using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.ArucoModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils;
using OpenCVForUnity.Calib3dModule;
/// Whenever the ZED grabs/captures an image, uses OpenCV to detect ArUCO markers, calculates their
/// world positions and rotations, and uses them to call the appropriate functions on any MarkerObject components in the scene.
public class ZEDArUcoDetectionManager : MonoBehaviour
/// Scene's ZEDToOpenCVRetriever, which creates OpenCV mats and deploys events each time the ZED grabs an image.
/// It's how we get the image and required matrices that we use to look for markers.
public ZEDToOpenCVRetriever imageRetriever;
/// Physical width of the printed ArUco markers.
/// Used to find the proper world position of the markers, so make sure this is accurate.
[Tooltip("Physical width of the printed ArUco markers.\r\n" +
"Used to find the proper world position of the markers, so make sure this is accurate.")]
public float markerWidthMeters = 0.2f;
/// Pre-defined OpenCV dictionary of marker images used to identify markers in the scene.
/// Note that images included in this project in the Resources folder are from the DICT_4X4 ones.
/// See: https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d9/d6a/group__aruco.html#gaf5d7e909fe8ff2ad2108e354669ecd17
/// You can access any of the pre-defined dictionaries via this project: https://github.com/okalachev/arucogen
[Tooltip("Pre-defined OpenCV dictionary of marker images used to identify markers in the scene.\r\n" +
"Note that images included in this project in the Resources folder are from the DICT_4X4 ones.")]
public PreDefinedmarkerDictionary markerDictionary = PreDefinedmarkerDictionary.DICT_4X4_50;
/// Contains all MarkerObjects that have registered, sorted by their markerID values.
/// We iterate through them each grab, calling MarkerDetected() on each when their
/// corresponding markers are visible, and MarkerNotDetected() otherwise.
private static Dictionary> registeredMarkers = new Dictionary>();
public delegate void MarkersDetectedEvent(Dictionary> detectedposes);
public event MarkersDetectedEvent OnMarkersDetected;
/// Adds a MarkerObject to the registeredMarkers dictionary, so its MarkerDetected() function will get called when
/// a marker is detected with its corresponding markerID.
public static void RegisterMarker(MarkerObject marker)
if (!registeredMarkers.ContainsKey(marker.markerID))
registeredMarkers.Add(marker.markerID, new List());
List idlist = registeredMarkers[marker.markerID];
if (!idlist.Contains(marker))
Debug.LogError("Tried to register " + marker.gameObject.name + " as a new marker, but it was already registered.");
/// Removes a MarkerObject from the registeredMarkers dictionary. Called when a MarkerObject is destroyed.
public static void DeregisterMarker(MarkerObject marker)
if (registeredMarkers.ContainsKey(marker.markerID) && registeredMarkers[marker.markerID].Contains(marker))
Debug.LogError("Tried to deregister " + marker.gameObject.name + " but it wasn't registered.");
void Start()
//We'll listen for updates from a ZEDToOpenCVRetriever, which will call an event whenever it has a new image from the ZED.
if (!imageRetriever) imageRetriever = ZEDToOpenCVRetriever.GetInstance();
imageRetriever.OnImageUpdated_LeftGrayscale += ImageUpdated;
/// Looks for markers in the most recent ZED image, and updates all registered MarkerObjects accordingly.
private void ImageUpdated(Camera cam, Mat camMat, Mat iamgeMat)
Dictionary predict = Aruco.getPredefinedDictionary((int)markerDictionary); //Load the selected pre-defined dictionary.
//Create empty structures to hold the output of Aruco.detectMarkers.
List corners = new List();
Mat ids = new Mat();
DetectorParameters detectparams = DetectorParameters.create();
List rejectedpoints = new List(); //There is no overload for detectMarkers that will take camMat without this also.
//Call OpenCV to tell us which markers were detected, and give their 2D positions.
Aruco.detectMarkers(iamgeMat, predict, corners, ids, detectparams, rejectedpoints, camMat);
//Make matrices to hold the output rotations and translations of each detected marker.
Mat rotvectors = new Mat();
Mat transvectors = new Mat();
//Convert the 2D corner positions into a 3D pose for each detected marker.
Aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners, markerWidthMeters, camMat, new Mat(), rotvectors, transvectors);
//Now we have ids, rotvectors and transvectors, which are all vertical arrays holding info about each detection:
// - ids: An Nx1 array (N = number of markers detected) where each slot is the ID of a detected marker in the dictionary.
// - rotvectors: An Nx3 array where each row is for an individual detection: The first row is the rotation of the marker
// listed in the first row of ids, etc. The columns are the X, Y and Z angles of that marker's rotation, BUT they are not
// directly usable in Unity because they're calculated very differetly. We'll deal with that soon.
// - transvectors: An Nx1 array like rotvectors with each row corresponding to a detected marker, with a double[3] array with the X, Y and Z positions.
// positions. These three values are usable in Unity - they're just relative to the camera, not the world, which is easy to fix.
//Convert matrix of IDs into a List, to simply things for those not familiar with using Matrices.
List detectedIDs = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.height(); i++)
int id = (int)ids.get(i, 0)[0];
if (!detectedIDs.Contains(id)) detectedIDs.Add(id);
//We'll go through every ID that's been registered into registered Markers, and see if we found any markers in the scene with that ID.
Dictionary> detectedWorldPoses = new Dictionary>(); //Key is marker ID, value is world space poses.
//foreach (int id in registeredMarkers.Keys)
for(int index = 0; index < transvectors.rows(); index++)
int id = (int)ids.get(index, 0)[0];
if (!registeredMarkers.ContainsKey(id) || registeredMarkers[id].Count == 0) continue; //Don't waste time if the list is empty. Can happen if markers are added, then removed.
if (detectedIDs.Contains(id)) //At least one MarkerObject needs to be updated. Convert pose to world space and call MarkerDetected() on it.
//Translation is just pose relative to camera. But we need to flip Y because of OpenCV's different coordinate system.
Vector3 localpos;
localpos.x = (float)transvectors.get(index, 0)[0];
localpos.y = -(float)transvectors.get(index, 0)[1];
localpos.z = (float)transvectors.get(index, 0)[2];
Vector3 worldpos = cam.transform.TransformPoint(localpos); //Convert from local to world space.
//Because of different coordinate frame, we need to flip the Y direction, which is pointing down instead of up.
//We need to do this before we calculate the 3x3 rotation matrix soon, as that makes it muuuch harder to work with.
double[] flip = rotvectors.get(index, 0);
flip[1] = -flip[1];
rotvectors.put(index, 0, flip);
//Convert this rotation vector to a 3x3 matrix, which will hold values we can use in Unity.
Mat rotmatrix = new Mat();
Calib3d.Rodrigues(rotvectors.row(index), rotmatrix);
//This new 3x3 matrix holds a vector pointing right in the first column, a vector pointing up in the second,
//and a vector pointing forward in the third column. Rows 0, 1 and 2 are the X, Y and Z values of each vector.
//We'll grab the forward and up vectors, which we can put into Quaternion.LookRotation() to get a representative Quaternion.
Vector3 forward;
forward.x = (float)rotmatrix.get(2, 0)[0];
forward.y = (float)rotmatrix.get(2, 1)[0];
forward.z = (float)rotmatrix.get(2, 2)[0];
Vector3 up;
up.x = (float)rotmatrix.get(1, 0)[0];
up.y = (float)rotmatrix.get(1, 1)[0];
up.z = (float)rotmatrix.get(1, 2)[0];
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up);
//Compensate for flip on Z axis.
rot *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180);
//Convert from local space to world space by multiplying the camera's world rotation with it.
Quaternion worldrot = cam.transform.rotation * rot;
detectedWorldPoses.Add(id, new List());
detectedWorldPoses[id].Add(new sl.Pose() { translation = worldpos, rotation = worldrot });
foreach (MarkerObject marker in registeredMarkers[id])
marker.MarkerDetectedSingle(worldpos, worldrot);
//Call the event that gives all marker world poses, if any listeners.
if (OnMarkersDetected != null) OnMarkersDetected.Invoke(detectedWorldPoses);
//foreach (int detectedid in detectedWorldPoses.Keys)
foreach(int key in registeredMarkers.Keys)
if (detectedWorldPoses.ContainsKey(key))
foreach (MarkerObject marker in registeredMarkers[key])
foreach (MarkerObject marker in registeredMarkers[key])
/// Enum of OpenCV pre-defined dictionary indexes. Used for calling Aruco.getPredefinedDictionary().
/// Allows for listing the dictionaries in Unity's inspector.
public enum PreDefinedmarkerDictionary
DICT_4X4_50 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_50,
DICT_4X4_100 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_100,
DICT_4X4_250 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_250,
DICT_4X4_1000 = Aruco.DICT_4X4_1000,
DICT_5X5_50 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_50,
DICT_5X5_100 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_100,
DICT_5X5_250 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_250,
DICT_5X5_1000 = Aruco.DICT_5X5_1000,
DICT_6X6_50 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_50,
DICT_6X6_100 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_100,
DICT_6X6_250 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_250,
DICT_6X6_1000 = Aruco.DICT_6X6_1000,
DICT_7X7_50 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_50,
DICT_7X7_100 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_100,
DICT_7X7_250 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_250,
DICT_7X7_1000 = Aruco.DICT_7X7_1000,