#127 ID2T does not check for available disk space

jens.klein6 년 전을 오픈 · 0개의 코멘트
Jens Keim 코멘트됨, 6 년 전

ID2T should notify the user before generating, if there is no free space on disk.

This can be achieved by assuming the resulting .pcap size based on the original .pcap size and the estimated amount of generated packets.

At the very least it should not crash.

Crash if disk fills up during writing the result pcap:

$ ./id2t -i resources/201804041400.pcap -a SMBScan -T
Input file: resources/201804041400.pcap
Label file found. Loading labels...
Read 0 label(s) successfully.
Located statistics database at:  /home/pepper-jk/.cache/id2t/db/186/185/9289ccfd2840.sqlite3
Loaded file statistics in 0.00 sec from statistics database.

Creating attack instance of SMBScanAttack
Validating and adding attack parameters.
Generating attack packets... done. (total: 1000 pkts in  339.02553367614746  seconds.)

POST INJECTION STATISTICS SUMMARY  --------------------------
Total packet count: 78330145 packets
Added packet count: 1000 packets
Share of added packets: 0.0013 %
Capture duration:   0.4295 seconds
Merging base pcap with single attack pcap... Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818221.90773
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818300.36396
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818389.45844
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818389.65043
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818467.90078
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818497.87013
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.43478
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72621
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72621
Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72626
Deleting intermediate attack pcap... done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 189, in <module>
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 184, in main
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 84, in parse_arguments
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 95, in process_arguments
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 166, in process_pcap
    controller.process_attacks(self.args.attack, self.args.rngSeed, self.args.time, self.args.inject_empty)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Controller.py", line 158, in process_attacks
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/LabelManager.py", line 171, in write_label_file
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

Crash on start with no free disk space left:

$ ./id2t -i resources/201804041400.pcap -T -a SMBScan target.count=30000 hosting.percentage=0.02
Input file: resources/201804041400.pcap
Label file found. Loading labels...
Read 0 label(s) successfully.
Located statistics database at:  /home/pepper-jk/.cache/id2t/db/186/185/9289ccfd2840.sqlite3
Loaded file statistics in 0.00 sec from statistics database.

Creating attack instance of SMBScanAttack
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 189, in <module>
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 184, in main
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 84, in parse_arguments
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 95, in process_arguments
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 166, in process_pcap
    controller.process_attacks(self.args.attack, self.args.rngSeed, self.args.time, self.args.inject_empty)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Controller.py", line 89, in process_attacks
    temp_attack_pcap, duration = self.attack_controller.process_attack(attack[0], attack[1:], time)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/AttackController.py", line 139, in process_attack
    self.create_attack(attack, self.seed)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/AttackController.py", line 116, in create_attack
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Attack/BaseAttack.py", line 79, in set_statistics
    self.most_used_ttl_value = self.statistics.get_most_used_ttl_value()
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Statistics.py", line 619, in get_most_used_ttl_value
    return self.process_db_query("SELECT ttlValue FROM (SELECT ttlValue, SUM(ttlCount) as occ FROM ip_ttl GROUP BY "
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Statistics.py", line 803, in process_db_query
    return self.stats_db.process_db_query(query_string_in, print_results)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/StatsDatabase.py", line 329, in process_db_query
    result = self.process_user_defined_query(query_string, sql_query_parameters)
  File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/StatsDatabase.py", line 137, in process_user_defined_query
sqlite3.OperationalError: database or disk is full
ID2T should notify the user before generating, if there is no free space on disk. This can be achieved by assuming the resulting .pcap size based on the original .pcap size and the estimated amount of generated packets. At the very least it should not crash. Crash if disk fills up during writing the result pcap: $ ./id2t -i resources/201804041400.pcap -a SMBScan -T Input file: resources/201804041400.pcap Label file found. Loading labels... Read 0 label(s) successfully. Located statistics database at: /home/pepper-jk/.cache/id2t/db/186/185/9289ccfd2840.sqlite3 Loaded file statistics in 0.00 sec from statistics database. Creating attack instance of SMBScanAttack Validating and adding attack parameters. Generating attack packets... done. (total: 1000 pkts in 339.02553367614746 seconds.) POST INJECTION STATISTICS SUMMARY -------------------------- Total packet count: 78330145 packets Added packet count: 1000 packets Share of added packets: 0.0013 % Capture duration: 0.4295 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------ Merging base pcap with single attack pcap... Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818221.90773 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818300.36396 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818389.45844 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818389.65043 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818467.90078 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818497.87013 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.43478 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72621 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72621 Could not serialize base packet with timestamp 1522818565.72626 done. Deleting intermediate attack pcap... done. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 189, in <module> main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 184, in main cli.parse_arguments(args) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 84, in parse_arguments self.process_arguments() File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 95, in process_arguments self.process_pcap() File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 166, in process_pcap controller.process_attacks(self.args.attack, self.args.rngSeed, self.args.time, self.args.inject_empty) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Controller.py", line 158, in process_attacks self.label_manager.write_label_file(self.pcap_dest_path) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/LabelManager.py", line 171, in write_label_file file.close() OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device Crash on start with no free disk space left: $ ./id2t -i resources/201804041400.pcap -T -a SMBScan target.count=30000 hosting.percentage=0.02 Input file: resources/201804041400.pcap Label file found. Loading labels... Read 0 label(s) successfully. Located statistics database at: /home/pepper-jk/.cache/id2t/db/186/185/9289ccfd2840.sqlite3 Loaded file statistics in 0.00 sec from statistics database. Creating attack instance of SMBScanAttack Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 189, in <module> main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 184, in main cli.parse_arguments(args) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 84, in parse_arguments self.process_arguments() File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 95, in process_arguments self.process_pcap() File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/CLI.py", line 166, in process_pcap controller.process_attacks(self.args.attack, self.args.rngSeed, self.args.time, self.args.inject_empty) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Controller.py", line 89, in process_attacks temp_attack_pcap, duration = self.attack_controller.process_attack(attack[0], attack[1:], time) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/AttackController.py", line 139, in process_attack self.create_attack(attack, self.seed) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/AttackController.py", line 116, in create_attack self.current_attack.set_statistics(self.statistics) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Attack/BaseAttack.py", line 79, in set_statistics self.most_used_ttl_value = self.statistics.get_most_used_ttl_value() File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Statistics.py", line 619, in get_most_used_ttl_value return self.process_db_query("SELECT ttlValue FROM (SELECT ttlValue, SUM(ttlCount) as occ FROM ip_ttl GROUP BY " File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/Statistics.py", line 803, in process_db_query return self.stats_db.process_db_query(query_string_in, print_results) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/StatsDatabase.py", line 329, in process_db_query result = self.process_user_defined_query(query_string, sql_query_parameters) File "/home/pepper-jk/code/ID2T-toolkit/code/Core/StatsDatabase.py", line 137, in process_user_defined_query self.cursor.execute(query_string) sqlite3.OperationalError: database or disk is full
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