import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; import { TwitterApiProvider } from "../twitter-api/twitter-api"; import { P2pDatabaseGunProvider } from "../p2p-database-gun/p2p-database-gun"; import { P2pStorageIpfsProvider } from "../p2p-storage-ipfs/p2p-storage-ipfs"; import { CryptoProvider } from "../crypto/crypto"; import { Storage } from "@ionic/storage"; @Injectable() export class FeedProvider { friends; userId: string; constructor( private twitter: TwitterApiProvider, private gun: P2pDatabaseGunProvider, private ipfs: P2pStorageIpfsProvider, private cryptoUtils: CryptoProvider, private storage: Storage ) {"userId").then(userId => (this.userId = userId)); } /** * Retrives the public and private tweets for a user * Since it is loaded in batches of 20 public tweets, public and private tweet are used as reference to load next 20 tweets * @param userId user id * @param oldestPublicTweet oldest public tweet * @param oldestPrivateTweet oldest private tweet */ public async loadUserTimeline( userId, oldestPublicTweet?, oldestPrivateTweet? ) { const maxId = oldestPublicTweet ? oldestPublicTweet["id_str"] : undefined; // Fetch tweets from Twitter let tweets = await this.twitter.fetchUserTimeline(userId, maxId); if (tweets.length === 0) return tweets; tweets = tweets.filter(tweet => tweet.id_str != maxId); // Determine start and end of time interval to look for private tweets const intervalStart: Date = oldestPrivateTweet ? new Date(oldestPrivateTweet["created_at"]) : new Date(); const intervalEnd: Date = this.getOldestTweetTimestamp(tweets); // Fetch private tweet hashs from P2P DB for corresponding interval const privateTweetHashs: object[] = await this.gun.fetchPrivateTweetHashsForUserInInterval( userId, intervalStart, intervalEnd ); if (privateTweetHashs.length > 0) { const privateTweets = await this.fetchPrivateTweets(privateTweetHashs); // Combine and sort tweets return tweets .concat(privateTweets) .sort((a, b) => this.sortByDateAsc(a, b)); } else { return tweets; } } /** * Retrieves the home feed for the logged in user * Since it is loaded in batches of 20 public tweets, public and private tweet are used as reference to load next 20 tweets * @param oldestPublicTweet oldest public tweet * @param oldestPrivateTweet oldest private tweet */ public async loadHomeTimeline(oldestPublicTweet?, oldestPrivateTweet?) { // Fetch tweets from Twitter const maxId = oldestPublicTweet ? oldestPublicTweet["id_str"] : undefined; let tweets = await this.twitter.fetchHomeFeed(maxId); tweets = tweets.filter(tweet => tweet.id_str != maxId); // Determine start and end of time interval to look for private tweets const intervalStart: Date = oldestPrivateTweet ? new Date(oldestPrivateTweet["created_at"]) : new Date(); const intervalEnd: Date = this.getOldestTweetTimestamp(tweets); // Fetch user's friends const friends = await this.getCachedFriends(this.userId); // Extract friends user ids and add own user id const friendsAndUserIds = friends .map(friend => friend.id_str) .concat([this.userId]); // Fetch ipfs hashs for period const promises: Promise[] = => { return this.gun.fetchPrivateTweetHashsForUserInInterval( accountId, intervalStart, intervalEnd ); }); const resolvedPromises = await Promise.all(promises); const privateTweetHashs = resolvedPromises.reduce( (privateTweets, el) => privateTweets.concat(el), [] ); if (privateTweetHashs.length > 0) { const privateTweets = await this.fetchPrivateTweets(privateTweetHashs); // Combine and sort tweets return tweets .concat(privateTweets) .sort((a, b) => this.sortByDateAsc(a, b)); } else { return tweets; } } private async fetchPrivateTweets(privateTweetsData: object[]) { const privateTweets = []; // Load private tweets from P2P storage for (let i = 0; i < privateTweetsData.length; i++) { const hash = privateTweetsData[i]["hash"]; const userId = privateTweetsData[i]["userId"]; const timestamp = privateTweetsData[i]["created_at"]; // fetch from IPFS const encryptedTweet = await this.ipfs.fetchTweet(hash); // Fetch public key history for user const publicKeyHistory: object[] = await this.cryptoUtils.fetchPublicKeyHistoryForUser( userId ); // Decrypt tweets const decryptedTweet = this.cryptoUtils.decrypt( encryptedTweet, this.getPublicKeyAt(timestamp, publicKeyHistory) ); privateTweets.push(JSON.parse(decryptedTweet)); } // Add retweeted/quoted status tweet => await this.addQuotedStatusToTweet(tweet)); // Add original status (reply to) async tweet => await this.addOriginalStatusToTweet(tweet) ); // Add user object to private tweets return await Promise.all( tweet => await this.addUserToTweet(tweet)) ); } private getPublicKeyAt( timestamp: string, publicKeyHistory: object[] ): string { const timestampTweet = new Date(timestamp).getTime(); for (let key of publicKeyHistory) { const timestampKey = new Date(key["validFrom"]).getTime(); if (timestampTweet > timestampKey) { return key["key"]; } } // todo: throw error return ""; } private async addUserToTweet(tweet: object): Promise { tweet["user"] = await this.twitter.fetchUser(tweet["user_id"]); return tweet; } private async addQuotedStatusToTweet(tweet: object): Promise { if (!tweet["quoted_status_id"]) return tweet; const quoted_status = await this.twitter.fetchTweet( tweet["quoted_status_id"] ); tweet["quoted_status"] = quoted_status["data"]; return tweet; } private async addOriginalStatusToTweet(tweet: object): Promise { if (!tweet["in_reply_to_status_id"]) return tweet; const originalTweet = await this.twitter.fetchTweet( tweet["in_reply_to_status_id"] ); tweet["in_reply_to_screen_name"] = originalTweet["data"]["user"]["screen_name"]; return tweet; } private getOldestTweetTimestamp(tweets): Date { if (tweets.length < 15) { // End of timeline is reached - load all private tweets return new Date("2018-04-01T00:00:00"); } else { const lastTweetTimestamp = tweets[tweets.length - 1].created_at; return new Date(lastTweetTimestamp); } } private sortByDateAsc(a, b) { const dateA = new Date(a.created_at); const dateB = new Date(b.created_at); if (dateA > dateB) { return -1; } else if (dateA < dateB) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } private async getCachedFriends(userId) { // Cache friends for 15 minutes to avoid unnecessary API calls if (!this.friends || ( - this.friends.lastUpdate) / 900000 > 15) { this.friends = { friendList: await this.twitter.fetchFriends(userId), lastUpdate: }; } return this.friends.friendList; } }