#13 Compiling libpcapreader is not documented and is not streamlined

carlos.garcia8 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트
Carlos Garcia 코멘트됨, 8 년 전

libpcapreader needs to be compiled by each user, it is not sufficient to use a precompiled version.

The instalation instructions should address this issue. The compilation needs to be streamlined to make it as easy as possible to compile.

libpcapreader needs to be compiled by each user, it is not sufficient to use a precompiled version. The instalation instructions should address this issue. The compilation needs to be streamlined to make it as easy as possible to compile.
Patrick Jattke 코멘트됨, 8 년 전

To be considered: Currently the generated libpcapreader.so library must be moved manually to the ID2TLib folder to make it accessible by the Python classes. This copying should ideally be included into the CMake file.

This task is related to #1 (CMake does not work in distributions other than Ubuntu) and should be addressed right after making the CMake file distribution independent.

To be considered: Currently the generated libpcapreader.so library must be moved manually to the ID2TLib folder to make it accessible by the Python classes. This copying should ideally be included into the CMake file. This task is related to #1 (CMake does not work in distributions other than Ubuntu) and should be addressed right after making the CMake file distribution independent.
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