package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Controller which allows simple manipulation of the NetworkTreePanel, changing visibility of single or multiple links/connections and Devices * * * @author Andreas T. Meyer-Berg */ public class NetworkTreeSettingsController { /** * Model to be manipulated */ private Model model; /** * Controller which can be used */ private Controller controller; /** * NetworkTreeSettings of the model */ private NetworkTreeSettings networkTreeSettings; /** * Create a new NetworkTreeSettingsController, which controls the networkTree * @param model model of the application * @param controller man controller for manipulation */ public NetworkTreeSettingsController(Model model, Controller controller) { this.model = model; this.controller = controller; networkTreeSettings = this.model.getConfigurator().getNetworkTreeSettings(); } /** * Toggles visibility of the given object and all of its descendants * @param o Object to be shown/hidden */ public void toggleVisibilityOf(Object o){ /** * o visible ? */ boolean visible = networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(o).isVisible(); setVisibilityOf(o, !visible); } /** * Sets the visibility of Object {@code o} to {@code visible}, will also change visibility of all descendants * @param o Object which should be set visible/hidden * @param visible true then object will be shown, false then object will not be shown */ public void setVisibilityOf(Object o, boolean visible){ if(o instanceof String){ /** * String node, is the top most -> Hide/Show the hole network */ getStatusOfObject(o).setVisible(visible); for(Link l:controller.getNetworkController().getLinks()) setVisibilityOfLink(l, visible); }else if(o instanceof Link){ setVisibilityOfLink((Link)o, visible); }else if(o instanceof Connection){ setVisibilityOfConnection((Connection)o, visible); }else if(o instanceof SmartDevice){ setVisibilityOfSmartDevice((SmartDevice)o, visible); } /** * Notify observer */ controller.notifyObservers(); } /** * Change visibility of Device to the new value * @param device device to hide/show * @param isVisible new Visibility */ private void setVisibilityOfSmartDevice(SmartDevice device, boolean isVisible) { networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(device).setVisible(isVisible); } /** * Change visibility of Connection and all its Devices * @param connection connection to hide/show * @param isVisible new Visibility */ private void setVisibilityOfConnection(Connection connection, boolean isVisible) { networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(connection).setVisible(isVisible); /** * Update all devices */ for(Port port: connection.getParticipants()){ if(port.getOwner()!=null){ if(isVisible){ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(port.getOwner()).setVisible(isVisible); }else{ /** * Just hide Devices which are in no further connection */ boolean found = false; for(Port c:port.getOwner().getPorts()){ if(found)break; if(c.getConnection()!=connection&&c.getConnection()!=null && isVisible(c.getConnection())){ found=true; break; } } networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(port.getOwner()).setVisible(found); } } } } /** * Set visibility of Link, and all its connections and devices * @param link link, which should be shown/hidden * @param visible whether it should be visible */ public void setVisibilityOfLink(Link link, boolean visible){ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(link).setVisible(visible); /** * Update all connections of this link */ for(Connection c: link.getConnections()){ setVisibilityOfConnection(c,visible); } } /** * Returns the Status for the given Object * @param o Object, whose status should be returned * @return Status of the object */ public NetworkTreeNodeStatus getStatusOfObject(Object o){ return networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(o); } /** * Adds an status for the given Object * @param o Object to be added * @param status Status of the object */ public void addStatusOfObject(Object o, NetworkTreeNodeStatus status){ networkTreeSettings.addStatusOfObject(o, status); } /** * Toggle the expanded status, expanded nodes will be collapsed and collapsed ones will be expanded * * @param o Object to be expanded / collapsed */ public void toggleExpanded(Object o){ setExpanded(o, !networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(o).isExpanded()); controller.notifyObservers(); } /** * Set the expanded status of the object o to the value of isExpanded * @param o Object to be expanded / collapsed * @param isExpanded whether it should be expanded or collapsed */ public void setExpanded(Object o, boolean isExpanded){ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(o).setExpanded(isExpanded); controller.notifyObservers(); } /** * Toggle visibility of an object * @param o object to be shown/hidden */ public void toggleVisibilityNonRecursive(Object o){ setVisibilityNonRecursive(o, !getStatusOfObject(o).isVisible()); controller.notifyObservers(); } /** * Set Visibility of the object * @param o object to be shown/hidden * @param visible true if visible */ public void setVisibilityNonRecursive(Object o, boolean visible) { getStatusOfObject(o).setVisible(visible); controller.notifyObservers(); } /** * Returns true if the given object is visible * @param o object which should be checked * @return true if visible */ public boolean isVisible(Object o){ return getStatusOfObject(o).isVisible(); } /** * Removes the status of the object o * @param o Object, which status should be removed */ public void removeStatusOfObject(Object o){ this.networkTreeSettings.removeStatusOfObject(o); } }