#42 extend utility library

carlos.garcia mergnuté 2 commitov z stefan.schmidt/utility-lib-final do SPIN/master 6 rokov pred
Jens Keim okomentoval 6 rokov pred

This pull request moves all major redundant functions from attacks into the utility library introduced during the SMBScanAttack pull request.

It also refactors the imports within the attacks and the function names if needed to create a more uniform style throughout the code base.

Due to squashing some developers are missing in the history. The following developers were involved: Jens Keim, Roey Regev, Jonathan Speth

This pull request moves all major redundant functions from attacks into the utility library introduced during the SMBScanAttack pull request. It also refactors the imports within the attacks and the function names if needed to create a more uniform style throughout the code base. Due to squashing some developers are missing in the history. The following developers were involved: Jens Keim, Roey Regev, Jonathan Speth
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