123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 |
- import os
- import random
- import math
- from CertainTrust import Opinion
- from vendors.debian.CSVReader import CSVReader
- class Tests:
- @staticmethod
- def system_input_prediction_error_test(model):
- """
- Compare errors of three predictions: cummulatedAnd , cummulated separate prediction, prediction from csv file
- :param model: model to perform tests
- :return: nope
- """
- norm_param = 4
- months = 9
- model_filename = os.path.join(model.module_path, "models", "dummy_input_package_prediction_errorcompl.csv")
- model_set = model.gen_model_opinion_set(model_filename, 9, norm_param)
- system_filename = os.path.join(model.module_path, "inputs", "dummy_input_package_server.csv")
- system = CSVReader.read_csv_package_names(system_filename)
- # get system dict
- system_dict = dict()
- for key in system:
- new_key = model.unifySrcName(key)
- if new_key in model_set:
- system_dict[new_key] = model_set[new_key]
- print("Evaluating on: " + str(len(system_dict)) + " out of " + str(
- len(system)) + " packages, since they are not present in our model.")
- and_prediction = Tests.acc_AND_prediction(system_dict, months, norm_param)
- sep_prediction = Tests.separate_prediction(system_dict, months, norm_param)
- csv_prediction = Tests.read_model_prediction(system_dict)
- s2m_prediction = Tests.get_src2month_data(system_dict, model, months)
- and_error = abs(and_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction
- sep_error = abs(sep_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction
- csv_error = abs(csv_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction
- print("and_error = "+str(and_error))
- print("sep_error = " + str(sep_error))
- print("csv_error = " + str(csv_error))
- return
- @staticmethod
- def random_input_prediction_error_test(model):
- """
- Compare errors of three predictions: cummulatedAnd , cummulated separate prediction, prediction from model
- :param model: model to perform tests
- :return: nope
- """
- norm_param = 4
- months = 9
- model_filename = os.path.join(model.module_path, "models", "dummy_input_package_prediction_errorcompl.csv")
- model_set = model.gen_model_opinion_set(model_filename, 9, norm_param)
- errors_dict=dict()
- errors_dict["and"]=[]
- errors_dict["sep"]=[]
- errors_dict["csv"]=[]
- # compute errors for 20 subsets
- for i in range(0, 100):
- # to compute the errors, wen need a random package_list dict of size 100
- subset = dict()
- while len(subset)!=100:
- package = random.choice(list(model_set))
- subset[package] = model_set[package]
- and_prediction = Tests.acc_AND_prediction(subset, months, norm_param)
- sep_prediction = Tests.separate_prediction(subset, months, norm_param)
- csv_prediction = Tests.read_model_prediction(subset)
- s2m_prediction = Tests.get_src2month_data(subset, model, months)
- errors_dict["and"].append(abs(and_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction)
- errors_dict["sep"].append(abs(sep_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction)
- errors_dict["csv"].append(abs(csv_prediction - s2m_prediction) / s2m_prediction)
- # given error dicts , we can compute the mean errors
- avg_and_error_normal = sum(errors_dict["and"])/len(errors_dict["and"])
- avg_sep_error_normal = sum(errors_dict["sep"]) / len(errors_dict["sep"])
- avg_csv_error_normal = sum(errors_dict["csv"]) / len(errors_dict["csv"])
- print("Normal errors: " + str(avg_and_error_normal) + " : " + str(avg_sep_error_normal) + " : " + str(avg_csv_error_normal))
- # quadratic errors
- avg_and_error_quadr = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(i, 2) for i in errors_dict["and"]) / len(errors_dict["and"]))
- avg_sep_error_quadr = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(i, 2) for i in errors_dict["sep"]) / len(errors_dict["sep"]))
- avg_csv_error_quadr = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(i, 2) for i in errors_dict["csv"]) / len(errors_dict["csv"]))
- print("Quadratic errors: " + str(avg_and_error_quadr) + " : " + str(avg_sep_error_quadr) + " : " + str(avg_csv_error_quadr))
- @staticmethod
- def relativity_of_expectations_test(model):
- """
- Compares the relativeness of predictions of two sets, to relativeness of real data
- :param model:
- :return:
- """
- norm_param = 4
- months = 9
- model_filename = os.path.join(model.module_path, "models", "dummy_input_package_prediction_errorcompl.csv")
- model_set = model.gen_model_opinion_set(model_filename, 9, norm_param)
- computetd_rel_list = []
- real_rel_list = []
- for i in range(0, 100):
- # get two subsets
- subset1 = dict()
- while len(subset1)!=100:
- package = random.choice(list(model_set))
- subset1[package] = model_set[package]
- subset2 = dict()
- while len(subset2)!=100:
- package = random.choice(list(model_set))
- subset2[package] = model_set[package]
- # for these two sets, compute relativity of their ANDed predictions and of real data
- computed_rel_prediction = Tests.acc_AND_prediction(subset1, months, norm_param)/Tests.acc_AND_prediction(subset2, months, norm_param)
- computetd_rel_list.append(computed_rel_prediction)
- real_rel_prediction = Tests.get_src2month_data(subset1, model, months) / Tests.get_src2month_data(subset2, model, months)
- real_rel_list.append(real_rel_prediction)
- print("Computed relativity : " + str ( computed_rel_prediction ) + " : "+ str(real_rel_prediction))
- # at this point we have two lists of computed relatives, lets see how similair are they
- similarities = []
- for i in range(0, 100):
- similarity = abs(real_rel_list[i]-computetd_rel_list[i])
- similarities.append(similarity)
- print(similarities)
- avg_normal_relativity = sum(similarities)/len(similarities)
- avg_quadratic_relativity = math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(i, 2) for i in similarities) / len(similarities))
- print("Average normal relativity: " + str(avg_normal_relativity))
- print("Average quadratic relativity: "+str(avg_quadratic_relativity))
- ## helper methods
- @staticmethod
- def acc_AND_prediction(package_list, months, norm_val):
- """
- Returns accumulated and prediction for a list of packages
- :param package_list: dictionary with package_names as keys , opinions as values
- :param months: months
- :param norm_val: normalization value
- :return: prediction
- """
- system_and = Opinion._cum_and(list(package_list.values()))
- expectation = system_and.expectation_value()
- AND_prediction = (1 - expectation) * (norm_val * months * 30)
- return AND_prediction
- #and_error = abs(summ - AND_prediction) / summ
- #print("ANDed prediction = " + str(AND_prediction) + ", ( error = " + str(and_error) + " )")
- @staticmethod
- def separate_prediction(package_list, months, norm_val):
- """
- Returns summ of separated predictions for a list of packages
- :param package_list: dictionary with package_names as keys , opinions as values
- :param months: months
- :param norm_val: normalization value
- :return: prediction
- """
- sep_pred = 0
- for k in package_list:
- sep_pred = sep_pred + ((1 - package_list[k].expectation_value()) * (norm_val * months * 30))
- return sep_pred
- @staticmethod
- def read_model_prediction(package_list):
- """
- :param package_list: dictionary with package_names as keys , opinions as values
- :return: Summ of model-predictions
- """
- summ = 0
- for k in package_list:
- summ = summ + CSVReader.gathered_predictions[k]
- return summ
- @staticmethod
- def get_src2month_data(package_list, vendormodel, months):
- summ = 0
- for package in package_list:
- unified_package = vendormodel.unifySrcName(package)
- src2month = vendormodel.get_src2month()
- if unified_package in src2month:
- summ = summ + sum(src2month[package][-months - 3:-3])
- return summ