#102 Improve formatting for stats db progress indication

ادغام شده
carlos.garcia 1 کامیت ادغام شده از stefan.schmidt/stats_db_progress_100_SKIP_CI به SPIN/master 6 سال پیش

This just prints a "100%"-line when done creating the database. Not only does this improve the output for large pcap files (so it actually shows 100% when it's done and not ninety-something), but it also eliminates the double-newline when the pcap was so small that the loop didn't print progress.

This just prints a "100%"-line when done creating the database. Not only does this improve the output for large pcap files (so it actually shows 100% when it's done and not ninety-something), but it also eliminates the double-newline when the pcap was so small that the loop didn't print progress.
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