#67 tables and columns (issue #5)

carlos.garcia mergnuté 1 commitov z stefan.schmidt/list_tables_final do SPIN/master 6 rokov pred
Jens Keim okomentoval 6 rokov pred

This pull request fixes issue #5.

It provides two new commands to query mode:

  • tables lists all tables of the database
  • columns TABLE prints an overview over the given TABLEs columns and their types
This pull request fixes issue #5. It provides two new commands to query mode: * `tables` lists all tables of the database * `columns TABLE` prints an overview over the given TABLEs columns and their types
Carlos Garcia okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Looking good. The basic functionality is there. There is a type-o in line 148 however ;)

Looking good. The basic functionality is there. There is a type-o in line 148 however ;)
Jens Keim okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Typo is fixed now.

Typo is fixed now.
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