using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// Enables/disables objects and calls events to switch controller-mounted objects so that
/// ones intended for the dominant hand are over the user's preferred hand, and vice-versa with
/// objects meant for the non-dominant hand.
/// Used in the ZED MR Calibration scene to switch the hand-mounted menu between hands.
public class PrimaryHandSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
/// Left controller transform.
[Tooltip("Left controller transform.")]
public Transform leftHand;
/// Right controller transform.
[Tooltip("Right controller transform.")]
public Transform rightHand;
private static GameObject _primaryhandobject;
/// GameObject currently designated as the primary hand.
public static GameObject primaryHandObject
if (!_primaryhandobject)
ZEDXRGrabber primarygrabber = FindObjectOfType();
_primaryhandobject = primarygrabber.transform.parent.gameObject;
return _primaryhandobject;
/// Objects that should always be parented to the primary hand, and will be moved when the hands are switched.
[Tooltip("Objects that should always be parented to the primary hand, and will be moved when the hands are switched.")]
public List parentToPrimaryHand = new List();
/// Objects that should always be parented to the secondary hand, and will be moved when the hands are switched.
[Tooltip("Objects that should always be parented to the secondary hand, and will be moved when the hands are switched.")]
public List parentToSecondaryHand = new List();
/// Objects to enable only when the right hand is primary, and disabled otherwise.
[Tooltip("Objects to enable only when the right hand is primary, and disabled otherwise. ")]
public List enableWhenRightIsPrimary = new List();
/// Objects to enable only when the left hand is primary, and disabled otherwise.
[Tooltip("Objects to enable only when the left hand is primary, and disabled otherwise. ")]
public List enableWhenLeftIsPrimary = new List();
/// Switches the handedness, calling events and shifting transforms around as necessary.
public void SetPrimaryHand(bool righthanded)
print("Switching primary hand to " + (righthanded ? "right" : "left"));
//First, move all the "parent to ___ hand" objecs to the correct one.
Transform primaryhand = righthanded ? rightHand : leftHand;
Transform secondaryhand = righthanded ? leftHand : rightHand;
foreach (GameObject pobj in parentToPrimaryHand)
Vector3 localpos = pobj.transform.localPosition;
Quaternion localrot = pobj.transform.localRotation;
pobj.transform.SetParent(primaryhand, false);
foreach (GameObject sobj in parentToSecondaryHand)
Vector3 localpos = sobj.transform.localPosition;
Quaternion localrot = sobj.transform.localRotation;
sobj.transform.SetParent(secondaryhand, false);
//Now enable the objects for the correct hand.
foreach(GameObject robj in enableWhenRightIsPrimary)
foreach(GameObject lobj in enableWhenLeftIsPrimary)
_primaryhandobject = primaryhand.gameObject;