#3 Division by zero in PortscanAttack when the most active IP did not send any packets

carlos.garcia8 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 8 년 전

If the most active IP did not send any packets, there is a division by zero in the PortscanAttack. This can happen if, for example, an IP has a lot of packets received but none sent.

If the most active IP did not send any packets, there is a division by zero in the PortscanAttack. This can happen if, for example, an IP has a lot of packets received but none sent.
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 8 년 전

I plan to fix this by taking into account both, the sent and received packets.

I plan to fix this by taking into account both, the sent and received packets.
carlos.garcia 8 년 전를 다시 열음
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