import enum class Parameter(enum.Enum): """ Defines the shortname for attack parameters. The shortname may be used for attack parameter specification when calling Core via the command line. """ # recommended type: IP address ------------------------------- IP_SOURCE = 'ip.src' # source IP address(es) IP_DESTINATION = 'ip.dst' # destination IP address(es) TARGET_COUNT = "target.count" # count of target IP addresses IP_DNS = 'ip.dns' # IP address of DNS server HOSTING_IP = 'hosting.ip' # IP address(es) hosting the vulnerable service HOSTING_PERCENTAGE = 'hosting.percentage' # percentage of target IPs hosting the vulnerable service IP_VICTIM = 'ip.victim' INJECT_INTO_IPS = 'inject.ip' # recommended type: MAC address ------------------------------ MAC_SOURCE = 'mac.src' # MAC address of source MAC_DESTINATION = 'mac.dst' # MAC address of destination # recommended type: Port ------------------------------------- PORT_OPEN = '' # open ports PORT_DESTINATION = 'port.dst' # destination ports PORT_SOURCE = 'port.src' # source ports # recommended type: Integer positive ------------------------- PACKETS_LIMIT = 'packets.limit' NUMBER_ATTACKERS = 'attackers.count' ATTACK_DURATION = 'attack.duration' # in seconds VICTIM_BUFFER = 'victim.buffer' # in packets TARGET_URI = 'target.uri' NUMBER_INITIATOR_BOTS = 'bots.count' INTERVAL_SELECT_START = 'interval.selection.start' INTERVAL_SELECT_END = 'interval.selection.end' # recommended type: domain ----------------------------------- TARGET_HOST = '' # recommended type: Float ------------------------------------ PACKETS_PER_SECOND = 'packets.per-second' # packets per second INJECT_PPS = 'inject.pps' # packets per seconds injected by the attack INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP = '' # unix epoch time (seconds.millis) where attack should be injected # recommended type: Packet Position ---------------------------------- INJECT_AFTER_PACKET = 'inject.after-pkt' # packet after which attack should be injected # recommended type: boolean -------------------------------- PORT_DEST_SHUFFLE = 'port.dst.shuffle' # shuffles the destination ports if a list of ports is given PORT_DEST_ORDER_DESC = 'port.dst.order-desc' # uses a descending port order instead of a ascending order IP_SOURCE_RANDOMIZE = 'ip.src.shuffle' # randomizes the sources IP address if a list of IP addresses is given PORT_SOURCE_RANDOMIZE = 'port.src.shuffle' # randomizes the source port if a list of sources ports is given NAT_PRESENT = 'nat.present' # if NAT is active, external computers cannot initiate a communication in MembersMgmtCommAttack TTL_FROM_CAIDA = 'ttl.from.caida' # if True, TTLs are assigned based on the TTL distributions from the CAIDA dataset MULTIPORT = "multiport" # select destination port as an ephemeral port if True, calculate the destination port based on the hostname, otherwise HIDDEN_MARK = "hidden_mark" # indicating if the attack will mark generated packets # recommended type: Filepath ------------------------------------ FILE_CSV = 'file.csv' # filepath to CSV containing a communication pattern FILE_XML = 'file.xml' # filepath to XML containing a communication pattern # recommended type: CommType ------------------------------------ COMM_TYPE = "comm.type" # the locality of bots in botnet communication (e.g. local, external, mixed) # recommended type: Percentage (0.0-1.0) ------------------------------------ IP_REUSE_TOTAL = '' # percentage of IPs in original PCAP to be reused IP_REUSE_LOCAL = 'ip.reuse.local' # percentage of private IPs in original PCAP to be reused IP_REUSE_EXTERNAL = 'ip.reuse.external' # percentage of public IPs in original PCAP to be reused # recommended type: Positive Integer between 0 and 100 ------------------------------------ PACKET_PADDING = 'packet.padding' #recommended type: interval selection strategy, i.e. 'random', 'optimal' or 'custom' ------------------------------------ INTERVAL_SELECT_STRATEGY = 'interval.selection.strategy' PROTOCOL_VERSION = 'protocol.version' HOSTING_VERSION = 'hosting.version' SOURCE_PLATFORM = 'src.platform' CUSTOM_PAYLOAD = 'custom.payload' # custom payload for ftp exploits CUSTOM_PAYLOAD_FILE = 'custom.payload.file' # file that contains custom payload for ftp exploits class ParameterTypes(enum.Enum): """ Defines types for parameters. These types may be used in the specification of allowed parameters within the individual attack classes. The type is used to verify the validity of the given value. """ TYPE_IP_ADDRESS = 0 TYPE_MAC_ADDRESS = 1 TYPE_PORT = 2 TYPE_INTEGER_POSITIVE = 3 TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 4 TYPE_BOOLEAN = 5 TYPE_FLOAT = 6 TYPE_PACKET_POSITION = 7 # used to derive timestamp from parameter INJECT_AFTER_PACKET TYPE_DOMAIN = 8 TYPE_STRING = 9 TYPE_FILEPATH = 10 TYPE_PERCENTAGE = 11 TYPE_PADDING = 12 TYPE_INTERVAL_SELECT_STRAT = 13