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  1. The requirements mentioned in \ref{sec:requirements} also include the provision of anonymized data for the OSN service provider. Since the business model of Twitter is based on personal data and therefore the interests of hybrid OSN are contrary to those of Twitter, the fulfillment of this requirement is extremely complex.
  2. A prominent feature of Twitter is the analysis and promotion of trends (see Figure \ref{fig:twitter-trends}). The trends are identified by means of frequently used hash tags and presented in a ranking. Such data can also be collected and evaluated in the private network without having to establish a connection to the users.
  3. To collect this information, when a new tweet is posted to the private network, the contained hashtags are extracted and stored separately (see flowchart Figure \ref{fig:post-tweet-flow-chart}). Similar to the presentation of trends on Twitter, the trends in the private network are also aggregated on a daily basis and presented on a website (see Figure \ref{fig:hybrid-osn-trends}).
  4. \begin{figure}[h!]
  5. \centering
  6. \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
  7. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{twitter-trends}
  8. \caption{Twitter trends}
  9. \label{fig:twitter-trends}
  10. \end{subfigure}
  11. \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
  12. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{hybrid-osn-trends}
  13. \caption{Hybrid OSN trends}
  14. \label{fig:hybrid-osn-trends}
  15. \end{subfigure}
  16. \caption{Trending hashtags in Twitter and the private network side by side}
  17. \end{figure}
  18. Due to the fact that Gun is JavaScript-based and therefore executable in the web browser, access to the data from a simple HTML web page can be performed using JavaScript code. The raw data is loaded and then aggregated and displayed.