@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+package de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.control;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.Connection;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.Link;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.Model;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.Port;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.SmartDevice;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.tk.SmartHomeNetworkSim.core.configuration.NetworkTreeSettings;
+ * Controller which allows simple manipulation of the NetworkTreePanel, changing visibility of single or multiple Links/Connections & Devices
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Andreas T. Meyer-Berg
+ */
+public class NetworkTreeSettingsController {
+ /**
+ * Model to be manipulated
+ */
+ private Model model;
+ /**
+ * Controller which can be used
+ */
+ private Controller controller;
+ /**
+ * NetworkTreeSettings of the model
+ */
+ private NetworkTreeSettings networkTreeSettings;
+ /**
+ * Create a new NetworkTreeSettingsController, which controls the networkTree
+ * @param model model of the application
+ * @param controller man controller for manipulation
+ */
+ public NetworkTreeSettingsController(Model model, Controller controller) {
+ this.model = model;
+ this.controller = controller;
+ networkTreeSettings = this.model.getConfigurator().getNetworkTreeSettings();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Toggles visibilty of the given object and all of its descendants
+ * @param o Object to be shown/hidden
+ */
+ public void toggleVisibilityOf(Object o){
+ /**
+ * o visible ?
+ */
+ boolean visible = networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(o).isVisible();
+ setVisibilityOf(o, !visible);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the visibility of Object {@code o} to {@code visible}, will also change visibility of all descendants
+ * @param o Object which should be set visible/hidden
+ * @param visible true -> object will be shown, false -> will not be shown
+ */
+ public void setVisibilityOf(Object o, boolean visible){
+ if(o instanceof String){
+ /**
+ * String node, is the top most -> Hide/Show the hole network
+ */
+ for(Link l:controller.getNetworkController().getLinks())
+ setVisibilityOfLink(l, visible);
+ }else if(o instanceof Link){
+ setVisibilityOfLink((Link)o, visible);
+ }else if(o instanceof Connection){
+ setVisibilityOfConnection((Connection)o, visible);
+ }else if(o instanceof SmartDevice){
+ setVisibilityOfSmartDevice((SmartDevice)o, visible);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notify observer
+ */
+ controller.notifyObservers();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change visibility of Device to the new value
+ * @param device device to hide/show
+ * @param isVisible new Visibility
+ */
+ private void setVisibilityOfSmartDevice(SmartDevice device, boolean isVisible) {
+ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(device).setVisible(isVisible);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change visibility of Connection and all its Devices
+ * @param connection connection to hide/show
+ * @param isVisible new Visibility
+ */
+ private void setVisibilityOfConnection(Connection connection, boolean isVisible) {
+ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(connection).setVisible(isVisible);
+ /**
+ * Update alle devices
+ */
+ for(Port port: connection.getParticipants()){
+ if(port.getOwner()!=null)
+ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(port.getOwner()).setVisible(isVisible);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set visibility of Link, and all its connections & Devices
+ * @param link link, which should be shown/hidden
+ * @param visible whether it should be visible
+ */
+ public void setVisibilityOfLink(Link link, boolean visible){
+ networkTreeSettings.getStatusOfObject(link).setVisible(visible);
+ /**
+ * Update all connections of this link
+ */
+ for(Connection c: link.getConnections()){
+ setVisibilityOfConnection(c,visible);
+ }
+ }