@@ -71,6 +71,21 @@ public class NetworkTreePanel extends JScrollPane implements Observer {
* Right click menu
private JPopupMenu rightClick;
+ /**
+ * MenuItem for editing of Links, Connections & Devices
+ */
+ private JMenuItem mntmEdit = new JMenuItem("Edit");
+ /**
+ * MenuItem for deletion of devices
+ */
+ private JMenuItem mntmDelete = new JMenuItem("Delete");
+ /**
+ * Clicked object (Device, Link or Connection)
+ */
+ private Object clickedObject;
* Creates a new Network Tree Panel
@@ -129,6 +144,11 @@ public class NetworkTreePanel extends JScrollPane implements Observer {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
+ that.setVisible(false);
+ tree.setVisible(false);
+ rightClick.setVisible(false);
+ parent.setVisible(false);
+ parent.dispose();
@@ -193,9 +213,26 @@ public class NetworkTreePanel extends JScrollPane implements Observer {
private void initializeRightClickMenu() {
rightClick = new JPopupMenu();
- rightClick.add(new JMenuItem("Option 1"));
- rightClick.add(new JMenuItem("Option 2"));
- this.add(rightClick);
+ mntmEdit.addActionListener(a->{
+ if(clickedObject == null)return;
+ rightClick.setVisible(false);
+ if(clickedObject instanceof SmartDevice){
+ SmartDeviceCreationPopUp p = new SmartDeviceCreationPopUp((SmartDevice) clickedObject, true, controller);
+ p.setLocationRelativeTo(that);
+ p.setEnabled(true);
+ p.setVisible(true);
+ }else if(clickedObject instanceof Connection){
+ new ConnectionCreationDialog((Connection) clickedObject, controller, that);
+ }else if(clickedObject instanceof Link){
+ new LinkCreationDialog((Link) clickedObject, controller, that);
+ }else{
+ //Invalid object
+ }
+ });
+ rightClick.add(mntmEdit);
+ rightClick.add(mntmDelete);
+ parent.add(rightClick);
@@ -211,14 +248,22 @@ public class NetworkTreePanel extends JScrollPane implements Observer {
- Object o = clicked.getLastPathComponent();
- if(o instanceof SmartDevice){
+ clickedObject = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)clicked.getLastPathComponent()).getUserObject();
+ if(clickedObject instanceof SmartDevice){
//TODO: Specific actions
+ System.out.println("Clicked SmartDevice");
+ if(clickedObject instanceof SmartDevice) System.out.println(((SmartDevice)clickedObject).getName());
+ } else if(clickedObject instanceof Connection){
+ System.out.println("Clicked Connection");
+ }else if(clickedObject instanceof Link){
+ System.out.println("Clicked Link");
+ }else{
+ System.out.println("Clicked unknown: "+clickedObject.getClass().getSimpleName());
- rightClick.setLocation(e.getLocationOnScreen());
- rightClick.setVisible(true);
+ rightClick.show(this,e.getX(), e.getY());
- if(o instanceof SmartDevice) System.out.println(((SmartDevice)o).getName());
+ rightClick.setVisible(true);