#153 Fixes for timezone problems

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jens.klein đã nhập 2 commit từ stefan.schmidt/utc_timestamps vào [3]s 5 năm trước cách đây

This attempts to fix timezone-related problems by using UTC for timestamps everywhere. On the Python-side I'm using pytz to do this, which already was an indirect dependency so it was already listed in the requirements.txt (and thus automatically installed).

Since this also changes the timestamps in the database, I've bumped the DB version as well.

This should fix #152.

This attempts to fix timezone-related problems by using UTC for timestamps everywhere. On the Python-side I'm using pytz to do this, which already was an indirect dependency so it was already listed in the requirements.txt (and thus automatically installed). Since this also changes the timestamps in the database, I've bumped the DB version as well. This should fix #152.
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