//======= Copyright (c) Stereolabs Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
/// Represents an individual plane that was detected by ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.
/// When created, it converts plane data from the ZED SDK into a mesh with proper world position/rotation.
/// This is necessary as the ZED SDK provides plane data relative to the camera.
/// It's also used to enable/disable collisions and visibility.
public class ZEDPlaneGameObject : MonoBehaviour
/// Type of the plane, determined by its orientation and whether detected by ZEDPlaneDetectionManager's
/// DetectFloorPlane() or DetectPlaneAtHit().
public enum PLANE_TYPE
/// Floor plane of a scene. Retrieved by ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.DetectFloorPlane().
/// Horizontal plane, such as a tabletop, floor, etc. Detected with DetectPlaneAtHit() using screen-space coordinates.
/// Vertical plane, such as a wall. Detected with DetectPlaneAtHit() using screen-space coordinates.
/// Plane at an angle neither parallel nor perpendicular to the floor. Detected with DetectPlaneAtHit() using screen-space coordinates.
/// Structure that defines a new plane, holding information directly from the ZED SDK.
/// Data within is relative to the camera; use ZEDPlaneGameObject's public fields for world-space values.
public struct PlaneData
/// Error code returned by the ZED SDK when the plane detection was attempted.
public sl.ERROR_CODE ErrorCode;
/// Type of the plane (floor, hit_vertical, etc.)
public ZEDPlaneGameObject.PLANE_TYPE Type;
/// Normalized vector of the direction the plane is facing.
public Vector3 PlaneNormal;
/// Camera-space position of the center of the plane.
public Vector3 PlaneCenter;
/// Camera-space position of the center of the plane.
public Vector3 PlaneTransformPosition;
/// Camera-space rotation/orientation of the plane.
public Quaternion PlaneTransformOrientation;
/// The mathematical Vector4 equation of the plane.
public Vector4 PlaneEquation;
/// How wide and long/tall the plane is in meters.
public Vector2 Extents;
/// How many points make up the plane's bounds, eg. the array length of Bounds.
public int BoundsSize;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 256)]
///Positions of the points that make up the edges of the plane's mesh.
public Vector3[] Bounds; //max 256 points
/// Copy of the PlaneData structure provided by the ZED SDK when the plane was first detected.
/// Position, orientation, normal and equation are relative to the ZED camera at time of detection, not the world.
public ZEDPlaneGameObject.PlaneData planeData;
/// Whether the plane has had Create() called yet to build its mesh.
private bool isCreated = false;
/// Public accessor for isCreated, which is hether the plane has had Create() called yet to build its mesh.
public bool IsCreated
get { return isCreated; }
/// Normalized vector representing the direction the plane is facing in world space.
public Vector3 worldNormal { get; private set; }
/// Position of the plane's center in world space.
public Vector3 worldCenter
return gameObject.transform.position;
/// The MeshFilter used to display the plane.
MeshFilter mfilter;
/// The MeshRenderer attached to this object.
MeshRenderer rend;
/// Enabled state of the attached Renderer prior to Unity's rendering stage.
/// Used so that manually disabling the object's MeshRenderer won't be undone by this script.
private bool lastRenderState = true;
/// Creates a mesh from given plane data and assigns it to new MeshFilter, MeshRenderer and MeshCollider components.
private void SetComponents(PlaneData plane, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles, Material rendermaterial)
//Create the MeshFilter to render the mesh
mfilter = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mfilter == null)
mfilter = gameObject.AddComponent();
//Eliminate superfluous vertices.
int highestvertindex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i++)
if (triangles[i] > highestvertindex) highestvertindex = triangles[i];
System.Array.Resize(ref vertices, highestvertindex + 1);
//Calculate the UVs for the vertices based on world space, so they line up with other planes.
Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
Quaternion rotatetobackward = Quaternion.FromToRotation(worldNormal, Vector3.back);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
Vector3 upwardcoords = rotatetobackward * (vertices[i] + worldCenter);
uvs[i] = new Vector2(upwardcoords.x, upwardcoords.y);
//Apply the new data to the MeshFilter's mesh and update it.
mfilter.mesh.vertices = vertices;
mfilter.mesh.triangles = triangles;
mfilter.mesh.uv = uvs;
//Get the MeshRenderer and set properties.
rend = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (rend == null)
rend = gameObject.AddComponent();
rend.material = rendermaterial;
//Turn off light and shadow effects, as the planes are meant to highlight a real-world object, not be a distinct object.
rend.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
rend.receiveShadows = false;
rend.enabled = true;
rend.lightProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off;
rend.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
//Get the MeshCollider and apply the new mesh to it.
MeshCollider mc = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mc == null)
mc = gameObject.AddComponent();
// Set the mesh for the collider.
mc.sharedMesh = mfilter.mesh;
lastRenderState = true;
/// Create the plane as a GameObject, and fills the internal PlaneData structure for future access.
/// Scene's holder object to which all planes are parented.
/// PlaneData filled by the ZED SDK.
/// Vertices of the mesh.
/// Triangles of the mesh.
/// If a hit plane, the total number of hit planes detected prior to and including this one.
public void Create(Camera cam, PlaneData plane, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles, int opt_count)
Create(cam, plane, vertices, triangles, opt_count, GetDefaultMaterial(plane.Type));
/// Create the plane as a GameObject with a custom material, and fills the internal PlaneData structure for future access.
/// Scene's holder object to which all planes are parented.
/// PlaneData filled by the ZED SDK.
/// Vertices of the mesh.
/// Triangles of the mesh.
/// If a hit plane, the total number of hit planes detected prior to and including this one.
/// Material to replace the default wireframe plane material.
public void Create(Camera cam, PlaneData plane, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles, int opt_count, Material rendermaterial)
//Copy the supplied PlaneData into this component's own PlaneData, for accessing later.
planeData.ErrorCode = plane.ErrorCode;
planeData.Type = plane.Type;
planeData.PlaneNormal = plane.PlaneNormal;
planeData.PlaneCenter = plane.PlaneCenter;
planeData.PlaneTransformPosition = plane.PlaneTransformPosition;
planeData.PlaneTransformOrientation = plane.PlaneTransformOrientation;
planeData.PlaneEquation = plane.PlaneEquation;
planeData.Extents = plane.Extents;
planeData.BoundsSize = plane.BoundsSize;
planeData.Bounds = new Vector3[plane.BoundsSize];
System.Array.Copy(plane.Bounds, planeData.Bounds, plane.BoundsSize);
//Calculate the world space normal.
Camera leftCamera = cam;
worldNormal = cam.transform.TransformDirection(planeData.PlaneNormal);
//Create the MeshCollider.
gameObject.AddComponent().sharedMesh = null;
if (plane.Type != PLANE_TYPE.FLOOR) //Give it a name.
gameObject.name = "Hit Plane " + opt_count;
gameObject.name = "Floor Plane";
gameObject.layer = 12;//sl.ZEDCamera.TagOneObject;
SetComponents(plane, vertices, triangles, rendermaterial);
isCreated = true;
//Subscribe to events that let you govern visibility in the scene and game.
Camera.onPreCull += PreCull;
Camera.onPostRender += PostRender;
RenderPipelineManager.beginFrameRendering += SRPFrameBegin;
/// Updates the floor plane with new plane data, if
/// true, if floor plane was updated, false otherwise.
/// If set to true force the update. Is set to false, update only if new plane/mesh is bigger or contains the old one
/// PlaneData returned from the ZED SDK.
/// Vertices of the new plane mesh.
/// Triangles of the new plane mesh.
public bool UpdateFloorPlane(bool force, ZEDPlaneGameObject.PlaneData plane, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles, Material rendermaterial = null)
bool need_update = false;
if (!force) //Not force mode. Check if the new mesh contains or is larger than the old one.
if (!gameObject.GetComponent().isVisible)
need_update = true;
Mesh tmp = new Mesh();
tmp.vertices = vertices;
tmp.SetTriangles(triangles, 0, false);
Bounds tmpNBnds = tmp.bounds;
MeshFilter mf = gameObject.GetComponent();
if ((tmpNBnds.Contains(mf.mesh.bounds.min) && tmpNBnds.Contains(mf.mesh.bounds.max)) || (tmpNBnds.size.x * tmpNBnds.size.y > 1.1 * mf.mesh.bounds.size.x * mf.mesh.bounds.size.y))
need_update = true;
else //Force mode. Update the mesh regardless of the existing mesh.
need_update = true;
if (need_update)
SetComponents(plane, vertices, triangles, gameObject.GetComponent().material);
MeshRenderer mr = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mr != null)
if (rendermaterial != null)
mr.material = rendermaterial;
mr.material = GetDefaultMaterial(plane.Type);
return need_update;
/// Enable/disable the MeshCollider component to turn on/off collisions.
/// If set to true, collisions will be enabled.
public void SetPhysics(bool c)
MeshCollider mc = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mc != null)
mc.enabled = c;
/// Enable/disable the MeshRenderer component to turn on/off visibility.
/// If set to true c.
public void SetVisible(bool c)
MeshRenderer mr = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mr != null)
mr.enabled = c;
/// Gets the size of the bounding rect that fits the plane (aka 'extents').
/// The scale.
public Vector2 GetScale()
return planeData.Extents;
/// Returns the bounds of the plane from the MeshFilter.
public Bounds GetBounds()
MeshFilter mf = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (mf != null)
return mf.mesh.bounds;
return new Bounds(gameObject.transform.position, Vector3.zero);
/// Gets the minimum distance to plane boundaries of a given 3D point (in world space)
/// The minimum distance to boundaries.
/// World position.
public float getMinimumDistanceToBoundaries(Camera cam, Vector3 worldPosition, out Vector3 minimumBoundsPosition)
Camera leftCamera = cam;
float minimal_distance = ZEDSupportFunctions.DistancePointLine(worldPosition, leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[0]), leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[1]));
Vector3 BestFoundPoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (planeData.BoundsSize > 2)
for (int i = 1; i < planeData.BoundsSize - 1; i++)
float currentDistance = ZEDSupportFunctions.DistancePointLine(worldPosition, leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[i]), leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[i + 1]));
if (currentDistance < minimal_distance)
minimal_distance = currentDistance;
BestFoundPoint = ZEDSupportFunctions.ProjectPointLine(worldPosition, leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[i]), leftCamera.transform.TransformPoint(planeData.Bounds[i + 1]));
minimumBoundsPosition = BestFoundPoint;
return minimal_distance;
/// Determines whether this floor plane is visible by any camera.
/// true if this instance is floor plane visible; otherwise, false.
public bool IsFloorPlaneVisible()
return gameObject.GetComponent().isVisible;
/// Loads the default material for a plane, given its plane type.
/// Blue wireframe for floor planes and pink wireframe for hit planes.
/// Type of plane based on its orientation and if it's the scene's floor plane.
private Material GetDefaultMaterial(PLANE_TYPE type)
//Find the default material for the plane type
Material defaultmaterial = new Material(Resources.Load("Materials/PlaneDetection/Mat_ZED_Geometry_WirePlane") as Material);
switch (type)
//Floor planes are blue
defaultmaterial.SetColor("_WireColor", new Color(44.0f / 255.0f, 157.0f / 255.0f, 222.0f / 255.0f, 174.0f / 255.0f));
// Hit planes are pink
defaultmaterial.SetColor("_WireColor", new Color(221.0f / 255.0f, 20.0f / 255.0f, 149.0f / 255.0f, 174.0f / 255.0f));
//Misc. planes are white
defaultmaterial.SetColor("_WireColor", new Color(1, 1, 1, 174.0f / 255.0f));
return defaultmaterial;
/// Disables the MeshRenderer object for rendering a single camera, depending on display settings in ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.
private void PreCull(Camera currentcam)
lastRenderState = rend.enabled;
if (!rend.enabled) return; //We weren't going to render this object anyway, so skip the rest of the logic.
if (currentcam.name.ToLower().Contains("scenecamera"))
rend.enabled = ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.isSceneDisplay;
rend.enabled = ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.isGameDisplay;
/// Re-enables the MeshRenderer after PreCull may disable it each time a camera renders.
private void PostRender(Camera currentcam)
rend.enabled = lastRenderState;
private void SRPFrameBegin(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera[] rendercams)
rend.enabled = false; //We'll only draw for certain cameras.
foreach (Camera rendcam in rendercams)
if (rendcam.name.ToLower().Contains("scenecamera"))
if (ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.isSceneDisplay) DrawPlane(rendcam);
else if (ZEDPlaneDetectionManager.isGameDisplay) DrawPlane(rendcam);
private void DrawPlane(Camera drawcam)
Matrix4x4 canvastrs = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, transform.localScale);
Graphics.DrawMesh(mfilter.mesh, canvastrs, rend.material, 0, drawcam);
private void OnDestroy()
Camera.onPreCull -= PreCull;
Camera.onPostRender -= PostRender;
RenderPipelineManager.beginFrameRendering -= SRPFrameBegin;