02-background.tex 854 B

  1. \chapter{Background}
  2. \label{ch:background}
  3. This chapter provides explanations and background information on relevant technologies for a better understanding of this work. This includes the characteristics of different software system architectures and their separation into centralized, decentralized and distributed structures. The basic concepts of \ac{P2P} networks are also described. Furthermore, the main concepts of \acp{dApp} and their special features are explained.
  4. \section{Software System Architecture}
  5. \label{sec:application-architecture}
  6. \input{content/02-background/software-system-architecture}
  7. \section{Peer-to-Peer Networks}
  8. \label{sec:p2p}
  9. \input{content/02-background/p2p}
  10. \section{Web 3.0 - Decentralized Applications (dApps)}
  11. \label{sec:dapps}
  12. \input{content/02-background/dapps}
  13. \section{Summary}
  14. \label{sec:background-summary}