#158 alignment issues in exported statistics file

6 anos atrás foi aberto por jens.klein · 0 comentários

The write_list function in Statistics.py should be updated to align every line at least within the same section with the same amount of tabs, which should defined be the length of the largest description string.

See interval statistics:

PCAP file information 
Pcap file path: resources/test/reference_1998.pcap
Total packet count:     1998 packets
Recognized packets:     1988 packets
Unrecognized packets:   10 PDUs
% Recognized packets:   99.4995 %
% Unrecognized packets: 0.5005 %
Last unknown PDU:       1970-01-01 00:07:39.604899
Capture duration:       384.4543 seconds
Capture start:          1970-01-01 00:01:45.647675
Capture end:            1970-01-01 00:08:10.102034
General statistics 
Avg. packet rate:       5.197 packets/sec
Avg. packet size:       0.0 kbytes
Avg. packets sent:      90.0 packets
Avg. bandwidth in:      0.6303 kbit/s
Avg. bandwidth out:     0.6303 kbit/s
Interval statistics 
First packet timestamp(seconds):        [306035688, 105647675, 205827428, 186418564, 356121413, 406120380, 256074256] 
Last packet timestamp(seconds): [186418564, 205827428, 256074256, 306035688, 356121413, 406120380, 456121066] 
Avg. packet rate(packets/sec):  [2.559999942779541, 0.18000000715255737, 4.71999979019165, 25.440000534057617, 2.3399999141693115, 0.800000011920929, 3.0399999618530273] 
packets count(packets): [128, 9, 236, 1272, 117, 40, 152] 
Avg. kbyte rate(kbytes/sec):    [0.32419922947883606, 0.017070312052965164, 0.46335938572883606, 11.75830078125, 0.40367186069488525, 0.08666015416383743, 0.1809374988079071] 
kbyte count(kbytes):    [16.2099609375, 0.853515625, 23.16796875, 587.9150390625, 20.18359375, 4.3330078125, 9.046875] 
Tests statistics 
# IP addresses: 22 
IP Src Entropy: 3.0235 
IP Src Normalized Entropy:      0.678 
IP Dst Entropy: 2.5332 
IP Dst Normalized Entropy:      0.5681 
IP Novelty Distribution Entropy:        1.8424 
# TTL values:   3 
TTL Entropy:    0.9829 
TTL Normalized Entropy: 0.6201 
TTL Novelty Distribution Entropy:       1.1488 
# WinSize values:       68 
WinSize Entropy:        2.4228 
WinSize Normalized Entropy:     0.398 
WinSize Novelty Distribution Entropy:   2.2359 
# ToS values:   1 
ToS Entropy:    0.0 
ToS Normalized Entropy: 0 
ToS Novelty Distribution Entropy:       0.5917 
# MSS values:   1 
MSS Entropy:    0.0 
MSS Normalized Entropy: 0 
MSS Novelty Distribution Entropy:       0.5917 
WARNING: High IP source normalized entropy:     0.678 .
WARNING: Low Window Size novelty distribution entropy:  2.2359 (The distribution of the novel Window Size values is suspicious).
WARNING: Low ToS normalized entropy:    0 .
WARNING: Low MSS normalized entropy:    0 .
The [write_list](https://git.tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/SPIN/ID2T-toolkit/src/master/code/Core/Statistics.py#L233) function in Statistics.py should be updated to align every line at least within the same section with the same amount of tabs, which should defined be the length of the largest description string. See interval statistics: ====================== PCAP file information ====================== Pcap file path: resources/test/reference_1998.pcap Total packet count: 1998 packets Recognized packets: 1988 packets Unrecognized packets: 10 PDUs % Recognized packets: 99.4995 % % Unrecognized packets: 0.5005 % Last unknown PDU: 1970-01-01 00:07:39.604899 Capture duration: 384.4543 seconds Capture start: 1970-01-01 00:01:45.647675 Capture end: 1970-01-01 00:08:10.102034 ====================== General statistics ====================== Avg. packet rate: 5.197 packets/sec Avg. packet size: 0.0 kbytes Avg. packets sent: 90.0 packets Avg. bandwidth in: 0.6303 kbit/s Avg. bandwidth out: 0.6303 kbit/s ====================== Interval statistics ====================== ---------------------- interval_statistics_50000000 ---------------------- First packet timestamp(seconds): [306035688, 105647675, 205827428, 186418564, 356121413, 406120380, 256074256] Last packet timestamp(seconds): [186418564, 205827428, 256074256, 306035688, 356121413, 406120380, 456121066] Avg. packet rate(packets/sec): [2.559999942779541, 0.18000000715255737, 4.71999979019165, 25.440000534057617, 2.3399999141693115, 0.800000011920929, 3.0399999618530273] packets count(packets): [128, 9, 236, 1272, 117, 40, 152] Avg. kbyte rate(kbytes/sec): [0.32419922947883606, 0.017070312052965164, 0.46335938572883606, 11.75830078125, 0.40367186069488525, 0.08666015416383743, 0.1809374988079071] kbyte count(kbytes): [16.2099609375, 0.853515625, 23.16796875, 587.9150390625, 20.18359375, 4.3330078125, 9.046875] ====================== Tests statistics ====================== # IP addresses: 22 IP Src Entropy: 3.0235 IP Src Normalized Entropy: 0.678 IP Dst Entropy: 2.5332 IP Dst Normalized Entropy: 0.5681 IP Novelty Distribution Entropy: 1.8424 # TTL values: 3 TTL Entropy: 0.9829 TTL Normalized Entropy: 0.6201 TTL Novelty Distribution Entropy: 1.1488 # WinSize values: 68 WinSize Entropy: 2.4228 WinSize Normalized Entropy: 0.398 WinSize Novelty Distribution Entropy: 2.2359 # ToS values: 1 ToS Entropy: 0.0 ToS Normalized Entropy: 0 ToS Novelty Distribution Entropy: 0.5917 # MSS values: 1 MSS Entropy: 0.0 MSS Normalized Entropy: 0 MSS Novelty Distribution Entropy: 0.5917 ======================: WARNING: High IP source normalized entropy: 0.678 . WARNING: Low Window Size novelty distribution entropy: 2.2359 (The distribution of the novel Window Size values is suspicious). WARNING: Low ToS normalized entropy: 0 . WARNING: Low MSS normalized entropy: 0 .
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