using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; /// /// Handles the clickable ball objects spawned by AutoCalibrationManager, which lets the user set reference points. /// Should be assigned to a prefab and instantiated with it. /// Also draws the current primary controller model in its center, facing the camera. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(Collider))] public class AutoCalibBall : MonoBehaviour, IXRHoverable, IXRClickable { /// /// Reference to the manager that spawned this ball. Used for reporting its real and virtual positions when assigned. /// [Tooltip("Reference to the manager that spawned this ball. Used for reporting its real and virtual positions when assigned.")] public AutoCalibrationManager autoCalib; /// /// Material used to draw the controller object each frame. /// [Space(5)] [Tooltip("Material used to draw the controller object each frame. ")] public Material controllerDrawMat; /// /// Reference to the object that's enabled when this ball has been used to add a reference point. Checkmark by default. /// [Space(5)] [Tooltip("Reference to the object that's enabled when this ball has been used to add a reference point. Checkmark by default. ")] public GameObject checkmarkDisplay; /// /// Reference to the object that's enabled before this ball has been used to add a reference point. Cross by default. /// [Tooltip("Reference to the object that's enabled before this ball has been used to add a reference point. Cross by default. ")] public GameObject crossDisplay; private DisplayState currentStage = DisplayState.Cross; private Vector3 virtualPos; private Vector3 realPos; /// /// Whether or not the user has assigned a reference using this ball. Used for display purposes. /// private bool hasBeenSet = false; /// /// Unique index of the ball, to be used to set the real and virtual positions to the proper index within AutoCalibrationManager. /// private int ballIndex; /// /// Whether or not AutoCalibrationManager has called Setup() on this object. Necessary before it can be used. /// private bool isSetup = false; private Collider col; private ZEDManager zedManager { get { return autoCalib.zedManager; } } /// /// Material applied to the outside ball when hovered over by ZEDXRGrabber. Loads one from the Resources folder if not set manually. /// [Space(5)] [Tooltip("Material applied to the outside ball when hovered over by ZEDXRGrabber. Loads one from the Resources folder if not set manually. ")] public Material hoverMaterial; private Dictionary baseMaterials = new Dictionary(); public void Awake() { if(!hoverMaterial) { hoverMaterial = Resources.Load("HoverMatAlpha"); } col = GetComponent(); col.isTrigger = true; //Make the proper overhead display appear (the checkmark or cross) SetBallStateDisplay(currentStage); //Should be NotSet. } /// /// Assigns the manager and index for this ball, both necessary before it can be used to set a reference point. /// public void Setup(AutoCalibrationManager calibmanager, int ballindex) { autoCalib = calibmanager; ballIndex = ballindex; isSetup = true; } public void Update() { //Draw the primary hand controller on the inside. SetControllerSkin skin = PrimaryHandSwitcher.primaryHandObject.GetComponentInChildren(); if(skin != null) { Mesh mesh = skin.GetFirstControllerMesh(); if (mesh) { Quaternion drawrot = Quaternion.LookRotation(zedManager.transform.position - transform.position, Vector3.up); Vector3 drawpos = transform.position - drawrot *; controllerDrawMat.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, drawpos, drawrot, controllerDrawMat, CameraAnchor.HIDE_FROM_ZED_LAYER); } } } public Transform GetTransform() { return transform; } /// /// Starts the process of adding a virtual and real reference point. Only called when first activated, as the collider is disabled afterward. /// /// void IXRClickable.OnClick(ZEDXRGrabber clicker) { //TODO: Graphics stuff. StartCoroutine(PlacingBall(clicker)); } /// /// Applies the hover material to the outside ball and temporarily hides the overhead checkmark/cross. /// void IXRHoverable.OnHoverStart() { SetBallStateDisplay(hasBeenSet ? DisplayState.Checkmark : DisplayState.Nothing); foreach (Renderer rend in GetComponentsInChildren()) //TODO: Lots of code repetition here. Make a static utility somewhere. { if (!baseMaterials.ContainsKey(rend)) { baseMaterials.Add(rend, rend.material); } rend.material = hoverMaterial; } } /// /// Removes the hover material from the outside ball and re-enables the checkmark or cross, depending on whether it's been set up. /// void IXRHoverable.OnHoverEnd() { if (col.enabled == true) { SetBallStateDisplay(hasBeenSet ? DisplayState.Checkmark : DisplayState.Cross); } foreach (Renderer rend in GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (baseMaterials.ContainsKey(rend)) { rend.material = baseMaterials[rend]; } else Debug.LogError("Starting material for " + rend.gameObject + " wasn't cached before hover started."); } } /// /// Handles the process of adding a reference point. First logs the starting point as the "virtual" point, and freezes the /// 2D video so the user can align the virtual controller with the real-world image. When they click again, this adds /// the "real" point and sends it to the AutoCalibrationManager. /// private IEnumerator PlacingBall(ZEDXRGrabber clicker) { if(!isSetup) { throw new System.Exception("Tried to use AutoCalibBall to calibrate before Setup was called on it."); } col.enabled = false; SetBallStateDisplay(DisplayState.Nothing); //Display new message. MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("AUTOMATIC MODE\r\nLine up the virtual controller with its real-world counterpart. Then click again."); virtualPos = zedManager.transform.InverseTransformPoint(clicker.transform.position); //DrawOutputToPlane.pauseTextureUpdate = true; //Pause the video zedManager.pauseLiveReading = true; //TODO: Graphics stuff. //TODO: Hide all other calibration balls. //print("Paused - " + ballIndex); //First wait to make sure the click key is no longer held, so we can click it a second time separately. while (clicker.zedController.CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Down)) { yield return null; } //Now wait for it to go down again. while (!clicker.zedController.CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Down)) { yield return null; } realPos = zedManager.transform.InverseTransformPoint(clicker.transform.position); autoCalib.AddNewPositions(ballIndex, virtualPos, realPos); zedManager.pauseLiveReading = false; col.enabled = true; MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("AUTOMATIC MODE\r\nRepeat this process with the rest of the balls, or stop when you're satisfied."); hasBeenSet = true; SetBallStateDisplay(DisplayState.Checkmark); } /// /// Enables/disables the overhead checkmark or cross, depending on the provided ball stage. /// /// private void SetBallStateDisplay(DisplayState newstage) { switch(newstage) { case DisplayState.Cross: if (checkmarkDisplay) checkmarkDisplay.SetActive(false); if (crossDisplay) crossDisplay.SetActive(true); break; default: case DisplayState.Nothing: if (checkmarkDisplay) checkmarkDisplay.SetActive(false); if (crossDisplay) crossDisplay.SetActive(false); break; case DisplayState.Checkmark: if (checkmarkDisplay) checkmarkDisplay.SetActive(true); if (crossDisplay) crossDisplay.SetActive(false); break; } currentStage = newstage; } private void OnDestroy() { StopAllCoroutines(); //Prevents weird stuff from happening if you leave Automatic mode while adding a reference point. } /// /// Options for what to display overhead. Used by SetBallStateDisplay. /// private enum DisplayState { Nothing, Cross, Checkmark } }