angular.module('starter.controllers', []) .controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicModal, $timeout) { // With the new view caching in Ionic, Controllers are only called // when they are recreated or on app start, instead of every page change. // To listen for when this page is active (for example, to refresh data), // listen for the $ionicView.enter event: //$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(e) { //}); }) .controller('SettingsCtrl', function($scope) { }) .controller('CategoriesCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.categories = [ { title: 'Game', name: "GAME" }, { title: 'Entertainment', name: "ENTER" }, { title: 'Lifestyle', name: "GAME" }, { title: 'Shopping', name: "GAME" }, { title: 'Weather', name: "GAME" }, { title: 'Health and Fitness', name: "GAME" }, { title: 'Productivity', name: "GAME" }, ]; }) .controller('AppsCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, $http, $ionicLoading, $state) { $scope.loadingShow = function() { ${ template: 'Loading...', duration: 3000 }).then(function(){ console.log("The loading indicator is now displayed"); }); }; $scope.loadingHide = function(){ $ionicLoading.hide().then(function(){ console.log("The loading indicator is now hidden"); }); }; $scope.catId = $stateParams.catId; var query = ""; if($scope.catId) { query += "/?genre=" + $scope.catId; } $scope.loadingShow(); $http.get('' + query).then(function(response){ $scope.apps =; $scope.loadingHide(); }); $scope.showApp = function(app) { $state.go('app.single', { appId : app.appId }); } }) .controller('SingleCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, $http, $ionicLoading) { $scope.loadingShow = function() { ${ template: 'Loading...', duration: 1000 }).then(function(){ console.log("The loading indicator is now displayed"); }); }; $scope.loadingHide = function(){ $ionicLoading.hide().then(function(){ console.log("The loading indicator is now hidden"); }); }; $ = {}; $scope.reputationHTI = false; $scope.spHTI = false; $scope.finalHTI = false; $scope.appId = $stateParams.appId; $scope.loadingShow(); $http.get('' + $scope.appId).then(function(response){ $ =; $scope.loadingShow(); }); $scope.$watch('app', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) { if(newValue.appId) { $scope.showCertainTrust(); } }); $scope.showCertainTrust = function () { //this will just calculate the expectation of the Reputaion and SP QUality category considering the sub categories var f = 0.0; var CT_objects = []; var CT_names = ['ratingsCT', 'reviewsCT', 'securityRisksCT', 'privacyRisksCT']; var app = $; for (var i = 0, element; element = CT_names[i]; ++i) { var CT_object; if (-1 !== element.indexOf('ratings')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.averageRatingTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.averageRatingConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('reviews')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.reviewsTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.reviewsConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('security')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.sTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.sConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } if (-1 !== element.indexOf('privacy')) { CT_object = new CertainTrust(Number(app.pTrustValue.toFixed(2)), Number(app.pConfidenceValue.toFixed(2)), f, 3); } // the result HTIs should be read-only var HTI = new CertainTrustHTI(CT_object, { domParent: element, readonly: true }); CT_objects[element] = CT_object; } // ANDObserver.update(); f = 0.9; var spQualityCT_result = CT_objects['securityRisksCT'].AND(CT_objects['privacyRisksCT']); spQualityCT_result.setF(f); var HTI2 = new CertainTrustHTI(spQualityCT_result, { domParent: "spQualityAndResult", readonly: true }); var wFusionArr = new Array(); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['ratingsCT']); wFusionArr.push(CT_objects['reviewsCT']); var wFusionWeightArr = new Array(); wFusionWeightArr.push(1/3); wFusionWeightArr.push(2/3); var repuatationWFusionCT_result = CT_objects['ratingsCT'].wFusion(wFusionArr,wFusionWeightArr); repuatationWFusionCT_result.setF(f); var HTI1 = new CertainTrustHTI(repuatationWFusionCT_result, { domParent: "reputationWFusionResult", readonly: true }); var finalAndCT_result = repuatationWFusionCT_result.AND(spQualityCT_result); var HTI3 = new CertainTrustHTI(finalAndCT_result, { domParent: "finalAndResult", readonly: true }); var ct1 = new CertainTrust("Reputation",repuatationWFusionCT_result.getT(), repuatationWFusionCT_result.getC(),repuatationWFusionCT_result.getF(),3); var ct2 = new CertainTrust("S&p Quality",spQualityCT_result.getT(), spQualityCT_result.getC(),spQualityCT_result.getF(),3); new CertainTrustTViz([ct1,ct2], { id: "tvizAnd", middle: "AND", canvas: { height: 300, width: 300 }, onClick: function(certainTrust) { if (certainTrust.getName() === "Reputation") $scope.reputationHTI = true; else $scope.spHTI = true; $scope.$apply(); }, onMiddleClick: function(certainTrust) { $scope.finalHTI = true; $scope.$apply(); } }); } });