));
- }
- }
- showedInformation[0] = true;
- showedInformation[1] = true;
- showedInformation[4] = true;
- popmenu.add(itemCut);
- popmenu.add(itemCopy);
- popmenu.add(itemPaste);
- popmenu.add(itemDelete);
- popmenu.add(itemAlign);
- popmenu.addSeparator();
- popmenu.add(itemGroup);
- popmenu.add(itemUngroup);
- popmenu.add(itemCreateTemplate);
- itemAlign.setEnabled(true);
- itemDelete.setEnabled(false);
- itemCut.setEnabled(false);
- itemCopy.setEnabled(false);
- itemPaste.setEnabled(true);
- itemGroup.setEnabled(false);
- itemUngroup.setEnabled(false);
- updCon = new UpdateController(model, controller);
- itemAlign.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- for(AbstractCanvasObject cps: model.getSelectedCpsObjects())
- align(cps, model.getScaleDiv2());
- repaint();
- });
- itemGroup.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- // calculate uppernode pos (taken from the controller)
- unPos = new Vector2Int(0, 0);
- animCps = new ArrayList<>();
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) {
- animCps.add(cps); // add to animation Cps ArrayList
- unPos = unPos.add(cps.getPosition());
- }
- unPos = unPos.divide(animCps.size());
- // save old Position
- savePos = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) {
- savePos.add(animCps.get(i).getPosition().clone());
- }
- animT = new javax.swing.Timer(animDelay, actionEvent1 -> {
- if (animDuration - animDelay > 0 && animCps.size() > 1) {
- for (AbstractCanvasObject currentAnimCps : animCps) {
- Vector2Int pos = currentAnimCps.getPosition();
- Vector2Int difference = pos.subtract(unPos);
- Vector2Int result = pos.subtract(difference.divide(animSteps));
- pos.set(result);
- }
- repaint();
- animDuration -= animDelay;
- animSteps--;
- } else {
- animDuration = ANIMTIME;
- animSteps = animDuration / animDelay;
- animT.stop();
- for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) {
- animCps.get(i).getPosition().set(savePos.get(i));
- }
- controller.addUpperNode("GroupNode", upperNode, model.getSelectedCpsObjects());
- controller.calculateStateAndVisualForCurrentTimeStep();
- repaint();
- }
- });
- animT.start();
- });
- itemUngroup.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- // save old Position
- closeUpperNodeTab(tempCps.getId());
- savePos = new ArrayList<>();
- animCps = ((GroupNode) tempCps).getNodes();
- controller.ungroupGroupNode((GroupNode) tempCps, upperNode);
- for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) {
- savePos.add(animCps.get(i).getPosition().clone());
- }
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : animCps) {
- cps.setPosition(tempCps.getPosition().clone());
- }
- animT = new javax.swing.Timer(animDelay, actionEvent1 -> {
- if (animDuration - animDelay >= 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) {
- Vector2Int pos = animCps.get(i).getPosition();
- Vector2Int difference = pos.subtract(savePos.get(i));
- Vector2Int result = pos.subtract(difference.divide(animSteps));
- pos.set(result);
- }
- repaint();
- animDuration -= animDelay;
- animSteps--;
- } else {
- animDuration = ANIMTIME;
- animSteps = animDuration / animDelay;
- animT.stop();
- for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) {
- animCps.get(i).getPosition().set(savePos.get(i));
- }
- controller.calculateStateAndVisualForCurrentTimeStep();
- repaint();
- }
- });
- animT.start();
- });
- itemDelete.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- // Remove the selected Object objects
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) {
- if (upperNode.getNodes().contains(cps)) {
- controller.delObjUpperNode(cps, upperNode);
- // Remove UpperNodeTab if UpperNode deleted
- if (cps instanceof GroupNode) {
- JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent();
- // Look if the uppernode is open in a Tab
- for (int i = 4; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) {
- if (tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i) != null &&
- ((GroupNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i)).getViewport()
- .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == cps.getId()) {
- ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(i)).removeTabs();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- toolTip = false;
- model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
- tempCps = null;
- repaint();
- });
+public class GroupNodeCanvas extends Canvas {
+ private GroupNode upperNode;
+ private String parentPath;
+ private Component parentComponent;
- itemCut.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- controller.cut(upperNode);
- itemPaste.setEnabled(true);
- repaint();
- });
- itemCopy.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- if(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)
- controller.getObjectsInDepth();
- controller.copy(upperNode);
- itemPaste.setEnabled(true);
- repaint();
- });
- itemPaste.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- try {
- controller.paste(upperNode, mousePosition);
- } catch (JsonParseException | UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException e1) {
- JLabel message = new JLabel("The Clipboard information cannot be pastet into Application.");
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- }
- repaint();
- });
- /*
- * create Template
- */
- itemCreateTemplate.addActionListener(actionEvent -> {
- controller.createTemplate((HolonObject)tempCps, (JFrame)SwingUtilities.getRoot(this));
- });
- this.addMouseListener(this);
- this.addMouseMotionListener(this);
- }
- /**
- * Paints all Components on the Canvas.
- *
- * @param g
- * Graphics
- */
- private Color getStateColor(HolonObjectState state) {
- switch(state) {
- return new Color(230, 120, 100);
- case NO_ENERGY:
- return Color.white;
- return new Color(166, 78, 229);
- return Color.yellow;
- case PRODUCER:
- return Color.lightGray;
- case SUPPLIED:
- return new Color(13, 175, 28);
- default:
- return Color.BLACK;
- }
- }
- private void paintCanvasObject(Graphics2D g, DecoratedHolonObject decoratedHolonObject){
- Vector2Int pos = decoratedHolonObject.getModel().getPosition();
- Color statecolor = getStateColor(decoratedHolonObject.getState());
- g.setColor(statecolor);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), controller.getScale(), controller.getScale());
- drawCanvasObject(g, decoratedHolonObject.getModel().getImage(), pos);
- }
- private void drawCanvasObjectString(Graphics2D g, Vector2Int posOfCanvasObject, float energy) {
- g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- g.setFont(new Font("TimesNewRoman", Font.PLAIN, (int) (controller.getScale() / 4f) ));
- g.drawString((energy > 0)? "+" + Float.toString(energy): Float.toString(energy), posOfCanvasObject.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), posOfCanvasObject.getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1);
- }
- private void paintConsumer(Graphics2D g, Consumer con){
- paintCanvasObject(g, con);
- paintSupplyBar(g,con.getSupplyBarPercentage(), getStateColor(con.getState()), con.getModel().getPosition());
- drawCanvasObjectString(g, con.getModel().getPosition(), -con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork());
- }
- private void paintSupplier(Graphics2D g, Supplier sup){
- paintCanvasObject(g, sup);
- drawCanvasObjectString(g, sup.getModel().getPosition(), sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork());
+ GroupNodeCanvas(Model mod, Control control, UnitGraph unitGraph, GroupNode groupNode, String parentPath,
+ Component parentComponent) {
+ super(mod, control, unitGraph);
+ this.upperNode = groupNode;
+ this.parentPath = parentPath;
+ this.parentComponent = parentComponent;
- private void drawCanvasObject(Graphics2D g, String Image, Vector2Int pos) {
- g.drawImage(ImageImport.loadImage(Image, controller.getScale(), controller.getScale()) ,
- pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(),
- pos.getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2(),
- controller.getScale(), controller.getScale() , null);
+ public void setUpperNode(GroupNode upperNode) {
+ this.upperNode = upperNode;
- private void paintCable(Graphics2D g, DecoratedCable cable, boolean isSelected)
- {
- Vector2Int start = cable.getModel().getA().getPosition();
- Vector2Int end = cable.getModel().getB().getPosition();
- float currentEnergy = cable.getFlowEnergy();
- float capacity = cable.getModel().getCapacity();
- boolean unlimited = cable.getModel().isUnlimitedCapacity();
- switch(cable.getState()) {
- case Burned:
- g.setColor(Color.RED);
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
- break;
- case Working:
- g.setColor(new Color(13, 175, 28));
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(unlimited?2f:(currentEnergy / capacity * 2f) + 1));
- break;
- }
- if(isSelected){
- g.setColor(Color.lightGray);
- }
- g.drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY());
- Vector2Int middle = new Vector2Int((start.getX() + end.getX()) / 2, (start.getY() + end.getY()) / 2);
- g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (controller.getScale() / 3.5f), 10) ));
- g.drawString(currentEnergy + "/" + (unlimited?"\u221E":capacity) , middle.getX(), middle.getY());
- }
- private void paintSwitch(Graphics2D g, DecoratedSwitch dSwitch)
- {
- drawCanvasObject(g, dSwitch.getState() == SwitchState.Open ? HolonSwitch.getSwitchOpenImage(): HolonSwitch.getSwitchClosedImage() , dSwitch.getModel().getPosition());
- }
- private void paintGroupNode(Graphics2D g, DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode) {
- Vector2Int pos = dGroupNode.getModel().getPosition();
- g.setColor(Color.lightGray);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), controller.getScale(), controller.getScale());
- drawCanvasObject(g, "/Images/upper_node.png" , pos);
- paintGroupNodeBar(g, dGroupNode, pos);
- }
- private void paintGroupNodeBar(Graphics2D g, DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode , Vector2Int pos) {
- // +1, -2, -1 little Adjustment for pixel perfect alignment
- int barWidth = (int) (controller.getScale());
- int barHeight = (int) (controller.getScale() / 5);
- g.setColor(Color.WHITE);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) barWidth, barHeight);
- float[] percentages = getGroupNodeBarPercentages(dGroupNode);
- Color[] colors = new Color[6];
- colors[0] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.PRODUCER);
- colors[1] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED);
- colors[2] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- colors[3] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED);
- colors[4] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED);
- colors[5] = getStateColor(HolonObjectState.NO_ENERGY);
- for(int i = 5; i>=0; i--) {
- g.setColor(colors[i]);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) (barWidth * percentages[i] - 1), barHeight);
- }
-// g.setColor(color);
-// g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) (barWidth * (percentage < 1 ? percentage : 1.0f) - 1), barHeight);
- g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
- g.drawRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, barWidth - 1 , barHeight);
+ public GroupNode getUpperNode() {
+ return upperNode;
- /**
- * HardCoded Stuff dont try at Home ;)
- * @param dGroupNode
- * @return
- */
- public float[] getGroupNodeBarPercentages(DecoratedGroupNode dGroupNode) {
- int[] amountOfObjects = new int[6];
- amountOfObjects[0] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfSupplier();
- amountOfObjects[1] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED);
- amountOfObjects[2] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- amountOfObjects[3] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED);
- amountOfObjects[4] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED);
- amountOfObjects[5] = dGroupNode.getAmountOfPassiv();
- int countHolonObjects = amountOfObjects[0] + amountOfObjects[1] + amountOfObjects[2] + amountOfObjects[3] + amountOfObjects[4] + amountOfObjects[5];
- float[] percentages = new float[6];
- int count = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- count += amountOfObjects[i];
- percentages[i] = (float)count / (float)countHolonObjects;
- }
- return percentages;
- }
- private void paintExitCable(Graphics2D g, ExitCable eCable) {
- if(eCable.getStart() == null || eCable.getFinish() == null) {
- System.out.println("Null wrong exitcable");
- System.out.println(" wrongCable: " + " start:" +eCable.getStart() + " end:" +eCable.getFinish() + " state:" + eCable.getState());
- return;
- }
- Vector2Int start = eCable.getStart().getPosition();
- Vector2Int end = eCable.getFinish().getPosition();
- float currentEnergy = eCable.getCable().getFlowEnergy();
- float capacity = eCable.getCable().getModel().getCapacity();
- boolean unlimited = eCable.getCable().getModel().isUnlimitedCapacity();
- switch(eCable.getCable().getState()) {
- case Burned:
- g.setColor(Color.RED);
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
- break;
- case Working:
- g.setColor(new Color(13, 175, 28));
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(unlimited?2f:(currentEnergy / capacity * 2f) + 1));
- break;
- }
- switch(eCable.getState()) {
- case DOWN:
- case DOWNDOWN:
- g.drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY());
- Vector2Int middle = new Vector2Int((start.getX() + end.getX()) / 2, (start.getY() + end.getY()) / 2);
- g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (controller.getScale() / 3.5f), 10) ));
- g.drawString(currentEnergy + "/" + (unlimited?"\u221E":capacity) , middle.getX(), middle.getY());
- break;
- case DOWNUP:
- case UP:
- Vector2Float vStart = new Vector2Float(start.getX(), start.getY());
- Vector2Float vEnd = new Vector2Float(end.getX(), end.getY());
- float stretchFactor = 4 * model.getScale();
- stretchFactor = (stretchFactor > vStart.getDistance(vEnd))? vStart.getDistance(vEnd) : stretchFactor;
- Vector2Float vPosition = vStart.add((vEnd.subtract(vStart)).normalize().multiply(stretchFactor));
- Vector2Int result = new Vector2Int(Math.round(vPosition.getX()),Math.round(vPosition.getY()));
- g.drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), result.getX(), result.getY());
- Vector2Int middle1 = new Vector2Int((start.getX() +result.getX()) / 2, (start.getY() + +result.getY()) / 2);
- g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, Math.max((int) (controller.getScale() / 3.5f), 10) ));
- g.drawString(currentEnergy + "/" + (unlimited?"\u221E":capacity) , middle1.getX(), middle1.getY());
- drawCanvasObject(g, "/Images/arrowUp.png" , result);
- break;
- default:
- System.out.println("Error");
- break;
- }
+ public String getParentPath() {
+ return parentPath;
- private void paintSupplyBar(Graphics2D g, float percentage, Color color, Vector2Int pos) {
- // +1, -2, -1 little Adjustment for pixel perfect alignment
- int barWidth = (int) (controller.getScale());
- int barHeight = (int) (controller.getScale() / 5);
- g.setColor(Color.WHITE);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) barWidth, barHeight);
- g.setColor(color);
- g.fillRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, (int) (barWidth * (percentage < 1 ? percentage : 1.0f) - 1), barHeight);
- g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
- g.drawRect(pos.getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2(), pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1, barWidth - 1 , barHeight);
- g.setFont(new Font("TimesNewRoman", Font.PLAIN, (int) (barHeight * 1.5) - 2));
- String percentageString = (Math.round((percentage * 100))) + "%";
- int stringWidth = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(percentageString, g).getWidth();
- if(percentage > 1.0f) g.setColor(Color.WHITE); //Just to see better on purple
- g.drawString(percentageString, pos.getX() + 1 - stringWidth / 2, pos.getY() + controller.getScaleDiv2() - 1+ barHeight);
+ public Component getParentComponent() {
+ return parentComponent;
- //old code
- void drawMarker(Graphics2D g) {
- Color transparentGrey = new Color(128, 174, 247, 40);
- if (sx > x && sy > y) {
- g.drawRect(x, y, sx - x, sy - y);
- g.setColor(transparentGrey);
- g.fillRect(x, y, sx - x, sy - y);
- } else if (sx < x && sy < y) {
- g.drawRect(sx, sy, x - sx, y - sy);
- g.setColor(transparentGrey);
- g.fillRect(sx, sy, x - sx, y - sy);
- } else if (sx >= x) {
- g.drawRect(x, sy, sx - x, y - sy);
- g.setColor(transparentGrey);
- g.fillRect(x, sy, sx - x, y - sy);
- } else if (sy >= y) {
- g.drawRect(sx, y, x - sx, sy - y);
- g.setColor(transparentGrey);
- g.fillRect(sx, y, x - sx, sy - y);
- }
- }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
- super.paintComponent(g);
+ //super.paintComponent(g);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
+ g2d.clearRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
g2d.setRenderingHints(new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
//-->Old code
@@ -585,688 +153,346 @@ public class GroupNodeCanvas extends AbstractCanvas implements MouseListener, Mo
//<-- OldCode
- @Override
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
- if(!disable){
- triggerUpdateController();
- stopEditing();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- @Override
- public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- @Override
- public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
- if(!disable){
- stopEditing();
- tempCps = null;
- dataSelected = null;
- edgeHighlight = null;
- controller.setSelecteEdge(null);
- controller.setSelectedObjectID(-1);
- // Object Selection
- // Erase old data in the PropertyTable
- if (model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() > 0) {
- for (int i = model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
- model.getPropertyTable().removeRow(i);
- }
- }
- if (e.getX() > upperNode.getLeftBorder()) {
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
- cx = cps.getPosition().getX() - model.getScaleDiv2();
- cy = cps.getPosition().getY() - model.getScaleDiv2();
- if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) {
- tempCps = cps;
- dragging = true;
- if (e.isControlDown() && tempCps != null) {
- if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps)) {
- controller.deleteSelectedObject(tempCps);
- } else {
- controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
- if(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)
- controller.getObjectsInDepth();
- }
- }
- // If drawing an Edge (CTRL down)
- if (tempCps.getClass() == HolonObject.class) {
- HolonObject tempObj = ((HolonObject) tempCps);
- dataSelected = tempObj.getElements();
- }
- if (e.isShiftDown()) {
- drawEdge = true;
- dragging = false;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // look for objects connected to uppernode
- int count = 0;
- for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject cps;
- if (ed.getA().equals(this.upperNode)) {
- cps = ed.getB();
- } else {
- cps = ed.getA();
- }
- if (x - controller.getScale() <= ((upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - model.getScaleDiv2())
- && y - controller.getScale() <= (scalediv20 + 5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)
- && x >= (upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - model.getScaleDiv2()
- && y >= (scalediv20 + 5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)) {
- tempCps = cps;
- // If drawing an Edge (CTRL down)
- if (tempCps.getClass() == HolonObject.class) {
- HolonObject tempObj = ((HolonObject) tempCps);
- dataSelected = tempObj.getElements();
- }
- if (e.isShiftDown()) {
- drawEdge = true;
- }
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- // Selection of CpsObject
- // model.setSelectedCpsObject(tempCps);
- // Edge Selection
- if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
- if (tempCps == null) {
- edgeHighlight = mousePositionOnEdge(x, y);
- controller.setSelecteEdge(edgeHighlight);
- controller.setSelectedObjectID(0);
- if (!e.isControlDown() && e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) {
- model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
- }
- updCon.deleteRows(model.getMultiTable());
- updCon.deleteRows(model.getSingleTable());
- }
- if (edgeHighlight == null && tempCps == null) {
- sx = e.getX();
- sy = e.getY();
- doMark = true;
- }
- // System.out.println("Selected Objects");
- // for (AbstractCpsObject temp : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) {
- // System.out.println(temp.getName() + " " + temp.getID());
- // }
- repaint();
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
- if(!disable){
- x = e.getX();
- y = e.getY();
- dragging = false;
- if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() > 1) {
- model.getTableHolonElement().setModel(model.getMultiTable());
- } else if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) {
- model.getTableHolonElement().setModel(model.getSingleTable());
- }
- if (drawEdge) {
- drawEdge = false;
- drawDeleteEdge();
- }
- if (dragged) {
- try {
- /**
- * Save State before performing NodePlacement, replacement e.g.
- */
- controller.autoSave();
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- /**
- * check if tempCps could replace an Object on the UpperNodeanvas
- */
- if(model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1 && checkForReplacement(upperNode.getNodes(), tempCps, tempCps.getPosition().getX(), tempCps.getPosition().getY())){
- /**
- * if UpperNode would be replaced, close its tabs
- */
- if(mayBeReplaced instanceof GroupNode)
- closeUpperNodeTab(mayBeReplaced.getId());
- /**
- * replace on canvas
- */
- controller.replaceObjUpperNode(mayBeReplaced, tempCps, upperNode);
- mayBeReplaced=null;
- }
- }
- if (!e.isControlDown() && !dragged && tempCps != null && MouseEvent.BUTTON3 != e.getButton()) {
- model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
- controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
- if(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)
- controller.getObjectsInDepth();
- }
- dragged = false;
- // Rightclick List
- setRightClickMenu(e);
- markObjects();
- if (doubleClick() && tempCps != null && tempCps instanceof HolonSwitch) {
- ((HolonSwitch) tempCps).switchState();
- }
- controller.calculateStateAndVisualForTimeStep(model.getCurIteration());
- triggerUpdateController();
- repaint();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
- if(!disable){
- // If Edge is drawn
- x = e.getX();
- y = e.getY();
- if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps) && !doMark) {
- model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
- if (tempCps != null) {
- controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
- }
- }
- if (dragging) {
- try {
- // tempCps in the upperNode? else its a connected Object from
- // outside
- if (upperNode.getNodes().contains(tempCps)) {
- dragged = true;
- float xDist, yDist; // Distance
- x = e.getX();
- y = e.getY();
- // Make sure its in bounds
- if (e.getX() < controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5)
- x = controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5;
- else if (e.getX() > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
- x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- if (e.getY() < controller.getScaleDiv2())
- y = controller.getScaleDiv2();
- else if (e.getY() > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
- y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- // Distance
- xDist = x - tempCps.getPosition().getX();
- yDist = y - tempCps.getPosition().getY();
- tempCps.setPosition(x, y); // Drag Position
- // TipText Position and name
- toolTip = true;
- toolTipText = tempCps.getName() + ", " + tempCps.getId();
- toolTipPos.setX(tempCps.getPosition().getX() - model.getScaleDiv2());
- toolTipPos.setY(tempCps.getPosition().getY() - model.getScaleDiv2());
- // All Selected Objects
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) {
- if (cps != tempCps) {
- x = (int) (cps.getPosition().getX() + xDist);
- y = (int) (cps.getPosition().getY() + yDist);
- // Make sure its in bounds
- if (x < upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5 + controller.getScaleDiv2())
- x = controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5;
- else if (x > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
- x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- if (y <= controller.getScaleDiv2())
- y = controller.getScaleDiv2();
- else if (y > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
- y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- cps.setPosition(x, y);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * check if something would be replaced
- */
- if(model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size()==1)
- checkForReplacement(upperNode.getNodes(), tempCps, x, y);
- repaint();
- } catch (Exception eex) {
- }
- }
- // Mark Objects
- if (doMark) {
- tempSelected.clear();
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
- int x1 = sx, x2 = x, y1 = sy, y2 = y;
- if (sx >= x) {
- x1 = x;
- x2 = sx;
- }
- if (sy >= y) {
- y1 = y;
- y2 = sy;
- }
- if (x1 <= cps.getPosition().getX() + model.getScaleDiv2() && y1 <= cps.getPosition().getY() + model.getScaleDiv2()
- && x2 >= cps.getPosition().getX() && y2 >= cps.getPosition().getY()) {
- tempSelected.add(cps);
- }
- }
- int count = 0;
- for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject cps;
- if (ed.getA().equals(upperNode)) {
- cps = ed.getB();
- } else {
- cps = ed.getA();
- }
- int x1 = sx, x2 = x, y1 = sy, y2 = y;
- if (sx >= x) {
- x1 = x;
- x2 = sx;
- }
- if (sy >= y) {
- y1 = y;
- y2 = sy;
- }
- if (x1 <= upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1
- && y1 <= (int) (5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count) + model.getScaleDiv2()
- && x2 >= upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1
- && y2 >= (int) (5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)) {
- tempSelected.add(cps);
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- repaint();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
- {
- x = e.getX();
- y = e.getY();
- // Everything for the tooltip :)
- boolean on = false;
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
- cx = cps.getPosition().getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- cy = cps.getPosition().getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- on = setToolTipInfoAndPosition(on, cps);
- }
- int count = 0;
- for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject cps;
- if (ed.getA().equals(this.upperNode)) {
- cps = ed.getB();
- } else {
- cps = ed.getA();
- }
- cx = upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1;
- cy = (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count);
- if (x - 50 <= cx && y - 50 <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) {
- on = true;
- toolTipPos.setX(cx - 25);
- toolTipPos.setY(cy + 50);
- toolTipText = cps.getName() + ", " + cps.getId();
- }
- count++;
- }
- toolTip = on;
- repaint();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draws or Deletes an Edge.
- */
- void drawDeleteEdge() {
- boolean node = true; // new node?
- boolean newEdge = true;
- boolean onEdge = true;
- boolean deleteNode = false;
- boolean outsideCon = !upperNode.getNodes().contains(tempCps); // Connection to the outside
- boolean found = false; // dont search for outside connetion if inside
- // connection is found
- Edge e = null;
- for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
- cx = cps.getPosition().getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- cy = cps.getPosition().getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
- if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy
- && cps != tempCps) {
- found = true;
- node = false;
- onEdge = false;
- for (Edge p : tempCps.getConnections()) {
- if ((p.getA() == tempCps && p.getB() == cps) || (p.getB() == tempCps && p.getA() == cps)) {
- newEdge = false;
- e = p;
- }
- }
- if (!newEdge) {
- if (outsideCon) {
- } else {
- controller.removeEdgesOnCanvas(e);
- }
- // Node ohne Edge?
- if (e.getA().getClass() == Node.class && e.getA().getConnections().isEmpty()) {
- tempCps = e.getA();
- deleteNode = true;
- }
- if (e.getB().getClass() == Node.class && e.getB().getConnections().isEmpty()) {
- deleteNode = true;
- }
- } else {
- if(!(cps instanceof GroupNode || tempCps instanceof GroupNode)) {
- e = new Edge(cps, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e);
- }else if (cps instanceof GroupNode && !(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)){
- GroupNode thisUpperNode = (GroupNode)cps;
- Object[] possibilities = thisUpperNode.getNodes().stream().map(aCps -> new ACpsHandle(aCps)).filter(aCpsHandle -> !(aCpsHandle.object instanceof GroupNode)).toArray();
- if(possibilities.length != 0) {
- ACpsHandle selected = (ACpsHandle) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Select a inside Object:", "Connection To?", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION,new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)) , possibilities, "");
- if(selected != null) {
- e = new Edge(selected.object, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e);
- }
- }else {
- Node n = new Node("Node");
- n.setPosition(x, y);
- controller.addObjUpperNode(n, thisUpperNode);
- e = new Edge(n, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found && !outsideCon) {
- int count = 0;
- for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject cps;
- if (ed.getA().equals(upperNode)) {
- cps = ed.getB();
- } else {
- cps = ed.getA();
- }
- cx = upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1;
- cy = (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count);
- if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy
- && cps != tempCps) {
- outsideCon = true;
- node = false;
- onEdge = false;
- for (Edge p : tempCps.getConnections()) {
- if ((p.getA() == tempCps && p.getB() == cps) || (p.getB() == tempCps && p.getA() == cps)) {
- newEdge = false;
- e = p;
- }
- }
- if (!newEdge) {
- // Node ohne Edge?
- if (e.getA().getClass() == Node.class && e.getA().getConnections().isEmpty()) {
- tempCps = e.getA();
- deleteNode = true;
- }
- if (e.getB().getClass() == Node.class && e.getB().getConnections().isEmpty()) {
- deleteNode = true;
- }
- } else {
- Edge edge = new Edge(cps, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- if (outsideCon) {
- } else {
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(edge);
- }
- }
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- // Edge auf eine Edge gezogen?
- if (onEdge && !checkForReplacement(x, y)) {
- Edge p = mousePositionOnEdge(x, y);
- if (p != null) {
- Edge e1;
- Edge e2;
- node = false;
- Node n = new Node("Node");
- n.setPosition(x, y);
- controller.addObjUpperNode(n, upperNode);
- AbstractCanvasObject r, k;
- r = p.getA();
- k = p.getB();
- e = new Edge(n, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- e1 = new Edge(n, r, model.getMaxCapacity());
- e2 = new Edge(n, k, model.getMaxCapacity());
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e1);
- controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e2);
- }
- }else{
- mayBeReplaced = null;
- }
- // ins leere Gedragged
- if (node && x > upperNode.getLeftBorder() && !checkForReplacement(x, y)) {
- Node n = new Node("Node");
- n.setPosition(x, y);
- controller.addObjUpperNode(n, upperNode);
- e = new Edge(n, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity());
- }else{
- mayBeReplaced = null;
- }
- // Wenn ein Node ohne Connections da ist
- if (deleteNode) {
- controller.delCanvasObject(tempCps, true);
- tempCps = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the mouse is on an Edge.
- *
- * @param x Position of the Mouse
- * @param y Position of the Mouse
- * @return CpsEdge the Mouse is on, null if the mouse is not on an Edge
- */
- private Edge mousePositionOnEdge(int x, int y) {
- x += controller.getScaleDiv2();
- y += controller.getScaleDiv2();
- int lx, ly, hx, hy;
-//TODO: is this right
-// for (CpsEdge p : upperNode.getNodeEdges()) {
-// Line2D l = new Line2D.Float(p.getA().getPosition().getX(), p.getA().getPosition().getY(), p.getB().getPosition().getX(),
-// p.getB().getPosition().getY());
-// int[] positions = determineMousePositionOnEdge(p);
-// lx = positions[0];
-// ly = positions[1];
-// hx = positions[2];
-// hy = positions[3];
-// // distance from a point to a line and between both Objects
-// if (l.ptLineDistSq(x - model.getScaleDiv2(), y - model.getScaleDiv2()) < 20 && x > lx && x < hx && y > ly
-// && y < hy) {
-// return p;
-// }
-// }
- // edge to outside connection
- int count = 0;
- for (Edge e : upperNode.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject cps;
- if (e.getA().equals(this.upperNode)) {
- cps = e.getB();
- } else {
- cps = e.getA();
- }
- for (Edge p : cps.getConnections()) {
- AbstractCanvasObject obj = null;
- boolean doTest = false;
- if (upperNode.getNodes().contains(p.getA())) {
- obj = p.getA();
- doTest = true;
- } else if (upperNode.getNodes().contains(p.getB())) {
- obj = p.getB();
- doTest = true;
- }
- // g2.drawImage(img, (borderPos >> 1) - 25, (int) (scalediv20 +
- // 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count), 50, 50, null);
- if (doTest) {
- Line2D l = new Line2D.Float((upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - 25,
- (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + 25 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count), obj.getPosition().getX(),
- obj.getPosition().getY());
- if ((upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) > obj.getPosition().getX()) {
- hx = (upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - 25 + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7;
- lx = obj.getPosition().getX() + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7;
- } else {
- lx = (upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - 25 + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7;
- hx = obj.getPosition().getX() + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7;
- }
- if ((int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count) > obj.getPosition().getY()) {
- hy = (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count) + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7;
- ly = obj.getPosition().getY() + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7;
- } else {
- ly = (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count) + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7;
- hy = obj.getPosition().getY() + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7;
- }
- // distance from a point to a line and between both Objects
- if (l.ptLineDistSq(x - model.getScaleDiv2(), y - model.getScaleDiv2()) < 20 && x > lx && x < hx
- && y > ly && y < hy) {
- return p;
- }
- }
- }
- count++;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * copies a set of given informations
- *
- * @param informations
- */
- protected void setShowedInformation(boolean[] informations) {
- showedInformation = informations;
- }
- /**
- * set tooltIp
- *
- * @param bool
- */
- void setToolTip(boolean bool) {
- this.toolTip = bool;
- }
- /**
- * Set the Mouse Position on the UpperNodeCanvas;
- *
- * @param x
- * @param y
- */
- void setXY(int x, int y) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean checkForReplacement(int x, int y) {
- return checkForReplacement(upperNode.getNodes(), null, x, y);
- }
- @Override
- public void tryToAlignObjects(){
- /**
- * Align all Objects
- */
- for(AbstractCanvasObject cps: upperNode.getNodes())
- align(cps,3*model.getScaleDiv2());
- /**
- * AutoSave new Positons
- */
- try{
- controller.autoSave();
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- System.err.println("AutoSave error by aligning");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void closeUpperNodeTab(int upperNodeId) {
- JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) getParent().getParent().getParent();
- for (int i = 4; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) {
- if (((GroupNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i)).getViewport()
- .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == upperNodeId) {
- tabbedPane.remove(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
+ if(!disabled){
+ stopEditing();
+ tempCps = null;
+ dataSelected = null;
+ edgeHighlight = null;
+ controller.setSelecteEdge(null);
+ controller.setSelectedObjectID(-1);
+ // Object Selection
+ // Erase old data in the PropertyTable
+ if (model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() > 0) {
+ for (int i = model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ model.getPropertyTable().removeRow(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.getX() > upperNode.getLeftBorder()) {
+ for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
+ cx = cps.getPosition().getX() - model.getScaleDiv2();
+ cy = cps.getPosition().getY() - model.getScaleDiv2();
+ if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) {
+ tempCps = cps;
+ dragging = true;
+ if (e.isControlDown() && tempCps != null) {
+ if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps)) {
+ controller.deleteSelectedObject(tempCps);
+ } else {
+ controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
+ if(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)
+ controller.getObjectsInDepth();
+ }
+ }
+ // If drawing an Edge (CTRL down)
+ if (tempCps.getClass() == HolonObject.class) {
+ HolonObject tempObj = ((HolonObject) tempCps);
+ dataSelected = tempObj.getElements();
+ }
+ if (e.isShiftDown()) {
+ drawEdge = true;
+ dragging = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // look for objects connected to uppernode
+ int count = 0;
+ for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
+ AbstractCanvasObject cps;
+ if (ed.getA().equals(this.upperNode)) {
+ cps = ed.getB();
+ } else {
+ cps = ed.getA();
+ }
+ if (x - controller.getScale() <= ((upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - model.getScaleDiv2())
+ && y - controller.getScale() <= (scalediv20 + 5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)
+ && x >= (upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1) - model.getScaleDiv2()
+ && y >= (scalediv20 + 5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)) {
+ tempCps = cps;
+ // If drawing an Edge (CTRL down)
+ if (tempCps.getClass() == HolonObject.class) {
+ HolonObject tempObj = ((HolonObject) tempCps);
+ dataSelected = tempObj.getElements();
+ }
+ if (e.isShiftDown()) {
+ drawEdge = true;
+ }
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Edge Selection
+ if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
+ if (tempCps == null) {
+ edgeHighlight = mousePositionOnEdge(x, y);
+ controller.setSelecteEdge(edgeHighlight);
+ controller.setSelectedObjectID(0);
+ if (!e.isControlDown() && e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) {
+ model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
+ }
+ updCon.deleteRows(model.getMultiTable());
+ updCon.deleteRows(model.getSingleTable());
+ }
+ if (edgeHighlight == null && tempCps == null) {
+ sx = e.getX();
+ sy = e.getY();
+ doMark = true;
+ }
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
+ if(!disabled){
+ x = e.getX();
+ y = e.getY();
+ dragging = false;
+ if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() > 1) {
+ model.getTableHolonElement().setModel(model.getMultiTable());
+ } else if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) {
+ model.getTableHolonElement().setModel(model.getSingleTable());
+ }
+ if (drawEdge) {
+ drawEdge = false;
+ drawDeleteEdge();
+ }
+ if (dragged) {
+ try {
+ /**
+ * Save State before performing NodePlacement, replacement e.g.
+ */
+ controller.autoSave();
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if tempCps could replace an Object on the UpperNodeanvas
+ */
+ if(model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1 && checkForReplacement(upperNode.getNodes(), tempCps, tempCps.getPosition().getX(), tempCps.getPosition().getY())){
+ /**
+ * if UpperNode would be replaced, close its tabs
+ */
+ if(mayBeReplaced instanceof GroupNode)
+ closeUpperNodeTab(mayBeReplaced.getId());
+ /**
+ * replace on canvas
+ */
+ controller.replaceObjUpperNode(mayBeReplaced, tempCps, upperNode);
+ mayBeReplaced=null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!e.isControlDown() && !dragged && tempCps != null && MouseEvent.BUTTON3 != e.getButton()) {
+ model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
+ controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
+ if(tempCps instanceof GroupNode)
+ controller.getObjectsInDepth();
+ }
+ dragged = false;
+ // Rightclick List
+ setRightClickMenu(e);
+ markObjects();
+ if (doubleClick() && tempCps != null && tempCps instanceof HolonSwitch) {
+ ((HolonSwitch) tempCps).switchState();
+ }
+ controller.calculateStateAndVisualForTimeStep(model.getCurIteration());
+ triggerUpdateController();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
+ if(!disabled){
+ // If Edge is drawn
+ x = e.getX();
+ y = e.getY();
+ if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps) && !doMark) {
+ model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear();
+ if (tempCps != null) {
+ controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dragging) {
+ try {
+ // tempCps in the upperNode? else its a connected Object from
+ // outside
+ if (upperNode.getNodes().contains(tempCps)) {
+ dragged = true;
+ float xDist, yDist; // Distance
+ x = e.getX();
+ y = e.getY();
+ // Make sure its in bounds
+ if (e.getX() < controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5)
+ x = controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5;
+ else if (e.getX() > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ if (e.getY() < controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ y = controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ else if (e.getY() > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ // Distance
+ xDist = x - tempCps.getPosition().getX();
+ yDist = y - tempCps.getPosition().getY();
+ tempCps.setPosition(x, y); // Drag Position
+ // TipText Position and name
+ toolTip = true;
+ toolTipText = tempCps.getName() + ", " + tempCps.getId();
+ toolTipPos.setX(tempCps.getPosition().getX() - model.getScaleDiv2());
+ toolTipPos.setY(tempCps.getPosition().getY() - model.getScaleDiv2());
+ // All Selected Objects
+ for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) {
+ if (cps != tempCps) {
+ x = (int) (cps.getPosition().getX() + xDist);
+ y = (int) (cps.getPosition().getY() + yDist);
+ // Make sure its in bounds
+ if (x < upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5 + controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ x = controller.getScaleDiv2() + upperNode.getLeftBorder() + 5;
+ else if (x > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ if (y <= controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ y = controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ else if (y > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2())
+ y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ cps.setPosition(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if something would be replaced
+ */
+ if(model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size()==1)
+ checkForReplacement(upperNode.getNodes(), tempCps, x, y);
+ repaint();
+ } catch (Exception eex) {
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark Objects
+ if (doMark) {
+ tempSelected.clear();
+ for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
+ int x1 = sx, x2 = x, y1 = sy, y2 = y;
+ if (sx >= x) {
+ x1 = x;
+ x2 = sx;
+ }
+ if (sy >= y) {
+ y1 = y;
+ y2 = sy;
+ }
+ if (x1 <= cps.getPosition().getX() + model.getScaleDiv2() && y1 <= cps.getPosition().getY() + model.getScaleDiv2()
+ && x2 >= cps.getPosition().getX() && y2 >= cps.getPosition().getY()) {
+ tempSelected.add(cps);
+ }
+ }
+ int count = 0;
+ for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
+ AbstractCanvasObject cps;
+ if (ed.getA().equals(upperNode)) {
+ cps = ed.getB();
+ } else {
+ cps = ed.getA();
+ }
+ int x1 = sx, x2 = x, y1 = sy, y2 = y;
+ if (sx >= x) {
+ x1 = x;
+ x2 = sx;
+ }
+ if (sy >= y) {
+ y1 = y;
+ y2 = sy;
+ }
+ if (x1 <= upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1
+ && y1 <= (int) (5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count) + model.getScaleDiv2()
+ && x2 >= upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1
+ && y2 >= (int) (5 + (model.getScale() + scalediv20 + 10) * count)) {
+ tempSelected.add(cps);
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
+ {
+ x = e.getX();
+ y = e.getY();
+ // Everything for the tooltip :)
+ boolean on = false;
+ for (AbstractCanvasObject cps : upperNode.getNodes()) {
+ cx = cps.getPosition().getX() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ cy = cps.getPosition().getY() - controller.getScaleDiv2();
+ on = setToolTipInfoAndPosition(on, cps);
+ }
+ int count = 0;
+ for (Edge ed : upperNode.getConnections()) {
+ AbstractCanvasObject cps;
+ if (ed.getA().equals(this.upperNode)) {
+ cps = ed.getB();
+ } else {
+ cps = ed.getA();
+ }
+ cx = upperNode.getLeftBorder() >> 1;
+ cy = (int) (scalediv20 + 5 + (50 + scalediv20 + 10) * count);
+ if (x - 50 <= cx && y - 50 <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) {
+ on = true;
+ toolTipPos.setX(cx - 25);
+ toolTipPos.setY(cy + 50);
+ toolTipText = cps.getName() + ", " + cps.getId();
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ toolTip = on;
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }