var myApp = angular.module('myApp'); myApp.controller('AppsController', ['$scope', '$http', '$location', '$routeParams', '$window', function($scope, $http, $location, $routeParams, $window){ console.log('AppsController loaded...'); $ = {}; $scope.privacyRisksTC = []; $scope.securityRisksTC = []; $scope.appResultList = new Array(200); $scope.reputationHTI = false; $scope.spHTI = false; $scope.finalHTI = false; $scope.getApps = function(){ angular.element('*[id^="tviz"]').remove(); var genre = $routeParams.genre; var page = $; var query = ""; if(genre) { query += "/?genre=" + genre; } if(query != "" && page) { query += "&page=" + page; } else if(query == "" && page) { query += "/?page=" + page; } $http.get('/crawler/downloadedapps' + query).then(function(response){ $scope.apps =; }); } $scope.getApp = function(){ angular.element('*[id^="tviz"]').remove(); var id = $; var posture = $routeParams.posture; var query = ""; if(posture) { query += "/?posture=" + posture; } $http.get('/crawler/downloadedapps/'+id+query).then(function(response){ $ =; //showCT($; $scope.privacyRisksTC = [ "Client communication used?", "SSL/TLS used?", "Domains accessed with http AND https: ", "Custom SSL/TLS trust manager implemented?", "Faulty custom SSL/TLS trust manager implemented?", "SSL/TLS using custom error handling?", "SSL/TLS using faulty custom error handling?", "SSL/TLS using manual domain name verification?", "Unprotected communication?", "Unprotected HTML?", "Cryptographic Primitives: ", "Application needs dangerous permissions? ", "JavaScript to SDK API bridge usage?", "Is application overprivileged?", "Userdefined permission usage: ", "WiFi-Direct enabled?", "App can handle documents of mimeType: ", "Screenshot protection used?", "Tap Jacking Protection used?", //"", "Scheduled Alarm Manager registered?", "Dynamically loaded code at runtime?", "Allow app debugging Flag?", "Allow autoexecute after Phone Reboot?", //"", "App uses outdated signature key?", "Contains native libraries: " ]; $scope.securityRisksTC = [ "Obfuscation used?", "Device administration policy entries: ", "Accessed unique identifier(s): ", "Advertisment-/tracking frameworks found: ", "App provides public accessible activities?", "Backup of app is allowed?", "Log Statement Enabled?", "Permission to access address book?", //"", "Unprotected preference files found?" ]; }); } $scope.getApp2 = function(app, $index){ angular.element('*[id^="tviz"]').remove(); if( && app.permissions.length) { $http.get('/crawler/downloadedapps/'+app.appId).then(function(response) { //$ =; $scope.appResultList[$index] =; //$scope.showTviz(, $index); $scope.securityRisksTC = [ "Client communication used?", "SSL/TLS used?", "Domains accessed with http AND https: ", "Custom SSL/TLS trust manager implemented?", "Faulty custom SSL/TLS trust manager implemented?", "SSL/TLS using custom error handling?", "SSL/TLS using faulty custom error handling?", "SSL/TLS using manual domain name verification?", "Unprotected communication?", "Unprotected HTML?", "Cryptographic Primitives: ", "Application needs dangerous permissions? ", "JavaScript to SDK API bridge usage?", "Is application overprivileged?", "Userdefined permission usage: ", "WiFi-Direct enabled?", "App can handle documents of mimeType: ", "Screenshot protection used?", "Tap Jacking Protection used?", //"", "Scheduled Alarm Manager registered?", "Dynamically loaded code at runtime?", "Allow app debugging Flag?", "Allow autoexecute after Phone Reboot?", //"", "App uses outdated signature key?", "Contains native libraries: " ]; $scope.privacyRisksTC = [ "Obfuscation used?", "Device administration policy entries: ", "Accessed unique identifier(s): ", "Advertisment-/tracking frameworks found: ", "App provides public accessible activities?", "Backup of app is allowed?", "Log Statement Enabled?", "Permission to access address book?", //"", "Unprotected preference files found?" ]; }); } } $scope.getSPResult = function(testName) { var testCases = $; var indicator = _.filter(testCases, function(testCase) { return testCase.attr.text == testName; })[0]; return indicator ? indicator.attr.value : ""; } $scope.getRatingsTCF = function(app) { var output = "("; output += Number(app.averageRatingTrustValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += Number(app.averageRatingConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += "NA" + ")"; return output; } $scope.getReviewsTCF = function(app) { var output = "("; output += Number(app.reviewsTrustValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += Number(app.reviewsConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += "NA" + ")"; return output; } $scope.getPermissionsTCF = function(app) { var output = "("; output += Number(app.permissionsTrustValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += Number(app.cofidenceInNumberofPermissions.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += "NA" + ")"; return output; } $scope.getSecurityRisksTCF = function(app) { var output = "("; output += Number(app.sTrustValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += Number(app.sConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += "NA" + ")"; return output; } $scope.getPrivacyRisksTCF = function(app) { var output = "("; output += Number(app.pTrustValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += Number(app.pConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)) + ","; output += "NA" + ")"; return output; } $scope.getTrustPlusFrameworkScore = function(app) { var weight = 1/3; var ratingMetric = (app.score-1)/4; var score = (weight*ratingMetric*app.averageRatingConfidenceValue) + (weight*app.reviewMetric*app.reviewsConfidenceValue); return Number(score.toFixed(2)); } $scope.$watch('app', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { if(newValue.appId) { $scope.showCertainTrust(); } }); $scope.showCategoryCertainTrust = function () { //this will just calculate the expectation of the Reputaion and SP QUality category considering the sub categories var f = 0.0; var CT_objects = []; var CT_names = ['ratingsCT', 'reviewsCT', 'permissionsCT', 'reputationAndResult', 'securityRisksCT', 'privacyRisksCT', 'spQualityAndResult']; var ANDObserver = { update: function () { // calculate the CertainTrust.AND for both values var CT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].AND(CT_objects['reviewsCT']).AND(CT_objects['permissionsCT']); // update the HTI which displays the result CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setF(CT_result.getF()); CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setTC(CT_result.getT(), CT_result.getC()); } }; var app = $; for (var i = 0, element; element = CT_names[i]; ++i) { var CT_object; if (-1 !== element.indexOf('ratings')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.averageRatingTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.averageRatingConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('reviews')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.reviewsTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.reviewsConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('permissions')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.permissionsTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.cofidenceInNumberofPermissions.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('security')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.sTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.sConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('privacy')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.pTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.pConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('Result')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(1, 1, 1, 3); } // the result HTIs should be read-only // var isResultHTI = (-1 !== element.indexOf('Result')); var HTI = new CertainTrustHTI(CT_object, { domParent: element, readonly: true }); // register our observers for the calculation // if (!isResultHTI) { // CT_object.addObserver(ANDObserver); // } // store the created objects for easy access in the Arrays CT_objects[element] = CT_object; } // ANDObserver.update(); // calculate the CertainTrust.AND for both values var repuatationCT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].AND(CT_objects['reviewsCT']).AND(CT_objects['permissionsCT']); var spQualityCT_result = CT_objects['securityRisksCT'].AND(CT_objects['privacyRisksCT']); // update the HTI which displays the result CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setF(repuatationCT_result.getF()); CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setTC(repuatationCT_result.getT(), repuatationCT_result.getC()); CT_objects['spQualityAndResult'].setF(spQualityCT_result.getF()); CT_objects['spQualityAndResult'].setTC(spQualityCT_result.getT(), spQualityCT_result.getC()); f = 0.9; var wFusionArr = new Array(); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['ratingsCT']); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['reviewsCT']); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['permissionsCT']); var wFusionWeightArr = new Array(); wFusionWeightArr.push(1); wFusionWeightArr.push(2); wFusionWeightArr.push(1); var repuatationWFusionCT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].wFusion(wFusionArr,wFusionWeightArr); repuatationWFusionCT_result.setF(f); var HTI1 = new CertainTrustHTI(repuatationWFusionCT_result, { domParent: "reputationWFusionResult", readonly: true }); var repuatationCFusionCT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].cFusion(wFusionArr,wFusionWeightArr); var HTI11 = new CertainTrustHTI(repuatationCFusionCT_result, { domParent: "reputationCFusionResult", readonly: true }); var wFusionSPArr = new Array(); wFusionSPArr.push(CT_objects['securityRisksCT']); wFusionSPArr.push(CT_objects['privacyRisksCT']); var wFusionSPWeightArr = new Array(); wFusionSPWeightArr.push(1); wFusionSPWeightArr.push(1); var spQualityWFusionCT_result = CT_objects['securityRisksCT'].wFusion(wFusionSPArr,wFusionSPWeightArr); spQualityWFusionCT_result.setF(f); var HTI2 = new CertainTrustHTI(spQualityWFusionCT_result, { domParent: "spQualityWFusionResult", readonly: true }); var spQualityCFusionCT_result = CT_objects['securityRisksCT'].cFusion(wFusionSPArr,wFusionSPWeightArr); var HTI22 = new CertainTrustHTI(spQualityCFusionCT_result, { domParent: "spQualityCFusionResult", readonly: true }); var finalAndCT_result = repuatationCT_result.AND(spQualityCT_result); var HTI3 = new CertainTrustHTI(finalAndCT_result, { domParent: "finalAndResult", readonly: true }); var finalWFusionCT_result = repuatationWFusionCT_result.AND(spQualityWFusionCT_result); var HTI33 = new CertainTrustHTI(finalWFusionCT_result, { domParent: "finalWFusionResult", readonly: true }); var finalCFusionCT_result = repuatationCFusionCT_result.AND(spQualityCFusionCT_result); var HTI333 = new CertainTrustHTI(finalCFusionCT_result, { domParent: "finalCFusionResult", readonly: true }); } $scope.showCertainTrust = function () { //this will just calculate the expectation of the Reputaion and SP QUality category considering the sub categories var f = 0.0; var CT_objects = []; var CT_names = ['ratingsCT', 'reviewsCT', 'securityRisksCT', 'privacyRisksCT']; var ANDObserver = { update: function () { // calculate the CertainTrust.AND for both values var CT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].AND(CT_objects['reviewsCT']).AND(CT_objects['permissionsCT']); // update the HTI which displays the result CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setF(CT_result.getF()); CT_objects['reputationAndResult'].setTC(CT_result.getT(), CT_result.getC()); } }; var app = $; for (var i = 0, element; element = CT_names[i]; ++i) { var CT_object; if (-1 !== element.indexOf('ratings')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.averageRatingTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.averageRatingConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('reviews')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.reviewsTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.reviewsConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('security')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.sTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.sConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('privacy')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.pTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.pConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } // the result HTIs should be read-only var HTI = new CertainTrustHTI(CT_object, { domParent: element, readonly: true }); CT_objects[element] = CT_object; } // ANDObserver.update(); f = 0.9; var spQualityCT_result = CT_objects['securityRisksCT'].AND(CT_objects['privacyRisksCT']); spQualityCT_result.setF(f); var HTI2 = new CertainTrustHTI(spQualityCT_result, { domParent: "spQualityAndResult", readonly: true }); var wFusionArr = new Array(); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['ratingsCT']); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['reviewsCT']); var wFusionWeightArr = new Array(); wFusionWeightArr.push(1/3); wFusionWeightArr.push(2/3); var repuatationWFusionCT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].wFusion(wFusionArr,wFusionWeightArr); repuatationWFusionCT_result.setF(f); var HTI1 = new CertainTrustHTI(repuatationWFusionCT_result, { domParent: "reputationWFusionResult", readonly: true }); var finalAndCT_result = repuatationWFusionCT_result.AND(spQualityCT_result); var HTI3 = new CertainTrustHTI(finalAndCT_result, { domParent: "finalAndResult", readonly: true }); var ct1 = new CertainTrust("Reputation",repuatationWFusionCT_result.getT(), repuatationWFusionCT_result.getC(),repuatationWFusionCT_result.getF(),3); var ct2 = new CertainTrust("S&p Quality",spQualityCT_result.getT(), spQualityCT_result.getC(),spQualityCT_result.getF(),3); new CertainTrustTViz([ct1,ct2], { id: "tvizAnd", middle: "AND", onClick: function(certainTrust) { if (certainTrust.getName() === "Reputation") $scope.reputationHTI = true; else $scope.spHTI = true; $scope.$apply(); }, onMiddleClick: function(certainTrust) { $scope.finalHTI = true; $scope.$apply(); } }); new CertainTrustTViz([ct1,ct2], { id: "tvizAverage", middle: "AVERAGE" }); } $scope.showTviz = function(app, index) { var f = 0.0; var CT_Ratings = new CertainTrust(Number(app.averageRatingTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.averageRatingConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); var CT_Reviews = new CertainTrust(Number(app.reviewsTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.reviewsConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); var CT_Security = new CertainTrust(Number(app.sTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.sConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); var CT_Privacy = new CertainTrust(Number(app.pTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.pConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); f = 0.9; var spQualityCT_result = CT_Security.AND(CT_Privacy); spQualityCT_result.setF(f); var wFusionArr = new Array(); wFusionArr.push(CT_Ratings); wFusionArr.push(CT_Reviews); var wFusionWeightArr = new Array(); wFusionWeightArr.push(1/3); wFusionWeightArr.push(2/3); var repuatationWFusionCT_result = CT_Ratings.wFusion(wFusionArr,wFusionWeightArr); repuatationWFusionCT_result.setF(f); var tvizid = "tviz" + index; var ct1 = new CertainTrust("Reputation",repuatationWFusionCT_result.getT(), repuatationWFusionCT_result.getC(),repuatationWFusionCT_result.getF(),3); var ct2 = new CertainTrust("S&p Quality",spQualityCT_result.getT(), spQualityCT_result.getC(),spQualityCT_result.getF(),3); new CertainTrustTViz([ct1,ct2], { canvas: { height: 200, width: 200 }, id: tvizid, middle: "AND" }); } }]);