@@ -88,6 +88,96 @@ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsTTL(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_ttl, int> tt
+ * Writes the MSS distribution into the database.
+ * @param mssDistribution The MSS distribution from class statistics.
+ */
+void statistics_db::writeStatisticsMSS(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_mss, int> mssDistribution) {
+ try {
+ db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_mss");
+ SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
+ const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_mss ("
+ "ipAddress TEXT,"
+ "mssValue INTEGER,"
+ "mssCount INTEGER,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,mssValue));";
+ db->exec(createTable);
+ SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_mss VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
+ for (auto it = mssDistribution.begin(); it != mssDistribution.end(); ++it) {
+ ipAddress_mss e = it->first;
+ query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
+ query.bind(2, e.mssValue);
+ query.bind(3, it->second);
+ query.exec();
+ query.reset();
+ }
+ transaction.commit();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ * Writes the ToS distribution into the database.
+ * @param tosDistribution The ToS distribution from class statistics.
+ */
+void statistics_db::writeStatisticsToS(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_tos, int> tosDistribution) {
+ try {
+ db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_tos");
+ SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
+ const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_tos ("
+ "ipAddress TEXT,"
+ "tosValue INTEGER,"
+ "tosCount INTEGER,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,tosValue));";
+ db->exec(createTable);
+ SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_tos VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
+ for (auto it = tosDistribution.begin(); it != tosDistribution.end(); ++it) {
+ ipAddress_tos e = it->first;
+ query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
+ query.bind(2, e.tosValue);
+ query.bind(3, it->second);
+ query.exec();
+ query.reset();
+ }
+ transaction.commit();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ * Writes the window size distribution into the database.
+ * @param winDistribution The window size distribution from class statistics.
+ */
+void statistics_db::writeStatisticsWin(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_win, int> winDistribution) {
+ try {
+ db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_win");
+ SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
+ const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_win ("
+ "ipAddress TEXT,"
+ "winSize INTEGER,"
+ "winCount INTEGER,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,winSize));";
+ db->exec(createTable);
+ SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_win VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
+ for (auto it = winDistribution.begin(); it != winDistribution.end(); ++it) {
+ ipAddress_win e = it->first;
+ query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
+ query.bind(2, e.winSize);
+ query.bind(3, it->second);
+ query.exec();
+ query.reset();
+ }
+ transaction.commit();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
* Writes the protocol distribution into the database.
* @param protocolDistribution The protocol distribution from class statistics.
@@ -224,100 +314,7 @@ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsFile(int packetCount, float captureDuration,
- * Writes the MSS distribution into the database.
- * @param mssDistribution The MSS distribution from class statistics.
- */
-void statistics_db::writeStatisticsMss_dist(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_mss, int> mssDistribution) {
- try {
- db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_mss");
- SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
- const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_mss ("
- "ipAddress TEXT,"
- "mssValue INTEGER,"
- "mssCount INTEGER,"
- "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,mssValue));";
- db->exec(createTable);
- SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_mss VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
- for (auto it = mssDistribution.begin(); it != mssDistribution.end(); ++it) {
- ipAddress_mss e = it->first;
- query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
- query.bind(2, e.mssValue);
- query.bind(3, it->second);
- query.exec();
- query.reset();
- }
- transaction.commit();
- }
- catch (std::exception &e) {
- std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
- }
- * Writes the ToS distribution into the database.
- * @param tosDistribution The ToS distribution from class statistics.
- */
-void statistics_db::writeStatisticsTos_dist(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_tos, int> tosDistribution) {
- try {
- db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_tos");
- SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
- const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_tos ("
- "ipAddress TEXT,"
- "tosValue INTEGER,"
- "tosCount INTEGER,"
- "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,tosValue));";
- db->exec(createTable);
- SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_tos VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
- for (auto it = tosDistribution.begin(); it != tosDistribution.end(); ++it) {
- ipAddress_tos e = it->first;
- query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
- query.bind(2, e.tosValue);
- query.bind(3, it->second);
- query.exec();
- query.reset();
- }
- transaction.commit();
- }
- catch (std::exception &e) {
- std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
- }
- * Writes the window size distribution into the database.
- * @param winDistribution The window size distribution from class statistics.
- */
-void statistics_db::writeStatisticsWin(std::unordered_map<ipAddress_win, int> winDistribution) {
- try {
- db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_win");
- SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db);
- const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_win ("
- "ipAddress TEXT,"
- "winSize INTEGER,"
- "winCount INTEGER,"
- "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,winSize));";
- db->exec(createTable);
- SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_win VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
- for (auto it = winDistribution.begin(); it != winDistribution.end(); ++it) {
- ipAddress_win e = it->first;
- query.bind(1, e.ipAddress);
- query.bind(2, e.winSize);
- query.bind(3, it->second);
- query.exec();
- query.reset();
- }
- transaction.commit();
- }
- catch (std::exception &e) {
- std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl;
- }
* Writes the conversation statistics into the database.
* @param convStatistics The conversation from class statistics.
@@ -340,6 +337,7 @@ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsConv(std::unordered_map<conv, entry_convStat>
SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO conv_statistics VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
for (auto it = convStatistics.begin(); it != convStatistics.end(); ++it) {
conv f = it->first;
entry_convStat e = it->second;
@@ -358,15 +356,6 @@ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsConv(std::unordered_map<conv, entry_convStat>
e.avg_interarrival_time = (std::chrono::microseconds) sumDelay / e.interarrival_time.size();
else e.avg_interarrival_time = (std::chrono::microseconds) 0;
- long temp = 0;
- for (int i = 0; (unsigned) i < e.interarrival_time.size(); i++) {
- long del = e.interarrival_time[i].count();
- long avg = e.avg_interarrival_time.count();
- temp += (del - avg) * (del - avg);
- }
- long standardDeviation = sqrt(temp / e.interarrival_time.size());
std::chrono::microseconds start_timesttamp = e.pkts_timestamp[0];
std::chrono::microseconds end_timesttamp = e.pkts_timestamp.back();
std::chrono::microseconds conn_duration = end_timesttamp - start_timesttamp;
@@ -392,7 +381,6 @@ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsConv(std::unordered_map<conv, entry_convStat>
* Writes the interval statistics into the database.
* @param intervalStatistics The interval entries from class statistics.