import { Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { Nav, Platform, Events } from "ionic-angular"; import { StatusBar } from "@ionic-native/status-bar"; import { SplashScreen } from "@ionic-native/splash-screen"; import { Storage } from "@ionic/storage"; import { AuthProvider } from "../providers/auth/auth"; import { HomePage } from "../pages/home/home"; import { SearchPage } from "../pages/search/search"; import { SettingsPage } from "../pages/settings/settings"; import { LoginPage } from "../pages/login/login"; import { ProfilePage } from "../pages/profile/profile"; import { TwitterApiProvider } from "../providers/twitter-api/twitter-api"; @Component({ templateUrl: "app.html" }) export class MyApp { @ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav; rootPage: any; pages: Array<{ title: string; icon: string; component: any }>; user: any; constructor( platform: Platform, statusBar: StatusBar, splashScreen: SplashScreen, private authProvider: AuthProvider, private twitter: TwitterApiProvider, private storage: Storage, private events: Events ) { platform.ready().then(() => { // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available. // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need. statusBar.styleDefault(); splashScreen.hide(); this.initApp();"user:login", () => this.setUser()); }); this.pages = [ { title: "Home", icon: "home", component: HomePage }, { title: "Search", icon: "search", component: SearchPage }, { title: "Settings", icon: "settings", component: SettingsPage } ]; } async initApp() { const isLoggedIn = await this.authProvider.isLoggedIn(); if (isLoggedIn) { this.rootPage = HomePage; await this.setUser(); } else { this.rootPage = LoginPage; } } async setUser() { const userId = await"userId"); this.user = await this.twitter.fetchUser(userId); } showProfile(userId) { this.nav.push(ProfilePage, { userId }); } openPage(page) { if (page.component === HomePage) { this.nav.setRoot(HomePage); } else { this.nav.push(page.component); } } logout() { this.authProvider.logout(); this.nav.setRoot(LoginPage); } get banner() { if (this.user.profile_banner_url) { return this.user.profile_banner_url; } else { return this.user.profile_background_image_url_https; } } }