import os.path from datetime import datetime from xml.dom.minidom import * import ID2TLib.Label as Label import ID2TLib.Utility as Utility class LabelManager: TAG_ROOT = 'LABELS' TAG_ATTACK = 'attack' TAG_ATTACK_NAME = 'attack_name' TAG_ATTACK_NOTE = 'attack_note' TAG_TIMESTAMP_START = 'timestamp_start' TAG_TIMESTAMP_END = 'timestamp_end' TAG_TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp' TAG_TIMESTAMP_HR = 'timestamp_hr' ATTR_VERSION = 'version_parser' # update this attribute if XML scheme was modified ATTR_VERSION_VALUE = '0.2' def __init__(self, filepath_pcap=None): """ Creates a new LabelManager for managing the attack's labels. :param filepath_pcap: The path to the PCAP file associated to the labels. """ self.labels = list() if filepath_pcap is not None: self.label_file_path = Utility.rreplace(filepath_pcap, '.pcap', '_labels.xml', 1) # only load labels if label file is existing if os.path.exists(self.label_file_path): self.load_labels() def add_labels(self, labels): """ Adds a label to the internal list of labels. :param labels: The labels to be added """ if isinstance(labels, list): self.labels = self.labels + [labels] elif isinstance(labels, tuple): for l in labels: self.labels.append(l) else: self.labels.append(labels) # sorts the labels ascending by their timestamp self.labels.sort() def write_label_file(self, filepath=None): """ Writes previously added/loaded labels to a XML file. Uses the given filepath as destination path, if no path is given, uses the path in label_file_path. :param filepath: The path where the label file should be written to. """ def get_subtree_timestamp(xml_tag_root, timestamp_entry): """ Creates the subtree for a given timestamp, consisting of the unix time format (seconds) and a human-readable output. :param xml_tag_root: The tag name for the root of the subtree :param timestamp_entry: The timestamp as unix time :return: The root node of the XML subtree """ timestamp_root = doc.createElement(xml_tag_root) # add timestamp in unix format timestamp = doc.createElement(self.TAG_TIMESTAMP) timestamp.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(timestamp_entry))) timestamp_root.appendChild(timestamp) # add timestamp in human-readable format timestamp_hr = doc.createElement(self.TAG_TIMESTAMP_HR) timestamp_hr_text = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp_entry).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') timestamp_hr.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(timestamp_hr_text)) timestamp_root.appendChild(timestamp_hr) return timestamp_root if filepath is not None: self.label_file_path = Utility.rreplace(filepath, '.pcap', '_labels.xml', 1) # Generate XML doc = Document() node = doc.createElement(self.TAG_ROOT) node.setAttribute(self.ATTR_VERSION, self.ATTR_VERSION_VALUE) for label in self.labels: xml_tree = doc.createElement(self.TAG_ATTACK) # add attack to XML tree attack_name = doc.createElement(self.TAG_ATTACK_NAME) attack_name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(label.attack_name))) xml_tree.appendChild(attack_name) attack_note = doc.createElement(self.TAG_ATTACK_NOTE) attack_note.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(label.attack_note))) xml_tree.appendChild(attack_note) # add timestamp_start to XML tree xml_tree.appendChild(get_subtree_timestamp(self.TAG_TIMESTAMP_START, label.timestamp_start)) # add timestamp_end to XML tree xml_tree.appendChild(get_subtree_timestamp(self.TAG_TIMESTAMP_END, label.timestamp_end)) node.appendChild(xml_tree) doc.appendChild(node) # Write XML to file file = open(self.label_file_path, 'w') file.write(doc.toprettyxml()) file.close() def load_labels(self): """ Loads the labels from an already existing label XML file located at label_file_path (set by constructor). """ def get_value_from_node(node, tag_name, *child_number): """ Returns the value located in the tag specified by tag_name from a given node. Walks therefor the node's children along as indicated by child_number, e.g., childNumber = (1,2,) first goes to the 1st child, and then to the 2nd child of the first child -> elem.childNodes[1].childNodes[2]. """ elem = node.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) if len(elem) == 1: elem = elem[0] for c in child_number: if len(elem.childNodes) > 0: elem = elem.childNodes[c] else: return "" return else: return "" print("Label file found. Loading labels...") try: dom = parse(self.label_file_path) except Exception: print('ERROR: Provided label file could not be parsed. Ignoring label file') return # Check if version of parser and version of file match version = dom.getElementsByTagName(self.TAG_ROOT) if len(version) > 0: version = version[0].getAttribute(self.ATTR_VERSION) if version == [] or not version == self.ATTR_VERSION_VALUE: print( "The file " + self.label_file_path + " was created by another version of ID2TLib.LabelManager. Ignoring label file.") # Parse attacks from XML file attacks = dom.getElementsByTagName(self.TAG_ATTACK) count_labels = 0 for a in attacks: attack_name = get_value_from_node(a, self.TAG_ATTACK_NAME, 0) attack_note = get_value_from_node(a, self.TAG_ATTACK_NOTE, 0) timestamp_start = get_value_from_node(a, self.TAG_TIMESTAMP_START, 1, 0) timestamp_end = get_value_from_node(a, self.TAG_TIMESTAMP_END, 1, 0) label = Label.Label(attack_name, float(timestamp_start), float(timestamp_end), attack_note) self.labels.append(label) count_labels += 1 print("Read " + str(count_labels) + " label(s) successfully.")