# SmartHomeNetworkSim Smart Home Network Simulation for Visualization and Generation of IoT/SmartHome Network traffic ## Gradle tasks Gradle will download required libraries and handle the build process $ gradlew build # Assembles and tests this project $ gradlew jar # Creates an executable Jar-file $ gradlew javadoc # Generates Java Doc for the framework $ gradlew test # Runs the included unit tests $ gradlew run # Runs the SmartHomeNetworkSim as a JVM Application $ gradlew runIt # Runs the SmartHomeNetworkSim as a Jar-file $ gradlew tasks # Displays further available tasks ## Prerequisites * {Java SE JDK 8.0](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) or greater ## Required Libraries Gradle downloads these during the build process * [JUnit4](https://junit.org/junit4/) - Java unit test framework * [Pcap4j](https://www.pcap4j.org/) - Java Library used for Pcap File creation (not yet implemented) ### Developed by Andreas T. Meyer-Berg (As part of his Bachelor Thesis)