#include "botnet_comm_processor.h" /** * Creates a new botnet_comm_processor object. * The abstract python messages are converted to easier-to-handle C++ data structures. * @param messages_pyboost The abstract communication messages * represented as (python) list containing (python) dicts. */ botnet_comm_processor::botnet_comm_processor(const py::list &messages_pyboost){ set_messages(messages_pyboost); } /** * Creates a new and empty botnet_comm_processor object. */ botnet_comm_processor::botnet_comm_processor(){ } /** * Set the messages of this communication processor. * @param messages_pyboost The abstract communication messages * represented as (python) list containing (python) dicts. */ void botnet_comm_processor::set_messages(const py::list &messages_pyboost){ messages.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len(messages_pyboost); i++){ py::dict msg_pyboost = py::extract(messages_pyboost[i]); unsigned int src_id = std::stoi(py::extract(msg_pyboost["Src"])); unsigned int dst_id = std::stoi(py::extract(msg_pyboost["Dst"])); unsigned short type = (unsigned short) std::stoi(py::extract(msg_pyboost["Type"])); double time = std::stod(py::extract(msg_pyboost["Time"])); int line_no = std::stoi(py::extract(msg_pyboost.get("LineNumber", "-1"))); abstract_msg msg = {src_id, dst_id, type, time, line_no}; messages.push_back(std::move(msg)); } } /** * Retrieve input information about message count. * @return the number of existing messages. */ int botnet_comm_processor::get_message_count(){ return messages.size(); } /** * Processes an XML attribute assignment. The result is reflected in the respective change of the given message. * @param msg The message this attribute refers to. * @param assignment The XML attribute assignment in notation: attribute="value" */ void botnet_comm_processor::process_xml_attrib_assign(abstract_msg &msg, const std::string &assignment) { std::size_t split_pos = assignment.find("="); if (split_pos != std::string::npos){ std::string key = assignment.substr(0, split_pos); std::string value = assignment.substr(split_pos + 2, assignment.length() - 1); process_kv(msg, key, value); } } /** * Processes a key-value pair. The result is reflected in the respective change of the given message. * @param msg The message this kv pair refers to. * @param key The key of the attribute. * @param value The value of the attribute. */ void botnet_comm_processor::process_kv(abstract_msg &msg, const std::string &key, const std::string &value){ if (key == "Src") msg.src = std::stoi(value); else if (key == "Dst") msg.dst = std::stoi(value); else if (key == "Type") msg.type = (unsigned short) std::stoi(value); else if (key == "Time") msg.time = std::stod(value); else if (key == "LineNumber") msg.line_no = std::stoi(value); } /** * Parses the packets contained in the given CSV to program structure. * @param filepath The filepath where the CSV is located. * @return The number of messages (or lines) contained in the CSV file. */ unsigned int botnet_comm_processor::parse_csv(const std::string &filepath){ std::ifstream input(filepath); int line_no = 1; // the first line has number 1 messages.clear(); // iterate over every line for (std::string line; std::getline(input, line); ){ std::istringstream line_stream(line); abstract_msg cur_msg; cur_msg.line_no = line_no; // iterate over every key:value entry for (std::string pair; std::getline(line_stream, pair, ','); ){ boost::replace_all(pair, " ", ""); std::size_t split_pos = pair.find(":"); if (split_pos != std::string::npos){ std::string key = pair.substr(0, split_pos); std::string value = pair.substr(split_pos + 1, pair.length()); process_kv(cur_msg, key, value); } } messages.push_back(std::move(cur_msg)); line_no++; } return messages.size(); } /** * Parses the packets contained in the given XML to program structure. * @param filepath The filepath where the XML is located. * @return The number of messages contained in the XML file. */ unsigned int botnet_comm_processor::parse_xml(const std::string &filepath){ std::ifstream input(filepath); std::string cur_word = ""; abstract_msg cur_msg; char c; int read_packet_open = 0, read_slash = 0; messages.clear(); // iterate over every character while (input.get(c)){ if(c == '/') // hints ending of tag read_slash = 1; else if (c == '>'){ // definitely closes tag if (read_packet_open && read_slash){ // handle oustanding attribute read_slash = 0; process_xml_attrib_assign(cur_msg, cur_word); messages.push_back(cur_msg); read_packet_open = 0; } cur_word = ""; } else if (c == ' '){ if (read_packet_open && cur_word != ""){ // handle new attribute process_xml_attrib_assign(cur_msg, cur_word); } else if (cur_word == ""; for (const auto &msg : messages){ xml_file << ""; } xml_file << ""; xml_file.close(); return filepath; } /** * Retrieves all messages contained in the interval between start_idx and end_idx in Python representation. * @param start_idx The inclusive first index of the interval. * @param end_idx The inclusive last index of the interval. * @return A (Python) list of (Python) dicts containing the desired information. */ py::list botnet_comm_processor::get_messages(unsigned int start_idx, unsigned int end_idx){ py::list py_messages; for (std::size_t i = start_idx; i <= end_idx; i++){ if (i >= messages.size()) break; py::dict py_msg; py_msg["Src"] = messages[i].src; py_msg["Dst"] = messages[i].dst; py_msg["Type"] = messages[i].type; py_msg["Time"] = messages[i].time; py_msg["LineNumber"] = messages[i].line_no; py_messages.append(py_msg); } return py_messages; } /** * Finds the time interval(s) of maximum the given seconds with the most overall communication * (i.e. requests and responses) that has at least number_ids communicating initiators in it. * @param number_ids The number of initiator IDs that have to exist in the interval(s). * @param max_int_time The maximum time period of the interval. * @return A (python) list of (python) dicts, where each dict (keys: 'IDs', Start', 'End') represents an interval with its * list of initiator IDs, a start index and an end index. The indices are with respect to the first abstract message. */ py::list botnet_comm_processor::find_optimal_interval(int number_ids, double max_int_time){ unsigned int logical_thread_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::vector threads; std::vector > > futures; // create as many threads as can run concurrently and assign them respective sections for (std::size_t i = 0; i < logical_thread_count; i++){ unsigned int start_idx = (i * messages.size() / logical_thread_count); unsigned int end_idx = (i + 1) * messages.size() / logical_thread_count; std::promise > p; // use promises to retrieve return values futures.push_back(p.get_future()); threads.push_back(std::thread(&botnet_comm_processor::find_optimal_interval_helper, this, std::move(p), number_ids, max_int_time, start_idx, end_idx)); } // synchronize all threads for (auto &t : threads){ t.join(); } // accumulate results std::vector > acc_possible_intervals; for (auto &f : futures){ acc_possible_intervals.push_back(f.get()); } // find overall most communicative interval std::vector possible_intervals; unsigned int cur_highest_sum = 0; for (const auto &single_poss_interval : acc_possible_intervals){ if (single_poss_interval.size() > 0 && single_poss_interval[0].comm_sum >= cur_highest_sum){ // if there is more than one interval, all of them have the same comm_sum if (single_poss_interval[0].comm_sum > cur_highest_sum){ cur_highest_sum = single_poss_interval[0].comm_sum; possible_intervals.clear(); } for (const auto &interval : single_poss_interval){ possible_intervals.push_back(std::move(interval)); } } } // return the result converted into python data structures return convert_intervals_to_py_repr(possible_intervals); } /** * Finds the time interval(s) of maximum the given seconds within the given start and end index having the most * overall communication (i.e. requests and responses) as well as at least number_ids communicating initiators in it. * @param p An rvalue to a promise to return the found intervals. * @param number_ids The number of initiator IDs that have to exist in the interval(s). * @param max_int_time The maximum time period of the interval. * @param start_idx The index of the first message to process with respect to the class member 'messages'. * @param end_idx The upper index boundary where the search is stopped at (i.e. exclusive index). */ void botnet_comm_processor::find_optimal_interval_helper(std::promise > && p, int number_ids, double max_int_time, int start_idx, int end_idx){ // setup initial variables unsigned int idx_low = start_idx, idx_high = start_idx; // the indices spanning the interval unsigned int comm_sum = 0; // the communication sum of the current interval unsigned int cur_highest_sum = 0; // the highest communication sum seen so far double cur_int_time = 0; // the time of the current interval std::deque init_ids; // the initiator IDs seen in the current interval in order of appearance std::vector possible_intervals; // all intervals that have cur_highest_sum of communication and contain enough IDs // Iterate over all messages from start to finish and process the info of each message. // Similar to a Sliding Window approach. while (1){ if (idx_high < messages.size()) cur_int_time = messages[idx_high].time - messages[idx_low].time; // if current interval time exceeds maximum time period or all messages have been processed, // process information of the current interval if (greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time) || idx_high >= messages.size()){ std::set interval_ids; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < init_ids.size(); i++) interval_ids.insert(init_ids[i]); // if the interval contains enough initiator IDs, add it to possible_intervals if (interval_ids.size() >= (unsigned int) number_ids){ comm_interval interval = {interval_ids, comm_sum, idx_low, idx_high - 1}; // reset possible intervals if new maximum of communication is found if (comm_sum > cur_highest_sum){ possible_intervals.clear(); possible_intervals.push_back(std::move(interval)); cur_highest_sum = comm_sum; } // append otherwise else if (comm_sum == cur_highest_sum) possible_intervals.push_back(std::move(interval)); } // stop if all messages have been processed if (idx_high >= messages.size()) break; } // let idx_low "catch up" so that the current interval time fits into the maximum time period again while (greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time)){ if (idx_low >= (unsigned int) end_idx) goto end; abstract_msg &cur_msg = messages[idx_low]; // if message was not a timeout, delete the first appearance of the initiator ID // of this message from the initiator list and update comm_sum if (cur_msg.type != TIMEOUT){ comm_sum--; init_ids.pop_front(); } idx_low++; cur_int_time = messages[idx_high].time - messages[idx_low].time; } // consume the new message at idx_high and process its information abstract_msg &cur_msg = messages[idx_high]; // if message is request, add src to initiator list if (msgtype_is_request(cur_msg.type)){ init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.src); comm_sum++; } // if message is response, add dst to initiator list else if (msgtype_is_response(cur_msg.type)){ init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.dst); comm_sum++; } idx_high++; } end: p.set_value(possible_intervals); } /** * Finds the time interval of maximum the given seconds starting at the given index. If it does not have at least number_ids * communicating initiators in it or the index is out of bounds, an empty dict is returned. * @param start_idx the starting index of the returned interval * @param number_ids The number of initiator IDs that have to exist in the interval. * @param max_int_time The maximum time period of the interval. * @return A (python) dict (keys: 'IDs', Start', 'End'), which represents an interval with its list of initiator IDs, * a start index and an end index. The indices are with respect to the first abstract message. */ py::dict botnet_comm_processor::find_interval_from_startidx(int start_idx, int number_ids, double max_int_time){ // setup initial variables unsigned int cur_idx = start_idx; // the current iteration index double cur_int_time = 0; // the time of the current interval std::deque init_ids; // the initiator IDs seen in the current interval in order of appearance py::dict comm_interval_py; // the communication interval that is returned if ((unsigned int) start_idx >= messages.size()){ return comm_interval_py; } // Iterate over all messages starting at start_idx until the duration or the current index exceeds a boundary while (1){ if (cur_idx < messages.size()) cur_int_time = messages[cur_idx].time - messages[start_idx].time; // if current interval time exceeds maximum time period or all messages have been processed, // process information of the current interval if (greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time) || cur_idx >= messages.size()){ std::set interval_ids; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < init_ids.size(); i++) interval_ids.insert(init_ids[i]); // if the interval contains enough initiator IDs, convert it to python representation and return it if (interval_ids.size() >= (unsigned int) number_ids){ py::list py_ids; for (const auto &id : interval_ids){ py_ids.append(id); } comm_interval_py["IDs"] = py_ids; comm_interval_py["Start"] = start_idx; comm_interval_py["End"] = cur_idx - 1; return comm_interval_py; } else { return comm_interval_py; } } // consume the new message at cur_idx and process its information abstract_msg &cur_msg = messages[cur_idx]; // if message is request, add src to initiator list if (msgtype_is_request(cur_msg.type)) init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.src); // if message is response, add dst to initiator list else if (msgtype_is_response(cur_msg.type)) init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.dst); cur_idx++; } } /** * Finds the time interval of maximum the given seconds ending at the given index. If it does not have at least number_ids * communicating initiators in it or the index is out of bounds, an empty dict is returned. * @param end_idx the ending index of the returned interval (inclusive) * @param number_ids The number of initiator IDs that have to exist in the interval. * @param max_int_time The maximum time period of the interval. * @return A (python) dict (keys: 'IDs', Start', 'End'), which represents an interval with its list of initiator IDs, * a start index and an end index. The indices are with respect to the first abstract message. */ py::dict botnet_comm_processor::find_interval_from_endidx(int end_idx, int number_ids, double max_int_time){ // setup initial variables int cur_idx = end_idx; // the current iteration index double cur_int_time = 0; // the time of the current interval std::deque init_ids; // the initiator IDs seen in the current interval in order of appearance py::dict comm_interval_py; // the communication interval that is returned if (end_idx < 0){ return comm_interval_py; } // Iterate over all messages starting at end_idx until the duration or the current index exceeds a boundary while (1){ if (cur_idx >= 0) cur_int_time = messages[end_idx].time - messages[cur_idx].time; // if current interval time exceeds maximum time period or all messages have been processed, // process information of the current interval if (greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time) || cur_idx < 0){ std::set interval_ids; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < init_ids.size(); i++) interval_ids.insert(init_ids[i]); // if the interval contains enough initiator IDs, convert it to python representation and return it if (interval_ids.size() >= (unsigned int) number_ids){ py::list py_ids; for (const auto &id : interval_ids){ py_ids.append(id); } comm_interval_py["IDs"] = py_ids; comm_interval_py["Start"] = cur_idx + 1; comm_interval_py["End"] = end_idx; return comm_interval_py; } else { return comm_interval_py; } } // consume the new message at cur_idx and process its information abstract_msg &cur_msg = messages[cur_idx]; // if message is request, add src to initiator list if (msgtype_is_request(cur_msg.type)) init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.src); // if message is response, add dst to initiator list else if (msgtype_is_response(cur_msg.type)) init_ids.push_back(cur_msg.dst); cur_idx--; } } /** * Finds all initiator IDs contained in the interval spanned by the two indices. * @param start_idx The start index of the interval. * @param end_idx The last index of the interval (inclusive). * @return A (python) list containing all initiator IDs of the interval. */ py::list botnet_comm_processor::get_interval_init_ids(int start_idx, int end_idx){ // setup initial variables unsigned int cur_idx = start_idx; // the current iteration index std::set interval_ids; py::list py_ids; // the communication interval that is returned if ((unsigned int) start_idx >= messages.size()){ return py_ids; } // Iterate over all messages starting at start_idx until the duration or the current index exceeds a boundary while (1){ // if messages have been processed if (cur_idx >= messages.size() || cur_idx > (unsigned int) end_idx){ for (const auto &id : interval_ids) py_ids.append(id); return py_ids; } // consume the new message at cur_idx and process its information abstract_msg &cur_msg = messages[cur_idx]; // if message is request, add src to initiator list if (msgtype_is_request(cur_msg.type)) interval_ids.insert(cur_msg.src); // if message is response, add dst to initiator list else if (msgtype_is_response(cur_msg.type)) interval_ids.insert(cur_msg.dst); cur_idx++; } } /** * Checks whether the given message type corresponds to a request. * @param mtype The message type to check. * @return true(1) if the message type is a request, false(0) otherwise. */ int botnet_comm_processor::msgtype_is_request(unsigned short mtype){ return mtype == SALITY_HELLO || mtype == SALITY_NL_REQUEST; } /** * Checks whether the given message type corresponds to a response. * @param mtype The message type to check. * @return true(1) if the message type is a response, false(0) otherwise. */ int botnet_comm_processor::msgtype_is_response(unsigned short mtype){ return mtype == SALITY_HELLO_REPLY || mtype == SALITY_NL_REPLY; } /** * Converts the given vector of communication intervals to a python representation * using (python) lists and (python) tuples. * @param intervals The communication intervals to convert. * @return A boost::python::list containing the same interval information using boost::python::dict for each interval. */ py::list botnet_comm_processor::convert_intervals_to_py_repr(const std::vector &intervals){ py::list py_intervals; for (const auto &interval : intervals){ py::list py_ids; for (const auto &id : interval.ids){ py_ids.append(id); } py::dict py_interval; py_interval["IDs"] = py_ids; py_interval["Start"] = interval.start_idx; py_interval["End"] = interval.end_idx; py_intervals.append(py_interval); } return py_intervals; } // void botnet_comm_processor::print_message(const abstract_msg &message){ // std::cout << "Src: " << message.src << " Dst: " << message.dst << " Type: " << message.type << " Time: " << message.time << " LineNumber: " << message.line_no << std::endl; // } /* * Comment out if executable should be build & run * Comment in if library should be build */ using namespace boost::python; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE (libbotnetcomm) { class_("botnet_comm_processor") .def(init()) .def(init<>()) .def("find_interval_from_startidx", &botnet_comm_processor::find_interval_from_startidx) .def("find_interval_from_endidx", &botnet_comm_processor::find_interval_from_endidx) .def("find_optimal_interval", &botnet_comm_processor::find_optimal_interval) .def("get_interval_init_ids", &botnet_comm_processor::get_interval_init_ids) .def("get_messages", &botnet_comm_processor::get_messages) .def("get_message_count", &botnet_comm_processor::get_message_count) .def("parse_csv", &botnet_comm_processor::parse_csv) .def("parse_xml", &botnet_comm_processor::parse_xml) .def("set_messages", &botnet_comm_processor::set_messages) .def("write_xml", &botnet_comm_processor::write_xml); }