from load_data import load_DBs from pymongo import MongoClient import datetime import random import laplace as lp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import paper_plots as carlosplt import numpy as np import json class Mydata: def __init__(self, load): if load: (self.dsatable, self.src2dsa, self.dsa2cve, self.cvetable, self.src2month, self.src2sloccount, self.src2pop, self.src2deps, self.pkg_with_cvss) = load_DBs() else: print('no load command given') def main(): vlist = [] carlosplt.pre_paper_plot() fig = plt.figure() tester = calc_laplace() ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) tester.laplace_php([]) ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) tester.laplace_openjdk([]) ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) tester.laplace_wheezy([], False) ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4) tester.laplace_wheezy([], True) carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) class calc_laplace: def __init__(self): i = 0 def getDLAdates(self): pass def calculate(self): pass def laplace_php(self, vlist): try: with open("php5.json", "r") as fp: new_vlist = json.load(fp) except: new_vlist = vlist with open("php5.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(new_vlist,fp) print(len(new_vlist)) year_start = 7 self.laplace_process_list(new_vlist[12*year_start:-6], 'php5', year_start) def laplace_openjdk(self, vlist): try: with open("openjdk.json", "r") as fp: new_vlist = json.load(fp) except: new_vlist = vlist with open("openjdk.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(new_vlist,fp) print(len(new_vlist)) year_start = 13 self.laplace_process_list(new_vlist[12*year_start+6:], 'openjdk-7', year_start) def laplace_wheezy(self, vlist, high): (dsatable, src2dsa, dsa2cve, cvetable, src2month, src2sloccount, src2pop, src2deps, pkg_with_cvss, src2cwe) = load_DBs() print(len(src2month['linux'])) if not high: with open("DLA_src2month.json", "r") as fp: dlas = json.load(fp) else: src2month = pkg_with_cvss with open("DLA_withcvss.json", "r") as fp: dlas = json.load(fp) total = [0]*len(src2month['linux']) for pkg in src2month: for month in range(len(src2month[pkg])): if high: total[month] += src2month[pkg][month][2] else: total[month] += src2month[pkg][month] total_dla = [0]*(len(dlas['linux'])*12) print(total_dla) for pkg in dlas: for year in range(len(dlas[pkg])): for month in range(len(dlas[pkg][year])): if high: total_dla[year*12+month] += dlas[pkg][year][month][2] else: total_dla[year*12+month] += dlas[pkg][year][month] print(total) print(total_dla) dsa_wheezy = total[12*13 + 4: 12*16 + 3] dla_wheezy = total_dla[-12*3 + 4:-7] print(len(dsa_wheezy)) print(len(dla_wheezy)) wheezy = dsa_wheezy + dla_wheezy print(len(wheezy)) if not high: self.laplace_process_list(wheezy, 'wheezy', 13) else: self.laplace_process_list(wheezy, 'wheezy-high', 13) def laplace_package(self, pkg): pass def laplace_process_list(self,vlist, pkg, year): months = len(vlist) print(pkg) perhour = 24*30*months instances = [] laplace_values = [] i = 0 print(pkg) print(vlist) for month in vlist: i += 1 temp = random.sample(range(24*30*(i-1),24*30*i),month) instances += temp laplace_values.append(lp.laplace_test(instances, 24*30*i)) final_laplace = lp.laplace_test(instances, 24*30*i+1) print(final_laplace) n = len(vlist) if pkg == 'wheezy': x = range(n+12) else: x = range(n) print(n) yearsx = ['\''+str(year+2000+i)[-2:] for i in range(len(vlist)//12+1)] carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) #print(x) if pkg == 'wheezy': plt.plot(x,[None]*4+laplace_values+[None]*8)# else: plt.plot(x,laplace_values) plt.axhline(y=1.96, linestyle = ':', color = 'orange') plt.axhline(y=2.33, linestyle = ':', color = 'red') plt.axhline(y=-1.96, linestyle = ':', color = 'orange') plt.axhline(y=-2.33, linestyle = ':', color = 'red') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, n, step=12), yearsx) plt.ylabel(pkg) if __name__ == "__main__": main()