import json from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import paper_plots as carlosplt from scipy.stats import shapiro from scipy.stats import ks_2samp import seaborn as sns import powerlaw import statsmodels.api as sm from statistics import median def main(): data = dict() with open("reports.json","r") as fp: data = json.load(fp) reports_id = dict() reports_team = dict() teams = [] sum_team = dict() flag = True for chunk in data: for page_id in chunk: for report in chunk[page_id]: reports_id[report['id']] = report team = report['team']['handle'] if team in reports_team: reports_team[team].append(report) else: teams.append(team) reports_team[team] = [] reports_team[team].append(report) for team in reports_team: sum_team[team] = len(reports_team[team]) with open("reports_team.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(reports_team, fp) with open("sum_team.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(sum_team, fp) def plot_bounties(ff): reports_team = dict() sum_team = dict() with open("reports_team.json", "r") as fp: reports_team = json.load(fp) with open("sum_team.json", "r") as fp: sum_team = json.load(fp) if ff < 2: ibb_list = ['ibb-php', 'ibb-python', 'ibb-data', 'ibb-flash', 'ibb-nginx', 'ibb-perl', 'internet', 'ibb-openssl', 'ibb-apache'] print('list follows') for j in ibb_list: print(reports_team[j]) else: ibb_list = [team for team in reports_team] most_team = dict() sum_bounty_team = dict() for team in ibb_list: old = 0.0 old_sum = 0.0 for report in reports_team[team]: try: new = float(report['total_awarded_bounty_amount']) old_sum += new except KeyError: print('#'*80) print(report) print('Report id ', report['id'], ' - bounty not found') continue if new > old: old = new most_team[team] = old sum_bounty_team[team] = old_sum print(most_team) print(sum_bounty_team) month2sum = [] month2money = [] month2bountylist = [] #Years: 2001-2018 for i in range(12*18): month2sum.append(0) month2money.append(0.0) month2bountylist.append([]) for team in ibb_list: for report in reports_team[team]: datetime_obj = parser.parse(report['latest_disclosable_activity_at']) print(str(datetime_obj)) month2sum[(int(datetime_obj.year)-2001)*12 + datetime_obj.month] += 1 try: #if report['severity_rating'] == "high": if (ff==0 or ff ==2) or (report['severity_rating'] == "high") or (report['severity_rating'] == "critical"): month2money[(int(datetime_obj.year)-2001)*12 + datetime_obj.month] += float(report['total_awarded_bounty_amount']) month2bountylist[(int(datetime_obj.year)-2001)*12 + datetime_obj.month] += [float(report['total_awarded_bounty_amount'])] except KeyError: continue print(month2bountylist) #plt.plot(month2sum[-12*5:]) #plt.plot(month2money[-12*5:]) years = 18 quarter_num = years*4 quarter_sum = [] quarter_av = [] carlosplt.pre_paper_plot() quarter2bountylist = [] quartersx = [] for i in range(1,years+1): for j in range(1,5): if j==1: quartersx.append('Q' + str(j)+'\''+str(i).zfill(2)) else: quartersx.append(' ') for j in range(quarter_num): temp2 = sum(month2money[3*j:3*(j+1)]) temp3 = [item for sublist in month2bountylist[3*j:3*(j+1)] for item in sublist] temp1 = len(temp3) print(temp3) quarter_sum.append(temp1) quarter2bountylist.append(temp3) try: quarter_av.append(temp2/temp1) except ZeroDivisionError: quarter_av.append(0) n = len(quarter_sum[-4*5:]) x = range(len(quarter_sum[-4*5:])) width = 1/2[-4*5:], quarter_sum[-4*5:], width, color='brown', label='regular support', edgecolor='black') #plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx[-4*5:], rotation="vertical") #plt.ylabel('Number of rewards') #plt.xlabel('Quarter') #carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) #[-4*5:], quarter_av[-4*5:], width, color='darkblue', label='regular support', edgecolor='black') # # plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx[-4*5:], rotation="vertical") # plt.ylabel('Average bug price of IBB projects (USD)') # plt.xlabel('Quarter') # carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) # #print(quarter2bountylist) if ff==0: labeltext = 'IBB-all' elif ff==1: labeltext = 'IBB-high' elif ff==2: labeltext = 'All-all' elif ff==3: labeltext = 'All-high' ## Shapiro normality test for each quarter ## Added powerlaw test reference = [] for i in quarter2bountylist: reference+=i print(reference) for i in quarter2bountylist: print(i) data = i if len(i)>3: #sns.distplot(i) stat, p = shapiro(data) print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p)) # interpret alpha = 0.01 if p > alpha: print('Sample looks Gaussian (fail to reject H0)') else: print('Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)') w,p = ks_2samp(i,reference) if p > alpha: print('Samples look similar') else: print('Samples do not look similar') #mydata = i #results=powerlaw.Fit(mydata, discrete=False, xmax=5000) #print('alpha = ',results.power_law.alpha) #print(results.truncated_power_law.alpha) #print('xmin = ',results.power_law.xmin) #print('xmax = ',results.power_law.xmax) #print('sigma = ',results.power_law.sigma) #print('D = ',results.power_law.D) #print(results.truncated_power_law.xmin) #print('xmax = ', results.truncated_power_law.xmax) #print(results.power_law.discrete) #print('lognormal mu: ', #print('lognormal sigma: ',results.lognormal.sigma) #fig = results.plot_ccdf(color = 'darkblue', linestyle='-', label='data') #results.power_law.plot_ccdf(color = 'darkgreen', ax=fig, label='power-law fit') #results.truncated_power_law.plot_ccdf(color = 'red', ax=fig) #results.lognormal_positive.plot_ccdf(color = 'yellow', ax=fig) #results.lognormal.plot_ccdf(color = 'brown', ax=fig) #results.exponential.plot_ccdf(color = 'orange', ax=fig) #plt.ylabel('ccdf') #plt.xlabel('Vulnerabilities') #fig.legend() #carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) #R, p=results.distribution_compare('power_law','exponential') #print('Exponential: ',R,p) #R, p=results.distribution_compare('power_law','stretched_exponential') #print('Stretched exponential: ',R,p) #R, p=results.distribution_compare('power_law','truncated_power_law') #print('Power law truncated: ',R,p) #R, p=results.distribution_compare('power_law','lognormal_positive') #print('Lognormal positive: ',R,p) #R, p=results.distribution_compare('power_law','lognormal') #print('Lognormal: ',R,p) ## Linear regression of average and median # Average xx = [] yy = quarter_av[-4*5:] y = [] counter=0 for i in yy: if i!=0: y.append(i) xx.append(counter) counter+=1 X = sm.add_constant(xx) model = sm.OLS(y,X).fit() predictions = model.predict(X) plt.plot(xx,predictions) print(model.summary()) print(model.summary().as_latex()) xx = [] yy = quarter2bountylist[-4*5:] y = [] counter=0 for i in yy: if i!=[]: y.append(median(i)) xx.append(counter) counter+=1 X = sm.add_constant(xx) model = sm.OLS(y,X).fit() predictions = model.predict(X) plt.plot(xx,predictions, color='darkred') print(model.summary()) print(model.summary().as_latex()) ## Create box plot bp = plt.boxplot((quarter2bountylist[-4*5:]), whis = [5,95], patch_artist=True, positions = x) plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='black') plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color='darkred') plt.setp(bp['caps'], color='darkred') plt.setp(bp['fliers'], markersize = 3.0) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(top=50000) plt.ylim(bottom=1) plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx[-4*5:], rotation="vertical") plt.ylabel(labeltext) plt.xlabel('Quarter') carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True) if __name__ == "__main__": main() fig = plt.figure() carlosplt.pre_paper_plot() for i in range(4): ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1) plot_bounties(i) #plot_bounties(1)