#22 Fix #19 and #20 - Process ports correctly

patrick.jattke 1 commit egyesítve innen: SPIN/fix_19_and_20 ide: SPIN/master ekkor: 7 éve
Carlos Garcia hozzászólt 7 éve
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patrick.jattke lezárta ekkor: 7 éve
Patrick Jattke hozzászólt 7 éve

I can confirm the bug not recognizing port numbers higher than 9999.

Regarding the port number 0, I refer to this page. Although using the port 0 is technically illegal, it is possible and used for OS fingerprinting. However, as we do not take consideration of the operating systems response, I think we can exclude this port.

Thanks for the fix!

I can confirm the bug not recognizing port numbers higher than 9999. Regarding the port number 0, I refer to [this page] [1]. Although using the port 0 is technically illegal, it is possible and used for OS fingerprinting. However, as we do not take consideration of the operating systems response, I think we can exclude this port. Thanks for the fix! [1]: http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port
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