csvAnalysis_Info 520 B

  1. Exemplary results of de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.util.SWaTNetworkTrafficAnalysis for the SVC files of SWaT dataset A1 after the correction or removal of three corrupted rows.
  2. 2015-12-25_203211_86.log.part04_sorted.csv
  3. Column 1630483
  4. Wrong separators
  5. 2015-12-25_203211_86.log.part07_sorted.csv
  6. Column 3001817
  7. Spelling mistake of "Responqe"
  8. 2016-01-02_014558_119.log.part01_sorted.csv
  9. 2348539 1Jan2016
  10. Missing separator
  11. 2016-01-02_014558_119.log.part01_sorted.csv
  12. 2348539
  13. Missing destination IP address