Peepeth is a microblogging platform that is very similar to Twitter in functionality and design. There are also other parallels to Twitter: Instead of a blue bird in the logo, Peepeth uses a penguin and instead of \textit{tweeting} users \textit{peep}. The maximum post length is limited to 280 characters. This has no technical cause, but was taken over by Twitter. The main difference to Twitter is the decentralization. Behind Peepeth's development is Bevan Barton, who launched the platform in March 2018. From Peepeth's point of view, social media is broken. The fault lies with the operators of social networks, who control the online identities of users, sell their data and violate their privacy. The news feeds are manipulated to drive the user to a higher level of interaction at any price. In addition, the platforms are teeming with trolls, bullying and flame wars. Barton wants to counter these grievances. Therefore there is no advertising on Peepeth. The website is the front end of a decentralized app (dApp), which uses the Eteherum blockchain and the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS). This front end can theoretically be exchanged arbitrarily and Peepeth's data can be read and written because the blockchain protocol is open. No Ethereum test network is used, but the main network. The execution of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain is associated with costs. Peepeth bears the costs for its users. The necessary capital was collected via a crowdfunding campaign. However, when accounts are misused for spam, Peepeth no longer bears the cost of writing to the blockchain. The resulting costs should make spamming unattractive and reduce it to a minimum, because technically it is still possible. A dApp browser (e.g. Opera) or a browser that has been extended by a wallet (e.g. using MetaMask extension) is required for use. Although Peepeth covers the costs, the user has to sign the transactions, which is why the browser has to contain the corresponding extension. In order to keep transaction fees low, the actions executed on Peepeth are collected on the server hosting the front end and written to the blockchain in batches every hour. Several actions are bundled in one file and transaction. The actual contents end up as a JSON file in IPFS and only the reference hash in the blockchain. While the Smart Contracts are open source, the front end is closed source. So it is impossible to understand what is happening on the server hosting the front end Image files are not only stored in IPFS but also mirrored at Amazon AWS to provide a better user experience. Basically, the client does not communicate directly with IPFS, but the server behind the front end communicates with the two back end technologies IPFS and Ethereum Blockchain, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:peepeth-architecture}. \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{peepeth-architecture} \caption{Peepeth architecture} \label{fig:peepeth-architecture} \end{figure} The data written to the Ethereum blockchain cannot be deleted or modified. For Barton, this is a main advantage since everyone is forced to be aware of his actions and the self-confidence for his own actions is sharpened. Furthermore, this fact of immutability is the main argument for freedom of expression and against censorship. However, not all messages are presented in the Peepeth front end. If they violate Peepeth's terms of use, they will be filtered. Peepeth calls this procedure \enquote{moderation} and argues that this is by no means to be understood as censorship, but much more \enquote{on cultivating mindful engagement and positive contribution}. In addition to writing short messages, it is possible to like posts. However, posts cannot be liked infinitely. There is only one like per day available, a so-called Ensō. The resulting rarity should express the particular appreciation of a contribution. \enquote{Ensō (Japanese for \enquote{circle}) is a circle that is hand-drawn in one uninhibited brushstroke. It represents creativity, freedom of expression, and unity}. Furthermore, good content from other users can be rewarded with a tip. 10\% of the tip go to Peepeth and serve to finance. Also for the verification of an account and special badges go 10\% of the fees to Peepeth. On 29th January 2019, Peepeth had 4055 users who posted a total of 66262 Peeps. For an account at Peepeth you first have to apply and after some time you will receive a link by email to join the platform. On invitation of an active user, new users can join directly without waiting time. Users can verify themselves with their existing Github and Twitter accounts. In the future, it will be possible to use further platforms for the verification of an account. In order to verify an account, the user must post a \enquote{special message}, which also contains his Ethereum address. The link to this post must then be handed over to a Smart Contract, which confirms the ownership of the account. Peepeth communicated the next milestones to increase the user experience as part of the crowdfunding campaign. The first milestone has already been reached. The fact that the possession of a cryptocurrency requirement for the use and procurement of such a currency is difficult was to be eliminated. Peepeth bears the costs for its users. The next steps are the use without special software requirements (renouncement of special browsers or MetaMask) and the development of an iOS app. However, only 140.56 ETH could be collected from the required 1000 ETH. It is unclear to what extent the desired goals will now be achieved.