18 KB

  1. import logging
  2. from random import randint, uniform
  3. from lea import Lea
  4. from Attack import BaseAttack
  5. from Attack.AttackParameters import Parameter as Param
  6. from Attack.AttackParameters import ParameterTypes
  7. logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR)
  8. # noinspection PyPep8
  9. from scapy.utils import RawPcapReader
  10. from scapy.layers.inet import IP, Ether, TCP, RandShort
  11. class EternalBlueExploit(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
  12. template_scan_pcap_path = "resources/Win7_eternalblue_scan.pcap"
  13. template_attack_pcap_path = "resources/Win7_eternalblue_exploit.pcap"
  14. # SMB port
  15. smb_port = 445
  16. # Empirical values from Metasploit experiments
  17. minDefaultPort = 30000
  18. maxDefaultPort = 50000
  19. last_conn_dst_port = 4444
  20. def __init__(self):
  21. """
  22. Creates a new instance of the EternalBlue Exploit.
  23. """
  24. # Initialize attack
  25. super(EternalBlueExploit, self).__init__("EternalBlue Exploit", "Injects an EternalBlue exploit'",
  26. "Resource Exhaustion")
  27. # Define allowed parameters and their type
  28. self.supported_params = {
  29. Param.MAC_SOURCE: ParameterTypes.TYPE_MAC_ADDRESS,
  30. Param.IP_SOURCE: ParameterTypes.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS,
  32. Param.IP_DESTINATION: ParameterTypes.TYPE_IP_ADDRESS,
  33. Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FLOAT,
  35. Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FLOAT
  36. }
  37. def init_params(self):
  38. """
  39. Initialize the parameters of this attack using the user supplied command line parameters.
  40. Use the provided statistics to calculate default parameters and to process user
  41. supplied queries.
  42. :param statistics: Reference to a statistics object.
  43. """
  44. # PARAMETERS: initialize with default utilsvalues
  45. # (values are overwritten if user specifies them)
  46. # Attacker configuration
  47. most_used_ip_address = self.statistics.get_most_used_ip_address()
  48. if isinstance(most_used_ip_address, list):
  49. most_used_ip_address = most_used_ip_address[0]
  50. random_ip_address = self.statistics.get_random_ip_address()
  51. self.add_param_value(Param.IP_SOURCE, random_ip_address)
  52. self.add_param_value(Param.MAC_SOURCE, self.statistics.get_mac_address(random_ip_address))
  53. # Victim configuration
  54. self.add_param_value(Param.IP_DESTINATION, most_used_ip_address)
  55. destination_mac = self.statistics.get_mac_address(most_used_ip_address)
  56. if isinstance(destination_mac, list) and len(destination_mac) == 0:
  57. destination_mac = self.generate_random_mac_address()
  58. self.add_param_value(Param.MAC_DESTINATION, destination_mac)
  59. # Attack configuration
  60. self.add_param_value(Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND,
  61. (self.statistics.get_pps_sent(most_used_ip_address) +
  62. self.statistics.get_pps_received(most_used_ip_address)) / 2)
  63. self.add_param_value(Param.INJECT_AFTER_PACKET, randint(0, self.statistics.get_packet_count()))
  64. def generate_attack_pcap(self):
  65. def update_timestamp(timestamp, pps):
  66. """
  67. Calculates the next timestamp to be used based on the packet per second rate (pps) and the maximum delay.
  68. :return: Timestamp to be used for the next packet.
  69. """
  70. # Calculate the request timestamp
  71. # A distribution to imitate the bursty behavior of traffic
  72. randomdelay = Lea.fromValFreqsDict({1 / pps: 70, 2 / pps: 20, 5 / pps: 7, 10 / pps: 3})
  73. return timestamp + uniform(1 / pps, randomdelay.random())
  74. def getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp):
  75. """
  76. Gets the packet rate (pps) in specific time interval.
  77. :return: the corresponding packet rate for packet rate (pps) .
  78. """
  79. for row in complement_interval_pps:
  80. if timestamp<=row[0]:
  81. return row[1]
  82. return complement_interval_pps[-1][1] # in case the timstamp > capture max timestamp
  83. # Timestamp
  84. timestamp_next_pkt = self.get_param_value(Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP)
  85. pps = self.get_param_value(Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND)
  86. # calculate complement packet rates of BG traffic per interval
  87. complement_interval_pps = self.statistics.calculate_complement_packet_rates(pps)
  88. # Initialize parameters
  89. packets = []
  90. mac_source = self.get_param_value(Param.MAC_SOURCE)
  91. ip_source = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_SOURCE)
  92. mac_destination = self.get_param_value(Param.MAC_DESTINATION)
  93. ip_destination = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_DESTINATION)
  94. # Check ip.src == ip.dst
  95. self.ip_src_dst_equal_check(ip_source, ip_destination)
  96. path_attack_pcap = None
  97. # Set TTL based on TTL distribution of IP address
  98. source_ttl_dist = self.statistics.get_ttl_distribution(ip_source)
  99. if len(source_ttl_dist) > 0:
  100. source_ttl_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(source_ttl_dist)
  101. source_ttl_value = source_ttl_prob_dict.random()
  102. else:
  103. source_ttl_value = self.statistics.process_db_query("most_used(ttlValue)")
  104. destination_ttl_dist = self.statistics.get_ttl_distribution(ip_destination)
  105. if len(destination_ttl_dist) > 0:
  106. destination_ttl_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(destination_ttl_dist)
  107. destination_ttl_value = destination_ttl_prob_dict.random()
  108. else:
  109. destination_ttl_value = self.statistics.process_db_query("most_used(ttlValue)")
  110. # Set Window Size based on Window Size distribution of IP address
  111. source_win_dist = self.statistics.get_win_distribution(ip_source)
  112. if len(source_win_dist) > 0:
  113. source_win_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(source_win_dist)
  114. else:
  115. source_win_dist = self.statistics.get_win_distribution(self.statistics.get_most_used_ip_address())
  116. source_win_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(source_win_dist)
  117. destination_win_dist = self.statistics.get_win_distribution(ip_destination)
  118. if len(destination_win_dist) > 0:
  119. destination_win_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(destination_win_dist)
  120. else:
  121. destination_win_dist = self.statistics.get_win_distribution(self.statistics.get_most_used_ip_address())
  122. destination_win_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(destination_win_dist)
  123. # Scan (MS17) for EternalBlue
  124. # Read Win7_eternalblue_scan pcap file
  125. orig_ip_dst = None
  126. exploit_raw_packets = RawPcapReader(self.template_scan_pcap_path)
  127. inter_arrival_times = self.get_inter_arrival_time(exploit_raw_packets)
  128. #timeSteps = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(inter_arrival_time_dist)
  129. exploit_raw_packets = RawPcapReader(self.template_scan_pcap_path)
  130. port_source = randint(self.minDefaultPort,self.maxDefaultPort) # experiments show this range of ports
  131. source_origin_wins, destination_origin_wins = {}, {}
  132. for pkt_num, pkt in enumerate(exploit_raw_packets):
  133. eth_frame = Ether(pkt[0])
  134. ip_pkt = eth_frame.payload
  135. tcp_pkt = ip_pkt.payload
  136. if pkt_num == 0:
  137. if tcp_pkt.getfieldval("dport") == self.smb_port:
  138. orig_ip_dst = ip_pkt.getfieldval("dst") # victim IP
  139. # Request
  140. if ip_pkt.getfieldval("dst") == orig_ip_dst: # victim IP
  141. # Ether
  142. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_source)
  143. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_destination)
  144. # IP
  145. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_source)
  146. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_destination)
  147. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", source_ttl_value)
  148. # TCP
  149. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("sport",port_source)
  150. source_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  151. if source_origin_win not in source_origin_wins:
  152. source_origin_wins[source_origin_win] = source_win_prob_dict.random()
  153. new_win = source_origin_wins[source_origin_win]
  154. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  155. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  156. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  157. pps = max(getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp_next_pkt), 10)
  158. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num]#float(timeSteps.random())
  159. # Reply
  160. else:
  161. # Ether
  162. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_destination)
  163. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_source)
  164. # IP
  165. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_destination)
  166. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_source)
  167. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", destination_ttl_value)
  168. # TCP
  169. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("dport", port_source)
  170. destination_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  171. if destination_origin_win not in destination_origin_wins:
  172. destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win] = destination_win_prob_dict.random()
  173. new_win = destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win]
  174. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  175. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  176. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num]#+ float(timeSteps.random())
  177. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  178. packets.append(new_pkt)
  179. # Inject EternalBlue exploit packets
  180. # Read Win7_eternalblue_exploit pcap file
  181. exploit_raw_packets = RawPcapReader(self.template_attack_pcap_path)
  182. port_source = randint(self.minDefaultPort,self.maxDefaultPort) # experiments show this range of ports
  183. # conversations = {(ip.src, ip.dst, port.src, port.dst): packets}
  184. conversations, orderList_conversations = self.packetsToConvs(exploit_raw_packets)
  185. conv_start_timesamp = timestamp_next_pkt
  186. for conv_index, conv in enumerate(orderList_conversations):
  187. conv_start_timesamp = conv_start_timesamp + uniform(0.001,0.01) # the distance between the starts of the converstaions
  188. timestamp_next_pkt = conv_start_timesamp
  189. conv_pkts = conversations[conv]
  190. inter_arrival_times = self.get_inter_arrival_time(conv_pkts)
  191. #timeSteps = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(inter_arrival_time_dist)
  192. if conv_index == len(orderList_conversations) - 2: # Not the last conversation
  193. timestamp_next_pkt = packets[-1].time + uniform(0.001,0.01)
  194. if conv_index != len(orderList_conversations)-1: # Not the last conversation
  195. port_source += 2
  196. for pkt_num, pkt in enumerate(conv_pkts):
  197. eth_frame = Ether(pkt[0])
  198. ip_pkt = eth_frame.payload
  199. tcp_pkt = ip_pkt.payload
  200. if pkt_num == 0:
  201. if tcp_pkt.getfieldval("dport") == self.smb_port:
  202. orig_ip_dst = ip_pkt.getfieldval("dst")
  203. # Request
  204. if ip_pkt.getfieldval("dst") == orig_ip_dst: # victim IP
  205. # Ether
  206. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_source)
  207. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_destination)
  208. # IP
  209. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_source)
  210. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_destination)
  211. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", source_ttl_value)
  212. # TCP
  213. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("sport", port_source)
  214. source_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  215. if source_origin_win not in source_origin_wins:
  216. source_origin_wins[source_origin_win] = source_win_prob_dict.random()
  217. new_win = source_origin_wins[source_origin_win]
  218. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  219. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  220. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  221. pps = max(getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp_next_pkt), 10)
  222. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num] #float(timeSteps.random())
  223. # Reply
  224. else:
  225. # Ether
  226. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_destination)
  227. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_source)
  228. # IP
  229. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_destination)
  230. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_source)
  231. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", destination_ttl_value)
  232. # TCP
  233. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("dport", port_source)
  234. destination_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  235. if destination_origin_win not in destination_origin_wins:
  236. destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win] = destination_win_prob_dict.random()
  237. new_win = destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win]
  238. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  239. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  240. pps = max(getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp_next_pkt), 10)
  241. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num]#float(timeSteps.random())
  242. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  243. packets.append(new_pkt)
  244. else: # Last conversation where the victim start a connection with the attacker
  245. timestamp_next_pkt = packets[-1].time + uniform(0.001, 0.01)
  246. port_source = randint(self.minDefaultPort,self.maxDefaultPort)
  247. for pkt_num, pkt in enumerate(conv_pkts):
  248. eth_frame = Ether(pkt[0])
  249. ip_pkt = eth_frame.payload
  250. tcp_pkt = ip_pkt.payload
  251. # Request
  252. if tcp_pkt.getfieldval("dport") == self.last_conn_dst_port:
  253. # Ether
  254. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_destination)
  255. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_source)
  256. # IP
  257. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_destination)
  258. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_source)
  259. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", destination_ttl_value)
  260. # TCP
  261. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("sport", port_source)
  262. destination_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  263. if destination_origin_win not in destination_origin_wins:
  264. destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win] = destination_win_prob_dict.random()
  265. new_win = destination_origin_wins[destination_origin_win]
  266. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  267. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  268. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  269. pps = max(getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp_next_pkt), 10)
  270. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num]# float(timeSteps.random())
  271. # Reply
  272. else:
  273. # Ether
  274. eth_frame.setfieldval("src", mac_source)
  275. eth_frame.setfieldval("dst", mac_destination)
  276. # IP
  277. ip_pkt.setfieldval("src", ip_source)
  278. ip_pkt.setfieldval("dst", ip_destination)
  279. ip_pkt.setfieldval("ttl", source_ttl_value)
  280. # TCP
  281. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("dport", port_source)
  282. source_origin_win = tcp_pkt.getfieldval("window")
  283. if source_origin_win not in source_origin_wins:
  284. source_origin_wins[source_origin_win] = source_win_prob_dict.random()
  285. new_win = source_origin_wins[source_origin_win]
  286. tcp_pkt.setfieldval("window", new_win)
  287. new_pkt = (eth_frame / ip_pkt / tcp_pkt)
  288. pps = max(getIntervalPPS(complement_interval_pps, timestamp_next_pkt), 10)
  289. timestamp_next_pkt = update_timestamp(timestamp_next_pkt, pps) + inter_arrival_times[pkt_num]# float(timeSteps.random())
  290. new_pkt.time = timestamp_next_pkt
  291. packets.append(new_pkt)
  292. # Store timestamp of first packet (for attack label)
  293. self.attack_start_utime = packets[0].time
  294. self.attack_end_utime = packets[-1].time
  295. if len(packets) > 0:
  296. packets = sorted(packets, key=lambda pkt: pkt.time)
  297. path_attack_pcap = self.write_attack_pcap(packets, True, path_attack_pcap)
  298. # return packets sorted by packet time_sec_start
  299. # pkt_num+1: because pkt_num starts at 0
  300. return pkt_num + 1, path_attack_pcap