using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; /// /// Keeps its position at the same as a given transform, and it's Y rotation too, both with deadzones. /// Movements aren't instant, to avoid motion sickness and add realism. /// Used to make the 'belly menu' near the user in the MR calibration scene, which is enabled if they /// only have one controller available (because the other is used to anchor the ZED). /// [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] public class BellyMenu : MonoBehaviour { /// /// Transform that this object will follow. Should be set to the main VR camera. /// [Tooltip("Transform that this object will follow. Should be set to the main VR camera. ")] public Transform followTransform; /// /// How far the follow transform has to be before this transform starts moving toward it. /// [Tooltip("How far the follow transform has to be before this transform starts moving toward it.")] public float moveDeadzoneMeters = 0.2f; /// /// How much of an angle the follow transform has to be before this transform starts rotating toward it. /// [Tooltip("How much of an angle the follow transform has to be before this transform starts rotating toward it.")] public float turnDeadzoneDegrees = 40f; /// /// Maximum force used to translate this object, when using physics. /// [Tooltip("Maximum force used to translate this object, when using physics. ")] public float maxMoveForce = 0.3f; /// /// The fastest this transform will rotate to keep up with the follow transform. /// [Tooltip("The fastest this transform will rotate to keep up with the follow transform. ")] public float maxDegreesPerSecond = 60f; /// /// If true, translates gradually to keep up with the follow transform. Otherwise, movement is instant. /// [Tooltip("If true, translates gradually to keep up with the follow transform. Otherwise, movement is instant. ")] public bool gradualMove = false; /// /// If true, rotates gradually to keep up with the follow transform. Otherwise, rotation is instant. /// [Tooltip("If true, rotates gradually to keep up with the follow transform. Otherwise, rotation is instant. ")] public bool gradualTurn = true; /// /// What multiple of the HMD's height should the object move toward. For instance, 0.5 will go to 100cm on a 200cm person. /// This is designed for following a Camera for a person in a VR headset. /// [Tooltip("What multiple of the HMD's height should the object move toward. For instance, 0.5 will go to 100cm on a 200cm person. " + "This is designed for following a Camera for a person in a VR headset.")] public float waistHeightMultiple = 0.65f; private Rigidbody _rb; // Use this for initialization void Awake () { _rb = GetComponent(); _rb.useGravity = false; if(!followTransform) { followTransform = Camera.main.transform; } } // Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate () { //First, position. if (gradualMove) { Vector3 targetarea = followTransform.position; targetarea.y = followTransform.position.y * waistHeightMultiple; //So it'll be around their waste. Vector3 posdiff = targetarea - transform.position; if (posdiff.magnitude > moveDeadzoneMeters) //Too far away. { _rb.AddForce(posdiff.normalized * maxMoveForce); } else if (posdiff.magnitude < moveDeadzoneMeters / 2f) //Too close. Slow down extra fast. { _rb.velocity *= 0.9f; if (_rb.velocity.magnitude < 0.05f) _rb.velocity =; } } else //Not gradual move. { Vector3 targetarea = followTransform.position; targetarea.y = followTransform.position.y * waistHeightMultiple; //So it'll be around their waste. transform.position = targetarea; } //Now rotation. if (gradualTurn) { Vector3 thisforward = transform.forward; thisforward.y = 0f; Vector3 followforward = followTransform.forward; followforward.y = 0f; float angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(thisforward, followforward, Vector3.up); if (Mathf.Abs(angle) > turnDeadzoneDegrees / 2f) { float speed = Mathf.InverseLerp(turnDeadzoneDegrees / 2f, turnDeadzoneDegrees, Mathf.Abs(angle)); Vector3 newforward = Vector3.RotateTowards(thisforward, followforward, maxDegreesPerSecond * speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 0f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newforward, Vector3.up); } } else { //Vector3 targetrot = new Vector3(0, followTransform.eulerAngles.y, 0); transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, followTransform.eulerAngles.y, 0); } } }